The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, November 28, 2005

& then she said ...

The problem with doing nothing is you never know when you're finished ...
The problem with being stupid is you're always the last to realize it ...


Anonymous said...

I have only a minute to express my appreciation to "Anon" who has been posting about Chuck. I will reply in full this evening.
For some reason my employer thinks it's important for me to return to work after a four day weekend so I must comply.
You brought up some good points and also said very many uplifting things. Thank you so much. More this evening!

Carol B.

ROSE said...

Anon who asked not to be posted - No, your name doesn't show up. Nor does your email. When you send your comments, they come to my email from "" & that's all I get. So feel free to say whatever you want! Just please keep it clean.

I think the phrase you're looking for is "Imitation is the highest form of flattery." I've heard about this, yes, but I haven't checked it out. I don't give a rip what people say about me. "Sticks & stones may break my bones, but ignorance does not hurt me." Or something like that.

Anonymous said...

ahahahaha .. you're too much southern boy. :)

Here's my 2cents:

worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I gotta quote for ya

"I'm removing every post I have ever placed on your site"

can't remember where I saw that though

ROSE said...

Here's a little something left over from an ethics class I had in college:

R_esponsible for your words and actions
E_thical in business dealings
S_ilent when you have nothing worthwhile to say
P_ositive in attitude
E_arning the respect you want, not assuming you deserve it
C_ognizant of your subject matter
T_actful when dealing with others

Anonymous said...

Commission meeting tonight wounder who will show up maybe js cw jw mp n3 who knows may be a good one for sure I plan to be there if I can.

Anonymous said...

History of Twelve Days of Christmas
There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?

Well just read on:

From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for the young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning, the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church.

Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.

1. The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.

2. Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.

3. Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.

4. The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

5. The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books.

6. The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creating.

7. Seven swans a swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership and Mercy.

8. The eight maids a milking were the eight beatitudes.

9. Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

10. The ten lords a leaping were the Ten Commandments.

11. The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful

12. The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles Creed.

ROSE said...

I just posted this one over on "God Bless America" but figured since there are quotes here from political hopefuls talking about criticism, it might be worthwhile to post it here, too.
Wow, Jack T. Thanks for the heads up. Oh, what to do, what to do?

The clayroanepsd website plainly states that its purpose to pass along news & pertinent stuff regarding the District. What Jack's referring to is this post on that site:

mpostelwait said...
Oh Jack T. I strongly disagree. I tried to post a comment on Rose's site and she didn't accept it because it caught her up in a lie.

To be more specific, she stated something along the lines of the new board didn't make phone decisions, and well we all know that the decision to fire the Deems boy was in fact a phone decision made by the new board. She wouldn't post that though would she?"

I've searched all my blogs & the only reference I can find to Mr. Deems is this one from "What Do You Think?":

At Mon Nov 21, 07:45:20 PM, Anonymous said…
So what you are actually saying is that anyone who doesn't meet you approval doesn't get on your own little space?

Yet you allow your "Friends" and "Family" to post good comments about you?

What have you done for CRPSD? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. CRPSD is still mismanaged and in bad financial shape. I know for a fact you all, the new board, made phone decisions too. What about when you fired that Deems boy? Why do you all not get along? You are as misguided as the last board and nothing will ever change unless you grow up and act as one unit and quit bickering. Ms. Postalwaite's case was dropped, so let it be and work toward getting your alls act together. But don't set on here and lie and said you haven't done this and that, when you have.

What have you done to better the community where you live? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You sit out here on your little perch and think your crap don't stink. No one out here likes you and we wish you would move elsewhere. Preferably out of Clay County all together. The rest of us Baboons would like the jungle to ourselves.

What have you done Rose? You sit back and judge but make no effort at change. Someone needs to knock you off your pedestal.
My response to this was:

For the record, I personally fired nobody. As with every business, CRPSD has policies in place for personnel issues and since that's precisely what this is and those are considered confidential, I'm not at liberty to comment further.
Incidentally, here's the post that provoked the response:

Anonymous said... I think the postings that Rose removed were the ones that had cuss words and statements about her haivng sex with people or animals. No one posted that kind of thing about you. There's a big difference. Don't compare yourself to her. Jack T.
So. Enough said?

Anonymous said...

MP - why do you always have to have the last word? You must have enormously long fingernails, its evident you dont need a shovel to dig your own grave. Jack T.

God help us if we do get water over here...My God!

ROSE said...

SB - So glad to keep you amused!! LOL Kinda feel like I'm 13 years old again. Didn't much care for it then, either. The good thing, though, is it sure narrows down the potential candidate pool come voting time!

Jack? You single? I've got this friend .......

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Where's 3fingers? I miss him.

Anonymous said...

I haven't lived in Clay for a long time, but it don't sound like much has changed. Clay's always lacked couth. Yall are just giving credence to the stereotype that WV is full of ignorant galoots. There used to be a Lady in Clay, but I guess she either moved or passed on. Pity she didn't pass on how "Ladies" and "Gentlemen" act.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
One of the most famous campaign slogans of all time is "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" (Franklin Roosevelt).

Here's some suggestions for Clayberry slogans.

"A hand in every pocket and a head up every a**!"

"I'm one of you, I've been in jail, too!"

"Vote for me and I'll make sure you all have water. I'll slap the p*ss out of all your neighbors!"

"10 commandments bumper stickers for every car that can make it to the courthouse!"

"I didn't do your sister. She told me she was your cousin!"

I gotta million of 'em.

ROSE said...

Here's a thought for ya: My 4th grader carries a Bible in his backpack. We're not over zealous at our house when it comes to religion, but my budding little preacher has talked to Jesus since he first learned to talk. Anyway, he said his teacher told him that if his Bible wasn't the King James version, it just as well be in the trash ...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your son and my daughter share the same teacher. Nasty!!

I've said it once, I'll say it again... We do live in the "Land of the Free"... why fight about whose religion, bible or belief is the right one??

It should be enough that we live here... why is it people from other countries come here to have freedom??? Hmmmm... here in "hick town" we're no different than some of the dictators that they have lived under!!! If you don't believe the way they do...or you don't kiss the same rear end, travel in the same "clicks" then you aren't worth the feces that the baboons sling!!! Pitiful...down right pitiful!!

I'm shocked that the teacher didn't ask to have him NOT bring it back.

Anonymous said...

Life is all about asses:

you're either covering it,
laughing it off,
kicking it,
kissing it,
busting it,
trying to get a piece of it,
or behaving like one ...


Anonymous said...

I posted this on the PSD site but figure the other board member will not post it.

First why do you take posts off this site when you said you would not. Second as a paying water customer why is it the board is above paying money they owe? I will be at the next board meeting on thursday the 8th and would like to address the board about it. I would like to see you show up with cash in hand or a check to pay the money you owe period.

ROSE said...

terry s, I don't mean to be obtuse, but could you please clarify what you mean by "Second as a paying water customer why is it the board is above paying money they owe?" I'm not sure what you mean by this.

Anonymous said...

I was refering to the money MP person owes the PSD. Her reply on the psd site, was that she will not pay it back and that it still goes on. Again I will copy to this site my post because I have a feeling it will not go on the psd site.

So by not paying back the money you took, would you say that you are a thief or just that you are above the law. You write that this is still going on, but why do you let it if you know it is illegal? It astounds me that any bank or government agency would give you any money with the way you run a board.

ROSE said...

terry s, thanks for the clarification. I didn't want to ass-u-me anything!

Honestly, I don't know what the deal is with the money, but I doubt seriously we'll ever see a penny of it. I don't say that to be mean, just realistic. It's beyond me how it was allowed to happen in the first place. There are & were policies & procedures in place that should have prevented any sort of "over payments" to anybody. No chance of any of us worrying about "over payments" now, though, because the board voted unanimously to not pay ourselves ANYTHING until we actually have the funds to comfortably do so.

Anonymous said...

I have asked on the psd site also for a clarification of the twice tried and twice failed payment that she owes. Somehow I doubt that she has any justifiable reasons for nonpayment. It amazes me that she can continue to do this illegally. If she was the one who signed the checks for the overpayments was she also the one who turned herself down when she tried to twice pay back the money? That is the only conclusion I can come to since she continually says that she tried to pay twice and was turned down twice because I don't see the PSD turning away my money.

Anonymous said...

ok i read her website too and i want to know if crystal does get paid both mileage to and from the meeting as well as getting paid her normal hourly wage.

if she is the board needs to stop paying her twice for the same thing.


ROSE said...

First off, let me say that the "psd site" is NOT in any way affiliated with the CRPSD. It's MP's personal website that she pays for with whatever personal means she possesses and is in no way supported, condoned or recognized by the Clay-Roane PSD. Any opinions, statements, etc., on that site should be viewed as those of a private citizen.

As far as the repayment, I personally have never been offered a check, cash, IOU, Promissory Note, cashier's check, or any other means of debt payment. The PSD has never turned down MY money, either!

Might I suggest you bring your concerns to the meeting on December 8th?

ROSE said...

MP, could you be more specific, please? What am I lying about this time?

Anonymous said...

"mpostelwait said"...

Mr. Terry S. I have tried twice to repay them in full by the only means I have available to me right now. I am not offering no more and I no longer feel that I am under any requirements to repay them.

I have been real nice so far and don't want to drag anyone else's name out there, but there is more going on than meets the eye and well let's just say that pay advances, was and is a common practice at Clay-Roane. Remember this, their new rule that they put into effect only prevents board members from taking advances.

Does this mean employee took advances was it board approved if not then the chairperson being the person she says she is should have said something but if it was approved it'll be in the minutes.

Anonymous said...

mpostelwait said...
I don't consider myself either. I was overpaid and I have tried twice to pay them back. I am not going to keep asking them to accept the payback.

I have brought up about the other illegal stuff going on but no one wants to hear that. The employees are the ones that run that plant, it has always been that way. The board is just there to cater to their needs and when you start trying to change that, like I did, then you get all kinds of crap and lies started on you.

She said the board ok'ed the advance of money but no vote or even talked about at any of thier meeting it that "LEGAL"
I like to see her answer that!!!

Anonymous said...

rose whe it starts Does it mean it me jerry talking i posted on george i think the right way

ROSE said...

MP, you're more than welcome to post (and retract) whatever you'd like, but this is not the proper forum to discuss District business.

Thus far, I have offered my PERSONAL opinions. I will not, however, spar with you on this site.

What I saw - in my PERSONAL OPINION - were various WV Codes that had no applicabililty. There is no "lying" here, only a difference in interpretation.

The third party referenced by your "plan" has never presented the Board with his approval of this "plan." Consequently, his approval cannot be confirmed (or denied). Conversely, I don't see how I, as a Board member, could ethically accept your "plan" based solely on your say-so. Mind you, I'm speaking only for MYSELF & expressing my own PERSONAL opinions. I can't speak for the rest of the board, only agree or disagree as I see fit in the proper forum of a public meeting.

ROSE said...

LOL Jerry?? Are you singing Bob Dylan tunes?? I went over to George's site & checked out your post there - you're doing just fine! (but I have no idea what you're trying to say ... sorry!)

Anonymous said...

way to stop the conversation. it was getting innersting, too!

Anonymous said...

Hello, all. I've taken a journey around all these "Clay Blogs" (are there only the 3?) and am quite troubled by what I've seen. MP is a frequent guest on all of them and seems to be the butt of many a jab. Reading these comments, I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves. I've worked with many troubled children in my life and while MP may biologically be an adult, mentally, she's a textbook case of a mentally disturbed child with multiple neurological diagnoses (i.e., personality and mental disorders, learning disabilities, etc.). Her belligerence and combative attitude are all signs of a grossly stunted maturity.

Most mature adults secure in his or her self-worth will simply walk away from confrontation. An insecure, immature child will continuously engage in undesirable behavior simply for the attention. I see this all the time in the under 8 crowd, with the same symptoms reappearing about the same time as puberty. So I repeat: you should be ashamed of yourselves. Do you treat all children this way?

Furthermore, people who create these sites and people who post a comment (self included, apparently) are also struggling with ego and acceptance issues.

MP, I urge you to seek help. Ask your general practitioner to refer you to a reputable psychologist. Mental disorders are no longer considered something to be ashamed of. I'm sure your quality of life could be greatly enhanced by the right combination of medications.


Anonymous said...

mp trying something it about service of court papers? let her find he her the info on her own

ROSE said...

Hey, Jerry! I was cruising around the other blogs & she asked George & SB for theirs, too. She's probably putting together her Christmas card list & doesn't want to leave anybody off.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand something and wonder if someone could help me with a math problem.

If I owe $450 to a PSD, how is it that I can go to the court and ask for $250 and expect the court to not be able to do the math?

I never was any good at word math problems and this 1 is a hard one.

ROSE said...

LOL SB, you're "Huh? HUH?" ing over on "S.S.D.D." ... & I've confused myself 'cause I couldn't find your question!! LOLOL Oh, how I miss my mind!

"Are Rose and MP on the same PSD?" Where the heck ya been? MP & I (along with 3 others) serve on the Clay-Roane PSD board, yes. We're not employees, just board members.

Anonymous said...

On the PSD site she says she takeing everyone to court now, the CCC, board mebers, sessame street and all of us. Think I kid just go read. Dam glad she dont know my name is big crawdad.

Anonymous said...

Rose, I need your full name, your 10 most used aliases and the mailing addresses of 4 of your neighbors. Thank

ROSE said...

Big Crawdad ... LOL ... Crawdaddy ... Mucho Crustacean ... King of the Pinchers ...

Let's see ... I need. Hmm. A non-English speaking errand boy, a bigger ego, a hole in my head and a private jet. Oh, and a pilot to fly it. And $1,000,000,000,000 would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Now thats funny and I know funny. Rose I am starting to think you should have just started a water psd chat from all the traffic. Winter in clay no frogs to watch hop so most check your site for fun stuff. Luckly I have my birds to keep me in entertainment.

ROSE said...

teeheehee All I've got is Nickelodeon & frankly, SpongeBob is starting to bore me.

OH! & I need a new pair of bunny slippers, too. Not those ones that make fart noises when you walk, but nice fuzzy bunnies.

Anonymous said...

Want to sell 10 Guinea to a kind and loveing home. Please send any inquiries to this site and I will get you a price /grin.

Anonymous said...

O wow I just read I had an offer for a date on your site rose. Dam I am always a day late and a $ short it seems anymore.

ROSE said...

LOL If you talk real nice & spiff yourself all up, it might not be too late!

ROSE said...

As for those Gui ... Guine ... birds, how about $874/each with 82% of the profit going to the owner of this site for a finder's fee??

Anonymous said...

It's never too late for a man who shops till his pick up truck is full!

Anonymous said...

Rose does not sleep. She waits.

Rose doesn't read books. She stares them down until she gets the information she wants.

Rose built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK
assassination. As Oswald shot, Rose met all three bullets with her knowledge, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

The chief export of Rose is reason.

Rose recently had the idea to sell her urine as a canned beverage. We
know this beverage as Red Bull.
(> <)@ Pooinashoe

ROSE said...

LOLOL Pooinashoebunny!! You're my new hero!! You are gooooooooood! Teach me, Master. Teach me to be all that.

Anonymous said...

"What is a committee? A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit, to do the unnecessary."

~ Richard Harkness, The New York Times, 1960 ~

Anonymous said...

Heres one for ya :)
Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

(> <)@ Pooinashoebunny

Anonymous said...

. .
. Merry . . .
. Christmas _\/ \/_ .
. To _\/\/_ .
. Life In _\_\_\/\/_/_/_ .
. Clay / /_/\/\_\ \ .
. County _/\/\_ .
. /\ /\ .
. ' ' .

.--' ')
o( )_-\ Pooinashoebunny

ROSE said...

Uh ... Poo? You're not sniffing glue, are you? ;}

Anonymous said...

Well cats meow!! LOL I gues the count was off on the pic :) Hmm ill have to redo the size and try again =P
It was a Snowflake post card >.> and a new lil bunny pic. p.s. I didnt have time to sniff the glue, ok ok i thought it was marshmallow cream >.<
.--' ')
0( )_-\ Pooinashoebunny

ROSE said...

LOL I loved it anyway!

Anonymous said...

LOL well thank you >.< i tried the bunny again havent a clue why it wont turn out so ill stick with my same ole ssame ole.
Some how i think we are the only ones awake, Clay must go to bed early on the weekends *sigh* was hopin to hear some action from the lady were not allowed to mention. I just recently found out who she is. Never woulda guessed that person was in politics of any sorts o.O

(> <)@ Pooinashoebunny

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Clay and moved my Freshman year to Ohio. I still have many family members in Clay and they've been keeping me up to date on some of the goings on. I have to say, I seen a pic of the MP on another website. Someone needs to give that girl a hug. Doesn't she know what she's costing the customers shes on the board to protect?

Anonymous said...

You said something about the PSD meeting on the 8th?

Is that Crpsd?

You will be there?
MP will be there?

Is that correct?

Where is this gonna be held?

ROSE said...

The CRPSD meets on Thursday, Dec. 8th, yes. County Commission room in the courthouse at 7:00 p.m. I'll be there; don't know about MP. (Admission is free - bring your own non-alcoholic beverage)

ROSE said...

Anon who's looking for a post that isn't here - you're wearing out my REJECT! button. It's not going to make this blog, so give it up.