The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Vacation's a great & wonderful thing, but man, it's always good to be back home!

We packed A LOT! into this past week - Great Wolf Lodge (ritzy hotel with it's own water park - I highly recommend it!!), Busch Gardens, Jamestown, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Natural Bridge (& caverns!) .... & now we're home. Broke, pooped & slightly sunburned. Life is good!

You know those massive taxes we pay here in WV, presumably to pay for roads & whatnot? Virginia charges $18 per person to look at the Natural Bridge - if you want to see the caverns, too, you can buy the combo ticket for $26. We're a family of 4 - you do the math. How many people do you suppose visit Hawks Nest on a daily basis? How about Blackwater Falls? All for FREE. No wonder WV is so broke - we're giving our best tourist attractiions away for FREE.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


The other day, I was waiting in line in a public restroom. The only available stall was the handicap one. I don't use handicap stalls (or parking spaces, or anything else) because I'm not handicapped. The young, healthy lady waiting behind me didn't think twice to make a beeline to it, despite the fact that there was an elderly lady who so obviously needed it more than she did.

When Michael Jackson died, leaving behind 3 children, 2 parents & 7 brothers & sisters, all anybody wanted to talk about was the trial. Someone even said, "I bet a lot of people are glad he's dead."

Have we really become such a heartless nation? What ever happened to respecting your elders? Respecting the dead? Common courtesy? Common decency? Compassion? Empathy? Judge not?

If this is the path of human evolution, it's time to veer & take the road less traveled.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009