The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Sunshine, thunderstorms, pool time, bon fires, sittin' on the river bank ...
Lightning bugs, long daylight hours, birds chirping all day long ...
Remember that long, harsh, hateful winter? It's OVER!!


ROSE said...

Today is Flag Day - the day we wave our AMERICAN flags in gratitude, appreciation, yada yada yada. I looked - my flag was made in China, so I think the Chinese should also celebrate our AMERICAN Flag Day. In fact, I think every country we're supporting (either directly or through our mammoth debt) should fly our flag & celebrate our AMERICAN Flag Day. Please join me in celebrating GLOBAL AMERICAN Flag Day!

ROSE said...

AND!! If you see Adam Cantrell today, wish him a BIG FAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Anonymous said...

It does look like you've been feedin him plenty of beans an bacon.
And happy birthday,almost, to you ms. Rose.

Anonymous said...

I can hear the sound of teeth grinding. Someones mad.

Anonymous said...

if obama has the gulf situation under control, how come the oil is still flowing?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure super shrub would have done better.
Who do you think owns this country?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, China is the least of our worries.
Companies like the ones we got here are enough.
Why else would our illustrious commissioners (e.g.. Linkinogger and Pierson) vote to lower taxes on the coal mines to the tune of millions of dollars and then raise them on us.
Only to have the coal mines then lay the majority of the workers off.
Look to see them get new boats and houses after they are thrown out of office next election.

Anonymous said...

Wooo Hooo! tomorrow is already hump day.

Anonymous said...

The US of A owes China a LOT of money.

Anonymous said...

China cost less a Wal-Mart.

Anonymous said...

At least the shrub didn't bow down to kiss the Arabs A$$ like the sleeze bag Whigger has done and apoligized for our so called mistakes. Oh yes the messiah has come and left us all so much better off, more of no jobs, no money and no homes. Uh Huh we is so much mo better now.

Anonymous said...

No, he just tongue kissed them and held their hand.
I got video of that.
Not to mention the decline started on shrubs watch.
The same as the worst act of terror against the US.
What did he do?
He invaded Iraq.
When he should have invaded Saudi Arabia.
75% of them were from there anyway.
Oh yeah, Nobama is kissing their asses.
I haven't seen that yet.
Show me the video!

Anonymous said...

I unnerstand shrubs a better kisser.

Anonymous said...

I hear he's quite the pickle smoker too!

Anonymous said...

Race has nothing to do with it?
You just disagree with his policies?
Careful your true colors are showing.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha
pickle smoker

Anonymous said...

In the dog world they call mixed breeds bastards.

Anonymous said...

Very few people can claim for sure that they are pure anything, but human.
This is America, time to start melting in.
We're all immigrants,everyone but the Indians.
Get over it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Bastard and proud of it, no thanks to the milk man.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha
milk man.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's rough when you don't have a choice.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone?

Anonymous said...

I think the mailman had a hand in it to. Maw wouldn't say.

ls said...

summa is almost here. don't complain if it gets hot. just think 4 months down the road it'll be frosting. what to do what to do. buy pasta, eat spaghetti. learn to live like bigfoot, fix my roof things will get better. buy 40 acres and get a mule.

Anonymous said...

Obama’s nomination victory speech in St Paul on June 3, 2008
“Generations from now, we will be able to look back & tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick & good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow & our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war & secured our nation. “
The statement truly defines the word “irony.” The oil spill has now reached the size of New York with Team Obama hiding on the sidelines. The deficit has risen to record proportions and so has the debt. The trade imbalance is the worse it has ever been. The only thing that has gotten smaller is Obama’s approval rating. America has had numerous terrorist attacks on its soil since Obama took office. The most recent attempt was in NY’s Time Square. In fact, one of the few steps to secure our border , taken by the state of Arizona has essentially been declared unconstitutional by the Obama Regime.

Ain't that a shame!!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet yer finger gets sore from cuttin an pastin.
God knows you didnt type that yerself.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day in the neighborhood......
Don't worry...Be happy...
Join in an sing along.

Anonymous said...

You call setting his self on fire a terrorist attack?
He didn't even kill himself, not to mention thousands of people.
You have a very distorted version of the truth.
How much did you say they are paying you to spread lies and distortions?
Mike? You need to stop lying.
Jebus will never let you into his sky pad, if you keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's Mike.
I think it's Bill.
He's a shill.

Anonymous said...

Well we know it's not Bob.
He's a slob.

Anonymous said...

Summone said Mike is a dyke

Anonymous said...

And for a poet you blowed it.

Anonymous said...

Then there's Dan.
He's the man.

Anonymous said...

then there's buck
poor fellow

Anonymous said...

faced off with one long-tailed cat. took some time but it finally backed down and went over the river bank. never seen a cat with a bushy-long tail like that before. kept it waving back and forth. good morning, ya'll

sherlock said...

appears three Ivydale fellows got in CRJ this morn. must have gotten out early to shuck the corn.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet that cat was black and white?

Anonymous said...

I understand at one point in time, he was a pretty groovy cat.
Can you dig it?

Anonymous said...

Pussy Cats are known to have bushy tails, and are quite good at waving them back an forth in front of you. But beware, they have a deadly bite.

Anonymous said...

you're right. that cat was black and white.

Anonymous said...

If the "cat" was b&W don't get behind it...

Anonymous said...

Probably one of Josey's friends.

Anonymous said...

If that two toned kitty sprayed ya, you probably wouldn't know the difference.

Anonymous said...

sorry wasn't that type of kitty. didn't resemble any politician I know.

Anonymous said...

or attorney

Anonymous said...

or Freemason

ls said...

that there cat looked me in the eye for sometime. began to think it was going to contest the right of way. darn thing big as a dog. thinking maybe it's black panther crossed with a polar bear.

I got pitchers of a coydog. thought this might be a coycapercat. never can tell what will come outen these woods.

they had a bear, back in 1832 , over in Calhoun co. that picked up a farmer sow hog and carried her off kicking and screaming. they's selling CDs of the story, better get them while they last. took place in Grantsville ,it did!!!!! I got pitchers of them familiars that run with witches too.

Anonymous said...

take a ride around Clay today and see some of them familiars sittin on the porches.

Anonymous said...

bet you'd fit right in.

sherlock said...

when things get tough the tough get going.

see that john amos morris and james[jamie] morris was lodged in CRJ SATURDAY MORN. some fellow by the name of christes was there to. never can tell who's into drugs anymore.

Anonymous said...

All picked up together.
Hey, did you look see if that critter yesterday had a camera mounted on it's neck?
Goaties could be sending in spy's.

ls said...

Spys they already have. my usual visitor is a friend of a goatie. have known that for years. It's the lodge policies I dislike not the "honest" members.

ls said...

just discovered that I lost a freezer of meat due the storm last winter. smokin' Joe reported no personal lose just parasites had losses due to the storm. discovered two more holes in my roofing due to limbs being blown on my roof. 430 mil. stimulus money, smoking joe is holding back because he can find nothing to do with it. good bye JOE. it's back to crook a pot of joy juice.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry....Be happy.....
Now sing along.

Anonymous said...

way down upon the suwanee river

Anonymous said...

Where the river dwelin yellow belly sap suckers nest.
And ya dream of the old folks at home.

Anonymous said...

56 comments and no ROSE?
Where you at girl,just lurking?

jackass JOE said...

rOSE, shes studying on how to be a good precedent. now ise got a suggestion, I see SSecurity is gonna run outen money in Sept. I suggest we take half the gov. pension money being paid out every month and deposit it in the social security fund. the overpaid gov. pensioners would still have plenty and SS WOULD BE HELPED TO KEEP SOLVENT. HEE HAW HEE HAW.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Name fits.

Anonymous said...

more jackasses than anything else in the county. don't want to be different.

Anonymous said...

Teah, hur hur, way to go!

Anonymous said...

Confusious says:
If it smells right, eat it!

Anonymous said...

Our president said he will sue Arizona over its law about illegal immigrants.I did not vote for this man to turn his back on America,and the constitution. To let drug smugglers and illegals come here and do as they please is a pitiful shame.Arizona is trying to stand up for America and this is what we get from the federal government.They call it racial profiling, what a crock.If they are here illegally,I don't care if they look like a piece of peppermint candy just uphold the law.It just lowers our standard of living by letting criminals keep piling in. The democrtic party is being run by a few [far left wing nuts]that couldn't care less about the basic values of the average citizen.
As far as my vote goes I voted for him my one and only time. He is not concerned about this huge problem facing America.I don't want a leader who leads us down the wrong path against our will.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are the traitor.
Sounds like you cut and run.
Or did you quit halfway through your 1st term like Wailin Palin?

Anonymous said...

Do you think I am going to keep supporting this type of wrongdoing towards America.If I go on a boatride and the boat starts sinking I am not going to go down with it although I started the ride.

Anonymous said...

What happened to stay the course?
I'm sure you were one of those sellin that tripe back when Shrub was saying it.
Looks like all your heroes are quitters.

Anonymous said...

The traitor of all traitors is sitting in the White House for the next two and a half years. He should be tried and hung by the neck until dead then stood up against a wall and shot and after that amputate his head from the rest of his body. He is the Oblundering Idiot of all Idiots and anyone who supports him needs the same. He has brought this country near the brink of destruction in the past 18 months and has set up every taxpayers great great great grandchildren a burden of having to pay for his stupidity. We are on the verge of a revolution in this country right now because of his inability to do the job of president.
His stay the course shows in the gulf coast states as oil pours out by the billions of gallons and all he can do is get up a committee of dummies who know absolutely nothing about oil wells. Yes I say stay the course as he has set up yet another bungling job to stop the oil flow. He bought and paid for the presidency with BP's money so its no wonder he don't do anything but go gulfing (the kind with the little hole) not the one with oil pouring into it but what can anyone expect talk has never accomplished anything its the actual doing that gets a job done. Of course you woldn't know anything about work either as yours always came on the first of the month. Drink another beer and stew for awhile.

Anonymous said...

You Tell It!!

ITs about time somebody started talking reality where AMerica is concerned.

This political correctness has been stretched to the pling point.

America is vanishing by the day thanks to our open orders and the unwillingness of our elected "leaders" to do anything about it.

I have never heard any candidate that I have voted for , or that has even gotten into office without my vote, say, "I'm going to go to Washington and make deals with minority-loving crooks and give your country away to wetback invaders and welfare leeches."

Yet-that is what we have.

How TF did that happen?
Why TF are we putting up with it?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah-I almost forgot-

Im sidck of those Spanish Subtitles in Lowe's too.

Every time you go there, go tell the manager that they "OFFEND" you.

If it's offensive, it must be done away with, apparently.

That has been the rule with In God We Trust, and the 10 Commandments.

Let one atheist of outsider say they are offended, and out it goes.

So Lets start by being "Offended" by the language of illegal invaders, and see if WHAM (White Middle AMerica) can get some consideration for a change.

It about time for our turn, isnt it?

Anonymous said...

As a tax paying American just like you.
I have to say.
You are a hating traitor douchebag.
Yeah, let's kill everyone that doesn't agree with us.( note sarcasm )
Why don't you crawl back underneath the rock you came from.
You're ruining my buzz.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the troll is triple posting again.

Anonymous said...

I just found out that the people in Lizemores has to drive past their fire department and go to Clay to get water.And I have seen on this web page about some of the county commissioners being so good. If that was true they would fix it so these people could save a fortune in gas, and let them get water at Lizemores.They need to acknowledge that the county goes beyond the
hartland bridge.What a pitiful bunch of representatives.

Anonymous said...

If you have a buzz on at 7:19 on a Wednesday morning, you must be one of those welfare leeches that doesnt have to worry about going to work.

Anonymous said...

Nah man, I get high on life.
Something you probably wouldn't know anything about, judging from your postings.

Anonymous said...

I went to Clay today via adonijah out Holcomb ridge road.That has got to be the worst tar and chip road in the county.Two trees that looked like they had been there for weeks were in thr road but passible. Chug holes were really bad I believe I seen a 1972 ford maverick in one of them.That road should be dangered off to vehicle traffic and made an atv trail.Where in the world is the responsibility of running the state roads in this county gone.

Anonymous said...

Now settle down children an play nice.

Anonymous said...

What about that monster hanging on the wires down at the county line on 4?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of parasites.

Talk is cheap.

Anonymous said...

Looks alot like our own slum lord CN.

Anonymous said...

if illegals are taking all the jobs in CA and Arizona, why is their unemployment rate lower than WV

Anonymous said...

cuz people work there
you couldn't make people round here work

Anonymous said...

When the revolt starts it will be legal to shoot welfare leaches and all their leachy family. Then Wv will be working.

Anonymous said...

God have mercy on your soul.

Anonymous said...

Mother Goose: again we need you.

Anonymous said...

F*ck that.
Buddy you seem to forget, welfare leeches got guns too.
Please post your name and address so's I can come visit you.

Anonymous said...

Not bad!

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone's gone and got the locals riled up.
Hur, hur, way to go dumba$$.

Anonymous said...

I hear Rose has been arrested for allowing talk about the president on her blog. ROSES are red Injuns are too, unnerstand Obama,the fedz, uses chicken blood and chitlins in his/their stew.

ls said...

I have been diagnosed as diabetic, type 2, went to a foot clinic[Gassaway hosp.] at the insistence of WV aging to forstall any possibility of future foot amputation
A Dr.Bryan w. Danhires[from Clarksburg] charged Medicare $345.00 for cutting my toe nails.
But they say if any fraud is found in my statements I will be sent to prison. talk about thieves, the Dr. must have been a FREEMASON.

Anonymous said...

So you got a FREE 345.00 pedicure?

What areyou bitching about?

IT would take more than that to get me to do that job, let me tell u.

Anonymous said...

Can you welfare leeches buy ammo with your welfare card?

Anonymous said...

Keep talkin, I'm homing in on your signal.

Anonymous said...

I dont have time.
Gotta go to work.

Im sure youre "homing" all right.
Probaly "porching" or "couching" too.

Anonymous said...

Working on the Sabbath.
According to the Bible, that is punishable by death.

Anonymous said...

Just dawned on me why it cost 345.00
River dwellin yellow belly sapsuckers got claws. Vet bills are always high.

Anonymous said...

Thought the Sabbath was the seventh day of the week, Saturday?

Anonymous said...

I hope you ain't saying the Bible is wrong.

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