The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Here's to a summer that's a little kinder & gentler to us than last!  I thought this summer would NEVER get here!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like they are finally doing something about the druggers here in Clay county.
Where is our ace cub reporter during all of this? BF look alike.

ROSE said...

What a way to start the summer, huh?!

Anonymous said...

Yup. We had an ATV stolen Saturday night during the full moon.
Too bad we do have to sleep. No results so far. It's getting unsafe around here just like the cities.

ROSE said...

The whole world has gone insane. In a country where "majority rules," that's a scary thing.

Anonymous said...

Shut the school system down
Cut taxes obviously.
Bus the rug rats to Kanawha county.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street has it Tom Auxier is gona be the new Sheriff. He said he was gona run his office on a Christian basis.

Anonymous said...

Does that infer the sheriff's office is closed on Sunday's?

Anonymous said...

The Sheriffs office closed down at 3:05 pm this afternoon by orders of chief deputy Rider. Are fate is in the hands of the Lord now.

Anonymous said...

I've heard you can get away with murder in Clay county but you can't get away with eavesdropping on your wife's email.

ROSE said...

LOL Good grief. So y'all tell everything ya know - rumors don't even make it up to my mountain, let alone actual facts. What's going on??

Anonymous said...

Sounds like and looks like we going to have a new interim Sheriff.

ROSE said...

Oh, joy. Can anybody get in the running? I'm pretty sure I could rock that gig.

Anonymous said...

Rose has a cute little nose but it isn't brown enough for the job.

ROSE said...

LOL Story of my life.

Anonymous said...

The innuendo rumor mill has folded it's tent and quit it's nefarious activities.

Anonymous said...

A law keeper in Clay had a subject under surveillance for dealing drugs and that's the name of that tune.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's why he was checking email data. Just like NSA.

Anonymous said...

Holcomb thought he was God in the courthouse, so what's wrong with a little indiscretion from Miles Julian Slack? Why that's not near as bad as Holcomb taking a wizz in the middle of the road over in Glen while holding a bank robber at bay with the other gun.