The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, February 01, 2010


We survived the Storm of the Century in December, the frigid cold of January & oh, happy day, I don't care what some stupid groundhog has to say, Spring's coming next month!!


Anonymous said...

well the year got started. frigid but we live, sometimes poorly but there's always hope. just the niggers are always griping and fighting, the whites are in recession, the muslims got a holy war they're trying to get the whites to give them more money. TOM T. HALL said it best, MORE MONEY.

as for me, i've found a lost tresure story, four barrels of coin, hidden in the 1700s, now iff'n i can locate this lost treasure i'll be rich and some jealous person can kill me and bury me under a concrete slab.

just think the gov. promises you thirty million, "but" if you win, you find they've lied you only get half of what is promised then the people who are supposed to protect you are inadequate because they want higher kick backs. 50,000 went into the coffers of the FREEMASON lodge in the ivydale school trade, how much in the VALLEY FORK trade, I DON'T KNOW.


VOTE VOTE VOTE DAMN WHAT A joyous choice to make. Fran or Arlene???????????

corn cob curly said...

my last wish, to die in a harem of jailhouse hotties. yeeeehaw gitta up silver.

Anonymous said...

Jail house hottie Jessica Hamm needs Rose's medicine chest.

Anonymous said...


Now there's a Bannister I'd liketo slide down!

Anonymous said...

Spike Maynard will be runing against "Chicken" Nick Rahall for that congressional seat. He supports coal mining in the state and unlike Rahall he is not afraid to to say it. Nicky poo has been there long enough so lets vote him out just to show the life time pot licker it can be done

Anonymous said...

What's with the polytics all the time?
Ain't you got nothin better to do?
Sides, wasn't Spikey poo the one got caught with his fingers in the pot?

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose it will be six weeks until spring and lets hope the cold nasty white snow will leave by then and summer begin early this year with very few rainy days and lots of sunshine to enjoy those fine bikini's.

This is politico year so get used to politics. You are going to be sick of it long before its over and thats a guarantee.

Anonymous said...

Already sick of it.
Whatever happened to touting the virtues of your candidate as opposed to slingin mud on the other.
Seems cowardly, the name callin.
No solutions, just hate.
I don't think the Lord would approve.

ROSE said...

Have you heard that PETA wants to eliminate Punxsy Phil from Groundhog Day & use a robotic groundhog instead? They say it's ... I dunno, cruel & unusual or whatever it is they say.

Meanwhile, Phil's home is air-conditioned in the summer, heated during the winter & all his meals are free, balanced & regular.

PETA's sometimes like some people I know - a lot of potential counter-balanced by a lot of ignorance = downright stupid.

ROSE said...

I don't know about 'getting his fingers caught in the pot,' but Spike Maynard's the judge who went on vacation with coal mogul, Don Blankenship. Looks to me like, if you're for coal in WV, he might be your man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ms Rose it is cruel and unusual punishment to be draged out of your be with bright lights in your eyes and a bunch of ignorant people flashing cameras in your face. If you watch the news they do that every year and its just plain STUPID to want people to believe a ground hog has anything to do with the weather. The calendar says its 6 weeks until spring irregardless.

Spike Maynard was on vacation along with a lot of other individuals with Don Blankenship. Most of the supreme court Justices were there but he was singled out. I think we all know how the Dem Liberal News broadcast works by now. We can also say the more moeny spent on a government job the nearer you will come to get it after all we sold the White House for 68 million the last time around for president. If we can sell the oval office and have it bought and paid for, swindled and also sell the USA for 3.8 trillion over the first year of office, anything can and will happen to get a job for the American, soon to be Muslim people. 2023 is not very far away in the future and thats when the white race will come to an end according to liberal statistics.

Have a goodern day and get down to Haiti and get you a spook while they are going cheap.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, we used to eat ground hogs.
Mmmm, the young ones sure were tasty.

Anonymous said...

Aww see now, we'll have to add lying to that too.
There were not any other justices there when Spikey Poo was there.
That is an outright lie.
And yes, if it comes down to money, guess who will win?

Anonymous said...

PETA needs to eat more meat. They'd be a lot less cranky if their innerds were bound up better.

Maynard and Blankenship have been taking vacations together for years. Rich people hang out with rich people. So what?

Anonymous said...

They are both friends of mine, and let me tell ya,-
When those two get together, business is at the bottom of the list.

They have known each other since college, and evry time they get together its Homecoming Week on Campus.
Regardless of where the campus might be at that time.

Anonymous said...

Oh, of course the rich people should have privileges that the poor don't.
That's why they're rich and everyone else is poor.
No wait, it's because they were born, white and rich.
I guess everyone else doesn't stand a chance.
Bend over, cause both the party's are gettin ready for a good screwwin.
And yer the meat.
Peta or no Peta.

Anonymous said...

You must be one of those Welfare-Leechin, System-Suckin, SSI-Drawin, Mailbox-Watchin, Handout-Takin, Useless Fks who think the world owes you a living.
The rich should have whatever they want as long as they can afford it. The poor can have whatever they can wring out of the benevolent giveaway systems that the rich have to pay for.

Anonymous said...

So, if you're not rich, you must be a, let me see if I got that right, Welfare-Leechin, System-Suckin, SSI-Drawin, Mailbox-Watchin, Handout-Takin, Useless Fks who think the world owes you a living.
Guess you never heard of hard working poor people.
Which includes 60% of Americans.
Thanks to Shrub and his cronies.

Anonymous said...


If you are hard working and poor, you arent any of the aforementioned.
If you whine and cry about "the poor", then you are.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

I don't get it.

West Virginy Slim said...

I think someone is leavin another group out there too.
How bout those that have worked their whole life, payed into the system their whole life, and are now collecting SS?
Are they ok too?

You got some lively debate here Ms. Rose.
Nice, very nice.

ROSE said...

Don't forget the people who *should* be rich, who invested their hard earned dollars they worked 40+ years for, only to lose every penny when the banks failed. It was the *banks* the government bailed out, not the hard-worker.

& don't forget the ones who should at least be *comfortable* who depended on their 401Ks to be there when they retired, only to discover they had nada, zilch, nuthin' when they needed it.

& don't forget the ones who work every day to get ahead, but the further "ahead" they get, the more Uncle Sam dips into their pockets, so in reality, all those OT hours result in nothing but higher taxes & an achin' back.

& don't forget the stuffed shirts who make all the money while the little man does all the work.

& don't forget ... oh, forget it. You get the picture.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Shrub and his cronies.

You have got to be the most uninformed person alive to think thats the answer... Kick it back to the originals dipstick, Clinton and Gore are the ones that stated it was best for everyone having a business here should stand up for the famous North American FairTrade Agreement that sent all the good paying jobs to Mexico,China, Taiwan and Japan because it makes better sense to have everything made with child sweat factorys and charge the American people double prices for the junk they make and send over here. Shrub had nothing to do with it except he got the blame for it.

I have learned from past history that the rethugins as you are so fond of calling them they have broad shoulders and handle loads of crap well. You should stop reading AW's Liberal Jargon and learn to think for yourself once in your life. Congress ran by dumocrats are the ones holding and making decisions in this country and the Prez is just the dummy they use for a fall guy.

Anonymous said...

You got it right on the nail head Ms Rose there is no excuse for what has happened to the poor dumb guy that has contributed his life, his money and his body for the benefit of WHO? Banks, governments worthless programs, and everything else they have been swindle out of just because they started working when they became of age instead of having a dozen kids, living of free gratis, not knowing our tax dollars amount to around $.57 on each dollar so the rich can steal it back.

Anonymous said...

Um, Rethugnican led congress when NAFTA was pushed thru.
The corporations didn't have to send jobs away.
They got greedy.
Oh, there are those beloved rich people who we should kiss their feet.
You know all those out of staters that own and benefit most from our hard working coal mines and miners.
Not to mention all of those that were cheating on their wives while they were trying to impeach Slick Willie for the same thing.
Gingrich, Sanford, Vinter, and Craig to mention a few.
Weren't we running a hell of a record deficit when Raygun and Bush Sr. got done breaking it off in us, or can we kick the blame back any further.
Blame, blame , blame, assume no responsibility for your own actions, it's the Rethugnican way.
Come on Mike wake up.

Anonymous said...

For all you hard working, working class of America you should really be proud of our Democratic Congress and new Half Wit for Prez as today after doling out billions of dollars to banks, AIG is once again giving out ONE HUNDRED MILLION of YOUR TAX MONEY in bonuses. Sure makes you proud don't it since the elderly didn't even get a cost of living rasie on their social security for the next two years also. After all they (elderly) haven't done anything to support this country anyway.

ROSE said...



Butt!! The President's little overseers say today's bonuses are okay, because without them, all those people would walk away from their multi-million dollar jobs & then where would we be?! They say that to get the "best people," you have to pay them "top dollar."

I beg to differ. I know lots of people who'd work for a lot less & do a much better job.

Anonymous said...

Weren't they the ones that screwed things up in the first place?
Wow, yeah, let's reward incompetence.
Their heads should be on spikes.

BTW: Please, get your facts straight and quit lying.
Bush Bailed Out The Banks Before He Left Office.
What part of that don't you understand?
I thought Rethugnicans didn't want the government controlling big business?
Make up your mind.

ls said...

hey, you folks are boring me. now I know where there's four barrels of coins and to silver mines down in KY. Now you got the money , I got the time and we'll go swiftly to find;
four barrels of coins and two silver mines behind a stone and within the midst of three pines. Hi yo silver awayyyyyyyyyyy

Anonymous said...

Yes and I have some swamps in Fla. I would like to sell also.
I had a barrel of quarters saved up but the cat sh*t in them and now they are ruined beyond control.

I think NOBAMA and the Dumocrats bailed out the banks, GM and Chrysler at the tune of 700 billion or maybe I just lost my mind over the past year. Mike you better wake up and soon.

Anonymous said...

Just cause you say it, don't make it true.
Google it dumba$$.

Anonymous said...

FYI: Bank bailout was signed into law October 3rd 2008 by Shrub.

Anonymous said...

This is the most intelligent this thing has ever looked.

Anonymous said...


Kinda glum lookin, but flashin a little cleavage.

Pickins were pretty slim today.

We need a better class of criminal.
Other than the ones that have been discussed recently.

Anonymous said...

Oh, save us Mike!

Anonymous said...

Wed Feb 03, 09:59:00 AM

I read somewhere if you crossed a sheep and a Mexican you came out with a registered Dumocrat. After reading this today I need no further proof that its pure gospel truth.

Anonymous said...

For not knowing what you look like, you look bitter and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Registered independent.
If I ever vote Democrat, it's because I'm scared to death the crazy nut job republicans will get back in again.
Damn shame that's all you have to choose from.
I lean towards conservative, real conservative, not these fake corporate whores with the morals of a ram in heat.
A gay ram at that.

ROSE said...

When I became old enough to vote, I had no idea what the difference was between a democrat & a republican. My boss was a republican & he was old & crusty, so I registered democrat.

I am not defined by the party I'm registered under. I've never in my life voted a straight ticket. I could be wrong, but I don't think I've ever voted for a democratic presidential candidate.

So ... baaaaaa baaaaaaaaaa, amigo. You're wrong about the democrats. Some of us just picked the party out of pure rebellion.

ROSE said...

Good news all around!

According to AW's site, the temperature is 70!

The Lewd Law in WV is about to be repealed! No longer will it be illegal to have premarital sex and/or live with your beloved out of wedlock!

The US Intelligence Committee has stated that it's "certain" that there will be an attempted attack on the US within the next 3-6 months. I've got big plans - BIG PLANS!! - this summer that include hopping a plane or 5. I 'll not be letting some candy-a#$ SOB terrorist foil my plans!

Anonymous said...

Uh Ms Rose you going to the big Island?

Saw where our Duma** governor was trying to get the legislature to make some other roads in Wv a toll road. I-79 64 48 which other one will be toll roads? Time to write your reps people. They used to say the toll road would no longer have a toll on it after it was paid for. Guess they are right since its the largest state scam it will always have a toll.

Maybe if they get the toll raised again with all the gas tax money included we can support another generation of Mansions with enough money to live happily ever after. A.J. Mansion only got out with 70 million, maybe ole smokin Joe wants billions to steal from the state.

West Virginy Slim said...

70 degrees
Woo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

So AW's site is safe again?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't safe?

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is AW?

Anonymous said...

The real reason we're fighting in Afghanistan.
Read em and weep.

Anonymous said...

You're all retarded.

There. I said it. Sue me.

Retards! Retards! Retards!

"Intellectually challenged" my big fat a*s.

Anonymous said...

It's got something to do with root beer

Anonymous said...

Hey can't you say my big fat ham? That's probably what it would remind me of if I had to look at it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A retard by any other name is still.....

A Retard!

Anonymous said...

So what if you win at the Special Olympics?

You're still retarded.

ROSE said...

No, if you win the Special Olympics, you're not only intellectually challenged, you're also an Olympic winner.

If, however, you use the word retarded (in a private meeting) to describe something you think is stupid & a former presidential candidate calls for your resignation, that's ... well, let's face it, that's retarded.

The mentally impaired used to be called idiots, lunatics, morons, etc. & those words have become unacceptable in their original context but perfectly acceptable in others. I thought retarded had made that same transition.

If Sarah Palin is going to call for the resignation of everybody who uses a word she considers "taboo" because she finds it offensive, she's going to be exhausted in no time flat. I'm not even sure her vocabulary extends that far.

Anonymous said...

The terms "Moron" and "Idiot" were at one time clinical terms assigned to different IQ levels.
I'm not certain, but I think a Moron wasn't as bad off as an Idiot.
Palin has a Downs syndrome child.
Hence her lack of accommodation of the "R-Word."
Oh God here we go again.
How many "Letter-Words" do we have now?

Goodbye first amendment. You have been cancelled by the PC "idiots."
Oops-Make that "PC I-words."

Anonymous said...

Downs syndrome is different from retarded. Sarah Palin needs to learn English before she opens her mouth.

Anonymous said...

She's Hot!

Anonymous said...

She can press her lips on these hips any time.

Anonymous said...

Before Weston and Spencer closed we never had any Idiots, Morons, Mental Retards or Downs Syndrome walking amongst the populous. But since then we have had them walk among us. Some I have ran into have more sense then the elected officials people are voting for. We have alot of people in office with downs syndrone as they get in office and down they set for the rest of their life. Then we call them Idiots and Morons as its an excuse we give ourselves for voting them in in the first place.

Can you believe the Idiots in Legislature let AEP stand before them and claim this is the first storm they have had to deal with. You know whats funny is our represenatives believed them. All the trees that fell on power and phone lines were outside their right of ways also. The ones that fell along rt. 16 must have been on Dept. of Highways or telephone companys right of ways. So much for loss of memory.

Seems not to long ago I read where elected officials favorite sentence to use in front of a judge is "I don't recall". So when they run for office again I will recall all the I don't recalls when voting.

Anonymous said...

Why is it, seems like the best and brightest usually end up being bunch of frickin idiots?
Is Sarah the best we can do?
God help us.

Anonymous said...

The higher you get up the ladder the more kickbacks you get for voting for special interests groups. Take for instance if I go on TV claiming that FOLA coal pays more taxes then the homeowners in Clayberry and thats the basis of our tax funds then I get a wad that would choke a mule. Why would anyone do this? MONEY MONEY MONEY.

Anyone who has done any research on taxes, how they are paid and who pays them knows that coal companies pay taxes before being mined on the dirtiest seam of coal with no value to it at all and when its being mined they pay a coal severance tax only, have an option of paying on their equipment and can get by with saying that equipment is in another county and not pay taxes on it at all. Try doing that on your automobile this year and see how far you get. Think I am stretching things? Stop by the assessors office and ask a few questions they don't care to tell you.

Thats exactly why anyone voting against the public on issues should be removed from office because they are IDIOTS.

ROSE said...

No power on the mountain for a couple of hours now ... AEP estimates complete restoration to all customers by 4 p.m. Monday, February 8th. In our specific area, estimated restoration is midnight tonight.

I don't see how on earth my electric bill can be over $200 when I so rarely have any $%&*! electricity.

I'll sell plenty of rights of way to AEP - & they can cram those trees they're too lazy to clear right up where the air ain't so sweet.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm only 48 hours without hot water before I turn into a savage.

Anonymous said...

Email Truman Chafin about your power outtages not only for this storm but the Dec.18 2009 storm. Margaret Staggers and David Walker also. They are in a position to force PSC and legislature to kick AEP's only storm a** and get the right of ways cleared. I have emailed them until they are afraid to even get into their mail boxes. DW has not answered any emails that I know of so maybe he wants to get another job come election time. I encourage everyone that reads this stuff to email their reps while they are in session ASAP as once they leave there we will not hear anything from them. The rest of our reps are afraid to put their email addresses up so you can contact them.

Anonymous said...

I hear Camp Creek Rd has power now. So yours must be on too.
Nothing on B-O mountain yet.

ls said...

hey folks. getting closer to them there four buckets of coins. early 18th century mintage, [I think], couple spainish silver mines thrown in. shame the fellow wrote the story got blown up in his steamboat with about a hunnert slaves. fireman he no damn fool jumped overboard before the boiler exploded. Native american, US citizen, commies musta sent a terriost. Recjkon that fireman musta thrown in a box of cornstarch in the firebox before jumping overboard. Hi yo Silver, awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy BBB

Anonymous said...

U frickin dumass.
Say something intelligent or STFU.

ROSE said...

Uh, Anon @ 2:35, this is *my* blog, I'll do the policing if it's all the same to you.

Power came back on ~ ... I don't even remember ... 2 or so? Not bad at all.

I still managed to let my butt take root on the couch & have myself a "curl up with a good book" day!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention, spell dumbass right.

Anonymous said...

Butt take root, must be a hide a bed couch?

Anonymous said...

Whut root ya talkin about?

Anonymous said...

Still no juice on B-O mountain.

Anonymous said...

Juice is back on B-O mountain about 2 PM

Anonymous said...

The root of all evil.

Anonymous said...

Lack of is the root of all evil!

Anonymous said...

pie hole good for root

ROSE said...

Sometimes, y'all realy weird me out.

Will somebody PLEASE turn up the heat?! Good grief. I'm sick & tired of being cold, cold, cold all the time!

ls said...

good morning Rose, me too. good time for putterin' around thouugh. everey time I think I got this thing figgered out, somethin' else comes up. Am trying to allow other users to log on my computer. havn't checked the weather yet this morn. now is the time to spring up and get goin' though. happy days you'll.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fox in the hen house some where.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose I been trying to turn up the heat all night but my heater just won't produce enough. Ah, but if we can make it through the day maybe it will warm up some. Might even warm up enough to snow some more.

Anonymous said...

Only 320 days till Christmas!

ROSE said...

KAPOW! Right smack in the kisser. LOL

Far more looking forward to June 21, the first day of SUMMER! LOL

Anonymous said...

You need to get yerself a wood stove Ms Rose.
Furnaces ain't made to handle the near and below zero temps.
And if there's one thing we got a lot of around here, it's firewood.
Not to mention it's renewable.

ROSE said...

AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!! The National Weather Service just issued a Winter Storm Warning - not an advisory, not a watch - for Clay Co. Good lord! Goes into effect 1:00 tomorrow afternoon through 7 a.m. Thursday.

My road is currently clear - somebody just come on up & stick a $%^&! ice pick in my ear.

I've got the propane stove going wide open - the furnace just isn't being my friend.

Anonymous said...

How about an icicle instead of an ice pick?

Anonymous said...

Heat pumps just run forever at 30 and below and don't provide any heat. Even though they install them around these latitudes they don't work at 30 degrees. Just run and run.
I was in Georgia for awhile and had to put in (my choice) a pellet stove for when it got cold.

Anonymous said...

house full of good lookin Mormon Momma's would do just fine.

Piled into a king size feather tick bed.

ROSE said...

A houseful of Mormon Mommas (by default) means a houseful of Mormon Kids screaming for their mommas ... I'd rather just add another layer. LOL

It's nasty out there! It's deceiving to look out & not see a mountain of snow, but just a few steps along the sidewalk is all it took to make me think I'll be staying home today. Those little ice pellets in your face are hateful!

Anonymous said...

The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning

about a new virulent strain of a Transmitted Disease.

The disease is contracted through dangerous and high

risk behavior. The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim.

And it is pronounced "GONNA RE-ELECT 'IM."

Many victims contracted it in 2008.

Now after having been screwed for the past two years,

naturalists and epidemiologists are amazed at how

destructive this disease has become since it is so easily cured......

Vote Republican in 2010 & 2012!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does that mean we shouldn't vote for Arch Moore's little girl too?
It doesn't work both ways.

Anonymous said...

I see Mike the troll is back.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Mike person?

Anonymous said...

If its a troll, it must be Mike M.

Anonymous said...

Penicillin for the "White" House.

Anonymous said...

Pencillian for the White House would be the only thing White left there.

Arch's little girl is at least standing up for the working people in Wv and trying to keep their jobs going. At least she is always willing to help if you ask her the rest of that bunch of jerks don't care and won't even give you a second glance.

Anonymous said...

Oh puleasssse!

Anonymous said...

as i remember, some persons working at the oldest profession were put in jail awhile back. can't even work if they want to, keep 'em off welfare, teach 'em in high school then wont let em work. its a shame by golly, furnish them condoms and then arrest them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks to corporate greed we now are nation that has a disposable work force made up of service jobs.
Manufacturing jobs have left the country thanks to a bipartisan group of corporate whores.
Those fine people we pay to represent us, only to have them screw us the first chance they get then say it was the other side that did it.
Worse yet when they pay people to post propaganda on blogs like these.
Most of it being paraphrases and name calling and very little fact.
Even worse are the jokes that nobody but the poster gets.
Take away our hope for change and we have nothing left.

Anonymous said...

Tue Feb 09, 03:24:00 PM

The past year of change is about all we can stand for the next five generations. It will take at least that long to bail the American people out of the debt inflicted upon us by a bunch of friggin elected IDIOTS kissing OBAMA's A$$. Namely Byrd, Rockefeller and Rahall and like it or not its just the truth.

Anonymous said...

Correct spelling OBAMAS A$$

Anonymous said...

Um, didn't we have a huge deficit when Nobama took office?
Like, the tune of trillions of dollars.
If I remember correctly,8 years ago. You were screaming it was treason to criticize our president in a time of war.
Talk about an ass kissin love fest.
Everybody had brown on their nose.
Guess it's different now.

Anonymous said...

He'll always have brown on his nose.

Anonymous said...

That there Shelly MC is as pure as driven snow.
She cares about West Virginia.
She cares about her career, the coal companies, the lawyers, the insurance companies, hell she even cares about our schools.
She voted for no child left behind didn't she.
You know the one that took funding from our schools in the name of bettering education.
How's that hope workin out for you?

Anonymous said...

One minute of what the military spent last year: $1.9 million.
Nobama's 2011 Budget
The Department of Defense, War and Veteran’s Affairs take up 57%, Heath and Human Services 6%, Transportation 6%, State and other international programs 4%, Housing and Urban Development 4%, Education 4%, other agencies 4%, Homeland Security 3%, Energy 2%, Agriculture 2%, Justice 2%, Environmental Protection Agency 1%, NASA 1%, Commerce 1%, Labor 1%, Treasury 1%, Interior 1%. This doubtless boring list is based on President Obama’s budget to Congress.
Looks like war is not only a waste of time and lives, but lots of cash too.
Wanna bitch about waste.
Maybe start askin why we are still occupying and at war with 2 countries?
Couldn't be gas and oil, could it?
What a waste.
If we would have got it together back in the 70's and had our prison population making solar panels, wind mills, and water wheels for each American home, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
The problem is the greed.
Get the corporate interests and career politicians out and then maybe you will have a government, for the people, and by the people.
Until then you will reap what you sow.

ROSE said...

I voted for the old, white dude.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Rose. You can sleep at night. Clay County should turn over and go Republican.

ROSE said...

Oh, it wasn't because I "believed in" the old, white dude or anything - it's a strategy.

Always vote for the one you know doesn't have a snowball's chance of winning. That way, you do your civic duty by voting, thereby retaining griping rights, but can't be held responsible for the invariable screwups. ;)

Anonymous said...

my my Rose we do have something in common.

Anonymous said...

I want to vote for Change myself so whoever I can vote out of office this year is exactly what I am going to do.

Some voted for change in 2008 and I would like to know how good was the change after $4 trillion wasted?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah switch your affiliation so you don't give them any false hopes in the primary. Give them a preview of coming "change".

Anonymous said...

I'm to poor to be a republican and to smart to be a democrat.