The other day, I was waiting in line in a public restroom. The only available stall was the handicap one. I don't use handicap stalls (or parking spaces, or anything else) because I'm not handicapped. The young, healthy lady waiting behind me didn't think twice to make a beeline to it, despite the fact that there was an elderly lady who so obviously needed it more than she did.
When Michael Jackson died, leaving behind 3 children, 2 parents & 7 brothers & sisters, all anybody wanted to talk about was the trial. Someone even said, "I bet a lot of people are glad he's dead."
Have we really become such a heartless nation? What ever happened to respecting your elders? Respecting the dead? Common courtesy? Common decency? Compassion? Empathy? Judge not?
If this is the path of human evolution, it's time to veer & take the road less traveled.
In the world of music there was only a once and forever king, Elvis Presley.
The King of pop, Dudette!
I vote for Eddie Arnold
Thats right , if the nylons fit , wear them!
I think that they are going WAY too far with "memorializing" his death. The Staple place for his "memorial" yesterday, all the $$$ doled out for it and it was tax $$, the citys $$$. Not MJ's multi-MILLION dollar estate. Why? If we don't have the moolah to properly bury our loved ones we're just out. And yet they don't even use the over abundant $ that he does have. I think it's insane.
He's dead. Respect it. But lay him to rest already. And it wouldn't hurt if they would actually PAY for all the hooplah.
This country is in a recession...and yet we finance the "idolization" of MJ.
Just plain stupid.
If you hear a "loud rumble" tonight in the sky, don't worry.
It's not thunder.
It's Elvis beating the sh*t out of Michael Jackson...
...for marrying his daughter.
In a showdown, my money will always be on Michael. Anyway, Lisa Marie very specifically has said many times that she genuinely loved Michael and believes he loved her the same.
I love Michael! I don't care who paid for the memorial. It was really, really beautiful and a wonderful tribute to his amazing legacy.
As a HUGE lifelong Elvis fan, let me say this.
Elvis was THE KING. Michael Jackson was The King of Pop.
Elvis crossed all musical genres - country, gospel, pop, rock. Michael was strictly pop.
Elvis died over 30 years ago, in an era as different from today as the moon is from my earlobe. Michael would've gotten an obit in the NY Times 30 years ago; if Elvis died today, his memorial would make Michael's look like a Clay County Commission meeting.
Elvis was & is The Forever KING. Michael was & is The King of Pop. There will never be another of either of them.
I think Elvis would've blessed the marriage between Michael & Lisa Marie. I'm a die-hard, lifelong, HUGE fan of Elvis. That doesn't mean I don't realize he, too, was a bit wacko.
I actually sat down here to say *this* & lost my focus ... LOL
I heard on the radio today that they're constructing a huge billboard along the interstate with pictures on it of people who have died in wrecks directly related to cell phone use. It's part of the Death by Cell Phone Act or whatever it's called.
Now, think about that. A billboard alongside the interstate to remind you that distractions while driving can be deadly.
Isn't that the way the government fixes things? I bet they spent a trillion dollars with a committe to research the problem.
At least a trillion - & that doesn't include all the catered lunches & whatnot.
There used to be (may still be) a billboard some insurance company had that said something like "Keep your eyes on the road."
Yet another shooting on Charleston's West Side. I don't understand why they call it "Breaking News" - sounds like just another day in Charleston.
Hello?? Anyone?? Am I the only one not on vacation??
I am on vacation myself this week and I intend to make my debue at Go Mart today. Its going to be a hard drive over there and back I know but such a trip is worth it when you are vacating. This is my annual trip to the great mitropulous of Clayberry and the number one sight seeing tourist attraction, Go Mart.
been low on food. got new supply tuesday. had bad dream both yesterday and this morning. conclusion; food is bad for you; eat pasta.
also read the Clayberry news maybe it wasn't the food.
seems the Flanagan murderer has been arrested. fellow by the name of miller according to the Hur-hearld.
see we now have a cop and a murderer in CRJ today.
so who is the cop and who is the murderer?
see AW is upset because CAEZ pulled out of a partnership with an alleged 129 count indictment sexual offender and his wife as secretary-treasurer. AW seems to have a little brown on his nose anymore when it comes to freemasons criminal activities. doesn't want his BOE relatives fired I suppose.
seems to be a shift in control going on in CLAYBERRY. The freemasons trying to get more acceptable and disguised people [less dispised] in the available positions. the parasites never quit. seems they didn't get their pick in the library job but now they have control of the board with people more inclined to follow the BOE[freemasons] line.
Still waiting on your answer sherlock.
cop in jail?
I think sherlock is AW, because both only give you enough to make you bite on a story and you have to pay for the rest of it or you never get the rest of it.
check the HurHearld calhoun paper. its full of Miller being arrested for the Flanagan murders. as for the cop hunt for it. shoulda had your eyes open.
I wonder if Miller was working the vicinity as well tender in 03 when the other two shotgun murders took place.
I wonder, was he friendly with those people. people who had just received an inheritance from the mans brother and supposedly had cash on hand.
he, Miller, had a truck, he had a shotgun, apparently an automatic, since he shot the Flanagans multiple times.
I wonder did he know the young mans sister [ ? RUSH] who died later under suspicious. cercumstances.
I applaud some of the groups in Clay for trying to work together. I hope they do not include CAEZ they take all Clays money to other counties.
when did Clay co. give them any money?
sherlock, I've had my eyes open and my ear to the ground and still some of this stuff has passed me by.
Guess I should try harder.
you probably got your mind on other things. just a pastime for me. the cop was originally from Gilmer but somehow wound up in Braxton co. maybe i'm just hallucinating. been hunting info on NANCY HART CIVIL WAR GUERILLA FROM cALHOUN CO. very interesting.
I agree, the reading on Nancy Hart is interesting.
How do find such things to read about?
Google it
Yeah.. but if you don't know anything about it to begin with, how are you suppposed to know what to google?
I did find that there was a Nancy Hart during the revolutionary war and a Nancy heart during the civil war. Interesting indeed!
oops both were supposed to read, Nancy Hart. hahahaha
There's an interesting (if you're interested in this kinda thing) blog right here on Blogger about Nancy Hart -
Good morning America!
tried the link, Rose, refered me to blogspot home page. many articles there on civil war and the battle of Gettysburg.
Huh. Try this - & scroll down & click on "Nancy Hart Douglas." There are a lot of interesting threads on that blog.
I wonder if, 100 years from now, the war in Iraq will be as romantacized as the Civil War has become?
discovered much conflicting info about NANCY HART. some confusion Clay co formed 1858. WV formed 1863. Clay co. was part of Va. for 5 yrs.
Makes it difficult when you're trying to work on your family tree & you know your gggreat grandpa came from Boone Co ... but Boone Co wasn't part of WV yet & may not have even been Boone Co yet ...
Makes for some interesting conversation, though, when you're trying to discuss which side "we" were on during the Civil War.
During the Civil War you could walk right into the White House & let the president know what you thought about it and him. Obama should do that.
anyone know who the board members of primary care are?
Mon Jul 13, 10:31:00 PM
Check with Andy he knows them and probably has attacked each one at some time or other for hiding their meetings from the public or for some other behind the scene trickery.
I think you'll find people on there whos' has never been in the news. they are a self appointing board. or in other words they select their members, themselves. Peter Triplett, Loita Nutter, maybe Morgan Triplett.
Rick Hanna's wife is one of the head administrator's.
Hey Rose, tried to fwd. you an e-mail but your address is on my other computer. I no longer use it.
Check e-mail in profile-Dude!
hey thank you, worked just fine on the 3rd try, spotted that underline in the gap.
Got it!! Thanks!
Fresh tomatoes off the vine & pork chops fried in bacon grease ... supper doesn't get much better than that! I figure the antioxidants in tomatoes counteract the bacon grease, right? Then again, life without bacon grease ... is it really *life* without bacon grease??
Smoe smart person dosen't have a clue who on primary board. Have to mart that one down.If you want to know go there and ask or call charleston and ask.
gee whiz, you are so intelligent. why don't you tell us all you know. won't take more than 5 sec.
See, here's another classic example of what's wrong with our world today - instead of educating the ignorant, people choose to make fun of it instead. It was one simple question, asked 3 days ago. If anybody knows who the board members are at Primary Care, please let us al know.
Remember the Bill introduced that'd drug test all recipients of public assistance? It's not going away. It's not passing yet, but it's not going away.
Did ya hear about the Jackson burger McDonald's has now?
Did ya hear the Jackson Burger joke?
50 year old meat
between 9 year old buns
served hot
That *might* have been funny 10 years ago when it was timely ... but I doubt it.
I remember reading something about Jacksons' hole, located in wide opening.
see where sheriff Randy has a vacationer missing. HurHearld says home confinement person "Clifton WOODS" removed his ID bracelet and vamoosed. HurHearld says Randy wants info as to where hes hiding. no info as to where Woods lives or anything else.
Odd that AW's site - the Clay County one, where Sheriff Holcomb has jurisdiction - doesn't have anything to say about a fugitive. Unless, of course, I missed it.
you didn't miss it. it's not there. don't know why there's no sun up in the sky. stormy weather since my baby's gone. housekeeper quit yesterday for better job. but the dog's still trotting.
Funny how the whole world knows about the prisoner excape in Clayberry and not a soul here knows anything about it. Just another hush hush secret kept on the taxpayers. Don't know what the guy looks like or if he is dangerous or not.
Clay County people should have been the first to know. But like the mushrooms the people of CC are fed the BS and kept in the dark once again. Every community should have had a check point set up shortly after the convict escaped but not a word so far.
hey you'll missing all the big ones. new up and coming millionaire maker Amish natural foods, selling on the over the counter at .04 cents. bought myself 1oo,ooo shrs. lookout Topeka here I come.
Farewell Walter c.
Now lets see if the news media drags out WC like they did the spook. After all he was a famous news icon.
Hmmmm .... the HurHerald reported on The Fugitive days before AW even mentioned it & then AW says "From WSAZ ...." ... so ... evidently, the sheriff doesn't like AW. Ya think??
Walter Leland Cronkite ... I doubt seriously he'll get the extended coverage of Michael Joseph Jackson, simply because Walter Cronkite died with dignity, after a long, productive, scandal-free life. Doesn't matter he reported live from Vietnam during the war, or that he broke the news of President Kennedy's death, or that he was what every journalism major aspires to be.
He was also my grandma's not-so-secret fantasy man .... LOL
Walter Cronkite used to tell the story about how he was sailing his boat into a New England harbor and all the people on the shore were yelling "Hello Walter" to him.
After he ran aground, he realized they were saying "LOW WATER".
We hear what we want to sometimes.
lvoe dad
does anyone know what time obrion starts racin on saturdays? I've searched the site and can't find a start time.
HurHearld says we had a 2 car collosion on rt. 16 near Nebo. No identity of participants. 3 refusals for transport to hospital.
opinion; costs an arm and a leg to be checked. ambulance costs 8 dollars a mile plus the hosp emergency room charges plus hosp. costs.
see that CLIFTON WOODS is in south central regional jail this morn. seems someone must be listening.
see thr lawmen cleaned up Jackson today. 34 miscreants. most of them felons or federal .
Holy cow!
I wonder, in the Flanagan murders why the telephone line would be cut after the people were dead.
It would be coincidental if Rose and her father knew the Miller family, wouldn't it? Harrison co.
The picture becomes clearer.
wonder where Rose has gotten off too?
Ms Rose when I came onto your site this morning StopSign antivirus detected a virus.
Worm.Win32.Feebs. gen May want to do a thorough scan peeps
what was the fine sheriff looking for out on Murder Mt? Took several vehicles, welder, and tool boxes. But early on he was in the helicopter..... Ahh summer is here and the crops are growing.
It's a wonder the copter would get off the ground.
what kind of crops need a welder and tool boxes.
who resides on murder mt. now? seems to me that mr. cummings and Tommy jr. both have state furnished quarters. I have lost track of the rest of the residents also.
Calhoun is where the action is. Includes, Hrrison, Gilmer, Roane and Doddridge cos.
Look! Here's me!! Right where y'all left me!
Hackers got into Blogger & planted a virus? I suggest everybody go to & download the latest AVG antivirus software. It's FREE & it's what the guys in our MIS department at work recommend. It's not horribly invasive like Norton & some of the others can be.
So ... what else am I missing while I'm just lurking about instead of interacting??
Tommy Jr. was never the real problem. Sr is the main man. Jr was just doign the foot work for his daddy. So now if Jr is locked up, maybe they will actually pinpoint Sr this time. (highly doubtful tho)
Ms Rose, I found a different virus on AW's site or in association to his site this morning. I usually don't get many alerts from StopSign but its working ovetime these days. As you suggested to others I would get my computer scanned ASAP as most websites now are infected. is a $50 a year investment but I haven't found any of the others to beat it.I think I have tried them all by now. Had AVG for years along with Nortons and Mcaffee.
Ever hear of a false positive?
Avira made in Germany updates every day and FREE.
found a large imperial moth on my door 2 days ago 4 1/2 in. wingspread. imperial, yellow with brown splotches. not many seen this summer so far.
turtle head flower looks like its not going to bloom.
naked lady hasn't appeared yet.
Yes, false positives happen all the time, if you have a poppy seed roll, you will test positive for opium, cough medicnes come up as meth, heart burn medicines can come up as marajauna positive. Let's not forget false positive pregnancy tests...false positive, putting someone in office who promises to make changes and do we really have any yet? So, yes I have heard of false positives.
out of curiosity I WONDER WHO TRANSPORTS/DRIVES these vehicles and material to murder mt. AW says the wind. why do they, the stolen things keep coming to murder mt. where do they go from there. who receives the stolen items.
in this case ,were the trailers, tow alongs or mobile homes.
seems there must be a line of communication between the peoples of murder mt. and the recipients of the stolen mdse. could there be a central message relay?
nothing else to do this time of the day but speculate.
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