The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Sunday, February 24, 2008




ROSE said...

Ain't he cute??!


Yeah, I know it's a few days early, but we all know how long it takes things to get down yonder ... LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's some snow you're getting!

ROSE said...

Over 4 inches of snow on the ground already & it's still coming down.

It's 84 degrees today in the Cayman Islands.

Ya reckon there's still time to get there in time for the party??

Anonymous said...

If we could get to an airport with no delays, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Well just think if I were born on the 29th of Feb I would be 15 soon.

Its amazing how the Ambulance at the Lizemore fire dept. has caused so much static in the big town of Clayberry as it was held up because it didn't have enough usage to rectify it. Well guess what????? everyday all day and all night you hear them in route somewhere in the county. I think the CCC should do a makeover on the Clay Ambulance Service as it seems that unit 18 is usually hiding somewhere just out of reach. Like this morning when Lizemore was dispatched to Elk River Road as noone else answered the call. Bad roads and many treacherous curves Lizemore 45 headed down that way. After getting almost to Procious unit 18 was on scene at the residence at Elk River Road. Now it just seems to me that this is a little bit ridiculous as it continues to happen day after day. With unit 45 Lizemore going all over the county wasting fuel just because Clay Ambulance Service wants to waylay them for some reason.

Congradulations on being on the ball should go to Lizemore Fire Dept. and Cookie Johnson and Earl Elliot for the fine job they are doing particularly this week. Listen to your scanners people and see how well they are doing and what services they are providing this county after all they weren't needed. And we sure aren't in the Caymans around here today with 5 inches on the ground and still pouring down.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you got him. Good, very good. Ain't he sweet? I think his exact words were "well, I'll be damned".

ROSE said...

LOL I gotta million of 'em!! He better be nice to me or I'll post all the ones I skipped ... ya reckon you'd still recognize that little ol' behind??? BAHAHAHAHA LOL

ROSE said...

Not that this has anything to do with anybody we're currently discussing here (teeheehee), but here's an opportunity to make a little extra $$ ...

(excerpt from the HurHerald website):

"If you have a weird-shaped head, buggy eyes, or other physical deformities, you might get a part in a new movie that takes place in a West Virginia "holler."

Governor Joe Manchin is taking offense to an upcoming film that uses negative stereotypes of West Virginians.

The $25 million horror thriller "Shelter" is recruiting extras with unusual physical features for a scene that takes place in West Virginia. The scene will be shot in the Pittsburgh area."

Anonymous said...

Now, that's just wrong!

ROSE said...

Here's a funny little twist - the woman who put out that casting call wasn't authorized to do so & has been fired.


Anonymous said...

Wabell shoulda run for sheriff, he woulda made a better Boss Hog,forgot, we already got one.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthdya old man!

ROSE said...

One more day of this hellacious February & we're done with it! WOOOO HOOOOOO!!

I'm glad we got that "huge" snow, though. My children are always complaining because they don't get the kind of snow we got when I was a kid. Global warning, ya know. Yeah, yeah, whatever.

It's not like kids today would appreciate a "real snow" anyway, what with their video games & computers & 8,000 channels on the TV. I wonder how many of today's kids have actually been sleigh-riding on an old refrigerator door ... car hood ... trash bag ... Ah, the Good Ol' Days ...

Anonymous said...

Our favorite mode of snow sport trans. was a 54 chevy. hood.

ROSE said...

I don't even know what kind of door that was we used, but man, that thing would FLY! LOL

What was even more fun (in my not-so-bright-8-year-old-mind) was when my brothers would get the hillside all slicked down & frozen solid & then let me ride down on their backs.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ... !!!! ..... SMACK! right into the fence. LOL

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Hillary would look like at 3:00am in the morn. and with no makeup, heck thats an act of war in its self.

Anonymous said...

The House passed a bill allowing police to issue citations instead of arrest warrants for most misdemeanors. Supporters said it was part of the effort to keep down jail populations.

Just how many more ways are there to get the criminals turned back out on the street? Fill the jails up, Pass the Death Sentence with no stay after 30 days. Cut the hands off the thieves or pass a bill if you catch them on your land uninvited you have the right to leave them laying and the undertaker to pick up.

Anonymous said...

In a move to assure the Department of Natural Resources will continue to draw down federal dollars, the Senate passed a bill whereas seniors turning 65 years of age after January 1st 2009 would pay a one-time fee of $15 for a life-time hunting license. By passing the bill, the state would get $5.25 for 10 years for every additional hunting license. The money would go to replenish new hunting areas and stocks of streams among other things. Those presently 65 or older would not be effected.

Hunters and Non Hunters should call the governors office and tell him to "JUST SAY NO" to this bill as people have earned the right to be free of this burden after living to old age.
Tell your neighbors also to call.

1-800-558-2000 Governors Office

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose I been thru a fence or two myself and it sure was alot of fun "kinda dumb" to have someone pull you behind a car on a car hood. Boats make good ones also to pull. Get more people in them.

ROSE said...

I ain't sayin' nuthin', but strapping roller skates on your feet & grabbing on to the bumper of a car on a winding, twisting road makes some great memories, too! LOL

Anon @ 7:43, what office are you running for? I'd like to vote for you. Twice.

I think we should all take the advice of Anon @ 7:46. Let the younger people pick up the tab. Especially those who pay for 1 deer tag then kill 7.

Um, Fred? Thanks a lot. Hillary at 3 a.m. - with or without makeup - ..... I can't even go there. LOL

Anonymous said...

How about some summer fun? Remember swinging from grapevines and landing on piles of brush? I am totally surprised that none of us were impaled with a branch or got our eyes poked out. Oh yeah, in winter, we'd sled down the hill and try to jump the creek...loads of fun.

Anonymous said...


Senator Jay Rockefeller, WVa., has endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect an Idiot from New York to do? And people in Wv were dumb enough to vote that sucker in for governor then for the Senate. Just because he endorsed him don't mean West Virginians have to vote for that Muslim Half Stroke Wigger. A national Obama day?

Anonymous said...

We already did when we voted for the 1/2 stroke from New York State.

Anonymous said...

The House passed a bill that would limit future school bus routes that would exceed half-hour one-way for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. The bill recommends 45 minutes trips for junior high and one-hour for high schools. The bill would only apply to future routes prompted by new or consolidated schools.

Call your legislature and thank them for this since 99.6% of consoladation has already been finished. What a waste of time and money to even think about such crap. No time was wasted on increasing their salary by $5000.00 a year and increasing their per diem by $15.00 bringing it to $131.00 per day. Let a coal miner go on stike and see how fast they have the Wv State Police out on the jobsite to put a stop to them striking to get their pay up to that amount. GOVERNMENT SUX

ROSE said...


Let's start a new thread & talk about ... fishin'.