& I know where the birdies is! They're right outside my window!!
Congratulations to us all for surviving the longest, harshest, coldest, ugliest, snowiest winter in recent memory. GOOD RIDDANCE TO IT!!
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
Well I for one will not ever want to see a drop of snow or cold for a long long time.I would have liked it to stay here for a couple weeks more and then get up around 80 and then warm up some.
I got a sunburn of a life time yesterday and can't remember when anything ever felt so good.
what do we do now? AW, as usual still in bed. he'as earned it, he's been screwed up all week.
new owners at the hotel, I think. someone said a light flashed inside the other day. for sale signs been tooken down, first floor. second floor still for sale.
Adam Notingham remains missing with no search crewes around. The only question is, after hearing Adam yelling help HELP, did RH say: he's getting what he deserves?
We will probably never know the truth about what happened that night. I, for one, would not put it past Randy to say such a thing. He thinks he is so much better than everyone else.
You might be wishing for him after this term.
Who's next anyhow?
What's the story on the Nottingham man? I've heard a blue million rumors, but don't trust any of them to contain a grain of truth.
Yesterday, my elder child asked me when I'd be dragging out my "Spring Cleaning Cassette Tape" - Bob Seger, cranked to ear drum pounding volumes. IT'S TIME!! LOL
Eventually, I guess I'm going to have to upgrade to a CD - this cassette's getting a little ... worn. LOL
Adam Nottingham was the one that got his arm blown off stealing copper from the high voltage lines. Ran from the cops and made it down to Belva area before they flatened his tires. He decided to take a swim in the Gauley River and is still swimming with the fishes.
No search has been made for him except by family members therefore no tax money wasted. And I don't care what the bleeding hearts want to say he chose his own demise and everyone paying AEP each month for electric will pay from now on. Funny how these panty hose judges award the criminals for stealing off others.
His luck ran out and thats it.
Except for one thing, he got no settlement from AEP.
He got his settlement the other night.
AS should every one of the crackhead thieving shits that are running rampant all over the place.
Apparently AW hasnt been victimized by them yet.
Wonder if he'd be so critical if Nottingham had been running from the law with a truckload of his property.
Sounds like we all have our own agendas.
Sounds like Mr Holcomb was playing cowboy again when radios would have solved the problem without endangering the entire county
It doesn't matter WHAT he did or WHO he was, he was still a human being and a son, father, brother and friend to someone.
He may have been a thief, he may have been a druggie. It DOESN'T matter. He still had family that deserves closure and the truth.
I really hope that all of you that are saying he deserved what he got understand the impact of that statement. KARMA will come back to you and hopefully you too will feel the pain that you inflict on others.
Rose, you have a druggie for a brother. Would these comments not be deleted if it was your brother they were speaking of? I am sure they would.
The bill passed, free drugs for everyone.
Hubby and I went to benefit for Kay Hubbard at Ivydale today. Wonderful turn out great music but Arlene Tucker lost our votes and a lot of others parading around in a campaign t shirt giving out cards. We have never seen her out in public before never at a event, auction, sale, nothing and now she is a regular social butterfly. Lions do not change their spots but her FRIEND from the State Road was not with her I give her that.
Ihav'nt seen any comment on whether the van being driven by Adam was his or had been stolen.
or what happened to it and its contents.
"Rose, you have a druggie for a brother. Would these comments not be deleted if it was your brother they were speaking of? I am sure they would." ...
I didn't delete them when they were about *me*, I didn't delete them when they were about my *mother* - why would I delete them if they were about my brother? I've got 4 brothers - they've all had issues beyond my control at one point or another.
Even mass murderers & terrorists get a fair trial, which is what Mr. Nottingham would've gotten had circumstances been different.
Nobody really expected our esteemed sheriff to go in after him (he can't swim, ya know) but surely to goodness any criminal who's deemed dangerous enough to involve the entire police force & be chased through 2 counties is a criminal dangerous enough to actually *catch* ... or at least find to prosecute.
How many other officers were standing on that river bank?
I for one would not jump into that icewater if the POPE was in there....I would do the pulic service by not being number two to have a family wanting closure. I am sure all you bleeding hearts if you would have been there could jump right in and drown also. Course you would have had to whoop a cop or two to do your jumping.
I agree, we are all Americans after all, and we do pay their paycheck.
That hasn't counted for a long long time.
What do you idiots think the cops shoud have done? That river is still raging and yes if it was a cop or firefighter in the water they would still be looking. but there wasn't nothing anybody could do that night or even the next day. their still waiting for the water to go down.
Ha ha, I meant I agree with you Rose, not the dipshit that snuck in before my comment got posted.
Nobody expected anybody to jump in after him. The water was so swift that by the time they even got a line out to him it was too late. Unless you were there, you don't know what your talking about. Even if you were there things might not have been as they appeared.
Rescueing him was not a option but there's no excuse for not going back for him. I hope everybody that helped chase him in to that river can live with that.
Mon Mar 22, 12:03:00 AM
The last time I checked anyone runing for office tried to make any function where people gather as it is easier to make contact with people and helps with the cost of runing for an office.As fopr her not making other events you attended it is not possible for her or anyone to attend every function going on in the county.
Furthermore if that is all it took to convince you not to vote for Arlene there is not much use in you voting PERIOD.
So much BS here!
Arlene should pick her gatherings better. Campaigning at a benefit is very poor taste. She should go to bingo nite or one of AWs dances or even hang out at Gomart. Hopefully she at least donated a lot of money to the cause.
Benefits, school functions, bingo or church socials when Politicians are runing for an office the name of the game is to get what money you can from them. I am sure that if she donated to the function the benefactors do not care at all that she showed up but that she gave is all that counts.
Thats the way the show is run when you try to meet and greet as many people in the county as you can. It may not be an appropriate situation to everyone but to show support for a fellow human being and their cause is good in the eyes of the ones in need.
Rescue workers are looking for a man that fell off his boat so conditions must not be to bad.
When did these people stop working for the taxpayers?
I bet there is not a one of you griping about not looking in the the river for someone that has been down there yourself looking. Want to volunteer go rite to it there is not a thing stopping you.
Just take your boat and paddle down the river. Need help shoving off?
Just like one famous person said Stupid is as stupid does- Forest Gump
Can I use yours?
I don't have one.
Not much water up here.
Um, wasn't Forrest retarded?
Yeah Forest was retarded. Bet he had a government job or lived in Clayberry.
Donald Willard “Donnie”, “Bubby” Adkins III, 32, of Cedar Grove died March 13, 2010, while assisting with a swift-water rescue during flooding at Beaver. He and his crew had successfully rescued 15 people before their boat capsized, throwing all three of them into the water. Two were rescued shortly after they capsized.
Took 5 days to find Donnie and nobody ever even thought about giving up.
Some folks go to events even politicians whether there running or not or in office or not to help the cause and and be a nice person. It's when they all the sudden show up is when it looks bad. You never see Fran, Arlene , Mike Pierson , Teresa Lane , or any of them at events just when they are running.
Some would cry if they were hung with a new rope.....
Why don't Nobama and Pelosi get out of the sand box and quit playing around with the American people.
I hope at reelection time everybody that's looking for Adam remembers that NOT ONE ELECTED OFFICIAL IN CLAY helped find him.
Anybody that can't even help find a missing family member DOES NOT deserve my vote.
Ditto, Ditto, Ditto and Ditto.
This is all Nobama's fault.
Have you been down to the river?
Why waste the time looking for someone with the water runing the way it is.
Talk to his uncle he will tell you its a waste of effort right now. Why risk it until the waters recede. He told me he had gone down the river to Montgomery and its runing to swift to do any good.
HE shouldnt go to Montgomery.
With only one arm, he's prbably still right out from the bank swimming in circles.
I thought it was bad judgement that in front of the courthouse they have a candle service for a criminal that lost his arm stealing power wire from the electric company and then ran from the law and jumped in the river himself and this is the same place we honor a hero that gave his life for our freedom and our county and I for one would not vote for one politician that showed up there to honor a criminal. They made a wise decision and showed honor where honor was due.
Well. There's something you don't see every day - "honor" and "politician" used in the same sentence.
A lot of the first Americans were criminals.
The powers that be, had to get someone to come do their dirty work for them.
I figure it’s only a matter of time until people start sending you crazy propaganda emails about health reform, so before that happens go ahead and give this list a read. These are the top six items I consider best among the health care changes President Obama will sign into law on Tuesday. If you get any wacko emails screaming about socialism, send ‘em this.
1. No more pre-existing conditions for children, starting now. For adults in the short term, there’s a new high-risk insurance pool and pre-existing conditions will be eliminated entirely by 2014.
2. Working families that earn less than $88,000 a year will have their premiums capped between 2 and 9.5 percent of their household income. Before health reform, it was not uncommon for poor and middle class families to pay much, much more for health insurance.
3. Businesses with 50 or fewer employees will get a 50 percent tax credit for their health insurance. WIN.
4. New health insurance policies will be required to cover check-ups and preventative care completely sans co-pay. Another WIN.
5. No more annual or lifetime caps on how much treatment your insurance will pay for — and, insurers can no longer drop the sick people.
6. Not only will insurers be forced to disclose their earnings data and overhead to the public, new regulations will require health and nutrient information to be advertised by fast food chains. Transparency all-around! (Sort-of.)
All of that is real and all of it will begin affecting your life very soon. There were a lot of bitter pills to swallow during the health reform debate but it’s passed now and it won’t be repealed any time soon. I thought you’d appreciate some factual information, considering how crazy everyone is going off lately.
Still unanswered -
1 - if I can't afford insurance, how the hell can I afford to pay a fine?
2 - will my hospital bills go down since the uninsured will no longer be showing up at the ER with runny noses?
3 - are Medicaid recipients considered among the "uninsured" or am I still paying for the welfare crowd?
4 - why should I have to pay for illegal aliens to have health care in my country? I'd rather pay to ship them back & get health care in their own.
5 - if it's legal for the government to force me to insurance (a service provided by a private entity), that makes us a Communist nation. Will I also have to buy the kind of car they tell me to (GM)? the clothes they tell me to wear? the food they tell me to eat?
& that's just my top 5 questions - I have more.
all hell gunna break loose. 60,000 thuggees to take our moneygunna be healthy or in jail. no money no money what to do what to do. eat spaghetti, shia'te wooly worms.
The communismcator is on the news stands.
Why don't you call Shelly, since she's such a good rep?
Maybe she'll splain it to you.
Yer jest sckeered medycare will go broke afore you git yers.
Yeah, don't worry bout no one else.
You must be a christian.
I done gits medycare, whut i'se afraid of, all you BOE employees will git it along with yer pensions that weuns hafta pay for along with our auto insurance. donkey kissin' suckers.
Yep, you is.
I don't get it.
I'm not even sure what "it" is.
hey Rose baby, a brief summary. The FBI just arressted 55 PAGAN motorcyclists for interstate racketeering. To date , to my knowledge 19 have plea bargaied, some in Clay co. Maybe the gang are the spotters for people like the Youngz and help in acquiring keys. and what ever they can. people like the hatchet man, who's been cozying up to you contribute. well you can take from there, lots of inter-connection. i'm thinking of retiring.
this blog is a prime example of the ignorance that runs in full force in clay county. no wonder we can't get anywhere.
why do you read it? because you're so ignorant that you can still learn from this blog.
LOL I thoroughly enjoy this blog - if you don't, you're welcome to start your own & limit it to Smart People Only. You better hurry, though, 'cause at the rate we're going in this country, there won't be any Smart People left.
Yeah, this is all Nobama's fault.
It's all gone to hell in the last year.
Things were good before that.
Bush Rules!
OK, here's my question for all you politicos - how many members of Congress, Senators, Representatives, etc., changed when our President did? Those are the people who make the real decisions - the President just campaigns for their ideas & approves them.
So if the only thing that changed was the President, then, yeah, Obama might get the majority of the credit. Otherwise, it's time to vote out all those other folks & start fresh.
There is one promise Obama's definitely kept - he promised CHANGE & CHANGE we've gotten.
Don't worry Ms Rose.
Your blog is still where Clay county goes for it's news.
Yeah we got change alright but when it takes effect after july and shows up on the few people that are working now I just wonder how many will say to heck with it and QUIT. How many will see that working is just a foolish mistake when they can sit at home, draw a check, get a food stamp card, a medical card and be paid to run to the doctor.
Yes this Prez has changed the American way of life and will have your great great gran children paying through the nose as he is willing to take $.58 cents of every dollar you earn for federal tax. Use it to pay for Shiquana and Natasha to set on the porch smoking crack, waiting on Desean to drop by and give them another increase in their Welfare check since its got so hard to raise the other six donated by six of the hundred sperm donors running around.
Makes you proud ot be an American knowing you elected a bunch of fools that do everything they can to fill their pockets out of your money that they didn't do a thing to earn or to help you earn.
From the courthouse in Clayberry to the Obama Black House in DC VOTE AGAINST the INCUMBANTS or is that INCOMPETENT? VOTE IN ALL NEW and IF THEY DON'T RESPOND TOSS THEM ALSO.
Man, what a shitty attitude.
No wonder this country's so f*cked up.
nothing wrong with thecountry it's the people that are screwed up. iinvest in pasta eat spaghetti shiat wooly worms. hee haw hee hahahaha be happy
I am voting for Deyton and Tucker! Bye-bye Fran the man and Connie Workman.
Hmmm, if you vote for em, I guess I should too.
I just don't know.
Maybe you should tell me more people I should vote for.
I can't decide on my own.
Hey Fran has done a lot of good for people since she has been in there.
Yeh um too dum to deside fo mysef.
If you are a Coal Miner or ever had Coal mine money put a roof over your head you better for once thank Fat Frannie as you call her. She was the ONLY politician that stood up to out governor and senators when mining permits were not issued and you know they came here to keep her from going on TV and telling how it would hurt the county and the state. Quit being stupid you do not have to like her but she does do for the people. Did you all forget in 2009 she is the ONLY commissioner that refused to raise our taxes on a 50 page list the other two wanted to. Then the State came back and lower all of ours. Did one of you assholes thank Fat Frannie. When your arsses was cold and she fought to get the gas problems solved. Yes my bill was higher this year but the entire countries was. But my Ars and My Husband and kids arss was warm and we had gas to cook with. Elections are not f***ing beauty contests you have to have balls and brains. Fat Frannie has both and I have not even covered the grants she has written. Go to the courthouse, newspaper, or town and see what she has done. No I do not like her but I would vote for her just like Robert Byrd 10 years after she is dead because bydiggies she stands up for us and the county and tries to make a difference.
Thats right.
That was the most sensible remark Ive seen on this blog for a while.
Fran is the best commissioner weve had since fools voted out Jerry Bird.
Y'all need to remember - and respect - the language barrier here. Especially if you're trying to sound intelligent.
If you need somebody else to tell you who to vote for, you're not making the most of your vote. It's up to YOU to educate yourself about a candidate - what they stand for, what they've done, what they're willing to do, whether or not they give a rip about what you think - and vote accordingly.
Take a look over on the homepage here. You'll find the contact information for ALL the elected officials who have voluntarily consented to having this information posted for public use. These are NOT the only elected officials I know, nor are they the only ones who have email addresses and phone numbers. It would certainly appear, though, that they ARE the only ones who want to hear from you, their boss.
how do I find the home page?
are u seriuos?
Well if we are depending on the people that post here to give us quality leadership, we are screwed.
I don't think some of you know the difference between a sneeze and a wet fart.
Lord help us all. We have idiots voting.
Hey Sherlock what's the skinny on our esteemed sheriff being interviewed by the US marshals?
EXCEPTED= To take or leave out (anything) from a number or a whole
as not belonging to it; to exclude; to omit.
Fri Mar 26, 05:15:00 PM
Yes Fran has done a lot of good for a lot of people.. She made sure her BF got a job. Hired all her relatives to work on county jobs. Stood up in front of tv cameras until she was known as the queen of the county.
Has done very little to do anything to improve anything in the county. Has made sure all the county jobs are kept secret until she could get one of her buds to fill the position.
I will take Tucker and Deyton for the next term maybe we can change a few things in the county for the betterment of the people and not just the chosen few. She was bought and paid for by Fola Coal and plays the way she is told.
Just remember when you how hard they fought to keep Lizemore from getting an ambulance and help them up for months after they purchased ambulances. No she won't be getting my vote or anyone elses I can tell how the real deal has gone down.
What, are Tucker and Dayton a team?
What have they done?
Yes Tucker and Deyton are a team. Tucker is a Sam's throwback and Deyton filed a domestic against her own father. Tucker is the daughter of two drunks and had a baby by an other man. Deyton parties every weekend and stripped and danced on the bar in a bar in Montgomery. Teresa Lane is supporting Tucker to get rid of her in the Assessors office so she can promote teresa brotherinlaw and he will take lane;s postition when she retires, Never seen Tucker anywhere but sucking her faggot son thru high school. He came out of the closet and the doctor is a faggot and she wants to have a gay pride parade in Clay.
What an Imagination about Deyton and Tucker. Also the voters will decide who takes over when Teresa Lane runs again.
Sams throwback? Tucker worked in the Assessors office long before Sams and long before a lot of others in the courthouse. She will be there long after some others are gone also. Never knew of a stripp bar in Montgomery either. Probably some Gay bars down there though.
duh reckon I'M AN IDIOT I write on Roses blog. you reckon maybe he and Jim violated election laws. could ANDY and RANDY have gone federal. maybe cussin' on the airwaves is a federal offense. was that an implied threat. dis crimination against a thief. Is it illegal for an elephantr to chase a piss ant. duh hee haw hahaha watch out for the shiats. carry clean drawers.
Yeah, yeah, eat spaghetti. We know.
Reckon you're right Sherlock.
At least your first sentence.
The US Marshals were asking about his comments the night of Adam's death. they asked about his riverside comment: He's gettin what he deserves. Let the son of a bitch drown
interesting that there's always another idiot waiting to read what i've written. and make their own stupid comment.
Life's a beach ain't it?
Anonymous said...
The US Marshals were asking about his comments the night of Adam's death. they asked about his riverside comment: He's gettin what he deserves. Let the son of a bitch drown
Sat Mar 27, 11:27:00 PM
The US Marshalls have not even been in Clay County. The only interested person in Randy is Weight Watchers and maybe the 911 Center for him cussing. Randy has a couple more years and we are all done with hime but the funny thing is the same ones on her bitching are the same ones that voted for him. Billy Truman was his campaign manager and you do not see Billy's Face at clay any more. Just one one many.
More lies and dissemination.
how do u know who is on here b**ching when nobody has the dangles to leave their name?
You can trace IP addresses.
LOL No, you can't. Well, I probably could, if I was willing to pay for the trumped up tracking software (which I'm not), but there's no way for anonymous posters to track each other. Or even non-Anons, for that matter.
Saturday's forecasted temperature is 80!! EIGHTY!!
The government can, oh, that, and hackers.
Um ... I'm relatively certain The Government has better things to do than track the IP addresses here.
Hackers are too busy trying to hack The Government.
I'm Not even certain about my relatives.
Yeah I was found on a door step so I don't know who my relatives are either. Relativly speaking.
You could put up your IP and I still wouldnt have a clue as to who u are.
Tell that to AW.
Oh yeah, the government would never spy on you.
Pray you never pi$$ a hacker off.
They can do a lot of damage if you have a web site.
You wouldn't even know it if a hacker tracked you.
Sun Mar 28, 04:48:00 PM
And you evidently have brown eyes or at least you should because you are full of $#!+.
Fran McLaughlin - Shame on you for allowing and or posting such garbage about a fellow clay countian, let alone a fellow human being. none of us chose our parents and we cannot be held responsible for what they did or didn't do. And to write alwful lies about Arlene Tucker's son is just disgraceful. I was voting for you and supporting you. Now your sign will come out of my yard snad I will encourage my friends to not vote for you.
Evidently if Billy Truman was Randy's campaign manager he done a good job because Randy got 8 years. I hope he will be Arlene Tuckers and Michelle Taylor Deytons managers also. People that know Billy respect him very much and your smear campaign about him won't help you one bit.
I am shocked about how you post such ugly, untrue things about the people who want to make Clay County a better place to live. I don't want anyone in my family to even try for a political office. Not only would probably not win but to tear people down like you do to Arlene and Fran, is not conducive to producing a better community in which to live. My son grew up with Jason Tucker and you will never find a better young man on this earth. Fran and Arlene both are good people and do not deserve to be maligned in the manner they have been.
I talk to Fran king everyday and she has never said a bad word about Arlene Tucker. She said it was like a ballgame it takes two to have an election and one person wins andone looses. I thought that was an excellent moto. Before you blame Fran you need to watch the people that thrive on gossip and rumors and some of those statements were said in a place i do business by a state road worker. So look cloer to sorse.
I talk to Fran king everyday and she has never said a bad word about Arlene Tucker. She said it was like a ballgame it takes two to have an election and one person wins andone looses. I thought that was an excellent moto. Before you blame Fran you need to watch the people that thrive on gossip and rumors and some of those statements were said in a place i do business by a state road worker. So look cloer to sorse.
Ya don't have ta yell.
I'd rather jump into a shark tank as run for office in this county.
You're in for a colonoscopy back to your riotous youth as well as everyone of your whole family.
Sure, there is personal gain to be acquired from public office, at least in some places, but there are also expectations and requirements to be met as well.
Since Fran and Arlene are the flavors of the week on here, I'd like to add that having known them both for a long time, I have never seen either of them do anything but try to help other people.
Their children have always been the kind of kids that every body hopes for. They should not be dragged into this sh*t storm of character defamation and slander.
Lighten up, people.
Just vote for your choice and be done.
Here, here.
Oh would you whiney a** people just shut up already!
When you look at candidates for office you want to look at their home as well because that is where it starts. If they don't have their personal affairs in order, then how are they going to manage their office?
Furthermore they expect this when they sign up to run. You don't see Fran or Arlene on here trying to defend themselves do you? No, because they know how it goes when you run for office.
LOL OMG. Do you people realize how fortunate you are to be living in America? It's a crying shame "freedom" breeds such stupidity.
The only time I ever get to see Fran is at the Apple Festival. I'd venture to guess that's the case with a lot of people. I wonder how many of the ones trashing her here are also the ones sucking up to her then.
"You don't see Fran or Arlene on here trying to defend themselves do you?" ... Maybe because both of them have too much sense to try to defend herself via anonymous banter with someone who doesn't even have the cojones to leave a name.
I love this blog. It's ever so much more fun than therapy & not nearly as expensive!
Well here's one for you. The ambulance director is she double dipping working full time at ambulance service while off from work at school system on medical leave or whatever she off on. Was she getting pay from school system and ambulance? I think it a good question since the ambulance service is broke lizemore put a hurt on them for sure. I saw in free press that they need a new ambulance but when you go by ,there is 3 sitting there so why do they need another one. Director king says revenue is picking up that hogwash but don't take my work for it go to the next commission meeting and ask it the 2nd wed in april at 10 in the morning. " But don't forget that under the watchful eye of our county commission the ambulance went broke in less that a year. Never a work at commission meeting about it. That open goverment for you.
U talk like Indian.
Minny Waa Waa.
Um, yeah.
Yep the ambulance service went through over $160,000.00 in less then 8 months. Typical political move. Now which one of the Three Blind Mice will get the credit for getting their fat out of the fire. All you have to do now is wait on the next big political statement to come out in the local papers.
I 1, 2, or 3 Blind Mice stepped in and saved our failing Clay ambulance service. Since I have nothing else to do with my hands I am hereby using both of them to pat myself on the back with that dumb sneer on my face that says "Just how dumb are these people in Clay County to fall for all the hoop la I can think up to have printed that I have done".
Just remember you got your info right here on Roses Blog.
I ________ hereby have told the truth the whole truth and Nothing but the truth.
You were making sense until the second paragraph.
Then, woo hoo, WTF?
Hmmmm looks like all the blow-hards done quit.
Nope, U r still on here!!
I see you are still here too...
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