The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, April 16, 2007

"Schools should be places of safety and sanctuary and learning." - President George Bush

Campus remains closed; convocation Tuesday at Cassell
04/16/2007, Updated 4:45 p.m.

Two shootings on campus today have left 33 dead. Thirty-one, including the gunman, died at Norris Hall; two died at West Ambler Johnston Hall. Fifteen other victims from Norris are being treated at area hospitals. The university is in the process of identifying victims and notifying next-of-kin. Names will not be released until that process is complete.


Anonymous said...

I would like to provide this blog with some of our news outlets for those who would like to read about this tragedy on a local level.

Sometimes the locals give information that the national news doesn't have.

Anonymous said...

You can also visit the Virginia Tech website at:

ROSE said...

The national news is so skewed & so determined to over-sensationalize who neglected to do what, it is nice to have a different perspective.

Anonymous said...

One of our local radio stations has decided to take calls from listeners rather than broadcast normal programming. I don't think anyone can listen to these calls with dry eyes. This tragedy has touched so many lives.

ROSE said...

How does 1 gunman kill that many people with a .22 & a 9 mm? An Uzi, maybe, but ... handguns? I don't understand that.

I understand chaos & panic & perhaps all the details aren't public yet, but I just can't fathom how that can happen.

Obviously, "How To Stop A Homicidal Maniac" needs to become part of all school curriculums ...

Anonymous said...

Remember the killer is somebody's son too. Pray for all the families including his.

Anonymous said...

Watch for Iron Mike at CRJ tonight. He's feeling manly again.

Anonymous said...

doesn't Hillary favor putting illegal immigrants on welfare and medicaid?

Anonymous said...

Hillary is in favor of doing anythig she can to get votes from anyone she can. They have been getting social security, welfare, medical attention and anything else they can get for free.
That is why our system is so strained and so many that don't have a job and can't get a job. They bring in one legal Mexican to contract the work and then he will bring in a dozen illegals to do that work. He gets paid a percentage of what the job is actually worth and that is divide among the rest.
They all get medical attention when and if they need it and they need it often. Its all free because none of them pay any taxes but just you try to get a medical card and work for under ten bucks an hour and see how long it takes them to throw you out of the welfare office or make you feel lower then a snake for even asking.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many whiteys actually try to get work if they can get welfare. Probably not many.

Anonymous said...

The blacky's don't even have to go through the routine of looking for a job. They get approved automatically. Because it's a known fact they all need help. How do you think their women get all those fat rumps?

Anonymous said...

WV Newsline. All WV news.
WV Newsline

Anonymous said...

How do they get them fat rumps? It's a horizonal thing.

Anonymous said...

i'm a dumb hillbilly. i don't understand what i read sometimes. i read that the Va. gunman was a resident alien but i also read that his family had lived in Centreville for several years. it don't jive to me. where did i go wrong?

ROSE said...

Once again, I have no idea what's going on here.

Mike Lanham is everything moms dread their sons might become. Someday, he's going to run into somebody even more insane than he is & jail won't be an option any more.

Fat rumps come from over use. Get up off of it & it won't have time to spread.

The Virginia Tech shooter had a valid green card. He came to the U.S. when he was 8 years old.

I hate to see this become a "foreigner" thing just as much as I hate to see it become a gun control thing.

Several of his victims were also "foreign" yet nobody's going to make an issue out of that. Take a look at other mass murderers throughout our history - you'll find plenty who were born & raised right here on U.S. soil. His ethnic background and/or right to be in this country have zero bearing on anything.

One of his teachers tried to alert police by sharing various papers he'd written with them. Nobody could touch him based on his writings about murder & mayhem because his right to free speech was just as intact as anybody else's.

He bought the guns legally and had every right to possess them. His "right to bear arms" was just as valid as any other legal resident of this country.

Hindsight is always blinding in its clarity. We're a country of festering maniacs & we've created the monster ourselves. We're so "free" and we enjoy so many "rights" that we're untouchable until some maniac decides to kick it up a notch.

Thirty-two people died Monday because 1 man felt like taking their lives. Period.

Scary, ain't it?

Anonymous said...

you seem to be out of it often lately, Rose. is life becoming to fast for you? that's a sign o a little maturity catching up to you. or maybe it's the weird turns and twists these blogs take. fraid you aint seen nuthin' yet. is aint supposed to have a dangler in it?

Anonymous said...

its a total tragedy, but we still have one of the safest school systems in the world.

hundreds or thousands of students die every year worldwide due to violence. some violence around the world have ended in hundreds of students dying in a single incident. chechnya a few years ago had over 300 dead in hostage standoff.

many people today are asking where the breakdown was. rose hit the nail right on the head. there was no breakdown. we live in a free nation that allows citizens to buy guns, freedom of speech allowing people to right horrific writings, and don't we all act a little strange sometimes. maybe not as strange as others or this guy.

but our society is based on the freedom to allow these things to happen. once we try to control these rights we will lose rights guaranteed by the constitution.

Anonymous said...

"write horrific writings"

sorry i just got carried away there

someone needs to put spell check on these blogs.

Anonymous said...

hey u'all youns ever read DAVID COPPERFIELD by little Jimmy Dickens. very educational.

Anonymous said...

what is a foreigner in our great nation??

we are a diverse society made up of a hodgepodge of backgorunds. does his race play a factor?

absolutely not. that would be saying only koreans kill have mental illnesses and other problems in life.

we would have to tell our number 1 hate group in the state. the syrian brotherhood or whatever the neo-nazi group goes by these days, that they are all timid and act like pussy cats. they aren't korean so they aren't tough enough or sick enough to have that type organization.

Anonymous said...

You're right Wowie you are not very smart.

Anonymous said...

These people are the ones who need shot.

Anonymous said...

Spread the word - Orange and Maroon Effect

Virginia Tech family members across the country have united to declare this Friday, April 20th, an “Orange and Maroon Effect” day to honor those killed in the tragic events on campus Monday, and to show support for Virginia Tech students, faculty, administrators, staff, alumni, and friends. “Orange and Maroon Effect” was born several years ago as an invitation to Tech fans to wear orange and maroon to Virginia Tech athletic events. We invite everyone from all over the country to be a part of the Virginia Tech family this Friday, to wear orange and maroon to support the families of those who were lost, and to support the school and community we all love so much.

Anonymous said...

Shoot these too -

Anonymous said...


Checklist of the American Psychological Association's warning signs of youth violence:

A sullen loner with no real social network, a fascination with guns, deep and disproportionate feelings of anger and being disrespected, a history of problems with teachers, and an apparent inability to connect with or empathize with others.

SmileyTD said...

That Phelps family and its followers are in need of psychological evaluations. I found a file regarding the VT shootings/funerals and their response to a question asking why they would picket such a sad occasion. If, for whatever reason, you wanna' read it, here's the link. (You'll need Adobe Reader to open it.)

If you have read anything that they've written, they all sound so...(I hate to say it)...uneducated. They remind me of a bunch of kids that are crying out for attention, and in whatever way that will get them the most of it.

On a side note, that psych checklist for the youth violence sounds exactly like someone I know. :\

Anonymous said...

The way these "God-fearing" folks represent themselves is nothing short of Deliverance!

So here is my personal take of this "Waco-waiting to happen bunch of under-educated inbred, ignorant, bible thumpin' bunch of __________ ." Or perhaps the idiots that waited on the comet to take them home.(In my neck of the woods we'd give em' a a piece of paper that would read, "HERE'S YOUR SIGN!!!")

God is Not Hate!
God is Not murder!

To say that the students that were gunned down that day were NOT innocent is plain & simple ignorance.

So what? Maybe these freaks and their clan have preached hell & damnation for the last 16 years. Does that mean that they really believe that they have reached EVERY single person in the WORLD? And that who so ever doesn't believe should die? Wow... they really must be God to reach so many in so little time. That's very impressive. Kudos to them!! (IDIOTS)

My final thought, how ever random it may be,is this:

IF this particular religious "group" (aka, brain washed IDIOTS) make it Heaven then I shall surely be the one standing with St. Peter reading the names of those who made it into Heaven from the Lambs book of Life when time is declared to be no more!"

ROSE said...

Amen, Sista.

That Cho kid was a narcissistic freakazoid. Do you suppose he watched those videos of himself & thought, "Man, I look so cool"?

If every U.S. citizen obtained a concealed weapons permit & we all started packing heat, do you think killers like him would think twice before trying to outdraw somebody or just find a different way to kill you?

That checklist could describe quite a few kids I know. Or at least ones I've heard about. I wonder, if it described your kid, would you recognize it??

Anonymous said...

Our governor has proclaimed that today, April 20, 2007, is a day of mourning. Today we are all Hokies.

Anonymous said...

So here is my personal take of this "Waco-waiting to happen bunch of under-educated inbred, ignorant, bible thumpin' bunch of __________ ."

Verily, verily I say unto you all that proclaim works in thy name shall not enter in.
And we don't have to leave Clayberry to find "IDIOTS" proclaiming works in "Christ" name or Christianity to fill their proverbial needs and theirs alone, to scam the public from any means they can to sustain a living and will do whatever it takes to do that.Known only by desolute folks that have lost their homes to fire and asked for their help only to find their is nothing in the till for the very people they are supposed to be in business for. I have no use at all for any of these slugs and will tell you,them or anyone that ask.
If you know of someone in need give directly to that person whether it be food, clothing, furniture or financial assistance they will appreciate it more coming from you rather then hear from some scam artist "We've gave out to much and can't help you."
If you don't need it send it to the trash dump before giving to one of these "ripoff" artist.

Anonymous said...

lets put it all behind us and live for the future!!

rose will you model a thong for me?

ROSE said...

If I'm gonna act like a super model, I wanna get paid like a super model.

What'll ya gimme?

Anonymous said...

High priced drugs and your own home edition vomitorium. Isn't that what super models like best??

Anonymous said...

(echo) Helloooooooooooo
Is there anybody in there......

Anonymous said...

Oh yes anonymous, we are just lurking around in the darkness of cyber space.

ROSE said...

There will only be 49 contestants in the Miss Black America Contest this year because no one wants to wear the banner that says "IDAHO."


Anonymous said...

i dont care who you are "THATS FUNNY"

haha rose you're a bad girl.

now you will need fired or spanked

Anonymous said...

ya better just fire her. Getting spanked could hurt what with her just running around in a thong all the time!

Anonymous said...

I thought Tracy was the better Sizemore. What a disappointment.

Another Clay County "in" family shamed.

Anonymous said...

She was obviously seduced by Chris' charm and guile.

Anonymous said...

He'll be popular.

ROSE said...

Holy cow. Little Tracy Sizemore? Good grief. Who'da thunk it.

Wait. I say that like I have any idea what I'm talking about. I'm getting all my info from AWs website. What's the rest of the story??

ROSE said...


I hate it when I get here too late - that offender has already been released. Or some such nonsense.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She was obviously seduced by Chris' charm and guile.


Anonymous said...

No fair AN can't you get pictures or something??!! I miss all the good ones. It's hell having to work a full time job!

ROSE said...

Um ... Chris certainly looked charming in his mug shot. So many of them do, ya know. I think they should include those shots in their portfolios they send to modeling agencies.

Did you hear about the prison riot in Indiana? I was watching the coverage yesterday & this lady called in - she was the mom of one of the inmates & some sort of prisoner advocate - & she went on & on & on about all the reasons the prisoners have to riot. Number one seemed to be overcrowding.

I'm thinking, perhaps if they wanted more out of life than a 10 x 10 cell (or whatever), perhaps they shouldn't have broken the law. But that's just me & my simplistic way of thinking.

Anonymous said...

wouldnt be much to riot if we hung all the child molestors instead of paying for them to be in prison.

over half of our mt. olive prison population is there for some type of sexual offense.

Anonymous said...

Let em fk each other.

Anonymous said...

That's precisely what they do.

Anonymous said...

My but you all have a way with words.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You know I try and get that kind of volume with my hair and I can't do it. I'd love to know his secret! Interesting middle name...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else come on here and look and see that know one else has posted for 3 or 4 days and think wtf? is going on?Where is everyone?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Anonymous said...


SmileyTD said...

Maybe everyone else is doing the same thing. We're all just checking in, wondering why no one is posting- instead of actually posting something ourselves. LOL I'm normally just a lurker, so that's my excuse. ;)

Anonymous said...

Same here...nothing to post really. WV CHIC where the heck are you???
Smiley, we don't see ya much anymore, stayin' busy??

According to my inside source (one anxious middle schooler) there are only 26 school days left!

(This will stop the blog dead in it's tracks for another 3 or 4 days! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)

SmileyTD said...

Hi, CB! Good to see ya'. Thanks for asking about me.

I wouldn't really say that I've been busy, but my time's pretty well taken up. (Clear as mud?) LOL I still pop in every once in a while to throw in my two cents, though (like today). :P

How are things with you?

ROSE said...

Meanwhile, where's the blog owner, who's supposed to keep this thing going? Hmph. Lazy whelp.

Whaddaya say we move on?

Anonymous said...

Oh sure start something new when we're talking about me!!!>; D

All's well here Smiley, just busy working and enjoying the sunny weather!!! Thanks for askin' !


ROSE said...


You know how I am - it's all about ME, baby.

Just call me Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

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