The other day, I made a trip to Clay. On the way home, I stopped at GoMart. The lady in front of me was buying a pack of cigarettets (~$5) & an order of pasta salad "for her lunch" ($2.77). When she found out the EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) machine wasn't working, instead of putting back the cigarettes, she returned the pasta salad & used her cash to pay for the cigarettes.
We don't have an obesity problem in this country - we have a priority problem.
Yep Ms Rose, same reason you see people drivin around in new cars, watchin cable on a big screen tv, talkin and textin on their cell phones, buyin beer and hydro's, and then not feedin and tendin to their kids right and livin in a piece of shit trailer.
I guess it's a quality of life issue.
PS. not all of them are kids on welfare and SSI.
Ranks right up there with being braindead.
i wonder, did the lady expect to pay for cigs. with the ebt card. I thought that was illegal. are you fibbing?
(sound of rising from the dead)
Yummy Brains!!!!!
Jacob Young's in jail? How many kids does Tommy Sr have? That's 2 in jail & 1 pregnant. Sounds like he could use some parenting tips.
ebt is used for both cash and stamps
are cigs. a necessity? can they be bought with welfare money?
Total Federal health and human services budget for 2010 is 4% of the Federal Budget.
That's SSI, Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid and all that.
Wars and everything that is involved with that, including Veterans affairs, totaled 57% of the budget.
Quit bitchin about welfare and ask your self why we are still occupying at least two countries for no other reason than to corner the market on oil?
That's where that deficit came from, along with Shrubs bailout of the banks.
And don't give me that terrorism crap.
Do your homework and you will find out who the real terrorists are.
we do have people who do things. and then we have those who know everything and who gripe and cririze. these we find in the corner hiding when there's any action. big mouths but no guts.
That last comment I'd barly brag about.
Hey I told the lady at checkout that I eat dog food so charge it to my food stamps.
Well said, anonymous.
Hey, any one ever know what ever become of Hippy?
Now there was a pretty good ol feller.
Yea 1 of the kids is prego. so what? r u the daddy? y do u ppl pik on the youngs? dont you think its scary 2 b prego at 14? dont u think its sad 4 ur dad an bros 2 b in jail? its not ur bizness. u need 2 SHUT UP.
Don't know about anyone else but Medicare has nothing to do with Welfare as its an insurance for the elderly and disabled WORKERS that pay it out of their Social Security each month. Yes it got a big ole raise in 2009 and no COLA to help cover it.
Anyone that tells you its Federal budjet is full of $h&+ and when you get your Social Security that is the first thing they insist you have no matter what type of insurance coverage you have it is your Primary Insurance from that day forward.
Like anything else government has any dealing with Veterans Affirs, and Social Security are two things the working, fighting men and women have lived, fought and died for in this country.
Welfare is the other program that our county will fight for to keep its how VOTES are bought and paid for.
You do the crime, you do the time including sexual promiscuity.
Duh what's a hydro?
a water pistol.
Pretty high toned name for a squirt gun.
Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine!
"sexual promiscuity" ... ??? I went to school with a girl who had the same boyfriend for over a year & only after that year did they give in to their raging teenage hormones & she got pregnant that very first time. She was 14. It happens. It in no way made her "promiscuous." It did, however, change her life in ways I can't even begin to imagine.
Anon @ 4:25, birth control can be obtained FREE. Pass the word.
Anon @ 5:50 - you're absolutely right. Every paycheck I get has a deduction for Medicare & SS. Every year, I get a statement telling me what my predicted income will be when I retire. Every DAY I pass people who have never worked a day in their lives because of one "disability" or another. Where do you think *their* paychecks are coming from? We're all supporting each other, whether we want to or not & the government is hellbent determined on making sure we're all forever dependent on somebody else.
Yet, nobody has a problem with the billions we spend on the corporate wars, that we the people, are finacially supporting all over the world?
Corporate wars don't stink up the space around you in Gomart.
Yeah, whatever happened to the save it for marriage ideal? raging hormones? Rub it.
Yeah, not like welfare puppies.
shhhhhhhhhhh don't bother the person talking bout the corporate war they are reading the Communicator.
I wonder, now that the Young trial is over with a conviction, will any attempt be made by the FEDERALs to return/notify the property owners of the recovery of their property or will the federal gov. try to steal it, that is the property they recovered.
The peeper frogs are going crazy here.
Thank the gods,
Fri Mar 12, 08:54:00 AM
I wonder if our fine business owners that bought the stuff knowing who was selling, yet they bought it anyway will be prosecuted for buying STOLEN property. You know an honest person that even seen the Youngs coming would start hiding anything that they could steal or at least not buy things from them to say the very least.
If the people buying would stop there would be no use for the thiefs to steal it. Now that the Law knows who is buying and the prosecutors also know then let them PROSECUTE buyers to full extent of the law. They don't seem to be able to stop the thieving so go after he buyers.
I agree.
If it'd be you or me, we'd be in jail right now.
I am fed up with Clay County so far this week Jim Paxton in uniform and in county cruiser came to my house and campaigned me while on duty. Then I was out Harrison and Granville whatever his name is with the state road was putting up Arlene Tucker campgne signs out of a state vehicle. Then the fat black haired snotty woman in the assessors office asked me to vote for Arlene Tucker in the Assessors office. That is shi((( and entrapment. The other people running cannot compete with this so what do we get for office they are doing the same crap that Teresa did against Susy Legg.
My brother got a one to five for trading for stolen property. It was traded for honestly from a thief and the thief didn't get a sentence for a plea deal worked out. Sounds kind of like a "who you know situation to me.
says gas will be $8.00 a gal. by the end of 2011. all hell gonna break loose. head for the hills. won't do any good. invest in pasta eat spaghetti. get you a barrel for water give your money to me. Hi yo silver awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Check your Internet speed by the FCC
Wouldn't you hate to go through life watching your back, having to keep track of who you've bought & who you've sold? Wouldn't it be fun to watch if somebody'd just do a fly-over of Clay & mist the whole place with truth serum?
Nobody will go to jail. Seems like eventually, though, all those deep pockets would start to get a little too full to hide anymore.
Check your Internet speed by the FCC
Sorry the above link does nor work.
Rose can you delete the Sat Mar 13, 07:30:00 AM post?
Yeah, I can, but I like to leave those little "ooopsies" just to test the intelligence of those who visit this site. >;)
OMG the ignorance around this place is overflowing!
Do you really not get it at all? The LAW wanted to get the youngs and did whatever they had to in order to make it happen. So what if they lost a couple of people that bought stolen goods, they got the bigger fish (so to speak).
Do you honestly believe that Dana and Joe didn't know the equipment was stolen? Buying new equipment for 1/3 of the actual worth, is a fairly good sign that things arn't legal.
Yes their daughter is pregnant but honestly wasn't that expected? You leave any teenager with raging hormones alone for any amount of time and guess what? They are going to have sex. It's not just their kids, its all kids that lack parental supervision. In thier case they allowed their daughter to visit a home that seriously lacked any supervision and also included a teenage boy.
Tommy sr don't show up on the jail site. Where's he at?
LOL I was a teenager with raging hormones once & I didn't automatically have sex when left alone with boys.
Is this thought process testimony to how cynical we've become or is it a fact that's testimony to what PP parents we've become?
I think it's the latter.
Tommy Sr. is in CRJ
Gota call the martial service no. to get info. on him.
I'll wager you didn't get pregnant at 14 either then.
Hmmm what made you wait?
Even in 1980 something we knew about family planning day at the clinic, huh rose?
Funny how when you say anything about crooks you are ignorant. It doesn't make any difference if they were after just thieves or the leagal thieves that bought the stuff. Crooks are crooks and it don't make any difference what or who they are crooking they need to serve time just the same.
But in Clayberry if you have a business license its ok to sell dope, beer or trade for foodstamps or WIC coupons its all leagal to do. Oh well ignorant is as ignorant does but I am proud of being ignorant. Why catch two fish when the limit is six and you caught four they should everyone do time as they have done the crime and got caught.
I bet JM or DH either one called the law after making their fine purchases. And of course on the stand they forgot a lot of things. Both work for the county and do work on county vehicles and other county jobs thats the onl reason they are ABOVE the Law.
gas going to 8 dollars a gal. all hell's going to break loose. invest in pasta, eat spaghetti,pizza, macaroni, won't dem women get fats.
If gas ever goes to 8 bucks a gallon think what a gallon of milk will cost.
I'll have to get me a heifer and a bull.
Who is running against Barbara Schamberger?
I wonder of they have big, huge, fundraisers for everyone who gets cancer.
Mon Mar 15, 07:10:00 AM
If they don't they should
Who do you think "they" are?Fundraisers are organized by friends and family.
Didn't you mean a Heifer to spread the Bull?
just talked to a FEMA representative regarding the article in the CLAY CO. FREE PRESS was informed our good governor did not request assistance for individuals only for public utilities and private non-profit organizations. people who are already sucking the life blood out of us. SO I'll probably spend more time in prison for voicing my opinion here. BAIL ME OUT UNCLE SAM BAIL ME OUT. I don't belong to your goat sexing lodge nor kiss your donkeys. invest in pasta, eat spaghetti all hell is breaking loose run for the hills ha ha ha hee hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hi yo silver awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
"Didn't you mean a Heifer to spread the Bull?"
Mon Mar 15, 11:00:00 AM
That's how it normally works isn't it?
I always thought you was a dummy.
Now you finally proved it, 100%
Ha Ha Ha He He He so did you!
Some people must enjoy talking to themselves.
Now we got em talking to their computer. If it answers back get checked.
You should have know that the only people that was affected in the FEMA heist would be AEP,Frontier, SuddenLink and the Department of Highways. They have set on their A$$ ever since the storm hit here and done absolutely nothing to clear the "debris" from along the road. Last week they started down at Bentree (county line) and they have worked up from the line almost 3/4 of a mile.
Mansion and our legislators are the ones bankrupting this state at the present time. Executive sessions every time he blows his knows and they sure don't come cheap. They can't acquire anything during regular session but watch what happens the next two or three weeks. I say fire every Incumbant running for office this time around and since Mansion can't run for governor again remember how much he has cost us when he takes over Byrds Senator seat if Byrd lives that long.
Got to love it when people try to tell you how to think.
Do it, DO IT NOW!!!
Brings back memories, don't it.
I remember what my answer was back then.
It involved a one finger salute.
Yeah, you're number one too.
Hope those people don't think my answer has changed.
yep the order telling you what to do is much more effective if at the end it is said, do it or you'll be fired.
Have certain political views or be fired?
Damn, make sense for once.
Yay! I got my Census form today!! I don't see my race listed - AMERICAN.
We'll never get rid of the labels in this world if we insist on continuing to *label*.
Sounds like a Metallica song.
Wow. The one time I actually get to bed at a decent hour, there's a high speed chase through the county. Just as I was reading about it on FaceBook, Channel 3 mentioned it. How'd the Sheriff's cruiser get smashed??
wonder, did they finally catch that fellow. found the story somewhere. they had him in the river over in Fayette co. SP give flat tires. had a dog looking for him. he bumped fattys cruiser he called him an SOB. said it was a felonious chase after that. all the info I know or surmise.
Theres too much surmising goin on already.
Thats how the Clayberry version of about everything gets developed.
So I surmise.
check AWs web page smart-'ss.
I don't know that everything printed on AWs page can be taken as gospel any more than the outright speculation that takes place here. However, given that both AW & a lot of the posters here spend a lot of time at GoMart & various other gathering establishments, there's always at least a grain of truth in all of it.
It's a crazy story, though. How many officers were involved in the chase? I mean, I watch a lot of those "World's Wildest Police Chases" & whatnot & it always amazes me that 18 cops will chase 1 criminal. Meanwhile, what's going on on the other side of town while the entire law posse is chasing that 1 guy?
Hope everybody had a lovely St. Patrick's Day!
Yeah the guy they were chasing was the same one that was electrocuted for stealing copper off high voltage power polls. Sued the power company for big bucks and now this.
Maybe Randy was right and maybe they caught up to him and held him down til the bubbles stopped. Justice Served.
March 17 p And finally how about this one: Melissa Postelwait Thompson Welfare Fraud
"And finally how about this one: Melissa Postelwait Thompson Welfare Fraud" - long time comin and about damn time.
Any follow up to the chase the other night?
Predicted to be close to 70 today - WOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!
I just want to say that again -
Predicted to be close to 70 today - WOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!
Hey, ol lady? You gota a birthday comin up right soon don't ya?Miss Rose.
Once again, I've been confused with my husband ... his is Sunday. LOL
Mine's not 'til June. The 22nd. I prefer cash to jewelry, gift cards to clothes, Olive Garden to Applebee's. ;)
I got ball parks and sauerkraut.
I wouldn't give a hot dog to my worst enemy.
Why don't Nobama and Pelosi get out of the sand box and quit playing around with the American people.
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