The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


If you see this man today, wish him a happy birthday.


ROSE said...

Good morning, little rays of sunshine!

Will whoever did the snow-god dance please dance a little jig to at least make it worthy of a snowball battle?

Anonymous said...

Ole G lip sy woke up by a quarter til seven long enough to call off school. Amazing absolutely Amazing how this blog effects how things are in Clayberry, especially after catching all the H*** for sleeping in.

Angels surely are dusting their wings around here today and a snowball battle will be underway I would say. A little sleigh riding or a little car sliding will surely be the days delight.

Don't forget Ms Rose drive it like you stole it as according to car manufacturers that is what you have done.

$475,000.00 for a set of plates to eat out of. How many Clayonians would that pay for a years salary?

Anonymous said...

No mention of delay/closing on AWs site, but its on the school site. AWs slackin

Anonymous said...

morning everyone
got a little snow here. reckon this'll slow them pine borers down. maybe give us time to disect the timber news. sleep tight now.

Anonymous said...

after digesting this mornings news I wonder where we are.
CAEZ is still operating, I think
C Luparduis has resigned as treasurer of the railroad.
recently found out that Ms Lupardus was/is chairman of the CCHA. wonder what that means.
and signed a contract forced on them by the FEDERAL GOV. wonder where the accounting books are. betcha somebody done bailed that money and put it in their bank account.

don't guess JL got that, with the 2.6 mil to IRS AND THE 50,000 Ivydale loot, wouldn't think he would need more.

oh well, a cancer fund called this morn. wanted a small donation. told her I ONLY HAD ABOUT .15 left after paying my medical bills. she said would i send that to her.

Anonymous said...

forgot, meant to tell you, had a fine breakfast this morn. sausage and scrambled eggs smothered in a can of condensed celery soup as gravy, all on tob of a shredded english muffin with coffee. yum yum

Anonymous said...

That orta fill up the ice cream bucket, baby cakes

Anonymous said...

looks like that trooper X is back posing as an imp of the devil. oh well makes life interesting.

Anonymous said...

Heard you was a Man's Man,just wanta meet you and be your little Angel!LS

Anonymous said...

And the count downs on for Black Tuesday

Anonymous said...

I look like him

Anonymous said...

I've haven't seen him, but I've heard he drives a taxi up and down Seven Mile Beach and West Bay road. Just one more reason to come and visit.

ROSE said...

It's negative nothing degrees & there's 14 feet of snow on top of 3 feet of ice - all covering a month's worth of mud. I don't think anybody needs a *reason* to come visit. LOL

On the upside ... 12 people were sent to the hospital after a massive pileup on 270 in Rockville, MD this morning (that's not the upside). Fifteen years ago, I mighta been part of that pileup. A frigid day in WV beats a pileup in Maryland any day! (No offense to you Maryland dwellers ... teeheehee)

Anonymous said...

see where two porn executives are seeking 5 billion in bail out money. guess our ex Prez Clinton forgot and zipped his pants up.

ROSE said...

& 911 workers say that if teachers don't have to be drug tested, neither do they. Aren't we all looking forward to the meth heads teaching our children & saving our lives?!

What a world we live in.

Anonymous said...

As long as West Virginia has a total braindead idiot at the helm I suppose anything is possible. Eight hundred thousand + dollars to be spent on inauguration for smoking Joe and he thinks its ok.

Raise the toll fee for a turnpike that was supposed to be lifted once it was paid for. Another five cents per gallon tax on gas will put more in the state coffers and we get stuck with full ditches, water running over the roads, shoulders so deep a 4 wheel drive drags if you go off the road and we can't get gravel to fix that. We can have a state party costing a million bucks but can't get the roads fixed to get there.

Ms Rose get used to the meth heads being around your kids because they are in the schools, driving buses, cooking lunches and sweeping the floors, wearing police uniforms and sitting in robes in the judges chambers but they are not to be drug tested or accountable to anyone ESPECIALLY the taxpayer who funds all their jobs.

Anonymous said...

we might go back to the old method of leaving a batch of hickory withes leaning against the suspected ones door at night. if they don't take the hint, apply the medicine.

Anonymous said...

If I remember right, trooper X said it was illigal to do anything illegal whether at home or otherwise. Now Randy, the sheriff, according to AW, did something illegal when he passed out this public money. So where is trooper X, why doesn't he arerest the sheriff?

Also, the employees, took the illegal money knowing there was doubt as to its legality, why are they not under arrest or bond. Now obviously, the prosecutor knew of this impending crime, and did nothing, doesn't this make him a conspirator to commit this crime. TROOPER X, TROOPER X where are you.

Anonymous said...

Clayberrys new cash crop.......

METH make your own or get it from the teachers or bus drivers.. Nice clean meth produced from the science lab.

Anonymous said...

I get drug tested back in the world teachers should to why not what are they hiding love ya rose

Anonymous said...

After reading AW's site this morning I wonder why the ACLU isn't filing a law suit against the Sheriff's office on AW's behalf.It only cost a few thousand dollars to "git er done".

Did you get your letter from the Wv Sheriffs Association yet? Maybe we can have the donations made out to the Sheriffs Lawsuit as it is obviously illegal for the Christmas Bonuses paid out of any government office.

There is some type of Grant out there that will cover the expense of filing the lawsuit. Fran can write the grant out and have it back in just a few days and by the time the case gets on the docket. Nothing like an official that is sworn in to uphold ALL LAWS then break every one that is on the books. So goes the life in Clayberry.

My Good Buddy

ROSE said...

Love you too, Boo!

Nothing will happen to Sheriff Poopy because nobody has the cojones to make it happen. Everybody's in somebody else's pocket. If one person attempts to make waves, another person loses their job or their kid gets arrested or ... in this case, unfairly targeted by the law. You know how it goes.

If the County Commission was supposed to authorize the bonuses & they refused, doesn't that translate into the Commission having some authority in the matter? That being the case, doesn't that translate into it being the Commission's responsibility to rectify the situation? I'm sure it's just a matter of time before Prez Link steps up the plate & does the right thing ...

Doesn't everyone have a warm, fuzzy feeling now?

Anonymous said...

Rose cantrell for the CCC

Anonymous said...

Prez Link has already had his finger in the pie. You think there's no one who helped him. someone would cop a plea for immunity should he get outta line. the hatchet man is still around. Bet them twenty penny nails are being squeezed hard right now. But nothing will happen. It will be allowed to fade away. trooper X will be suppressed and there will be no arrest.

Anonymous said...

Only thing Link will step up to is Frannie. Maybe someone can question this procedure with the Attorney Generals office. Ask for Mr.Googal when you call. He loves cracking hard nuts like we have in Clayberry. If enough people call I am sure they will investigate the situation at hand. Might even get the state to take over the CCC and its business because they are allowing it to go along.... 1-800-558-6000 is the number to call. Governors office is 1-800-558-2000 just in case you want to ask them about illegal tactics in Clayberry........

My Good Buddy

Anonymous said...

President Frannie did stand up to the sheriff and refused to sign the bonus checks before Christmas. See what it got her January 1st President changed to Linkster who does exactly what Poopy says. Frannie had the balls I heard she even called the state ethics commission and got advice in writing and gave it to Sheriff God but he said Braxton done it and he was going to do it to.

Anonymous said...

President Frannie did stand up to the sheriff and refused to sign the bonus checks before Christmas. See what it got her January 1st President changed to Linkster who does exactly what Poopy says. Frannie had the balls I heard she even called the state ethics commission and got advice in writing and gave it to Sheriff God but he said Braxton done it and he was going to do it to.

Anonymous said...

oh well, just had some sliced, steamed, and fried turnips add a little butter and brown sugar. delicious. would have been better with;
a hunk of old fashioned corn pone
some tootin' beans
a tad of mashed taters--no bugs
and a veggie-bout any kind
yum yum

Anonymous said...

forgot the meat in that meal
add 1//2 doz pieces steamed stew beef.

Anonymous said...

LS, Sounds like you eat real well....Do you get some of those food stamp that they hand out so freely in the County to the non working individuals??? I sure widh I could eat that well!!! My cabinets are sure getting empty.

Anonymous said...

do you object to me eating as good as people do who are on welfare??
As I have said before I am a veteran of two wars and helped supply the troops in Viet Nam via merchant marine, I THINK i SHOULD BE able to eat as well as people on welfare, although i'm not in the class of a gov. worker.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Didn't mean to affend.

Anonymous said...

Long as everyone gripes about our fair sheriff and noone calls the numbers given it will continue going just the way the elected officials like it to go.

Anonymous said...

LS - State Troopers outrank county sheriffs. If and when arrests are warranted, arrests will be made. There will be no suppression. If you have proof that the State Troopers assigned to Clay County are not doing their jobs, call their HQ. Our jurisdiction covers all of West Virginia.

Anonymous said...

Good to se AW has updated his site and that he's not exploring an abandoned coal mine.

Anonymous said...

speaking of coal mines, wonder how long Fola mined underground before severance taxes were started to the county, wonder if state and county officials collected taxes for some time and didn't report it to the county. anyone know how long Fola has been minimng underground?

Anonymous said...

wonder if the TWO Boardmans now in SCRJ are related to the local Murphy/Boardman people?

Anonymous said...

Stupid Clay County has got coal severance taxes for years and years. Before you open your mouth go to the courthouse and see the records it is public knowledge. I challenge 5 individuals reading this site to call and report Sheriff Holcomb to the State Ethics commission on Monday. I bet none of you whinners have the balls to do it. If you do sign on and report your findings.
Put your money where your mouth is.

Anonymous said...

Stupid, I know that clay co. has been getting severance taxes for years. I asked specifically if they had gotten them from the undewrground mining that Fola has been doing for some time. My home was jumping from the underground explosions. I enquired at the courthouse, no one knew anytthing about underground mining going on. i believe it was in the local news recently that 57 people were employed in the underground operation.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy thanks for the tip on where to catch the biggest catfish.

ROSE said...

Happy snowy, frigid Monday morning!

I missed out on the whole conversation yesterday - but I don't know anything about Fola or taxes, anyway.

According to the ... some highly respected medical association ... there's a new epidemic in America. It's called Wii-itis & it's caused by playing too many video games. It's afflicting adults & children alike.

Remember when kids got their bumps & bruises & ouchies from falling out of trees & wrecking their bikes?

What amazes me about this is that Wii's cost ... what? $300? The games are another $50 or so a pop. We're in a recession, everybody's broke ... yet the video game market thrives.

I've got kids who will be choosing career paths soon. Forget doctor, lawyer, astro physicist. Looks like game tester might be the way to go.

Anonymous said...

I wish there were more depth to AW's newspaper than stories on lost and found dogs.

Anonymous said...

Depth? You fish on the bottom right next to the log factory outfall. That's where the biggest ones are.

ROSE said...

According to Joan Parker at the WV Ethics Commission, the preferred term for "Christmas bonus" is "Year End Salary Supplement" & here's what she said:

1) Regarding the payment of the "bonuses" from the concealed weapons fund - the rest of 61-7-4 (C)(quoted by AW)reads, "as the Sheriff may consider appropriate." That leaves the disbursement of those funds wide open.

2) Year End Salary Supplements are perfectly acceptable provided a) they are given in an "even-handed way" (for instance, you can't just give a bonus to your relatives in the courthouse, you have to have some logical justification for who gets what); b) they cannot be given to anyone whose salary is set by State statute (i.e., the Sheriff can't give himself one).

I'll let you know what the Attorney General's office says when they return my call.

Never let it be said that there's nobody in Clay County willing to pick up the phone & ask a few questions. Some of us don't consider our brass cojones to be a liability. In fact, sometimes, when we fling them over our shoulders, they help improve our posture & make us stand up straight & tall. More of you should try it.

Anonymous said...

just found asmall bird, apparently killed by car, in front of my door. appears to be female American Redstart.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I tried that Rose-
One went over one shoulder and the other went over the other,
and I slapped myself in the face.

Anonymous said...

no snow here lovely weather moving again this one has a pool woohee

ROSE said...

LOL Anon, it's a talent you have to practice to perfect.

Here's a sad little note - Jon Hager died on Friday. Remember him? Boy, I do! He was half of The Hager Twins on Hee Haw. His twin brother, Jim, died last May. He was only 67.

Boo, I'd be so jealous, but ... moving? YUCK!! But it's supposed to be single digit cold here in the next few days. I'd load up a few boxes for pool weather about now.

Anonymous said...

Frannie said;;;;;;;;;;;;

Stupid Clay County has got coal severance taxes for years and years. Before you open your mouth go to the courthouse and see the records it is public knowledge. I challenge 5 individuals reading this site to call and report Sheriff Holcomb to the State Ethics commission on Monday. I bet none of you whinners have the balls to do it. If you do sign on and report your findings.
Put your money where your mouth is.

ROSE said...

I believe I've already accepted that challenge.

The word we use here is cojones. "Balls" is so crass. Shows your low class roots.

FYI - all calls made to the Ethics Commission are confidential. I have already spoken with them & (allow me to repeat myself), Joan Parker assures me that Sheriff Holcomb has done nothing illegal.

Give her a call. She'll tell you the same thing. Your call, too, will be kept confidential.

Put your money where YOUR mouth is, Anon. I don't see your name anywhere, nor do I see you reporting what the Ethics Commission told YOU.

ROSE said...

Nor do I see Frannie's, if indeed, she's the one who posted.

Grow a pair of your own. They're not all that uncomfortable. Usually.

Anonymous said...

They are when they're over your shoulders.

Anonymous said...

I wonder, is there a different law that applies to the sheriff actions, that is a law applying to the concealed weapons funds only, or does the same law apply to the instances quoted by AW?

Anonymous said...

First the facts as I understand them granted only have a Clay high schooling but here goes. The term year end for goverment is june 30 not December. Who pays the taxes who gives w2 or 1099 . Now work is after reading Andy site (I was under the impression nobody reads that thing or site) LOL that he going to give another bonus in June around 1500 bucks each.

Anonymous said...

sorry anout the speeling it word not work. Told you only had a Clay education

Anonymous said...

The Commission has no say over the pistol or cnceled fund he has the checking account he signs the checks the commission dosen't see what he spends it for. No the commission did not refuse to do it for Randy he never asked in a meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

End of December had over 1 million in coal money in county coffers and over 1 million in 911. i know The commission is trying to get the 911 center back in clay with that much money it can be run a few years then what????? Taxes and 911 fees doing way uppppppppppppp. You heard it here first folks.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I wonder what fund this million dollar coal fund is in. IMO Jerrys info is as bad as his phony spelling.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the hatchet man trying to use slinkys name.

ROSE said...

Uh, Anon, I don't believe you have the authority to say who can and can't be on this blog. I, however, have the authority to delete you comment, since it violates the language rules here. I suggest that if you don't want people adding somebody else's name to your comments, you consider adding your own.

ROSE said...

Hey! Who killed the conversation? Oh, wait. That was me. teeheehee

Looks frigid & icy out this morning. Tomorrow's supposed to be worse. Snow plow passed my house last night & there it goes again. Looks like they're right on the ball this time! Reckon they'd be so diligent if it wasn't semester test time?

Anonymous said...

Buckle up parents them little snot lickers will be around underfoot the rest of the week. They may be underfoot the beginning of next week also. If you have hair to pull out get it ready or have it cut off...........Cold Cold and more Cold with 3 to 7 inches of snow for Kanawaha county east... That much for Charleston Clay will get FEETS of Snow

My Good Buddy

Anonymous said...

You must be watching Channel 8.

They go Chicken Little every time a cloud appears on the horizon.

I hope you're right though.

I get antsy waiting for Old Man Winter to cut loose.

Anonymous said...

No I don't watch channel 8 but they are all talking about extra cold temps and Clayberry schools haven't attended school when it was cold since the late 70's. Its a wonder they even had school today. Oh well give them another video game of some kind or a Wii so they can become a generation of helpless people. Its a shame noone teaches them how to work anymore and I just wonder what the next generation will be like.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose got a nice email the other day for a website with a 1957 Jukebox. Had several old Elvis tunes and many other artist from that day and time.Just like then you click the song you want to hear and out it pops. Elvis's first song on it was All Shook Up.

You will need it tomorrow morning if you go to work or out on the roads. Big ole snowflakes slowly drifting down out there now. Just the right temperature to get a good one to.

ROSE said...

Ah, the memories. A juke box in a darkened back room ... beer breath unsuccessfully covered up by Super Bubble bubble gum ...

I wish juke boxes would make a comeback. Juke boxes & all the simple joys that went along with them.

Until your mom found you & told that boy how old you *really* were, that is ... BAHAHAHAHAHA LOL

ROSE said...

Not to change the subject, but ... speaking of my wasted youth ...

Ricardo Montalban died. Remember him? Fantasy Island? I saw him once at a resort in Key Biscayne, FL. I don't think he recognized me at first, but I'm sure he didn't forget me for a long, long time!! teeheehee

If you ever find yourself facing an opportunity to work for an international pharmaceutical company, I highly recommend you go for it. They have the best sales meetings on the planet!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OK get them little snot lickers ready to go over to the schools so they can send them back home because the gas froze off. Aren't you proud of me now?

Drivers reporting roads are so slick you can't stand up on the roads. But its important to show up at school so we can get paid and also not count as a snow day.

Somber Super

ROSE said...

Are there still kids who have to trek out of the holler to wait for the bus? When I was in school, there was 1 bus house for about 15 kids. If you weren't there when the bus showed up, you had to find someplace warm to hang out the rest of the day 'cause if you went home, you'd get a whoopin' for missin' the bus.

No more bus houses, no more whoopin's. My, how things have changed.

Bundle up! It's negative nuthin' outside today!

Anonymous said...

NO Ms Rose kids today have to be taken to the bus stop and usually papa has to do the driving when it gets a little snow. Just got back from that mile trek just to find the roads were solid sheet of ice when I got to the blacktop. Bus was on time, now if they are not there when the bus comes they look straight ahead and on down the road they go. No waiting for anyone. Bet it don't last an hour or more though.

Anonymous said...

Does it make sense to anyone that they would delay school because of the frigid temps and then NOT call it off? It's not like it warmed up any out there, in fact the temps dropped 2 degrees after daylight. So WHAT are these people thinking? I for one kept kids right here at home. As a matter of fact there were only 2 (two) kids on my kids' bus. Apparently there are some other parents that have some sense too!

Anonymous said...

coal severance fund . All counties that get coal severance money has a seperate fun called this for that money just like 911 fund all counties have seperate from general fund. Well if my info is bad then tell us the gospel mr nobody.

Anonymous said...

I heard one bus just had three kids on it at the end of the run this morning if that would tell you anything. Its only going to get slicker today with the traffic packing the snow down. Any fool knows the salt trucks can run but under 20 degrees it won't help anyway.
Most of the countys in the state are closed today but we are tuff as nails in Clay county.

ROSE said...

Both of mine went today. One of them refuses to miss because there's some sort of end-of-the-year field trip he gets knocked out of if he misses too many days. The other was more concerned with a bunch of bonus points he needs. Neither reason is good enough to justify standing out in negative nothing temperatures waiting for a bus.

180 school in-session school days, no matter what the cost.

There's a reason some positions are elected & some are not.

Anonymous said...

180 days is "mandated by STATE LAW".

Anonymous said...

But does STATE LAW mandate when those 180 days have to happen? June would be better than January.

Anonymous said...

Theres some kind of rule about when the school year begins and ends.
Relates back to when kids were needed to help with the farming.
School year must be done by a certain date in June.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't know about always ending in June because I got out around May 12th through May 17 when I was going to school. Has the law changed since then? I know that I never had Thanksgiving week off nor did I get off from before Christmas until after Jan 2 each year.

And Ms Rose you are so right about some positions being elected offices and some not. Some you have to suck your way into and some the whole family has to suck into when it comes to ClayBerry jobs. Most of the positions in this county are never offered to the public because they have to have the sucks around them so they get by with whatever they want to do. Job after job is filled before the taxpayers know anything about it and usually family oriented Positions filled by family members. But guess what as long as people vote these leaches into office it will remain the same....

My Good Buddy

Anonymous said...

Anybody ever think about the 180 days? That's 6 months. Pretty good deal for an annual salary. Out in June so to take advantage of the trips price.
AW for dog catcher.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the spring break and all the meetings they get off half a day for. But whos counting as long as my check is made out on time.

Anonymous said...

It seems we do have law abiding school officials. They make sure the kids go to school, but don't guarantee any learning. can't think of much too talk about there's Ferrel Friend, an acquaintance, never really did anything of importance but was a very nice fellow.
hope one of the three lifelines contiues working, that is natural gas, electric, and 911.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they go in to office as leaches. As soon as they learn the ropes look out though.

Anonymous said...

What's going on in Clay? Just heard someting about the sheriff's quarter unit (kid). Hard to cover it up when it comes over the scanner for all to here.

Anonymous said...


Two hour delay, 1 hour early out.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant use of education funds.

Anonymous said...

i don't think they go into office as leaches. They have to learn how after they get in.

Anonymous said...

No school for Clay County Schools Friday 1/16/2009

Anonymous said...

Since the same familys have been in these jobs for generations now wouldn't you have to admit they were Born and Bred Leaches?

ROSE said...

Good morning, all you frosty rays of sunshine!

Did anybody catch what happened last night at Valley Fork? Who went to CRJ & why??

Wind chill advisory for Clay today. Feels like -15 ... give or take, but what difference does it make at this point?

Anonymous said...

good morning y'all, nice day. checked to see if any moths on my door. did't find any.

no scanner here. no clue at CRJ. reckon someone will tell what happened unless it was about a relative. Valley Fork i'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

Colder'n a well diggers posterior.
Change the L in leaches to a T.
Even colder'n a witches mammary glands.

Anonymous said...

The new phone number for the Black House
(formerly known as the White House), will be:
foe foe fie - nie nie sebin - foe sebin foe foe

Make sure you teach your kids the number in case they need it while seeing the sites there.

I also heard they were looking for a Bluetick hound for the new pet for the NOBAMA's. They do make good coon dogs.

My Good Buddy

Anonymous said...

Ricky Cummings to the CRJ last night!

Anonymous said...

see where a Misty Dawn Grose, of Clay, was taken to CRJ out of the cold, last night. No mention of her in the recent obit of Don Grose, of Ovapa. Think she has been in CRJ recently.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget sick days and personal days. I missed my calling.

Anonymous said...

In case you don't speak booferbonics here the number in English....
foe foe fie - nie nie sebin - foe sebin foe foe

Anonymous said...

At -5 degrees it surely don't take long to take a dip in the pond today. Are you listening to or watching the news this morning? Obama taking the big scenic train ride and referring him to Lincoln this time around. May be the last ride he takes on anything.

My question is this. Why are they announcing his travel by train trip to the world?

Never knew of them letting the cat out of the bag before, for an incoming Prez. Seems like they want him and Biden both wiped out before they ever take office. That would leave it vacant for Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. Maybe its the Clinton Plan at work.

God help us one and all if these two TRAITORS continue in their rule!!!!!!!!

ROSE said...

Let me start out by saying this - I didn't vote for Obama. I'm not riding the Obama Luv Train, worshipping at the Alter of Obama or convinced he's going to change the world.


After 8 years of George W., it's nice to have a leader who speaks like he's got a lick of sense, who doesn't antagonize everybody he looks at & who might - just MIGHT - do something for this country that makes sense to somebody besides himself.

Incidentally, if Obama abolishes the No Child Left Behind, I *will* jump on the Obama Luv Train. If he replaces it with something that actually educates our children, assures those educated children have secure futures & keeps them off of foreign soil with guns in their hands, I might even consider lighting a candle at the Alter of Obama.

Booferbonics? Those who speak it cling to it. Just like some of us cling to our guns & religion. Barack Obama will never reach either group.

ROSE said...

Wait! When I was typing up my comment, that one above it wasn't there yet!

For 8 years, we've blamed George W. for everything from global warming to causing bunions. In cooperation with the new president, I say we change that. Let's blame ... Hillary from now on!!

How much you wanna bet Hillary's behind the massive publicity campaign to make Obama's every move known to the world before he even makes it?

She ain't gonna settle for being "secretary" when The Boss's job is so within her grasp.

Anonymous said...

over at valley fork (well, it was on the interstate) Ricky Cummings side-swiped one of the Lizemore Fire Dept guys and almost ripped off his door. leaving his wife and kid in the car freezing. so all the state police & local cops went over hauling butt to the rescue of the LFD guy while another witness saw it all and followed the chevy pickup to the wallback post office and got his plate #, went back told the LFD and then it was on! the cops found mr. cummings and apparently he failed a field sobriety test and then he was taken to magistrates office, obviously failed the breathilizer there and then he was carted off to CRJ. and no you know the rest of the story.

your welcome.

Anonymous said...

No he was not a Lizemore Fireman he is Sheriff Holcombs adopted son because all three of his are dopers he adopted this boy who is mike morris son in leatherwood his name is Patrick Morris but the rest of your story was right.

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys and gals are very astute. What are you even doing in Clay?

Anonymous said...

now now it just a rumer that randy son got caught with dope in morgantown and he had to go rescue him. just rumer rumer rumer

Anonymous said...

double m didn't work rummer

Anonymous said...

Doper, doper, interloper.

Anonymous said...

rumor dummy

Anonymous said...

Well what was said on the scanner the guy identified himself as fourty zero something..meaning lizemore fire department. and if he isn't with the fire dept why did he have a radio? I don't know of anyone other than fire/police/ambulance that carries a two-way and they also happen to have call numbers to identify themselves to County. I still say he was a Fire Dept. and yes, Randy did send come get his wife and kid and take them home. While their vehicle was being towed.

As far as the Sheriffs children. How ignorant of anyone to blame the parents for what ADULT children make choices about. You can raise your child(ren) to the best of your ability and when they become adults their choices are their choices. Randy is not exempt just because he is the sheriff. It does make it easier for his chilren if they would get into some sort of trouble though, I would imagine.

Anonymous said...

Whatever became of the Chinese restaurant?
Not enough cats in Clay?

Anonymous said...

Chinese??? I watched 20/20 when they filmed the big chicken neck sale at the Chinese restaurant and also saw where the guy out back was chopping up "Blacksnakes" into four inch pieces and they were serving them as (necks). Must have been delicious to because the crowd was standing in line for a city block to get in.

I have also heard the song about Garfiled in your stew. Don't think they would get any business from me at all. I like to know what I am eating and furr balls don't get it in my book.

Anonymous said...

It must have went the way of the rib joint.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody else smell that?

Anonymous said...

Black Santa went back to the south pole. To open up a rib joint there.

ROSE said...

I have no idea what y'all are talking about, so I'm changing it subject. It's blizzarding out again & lawd, it's COLD!! The snow's pretty, though.

No water up here on the mountain. It's been out since ... oh, I dunno ... early this afternoon. It was back on briefly around 4:30, but didn't last long. I understand they're doing all they can to fix it & it's cold out there & I don't envy them their jobs, but good lord. Once again, we're paying more for what we aren't getting. I'm guessing it's about time for another rate increase.

Incidentally, when you call CRPSD to report your water outage & you get the answering machine, you're invited to call the "general manager" at 927 ... something. I bet his wife appreciates that ... assuming he has one, of course

Anonymous said...

So are you Dear but I hope not as cold.

Anonymous said...

I for one don't have to put up with the excuses about why the water doesn't run. I still have my well water and glad that I do. Not having to worry about it freezing off or getting cut off. I don't have to wonder if they got the pee and poo sifted out either. Some may say well water is full of arsenic and whatever but I would rather have the arsenic then the Aids plan water.

Still wondering if we are going to have another civil war soon or not. As they say history repeats itself and thats one that hasn't been fulfilled or repeated.

By the way no Easter egg hunt at the blackhouse (former white house) this year. There will be a lawn full of water melons tho with the special prize of one filled with Coke (cocain) tho. Its the American Dream and the NEW CHANGE everyone has been talking about. Today is National Spook day so have a goodern....