The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh, What A Beautiful Morning ...

Spring. A time of rebirth. Renewal. Reflection. Seasons come and seasons go. The world goes 'round and 'round, oblivious to the trials, triumphs and tragedies of those who inhabit it.

Today's one of those days lonely people dread and busy people covet. Not much going on, beautiful blue sky, the smell of clean in the air. One of those days that totally blindsides you with memories of days gone by.

Somewhere, there's a life ending and another beginning. A heart breaking and another giving itself up to the glories of new love. Somewhere, a soul seeking peace is finding it.

Somewhere, there's a festering cesspool of sewage sucking evil, waiting for you to go see the new Simpsons movie so the scene of Bart's cartoon, 10-year-old full frontal nudity can burn your eyes out and damn your soul to eternal hellfire.


Anonymous said...

I'm First!!

Anonymous said...

ichi, nee sahn, shee, go, rokoo, schechee, hachee ku ju. somewhere over the rainbow there's another fool such as I. Oh mr. Jones I feel so alone.

ROSE said...

No clue what that's all about, but ... it's another beautiful day!

Just for kicks, try picking somebody else's wedgie today & let us know how it works out for ya.

Anonymous said...

just expressing my opinion, Rose. your blog. will take my independance elsewhere. i go fishing sometimes, always got a worm handy. beautiful day for fishing.

Anonymous said...

Bart Simpson: "What a day, eh, Milhouse? The sun is out, birds are singing, bees are trying to have sex with them -- as is my understanding ..."

Anonymous said...

what language is that?

Anonymous said...

japanese, 1-10

Anonymous said...

>When I born, I BLACK,
>When I grow up, I BLACK,
>When I go in sun, I BLACK,
>When I cold, I BLACK,
>When I scared, I BLACK,
>When I sick, I BLACK,
>And when I die, I still BLACK.

>You white folks....
>When you born, you PINK,
>When you grow up, you WHITE,
>When you go in sun, you RED,
>When you cold, you BLUE,
>When you scared, you YELLOW,
>When you sick, you GREEN,
>When you bruised, you PURPLE ,
>And when you die, you GRAY.
So who you callin' colored folks?

Anonymous said...

sorry old chap. hardly ever use the term myself. i have associated with black folks[nigers, colored, black-a**ed bastards] since 1952. no major problems. blacks, by their agitating cause most of their own problems. the agitators want attention and money. and so I sez let them go suck a stump. the trouble makers, that is.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how Mr. Young always has a different version of events when it comes to his kids?

The never do nothing, ain't there and didn't see it. Yet all those stolen items just happen to be found on their property.


Anonymous said...

Colored? Black? What are ya supposed to them? African American for all its political correctness is wrong.
Not all black people are from Africa and calling them that is stereo-typing.

Anonymous said...

i type a little. not very good at it. can't do it in stereo at all.

Anonymous said...

black people are born a pale color usually near white enough to pass as a white kid except for the features

Anonymous said...

black babies are usually always cute when they're first born, white babies, have that red scrunched up look and are sometimes bald.

Anonymous said...

Is that what Jesse Jackson means when he says rainbow coalition?
Black is such a negative color. Black is not beautiful. Pink is nice.

Anonymous said...

Some of the best parts of a womans body are pink. Not black. If its black, stay away from it.

Anonymous said...

They say once you go black you never go back. I for one went out in the black of night and fell over the hillside and they were right I ain't going back.

Anonymous said...

and really black people aren't black, they're brown. Well, there are those few who are so dark they look almost blue. Have you seen that before, you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

They say they are black but actually they are S**t Brown and the ones really dark are Blue gum
naggers. Yep they can call themselves whatever they want but they got booted out of the Cherokee Indian Tribes because of race issues they always had to bring up and also crying about slavery. Not a slave alive in a hundred and forty odd years and they are still yapping about it. Bought time they wake up we are all slaves and if you don't believe that miss a rent payment to the sheriff and see how long it takes them to auction off your property in front of the courthouse. Or just look on your next paycheck at all the money you have to put out just to work,that is if you work for a payday.

Anonymous said...

Black people don't look anything like Cherokee Indians. Or any other kind of Indian for that matter. What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

There have blacks in the Cherokee tribe for years as a part of them but they got booted from the tribes. No matter as to whether they look Injun or not they were a part of the Cherokee Nation until recent months when council voted that they were to no longer to be a part of the Cherokee Tribe.
The Chief of the Appalachin American Indians is black also as they are the only recognized tribe in Wv and meet at the Lutheran Church in Charlseton once a month. The State recognized them a few years back on Native American Day at the Legislature. Best I can explain it for you. To complicated for me to do.

sirhenry60 said...

Some people think a spade should be called a spade.

I prefer to call them shovels.

Anonymous said...

How about-


or if they dont dig-


Now lets see..
Is there a shorter version of that?

Anonymous said...

Yeah it was a beautiful day till black chocolate showed up.

Anonymous said...

Do you only get a wedgie when you wear a thong?

Anonymous said...

Isn't a thong an intentional wedgie?

Anonymous said...

Only when it pulls the lips back.

Anonymous said...

On May 15th, all internet users are asked to not buy gas in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.

There are 73,000,000+ Americans currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.

If everybody on the internet refused to go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companys pockets for just one day, so buy your gas on the 14th and lets try to put a dent in the oil industry for at least one day.

Anonymous said...

Don't buy any gas the entire week of May 15 if you can get around it any other way. Only go when you absolutely have to go. Make all trips necessary and a have to case. Hartland Superette has had the cheapest gas around since the gouging began until this week it had been $2.79 which was the cheapest in the state. She raised the gas to $2.95 this week. If she could sale for $2.79 for over two weeks after Go Mart and the rest in the county went to $2.90 and above you know there is some gouging going on. Pay her a visit and let her know you appreciate her trying to keep gas down and did for a month after the rest passed $2.79.
And no I don't have anything to do with Hartland Superette other then buying gas there a few times because it was cheaper and probably will buy it there for awhile longer just because she did try to hold down prices.

Anonymous said...

Well by God,I'm goin there too!

Anonymous said...

Let me see......if everyone does not purchase gas on the 15th of May and it will cost the gas companies out the wazoo, then what is the purpose of purchasing gas on the 14th?? Everyone will go out and buy gas on the 14th even if they do not need it causing the gas companies to double their profits because sales will be doubled because of the rush on the 14th. They will not lose anything due to the boycott on the 15th. Do you suppose this is just a ploy by the gas companies to enhance their profits? Do the gas companies think we are a bunch of idiots?

Anonymous said...

The only way to hurt the gas companys is by cutting out any unnecessary travel. I only have $100.00 to spend on gas so I have to watch where I go and try not to go at all if I can help it. Last year I cut back that I only bought a little over $200.00 worth of gas all summer. But they know that people have to work and they also know that we have no choice but buy gas from them to get to work. They say its supply and demand but thats crap. It is still 54 miles to Charleston to get to work for some and it don't demand a drop more to drive in the summertime. No matter how much they charge for the gas its still around 54 miles to Charleston.If it goes to ten bucks a gallon that fact will remain the same and the people having to go to work will still have to buy gas to get there. I may limit my travel to ATV this entire month or just stay home. Anyway I intend to do my part and not buy gas the entire week of May 15 whether it has an effect or not they won't get that much money from me that week.

Anonymous said...

the way to make it work is to boycot one brand of gas. Bring one company to its knees and they will al wise up

Anonymous said...

Then boycott Exxon. They are the ones who made 36 BILLION dollars in net PROFITS.

Anonymous said...

36 BILLION dollars in net PROFITS.

Thats what they reported making. Have you ever known a company to disclose all its profits? Not a one that I know of has ever let it be known as to how much they actually make but report as little as possible to have to pay taxes on. This was for a three month period.
If the government was not ran by Coal,Oil and Gas companies theyh would step in and put a stop to it. Unlike Bill Gates and Microsoft gas companies can buy out each other or one person can own them all and not a word has been said. Why is this? Every represenative we have in Washington is paid for by Coal, Oil and Gas.Real Democratic don't you think? They are told when to jump, how to jump and where they better not land when they jump. Thats why it takes Millions of dollars to elect the President and eliminates everyone but Lawyers to become President. Laws are set up by Lawyers for Profit orginazations. Let one get in hot water and they quietly dissappear from view of the public eye and go right on doing what they were getting away with when they got caught. No Laws written to govern them either. Look at all the blood that was spilled by the Clintons on their trip to the WhiteHouse, all the so called Suicides committed by Lawyers who were close to them. Now they want you to put Hillary back in the Whitehouse.

Anonymous said...

Just checking the jail site. Now I don't know Merrel Lovejoy personally, but if I were her (it says female), I'd be investing in a big pot of Nair. Something's not right there.

Anonymous said...

Yep, sometimes what ya see is not what ya get!

Anonymous said...

Rose! please don't leave us.

ROSE said...

Wow, what a lazy slug I've been lately.

Lessee ... I'd say it's definitely past time to change the subject.

Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I think we orta boycot Wall-Mart for raisin there prices on 1/2 pound chocolate bars to $1.65, thats gettin down right cruel.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose heres one for ya site:
Does a Chicken have Lips?

Anonymous said...

new string not a problem. lets talk about


Anonymous said...

I have no use for Camel Toes,Camel Feet or Camel Jockeys either and there shold be an open season on them and Mexicans just like it is on Americans in Iraq, and all the other Camel Jock countries.
Kill 'em all and let God Sort them out

Anonymous said...

guess you misunderstood my thoughts

go to

Anonymous said...

Still not interested in anything Camel

Anonymous said...

"Lessee ... I'd say it's definitely past time to change the subject.

Any suggestions?"

Who do we think we are by authorizing elected officials to kill our young people?

Why don't we close our borders? Let the other countries fend for themselves. And only fight back when we are attacked. With nukes.

Anonymous said...

lets do a stran just in remembrance of MP

we can all scan previous posts and post some of her famous sayings

Anonymous said...

No lets not close our borders we have over 12 million illegals hiding around the countryside . Some are at ourbordering county. Clonch's sawmill has a bunch of the Mex's housed over there. Over in Montgomery theres enough Camel Jockeys to start a small war.
After we get rid of all of them then think about closing the borders or shoot them on site which will close the border alot better. If they get caught in this country after that I say introduce them to a tall tree with a short piece of rope.

If you are waiting for an attack on our soils to start another war what do you call what happened on 9-11. We have been attacked and raped by OPEC oil companies for the past 35+ years. I am sick of being screwed at the pumps because some Arab need new blood in his Harim. I would at least like to have a kiss before they break it off in me.

Anonymous said...

tee hee an MP remembrance.. that would bring her out of the woodwork wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

To Thu May 10, 12:46:00 PM: Maybe the Native Americans should have closed their border 400 years ago when THEIR country started being stolen away from them and they were attacked on their own soil. Then YOU would not be here.

Anonymous said...

The native American Indian didn't have the wherewithal to do that, we do.
Might as well include the complaining African Americans too. Let their homeland take care of them.

Anonymous said...

the portugese and spainards were making slaves out of the niggers long before we [the USA were]. why blame us. wasn't it ABRAHAM who knocked up his slave girl and made SARAH jealous. so he had to kick his slave and her child out.

Anonymous said...

As a registered Native American I suppose I would still be here regardless of the situation. As for slavery, Negros were not the only people enslaved and are not the only ones still enslaved by our governing bodies across the country.
All the people combined in the molding pot of the USA the Native Americans were the only people to lose their rights and existance in a land that belonged to them and was forbidden them to own or walk about freely as other people from around the world have opted to use as a way to gain FREEDOM.
We still pay taxes and work and play as Americans but yet we have a government that allows illegals to come here and bankrupt the system, pay no taxes, pay a share of wages to employers who hire them, give them each and every right that we have worked, fought and died for as Americans to earn and live by. Something wrong with this picture, just who has the strangle hold on our politicians to allow this to continue.

Anonymous said...

i too am a registered native american in the cherokee nation, but if it weren't for the outsiders i'm afraid i wouldnt be here.

all of my mom's family was from ireland, hence i am a dark tan color, a great natural golden bronze in the summer, with a bright red beard when it grows out.

there are very few full bloods left and for the african american comment. that is just a term white people placed on blacks. most of them were born right here in america just like the rest of us. so where do you get the "african" part? that is so 70s and 80s. let their homeland take care of them. so do you wish to raise taxes? this is their homeland

Anonymous said...

How come you have to register to be a Native American? I was born here in America too, but I didn't register. Was I suppose to??

Anonymous said...

Nothing cures my homesickness quite like reading the comments from the hordes of racist anon assbags that tend to gather here. Most of which I'm sure go to their good christian churches every Sunday and let the teachings of Jesus go in one ear and right out the other. Thanks for reminding me why I left as soon as I could and why I haven't been back in 10 years.

Anonymous said...

To all you tree huggers out there. Let's stop the rapes, robberies and squalor out there by letting their home countries take on the burden. They are not here to work. The pickings are so much better here. There's nothing to rob in their home countries.

Anonymous said...

Native Americans have to prove their heritage to the US Government and being born here doesn't make you a Native American. Native Americans are referred to as Injun decent and are the only human beings on earth treated as a non human.
The Native American Indian were the first people on the North American continent and the only humans the US government tried to eliminate. Funny how others can get by with anything they want in a confused and disorganized country.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you in Oregon they aren't treated as non-human. They're treated rather well in fact. They're the only ethnic group allowed to operate and profit from their casinos. They are allowed to have their own schools, funded by public money. They still have their own tribe councils and laws on their reservations. Now what other ethnic group gets to do that?


Anonymous said...

being ignorant of the laws covering native american, a few questions.
1. are they required to register as a native an alien, a foreigner or what.
2. are they required to register for the draft.
3. what are the benefits from registering.
4. are they eligible for welfare if they don't register.
5. if they do.

having spent two weeks recently playing chess with a native american freom upper New York, he and i got acquainted, somewhat.
I heard him apologize to another native, for me, because I called them indians, said I hadn't been taught any better.

he also said that the USA didn't pay their welfare that it was paid from a fund maintained by Great Britain.

really can't see the difference, since we support great britain.
so, enough for now.

Anonymous said...

i apologize Rose, thought i was on the other blog.

Anonymous said...

1. are they required to register as a native an alien, a foreigner or what.
2. are they required to register for the draft.
3. what are the benefits from registering.
4. are they eligible for welfare if they don't register.
5. if they do.
In answer to you questions LS NA are required to be registered witht the Federal Government and as doing so they can keep tabs on your every move. Yes when the draft was required every NA obtaining the age of 18 was registered and required to serve in the Military and fight for this country. The benefits of registering is no more then a requirement so that the Feds can track your movements, some programs are set up just for NA for college funds and can only be used by NA. As for welfare I have no idea but I know that some obtain welfare to have a way to live not by choice.Those living on reservations have few opportunities to make a living outside the rez. Some do move about the country and follow construction and pipe line jobs to provide for their families. As for the comment about casinos and profiting from that heres a question for that person also. Lets say that I move into your yard and set up a Gas Station would you require part of my profit for doing so? Would you want to share what belonged to you and keep your mouth shut. Oregon, New York, Fla. NC or any other place where NA's were placed and required to live have many places taken away and used by greedy people who want to move into the lands of NA's and do just that and yes we have profitted by making them pay us for the use of lands forced upon our people.