The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Thursday, March 08, 2012


Clay County led at halftime 31-27 and never trailed despite Lincoln cutting their lead to within two points multiple times. The leading scorer for the Lady Panthers was MaKinzee Barker with 24 points and for the Lady Cougars it was Emily Knight. Jacee Markle also added 24 points for Clay County in the quarterfinal victory.

Clay County, 20,6, will advance to the Class AA State Semifinals to face top-seeded Westside on Friday at 1:00 p.m.


ROSE said...

Rarely - VERY RARELY - does our school board do something that truly deserves kudos. If (when) they do, they rarely get them. I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all involved in making the decision to take 4 pep buses to last night's basketball game & call a 2 hour delay this morning. Yes, it means that every kid in the county misses out on 2 hours of education so a few could support our high school girls, but in the overall scheme of life ... WAY TO GO, CLAY COUNTY SCHOOLS!


Anonymous said...


It's nice to see some hometown judgment take the place of state regulations when something so meaningful to the kids is involved.


ROSE said...

Furthermore ... ADDITIONAL KUDOS are in order:

Official announcement from Clay County Schools:

We are having an early departure at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, March 9. This is to accommodate all students wanting to attend the state basketball tournament and cheer on the Lady Panthers. Your kids will depart from all schools 5 hours early, at 10:00.

At 11:30, pep busses are departing to the Civic Center from CCHS and CCMS for kids that have signed up. Every student that has signed up will be presented with an admission ticket courtesy of the Clay County Board of Education. Staff will be dismissed at 11:30 after all children have been delivered to their homes. Students will be fed breakfast and lunch before departure.

The 1:00 game will conclude at approximately 3:00 and the returning pep busses should arrive back at CCHS and CCMS around 4:30. We will be running activity busses at 5:00 rather than the usual 6:00. The activity busses will run the activity bus routes on the main roads (NOT the regular bus routes) to get students home.

Check back after the games for details about Saturday.

Every kid will bring home a note today explaining tomorrow's early out. Every effort has been made to accommodate our kids and allow them to attend this historical game!

Anonymous said...

This will more then likely be the only thing the kids in this county will benefit from the parents and grandparents being raped with the passage of the levy

ROSE said...

Haters gonna hate ...

Anonymous said...

And no forgivers burn in Hell.Unless of course, they repent.

Anonymous said...

Thats how rape goes-

somebody wins-someody loses.

Just an observation.
Ive never been raped.

Response is standard for ClayCo.

Anytime anyone tries to do anything, there is always someone with an unfavorable evaluation.

Anonymous said...

hate payin excess taxes maybe,
especially when I don't have any kids in the school system anyway
sounds like redistribution of wealth to me

Anonymous said...

I don't have any kids in school, and I don't hate payin taxes, or the levy. But what I do dislike is non forgivers.

Anonymous said...

1. The state of exceeding what is normal or sufficient: rains that filled the reservoirs to excess.
2. An amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; a surplus.
3. The amount or degree by which one quantity exceeds another: Profit is the excess of sales over costs.
4. Intemperance; overindulgence: drank to excess.
We've been paying it so long now.
It has become the norm not the excess.
Or should I say excessive as in more than you should have to pay?
They should make it voluntary.
See how many people pay it then.

Anonymous said...

So what I take from the Gazette, The Lady Panthers didn't win this afternoon, good luck anyways in the future.

Anonymous said...

Nobody should have to pay a dime on a home or land bought and purchased by working for it but if we didn't have to pay rent what would the rest of the county live on.
I do not care to pay taxes but to use it for those who won't do anything but suck the system dry p!$$eS me off.
Its time for the other 49% to have to give until it causes their nose to bleed just like the 51% that has carried the load since the 60's

Anonymous said...

Nobody should have to pay a dime on a home or land bought and purchased by working for it but if we didn't have to pay rent what would the rest of the county live on.
I do not care to pay taxes but to use it for those who won't do anything but suck the system dry p!$$eS me off.
Its time for the other 49% to have to give until it causes their nose to bleed just like the 51% that has carried the load since the 60's

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

ROSE said...
Haters gonna hate ...

Thu Mar 08, 06:38:00 PM

Yep. Haters gonna hate. Haters hate everything.

Anonymous said...

Yes spread the hate. I hate it when our kids get beat by hook or crook and Channel 3 NEWS won't cover the game when its Clayberry playing.

Anonymous said...

Looks Like haters even hate haters. I hate that.

Anonymous said...

And another thing I hate, is when the old lady gets off before me all the time. I keep telling her one of these days she's gona slip and fall.

Anonymous said...

Be considerate,git off together.

Anonymous said...

I thought hating excessive taxes was patriotic.
Least it was when the teabaggers were doin it.

Anonymous said...

so was protesting til someone else started doin it
then they was commies and traitors

Anonymous said...

The round one as Waddell calls Holcomb, has already replaced Slack with Cris Davis.

Remember you got it here first, even if it does or doesn't happen.

Anonymous said...

The entire law system in Clayberry needs replaced, Starting with the worthless law judges, Circuit Judges, Sheriff, Deputies and the State Police. Run what lawyers that are leachers out of town and start a vigilante group or militia to get rid of the dopeheads and pill poppers. Burn a few crosses on some lawns and watch the welfare hos dissappear with 15 baby dada. Give the rest the option to get a job or get out of the county. Burn out all the crack houses and run the crack hos out of town. I hate non working people and thieves.......

Anonymous said...

Nice speech, can I have some of what your on?
No amount of ammo or back-up group could clean this county up. It will take honest law and we don't got it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like hes on
"Standard American Work Ethic"
"Working Taxpayer's Rage"

I recognize it because Im on it too.

Everyody knows who these multi-generational system-bleeding welfare-Sucking SSI- Disability drawing useless pieces of Sh*t are.

We should throw burning bags or it into their yards and onto their porches until they cant stand it anymore.
Of course they might call the law on their free cel phones or shoot at us with guns they bought wih money theygot from selling their groceries.

Anonymous said...

Someone musta not got any favors last night.

Anonymous said...

You must be one of "THEM". What the other two posters are saying is all true.

Anonymous said...

You can bet your last dollar the last ones to steal from me found me on their doorstep at 8 a.m. the same morning they decided to steal my stuff. Needless to say in less then 24 hrs my stuff was brought back to where it politely took up legs and walked off.

Needless to say the $1000.00 security cameras done the job and idenified all three of the little thieves but the 12 Ga loaded with 00 buckshot put the fear of god into them also. They haven't been back and they are still living. Just saying.............for now

Anonymous said...

What the other two posters are saying is the same person, and I totally agree with him.
It's just that some chicken pluckers don't have any sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

You act like "them" don't have any guns.
Oh, and regular socialized security ain't redistribution of wealth.
Go spread some more fear and hate loser.
I'm sure Jesus would approve.

Anonymous said...

Social Security most certainly is redistribution of wealth.
I've been paying in for the last 30 years and I'll never see penny of it.
Want to fight socialism?
Send your check back when it comes.

Anonymous said...

You are starting to sound like Burly Bragg born again.
I was so much hoping that would never happen.

Anonymous said...

Spreading fear and hate??

Ill tell about how I feel about fear and hate.

I fear and hate getting broken inon nad ny property stolen.

I hate busting my A** working extra so I can have it turn into a greater tax liaility.

I hate seeing my taxes used to sustain and enable the subgroup of system riders listed in a previous post.

And if you think its bad in ClayCo, consider the rest fo the country.


Anonymous said...

what would Jesus do?

Anonymous said...

What would Jesus do?
Probably ask Rose her opinion on the matter, at least I would.

Anonymous said...

What would Jesus do?

If he lived in Clayberry he would sign up on welfare, get ssi,energy assistance, free cell phone,ride a new 4 wheeler, go to the store and get a 24 pack of Bud Light twice a day, steal gas at night,run up and down the road at all hours of the night revving the engine,spot in the day and steal at night anything loose, cook meth and sit on the porch and laugh when the neighbors were going to and from work each day rocking in his Kennedy rocking chair and last of all pile the yard full of junk so his taxes were kept low.

Yep thats exactly what Jesus would do living in Clay County. So now you know as you got it right here before it ever happened.

Anonymous said...

You can tell you ain't no christian.
No wonder yer so hateful.

Anonymous said...

When in Rome...

Anonymous said...

See, there we are different.
Jesus would pray for you.
I will too.
There is love in the world.
It's hard to see when your eyes are so full of hate.
Jesus was a socialist.
He told us to sell our worldly possessions and give the money to the poor.
He was not a racist or a hater.
He told us to love one another.

Anonymous said...

Get current that was over 2000 years ago. Things are way different now. Open your eyes get out of the house and off the porch check it out. Only in the daylight of course.

Anonymous said...

If you are like the rest of the pew warmers around here and self rightous hypocrite don't even waste your breath on saying a prayer for me because like most christians today you don't have a clue and wouldn't know if Jesus slapped the lies out of you or not. Thanks but no thanks I will pass on your prayers as I will more then likely have a better chance without them anyways.

Anonymous said...

Okay then-

go to hell.

Anonymous said...

He said it, not me.