Chile was hit by an 8.8 earthquake - the largest ever recorded in the history of recording. Death toll at 700 & rising.
The U.S. Olympic team aced the Winter Olympics with 37 medals - 9 gold.
Yesterday, my eldest brother turned 50!
... & so it goes ... the world continues to turn ...
Tell your Brother I said congratulations.
I've always considered 50 to be a mile marker.
The end is near.
Is your soul in good standing?
What works of charity have you done?
I don't read the communicator.
That's your charity?
Has AW ever cleared that site yet?
Im afraid to open it.
I don't know either.
Who the hell is AW?
The HUR-HEARLD had a good article on "hot-toddy" yesterday. cleared up some items. ACCORDING TO THE HUR-HEARLD, KELLI LAWSON was found in CHRISTOPHER TODD SMITHs,'hot toddy", apartment in GRANTSVILLE, The FLANAGANs daughter, KELLY BROWN, found their bodies. much info available if you dig.
AW = Andy Waddell, of Communicator fame. It appears the website ( is clean. Finally.
Just a note to the Welch that used facebook to blast AW - we, the taxpayers, are paying for those kids that get free lunch. The information is public. It doesn't list names, it doesn't list income levels of their families. Life's a b*tch & then you die. Deal with it.
Is there any difference between free lunch and free publicity?
Well they should post a list of the dope heads and drunks on Welfare. Also put up a list of stores trading WIC coupons, Milk and other edibles that these leeches trade for beer and drugs. And most of all if they are on any type public assistance they need to be tested and if it shows drugs or beer in their system take them straight to CRJ as being on Welfare they should not be able to afford either one.
Contact your legislative representatives and tell them to get the bill passed to stop it NOW.
They should put all the dopers and drunks in compulsory rehabilitation thereby nipping all the side effects caused by their activity in the bud. We wouldn't even need a police department then. Look at all the misery that would be prevented if that was the law. Pie in the sky, I know. It's too simple.
Anon Mon Mar 01, 11:27:00 AM
What bill number is that?
They haven't got the support to get a bill but some of the represenatives are trying to get support. Contact Margaret Staggers and David Walker in the house. Randy White and the rest won't step up to the plate .
Its time to let them know we are not taking it anymore.
In 1791 the government of France passed legislation to phase out slavery in its Caribbean colonies and grant the former Negro slaves citizenship. Rather than becoming citizens, Haiti’s Negro population mass murdered all whites and Mulattoes who could not flee the Island in time.
In 1804 only full blooded Negros remained, and Haiti became the first Negro ruled nation in the world. The Haitian revolution dominated America’s debate over slavery. While both the north and the south agreed that slavery should be ended, southerners and a large percentage of northerners universally opposed having a large population of freed slaves living in their midst. The Haitian “Revolution” was fresh in every one’s mind .*
Flash forward to 1915. The “Jewel of the Caribbean” is now a desolate cesspool that is exporting almost no sugar . The United States decides to “take up the white man’s burden” and send the US Marine Corps to rebuild Haiti’s infrastructure and feed it's starving population .
The United States gave huge amounts of money to Haiti, and oversaw the building of 1,000 miles of road, telephone lines, modernized its port, and helped Haiti to start exporting sugar once again. The US also put an end to the thousands of bandits along Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic. The US left in 1934 at the request of the then stabilized and very ungrateful Haitian government .
Haiti immediately sank straight back into total desolation and strife . In 1973 the United States again began playing a huge role in Haiti, giving the Island enormous sums of money in handouts each year
In 1994 the Clinton administration once again sent the US military to Haiti to rebuild the Island’s infrastructure .
In 1995 the Peace Corps went to Haiti in large numbers to train the Haitians in job skills . The US government spent almost one Billion dollars providing food and job training to the Haitians between 1995 and 1999.
So, when Obama says that Haiti has our “ FULL UNWAVERING SUPPORT ” they have already had our full support since 1915 . WASTE of MONEY that could be used here.
Umm, what's that got to do with the topic?
Is that you Mike?
Always stirrin up trouble hunh?
I swear, I'm sick to death of my own blog. Isn't there anybody out there who has something to talk about besides the same ol' crap???
I guess not. LOL
Happy B-Day eldest brother of Ms Rose.
Some people, for some reason refuse to use the brains the good Lord gave em.
well I started to write but it deleted itself, so good morning y'all. bye for now
this is not starting to be a good day. got accidentally deleted twice so BYE for now. HAPPY day y'all.
I think Rose has a bug
Nah, maybe you do.
sounds a litle buggy to me soetimes.
oh how I long for the days
of my little red buggy
running up and down the drive
going chug chug chuggie some's buggy
It's winter in West Virginia ,
And the gentle breezes blow,
70 miles per hour at 2 below!
Oh, how I love West Virginia ,
When the snow's up to your butt;
You take a breath of winter air
And your nose is frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful,
I guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave West Virginia
Cause I'm frozen to the ground!
See, there is intelligent life after all.
And they think we're just mindless cattle.
You dint say nothin bout yer houndog or yer pickup truck or prizin.
That big long post forgot to mention that the USA took control of Haiti in the first part of the last century and gave all their private property to USA corporations. Maybe there is a reason they hate us
YEah -
They hate us.
What should we do???
I know!!
Let's have fundraisers and collect donations and gather up federal taxpayer money that could be spent on American society and infrastructure and ship it all off to them.
Hows that for a stroke of genius?
Ok, if we're going to talk about political stuff NO MATTER WHAT, how about the nationalization of 401K/IRA accounts? Have you heard about this? Social Security is broke, we've got a batrillion dollar deficit & the plan is mandate that everybody has to contribute to a "national" 401K, let the government control your money, then dole it out as they see fit. Yep, a new & improved SS program. How 'bout that?
Temperatures in the 60s this weekend!!
As long as the senate keeps dippin into SS it will always be broke.
Every statement I got in the last ten years has said they ain't garranteein I get anything from them.
It used to be a fund.
It got changed to a tax during the Raygun/Bush years.
Sorry Rose what yer sayin ain't nuthin new.
Don't count on gettin anything out of it unless you got back problems.
I paid a Social Security Tax all my life and I am a little older then the Reagan Bush years.
What broke social security? Millions of aliens coming to the USA. They are eligible for hospital care, welfare, food stamps,WIC and all the other stuff a working class American can't draw. How long has this been going on. Ever since Congress decided we needed help in spending whatever money they could steal from us and give to people that has never worked a day in their lives and paid into anything.
Seems to me history books say as early as 1960 when all programs for people to work became inhumane.
Mon Mar 01, 07:48:00 AM
I got up and started working. Must have been very charitable because a lot of people have never done that.
You ain't nuthin but a hound dog,
yer crying all the time.
You ain't nuthin but a hound dog,
yer crying all the time.
You ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine.
hey folks, haint these computers wunnerful. done located that there lost KY. treasure. that is I'm reasonably sure of the location where it was hidden. no guarantee it's still there. very interesting story. havn't really discovered the cause of it being hidden though. seems connected to the "Trail of tears" and so with 'CHEROKEE ROSE" toodle ooo, how.
Reckon Tommy Sr's 14 year old daughter will give birth while he's in prison?
I hope hes in there long enuf for her to do it several times.
As she will.
I wonder if the mother [Barbara Hicks] of the, Beach, boy missing at Spencer since 2006 was/is related to Mary Hicks of the double murder in Calhoun, 2003?
current news story in the Hur-Hearld.
Did you see the other people that are involved with the Youngs?
DH and JM both dealing in stolen goods and no charges brought against them.
Makes me go Hmmmmmmm.
Guess it helps if you're connected.
Its ok to deal in stolen items if you own a business in Clayberry, especially if you are doing work on county vehicles. You can even set it up to be stolen or delivered to your place pf business. Funny how nobody ever saw anything being delivered, or exchange of money. Sounds mighty strange to buy a pig in a poke and not know who you bought it from, where it came from or who brought it to you. Watch em walk off scott free again. Besides if they went to jail what would our law enforcement have to do besides drink coffee and eat do-nuts or get pink undies. I bet MS wears them under all that starch and hair spray.
Yep, and MB too.
Freakin troll.
How come Tommy Jr is in jail during the trial but Sr isn't? Is it just because Sr's connections are better?
Man Injured After Hot Water Tank Explodes
Reported by: Wes Armstead
Web Producer: Elisabeth Shaffer
Reported: Mar. 4, 2010 9:51 AM EST
Updated: Mar. 4, 2010 9:58 AM EST
Eyewitness News is on the scene of an explosion at a car wash in Clay County.
Emergency crews report that one person has been transported to the hospital after a hot water tank exploded.
The incident happened in the town of Bickmore just after 9 Thursday morning.
The man was hit by parts of the hot water tank. He was Healthnetted to CAMC, his condition is not known at this time.
So what happened? They said on the news that the owner was in Gassaway, talking to the chief of police there about a theft at another one of his car washes. Looks like he'd put in a security system of some sort.
Good morning Rose, etal
wonder who the owner is. Owners are scarce, thieves aren't. maybe if would be owners weren't run out of the county by the clique there wouldn't be so many thieves.
AW seems so proud that the BDA has a new eatery. One opened up, the kitchen and hotel shut down. downtown Clay is slowly dieing. No independent people are allowed to operate.
Goaties get out, you've run CLAYBERRY INTO THE GROUND. PARASITES you suck up every independent penny, but refuse to invest your own.
Read all about it on the AW site its word for word what WSAZ TV3 had posted all day yesterday. Now we can't even see the cons in orange. Now does that suck or what, no handcuffs or shackles allowed either.
How will the jurors be able to tell the judges, Lawyers and the convicts apart now that they will all look the same?
Guess you could just shake them out of a box and grab one up and call them a judge.
Hey Rose, how much injun are you? gots pretty good clues to where that money is hidden. bout 500 mi. from where people thinks it is. old spainish mine, right out in open. likely hidden by injun chief by marriage. very very rich. very interesting. could be an ancestor of yours. did you know 400 cherokee, at the time of the "trail of tears", had been granted US citizenship. If i'm right, to get at the money legally, would probably need to be injun. hi yo silver, where's Tonto? HAPPY HAPPY days
rumor says meals on wheeels auto [red mimi van, state license plate] was stolen last night. gassed up at Lizemore EXXON.
Seems Life in Clay co. is also dying. The dead have taken over and yet we have 30,000 dollars per year for another gov. worker. what to do. what to do. investya in pasta and eat spaghetti.
WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!! The sun is shining!! The birds are singing!! The snow's melting! But most important - THE SUN IS SHINING!!
Thew blog is not dead it's the participants.
(accompanied by the sound of crawling from the grave)
you just proved my point. what a stupid comment.
Mine too.
No sense of humor.
humor is for the birds. heard a buzzard chucklig tother day as it p'ssed over Clay. buzz buzz watch out for the fozz.
Another stupid comment.
yours or mine?
Sounds like laughter never touches your lips unless it is coupled with sarcasm.
What a shame.
Talk about dead.
bout the only fun I have is torturing suckers like you who think they're smarter than everyone else. or goaties who think thet're better than everyone else. nearly always the same people or same person.
Hey anonymous you need a partner to drive and pick up the treasure? make sure your insurance is paid up.
I love to see a fight and have no part in it.
hey partner, yep I need a driver, a winnebago too, a two decker if you are of the male gender. don't need insurance I'll take my pet sackwatch along. we'll go to the land between the waters and look to the setting sun. trying to determine our karma and the yin and the yang of it all. maybe visit those little dark nubians while we're at it. Zeus look out here we come. HI YO Silver awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
The deal is off. I never changed my luck and I don't wanna start now.
you black?
No but Nubians are.
ha ha ha I LAUGHED. BY GEORGE you are funny.
Oh yeah, the pain.
The agony.
I don't think you realize just how irrelevant you are.
Sun Mar 07, 01:53:00 PM
Oh, and yes, I am smarter than you, dumbass.
And I can kick your ass too.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
you must be a Dick Tracy fan or a seargeant Friday. JUST THE FACTS MM'AM just the facts. I've been told the same blustering statements before. I'm still here, many others are gone. sleep well?
Did you say lick or kick?
I can't for the life of me understand how Amanda HOLCOMB Moore got the $30,000 a year job, when there was MORE qualified people who applied.
Its the same ole crap in Clayberry over and over. Its simple, its not who you know or who yo b__w its all in the how you do it that counts.
Take for instance a county commissioner gets un-elected from office, political Favors machine steps in, creates a job in the county clerks office thus one ex commissioner has 8 years experience, then runs for County Clerk just as soon as the now greasy haired clerk leaves office.
Like the rest of the USA it is time to rid this county of the machine so all applicants can be considered for the job after all the coury house jobs are PUBLIC OFFICE jobs. Vote them out, get you friends lined up when the voting starts.
I was told Amanda and Connie Lepardus were great friends. Can't understand why Mike Boggs and Fran fell for it.
Some people bitch about anything and everything.
Getting that job is like being handed the helm of the Hesperus.
I dont think anyone could be successful at developing biz around here.
Im glad to see some new faces in these positions.
Did you have your name in the hat for it?
Best of luck to Amanda.
MB's a troll.
And thats barly nothing to brag about.
First, Amanda is nothing like her Mother. She’s a well educated hardworking mother of two daughters.
As for the salary, I would almost believe that that’s a pay cut from her last job, however it does put her in the county so that she can occasionally participate in school activities for her girls.
I guess you’re miffed because Amanda has three more degrees that you? …four possibly, if you count the kindergarten graduation.
As for business development in this county, I thinks it would be an uphill battle for Donald Trump but I wish her well in her new job just the same.
Anybody heard a verdict on the Murder Mtn trial yet? narrow-minded are some of you????? Amanda Moore is MORE than qualified to be the Director of Economic Development. It's about time this county seeks out bright, talented, and well-educated individuals in an attempt to better this place. Hasn't enough damage been done in this place by continuously placing people in jobs because of 'connections' without evidence of ability? I wish her the very best of luck...she's going to need it with the likes of some of the folks in this county. The good news for us is that she doesn't play the games that some of the other "good ole boys" in this county. CONGRATULATIONS, AMANDA! I know your educational and professional background. You've got what it takes to be instrumental in turning this place around! Go get 'em, girl!
Wad-Berry says guilty times six.
Plus three.
Thats how the job came about to start with . She had to be in the "good ole Boys" club to get the job. You don't work in Clayberry if you are not part of the Butt Kissing Crew.
Still a great big hmmmm as to how Amanda got the job over others.
Well butt kissing isn't anything new to the Holcomb's!
Okay, so let me get this straight - we gripe when people sit around on their fat lazy butts & suck the system dry, we gripe when people get jobs we ourselves don't bother to apply for or aren't qualified to do, we gripe when there aren't any jobs to be had, we gripe when jobs are lost ...
Good grief, people. There's more to life than gripe, gripe, gripe. Isn't there??
Whaddaya reckon guilty times six plus three means? Is this more of the new math I can't do?
Well, Ms Rose.
Just ain't no pleasin some people.
Know what I mean?
LOL I reckon I do.
Personally, I'm pretty easy to please - the sun's gonna shine today & there's chicken thawing in the fridge for supper. Good enough for me! (For the moment, anyway - I'll be griping right along with everybody else before too long ... LOL)
Just another strike against the Fransters Reign of Terror
Our elected idiots have passed a bill so that turnpike hulligans can place a toll on other roads around the state. Look out I-77 and I-79 travelers our days of traveling to Charleston, Parkersburg and Morgantown are numbered. We in Clayberry can still vote out, Perry, Staggers, Walker, and gorgeous Randy White this election year. Its what they deserve along with the rest of Mansions flunky's.
I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare.
At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare."
So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't
speak English and has no clue who his Daddy is.
So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify.
My dog gets his first check Friday.
Is this a great country or what?
On the topic of Amanda Moore, someone doesn't know her very well because her maiden name is Keener, NOT HOLCOMB!! Stop looking for reasons to be a hinderance and start becoming part of the solution.
Anybody know where I can get a black dog?
This is all Nobama's fault.
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