The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, July 02, 2007


Yesterday, my friend Chuck would have been 49.

Someday, remind me to tell ya about the time
he put fireworks off at our house ...


Anonymous said...

Someday, remind me to tell you about the time, I put a cherry bomb down the vent pipe of a porta-potty, while someone was in there. Talk about the Sh#% hitting the fan.

ROSE said...


There's a reason cherry bombs are virtually impossible to buy these days.

I have a brother who just loves M80s ... especially when they're strapped to little army men.

Anonymous said...

M-80s work well on mailboxes too

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose, we haven't forgotten about you. We will all be back when the honeymoon with the other blog is over.

Anonymous said...

I would like to be the first one to thank you, Rose, for keeping your blog going when others couldn't and for keeping us informed and entertained. I appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

Damn.. 07-07-07 has come and gone..

I was hoping rapture would have happened and half of you knuckleheads would have been sucked up to heaven..

Anonymous said...

just an off the wall question for all you bloggers....well sort of. If you suspected your spouse or significiant other of cheating, what would you do??? Confront them and give them a chance to lie or snoop, snoop, snoop???? Let me know what you think.........

Anonymous said...

If you confront them and they lie this will not only not get you any information, it will also alert them to the fact that you suspect something and they will be more apt to hide stuff. I'd start off with the snooping. Is he a sound sleeper??

Anonymous said...

very sound......the weird thing is......he has now mysteriously learnt to delete #s from the cellphone, and he cant even find the contact list or anything else on the stupid thing. But the main thing which makes me wonder, he was "slipped" a note from an old girlfriend. And then accidently left it in his pants pocket.......stupid men

Anonymous said...

If you're asking for advice on this blog, you've got bigger problems that whether or not your man is cheatin' on you.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a very lovely fireworks display that Chuck set off at your house. Very memorable!!!


ROSE said...

LOL Memorable, indeed.

Y'all go ahead & enjoy your honeymoon. When all the bluster is up front & the wad is all shot at once, there's not much left to fall back on. Slow & steady works for me.

We just got home from a lovely week or so in haunted, haunting Gettysburg. Have you ever been? I'm not a history buff by any means, but there's something about Gettysburg that just ... gets to me. By far one of my favorite places on the planet.

They have a 3-day reenactment of the battle that took place there July 1-3, 1863. There are acres & acres of field where "soldiers" & "families" are camped, telling you, teaching you, showing you all about what life was like back then. Stores are set up where you can buy gorgeous ladies' dresses, Union hats, Confederate jackets or just some hardtack, if that's what you need. The reenactors are just amazing. If you squint your eyes & shut out the sound of cars & airplance, it's so easy to let yourself be transported back in time 144 years. Especially for people like me, who are already teetering on the brink of reality. ;)

If you ever get a chance to go, I highly recommend it. Make sure you visit Little Round Top, the site that overlooks the Valley of Death & Devil's Den, where thousands of men died in one day. The 3-day battle at Gettysburg totalled 53,000 casualties (dead, wounded or missing). Think about that. Three days; 53,000 casualties. & that was just 3 days of a battle that lasted for years.

No, this wasn't my first trip to Gettysburg, nor will it be my last. I'll try not to go on & on & on about it, though ... teeheehee

Anonymous said...

Man I didn't know ole Jack Coleman did Civil war buff stuff but guess he conned Rose into another trip there and back.
And for the snoopy wife that found the note did it ever occur to you he wanted you to find the note, or did it occur that you are boring, doing the same stuff day in and day out. Hard to keep up a relationship when you are dating and having sex with a log don't you think? Besides a little on the side never hurt to many people as it washes right off. Spices things up for the motionless housewife.

Anonymous said...

independence day has done gone bye
a bird watching i did go
a few i did espy
the thongs they were a thinging
all were so thweet
now the birds were all a thinging thweet-thweet-thweet
but the thong i've a hearing
twas not by birds i fear
the thong i'se been a hearing
was about Rosas rear
the bird it was a crying
its voice was so coarse
sounded a lot like a fart from a horse
twould have made a raven cry
"n'er more, n'er more"

Anonymous said...

I hear the CCC is going to start looking for people to serve on Business development board and housing board if interested call County Clerk and give them your name and number and which board. 587-4259

Anonymous said...

To the blogger at Tue Jul 10, 08:09:00 AM: What if that "spice" gives you something that penicillin won't cure? That definitely won't wash off.

Anonymous said...

Incidentally, if any of you recall the lovely pciture of Rose on AW's website a couple of weeks back, you might have noted that it was taken at Little Roundtop. Don't know if you recognized that background or not! >: D

ROSE said...

LOL I have the age-progression pictures for comparison purposes.

Kathy Mattea was just on the news, crying over the mountain top removal sites she was flown over. I'm wondering if she was flown over all the WalMart & housing development sites so she could bawl over the loss of those trees, too.

Anonymous said...

has anybody noticed that code v must like writing to themselves.
It is only updated once or twice a day and the responses are every few minutes. How could you possibly know what someone said before it is posted. I think it is a fake.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rose is a figment of my infactuation, could that be real or do I need meds also? Reminds me of the time I put the cherry bomb down the vent pipe.

sirhenry60 said...

Wonder is Kathy Mattea landed at Yeager Airport after she flew all over the place and cryed when she landed there too??

Anonymous said...

Flew in? I'm sure she drove her hybrid Toyota Prius in.

Anonymous said...

Whether she bawls or not Mountain Top stripping is a horrid sight beyond imagination. Trees do more then shade the dog under it. Coal may be the light of Wv but it is also destroying mother natures handy work.
I am not a tree hugger but I love the mountains and the beauty they hold and I also support those who work. Stripping will be the downfall of West Virginia. Kentucky ran the rogues out of the state and and guess where they landed. If you didn't guess Bickmore West Virginia then you are very wrong.
Take a drive up Leatherwood Creek and look at the miles of devistation. Drive as far up as you can get because both entrys of county roads have been blocked to the public. There was towns of people in Twenty Mile Creek and that to has been destroyed. Every home torn down or burned. A Church remains there that was a school until 1896 when it became a church.
Family reunions were held there, one of the largest around as people gathered there for over 100 years before the road was blocked to the church and to the Cemetarys located up and down the creek.
When the hurricanes and tornados tear through these mountain top removal areas Clayberry will get a good dose of what removing the mountains causes and its a shame it can't get to the big house in Charleston.

ROSE said...

Blah blah blah.

All true & indisputable, but the fact remains that if you're going to p*ss & moan about "mountaintop removal" at least p*ss & moan about ALL of it. I'm fed up to my eyeballs with bleeding heart seal savers who selectively pick & choose their "causes" then refuse to open their eyes to the reality of life.

Yes, strip mines "destroy" our mountains, but once the mining is done, those companies are eventually fined within an inch of bankruptcy to reclaim the land & plant new trees for future logging companies to destroy.

Personally, I'd much rather look at a reclaimed hill than another stinkin' WalMart/housing development/Home Depot/prison/yada yada blah blah.

Anonymous said...

hey Rose you're getting downright nasty. first thing you know tou'll be inviting me back. have you thought about there not being anything for the trees to anchor their roots in after being contoured. whats to keep all that ground from slipping away. eroded and carried into mud river.

ROSE said...

Shoot, LS, you know you're welcome here anytime. Heck, sometimes we leave the door open all night long just to see what kind of critters we can get to drop in. teeheehee

Of course I've thought about the trees. The trees, the mountains, the baby harp seals, bald eagles, chocolate that doesn't make you fat ...

That's not my point. My point is that if you're going to get on a high horse & bemoan the loss of a natural resource, bemoan ALL the causes of it's loss; not just the one that stirs the most controversy.

Of course, it'd be nice if those high horse riders would get down on level ground sometimes & see things from a different perspective.

Anonymous said...

Is all that stuff on that other blog true?

Anonymous said...

Yes every word is pure gospel.

Anonymous said...

New blog in town!

Check it out!

ROSE said...

Just came from AWs site - I'm not having much sympathy for whoever didn't have DSL for 24+ hours. Some of us still have DIAL UP & tend to get zapped by lightning periodically. Next time y'all are without internet service for 24+ hours, take comfort in knowing that some of us have gone 5+ STINKIN DAYS without internet OR phone service.


Anonymous said...

Hey Baby, glad ta see your still kickin- high ho silver and away!

Anonymous said...


That's why it's important to have a job where you can check your email and peruse the internet while you're supposed to be working. State jobs are good for this kind of thing. Probably why they don't pay much! >: D


Anonymous said...

Yes Rose dialup is the pits.
You need satellite Wild Blue

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming you don't have cable available?

Anonymous said...

It will be like you having an M-80 in your modem.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone been to Krogers or Kmart lately? They cemented up the walkways that used to be cart and wheelchair accessible and made the ramp further away from the door. Why did they do that. I wonder how many people have fallen off the curb so far?

Anonymous said...

Fallen off the curb? I walked right out and shoved a whole buggy full off the curb.

ROSE said...

Ya know, even if I wasn't too cheap to pay for satellite, it doesn't really come my way. I've called about 3 dozen different providers & they all tell me the same thing. Is there anybody my way who actually has satellite who can attest to it's delightfulness??

I think Krogers redid their sidewalk because the people coming & out were clogging the sidewalk there. I watched a lady in a wheelchair trying to navigate that bit post the other day, trying to get to the ramp & it didn't look all that easy. P*ss poor planning if ya ask me.

Anonymous said...

Delighted says; Put your zip code in there and call one of the installers and try again. If you are not too frugal.

Anonymous said...

They did the same thing at Kmart and there was no clog up there.

ROSE said...

Ya know, here's the thing about satellite - until they can provide me service for the same $14.95 I'm already paying, I reckon I'll just muddle along with dial up.

Actually, what I don't understand is this - my cell phone gets reception up here & DirectTV comes through just fine. So why the heck can't I have satellite internet?? I mean, there are obviously satellites up there I can access ...

Anonymous said...

hey Rose; i have some comments on mountain top removal.

now if we could get some one to plant bushes on those contours it might help.

and we could have putin a cemetary of roses.

and a yellow rose from Texas and the thong birds thinging so thweetly

and a raven high in the sky would look down and cry


Anonymous said...

"A Rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" (Shakespear).
Actually you are paying too much for dialup. cheap isp's
With the premium you pay for the ability to call Charleston and the ISP's fee added you could deduct that from the satellite monthly charge because you don't need a phone for this. It is on all the time. Just sit down and do your thing. You can use multiple computers at the same time. It is available to you. You have an antenna for your phone one for your tv and would have another antenna for your internet connection. Hope this helps.
Sir Galahad

Anonymous said...

and the maintenance of three antennas.

Anonymous said...

The only maintenance I have to do is see that they are still there. How does it feel to be a nay-sayer?

Anonymous said...

i really don't know. never thought much about it. now that i do it's about like being neigh bore or a blog bore.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a ride home this evening!!!!
Now there just wasn't that kind of excitement in Oregon.
We got this much rain in Oregon but usually it was over the course of a year, not in an hour. LOL!!


ROSE said...

LOL Once again, the "severe weather" has passed me by. I swear, I'm gonna move to the other side of the county just so I can get in on some hail every once in awhile!

Do all y'all DSL'ers & such pay $49.99+ for your monthly service?? Did y'all have to pay $250 for "equipment" ?? EGADS! I thought we were a welfare county?! I don't really pay extra to call Charleston, since I already have a 548 number. Hmm.


Anonymous said...

hey CB ; i spent a January in Washington state one time. rained constantly , at least every day, but not a downpour.

a tail going round 1800s i think. sasquatch tried adding people too ther diet. apparently we, humans, don't taste good to sasquatch. they've out quit sampling us.

Anonymous said...

I have DSL and pay $29.95/mo. for it through Verizon, they offer a special for $21.95/mo but I don't know the details, only that I can't get it since I'm already a customer (seems to me that should be all the more reason I should get it).

I tried to look at my first phone bill when I moved and initially got DSL, but I can't really make "heads 'ner tail" of the thing, but there never was any bill that was $250. Verizon is one of those companies you can dicker with easily >: D Can you get DSL?????? If so I bet you could get a good deal. "Good" being a relative term of course. {: D

ls ~ I think Washington state is the only state more rainy than Oregon. But in the Pacific Northwest it does just sprinkle and mist all the time, they don't usually have the down pours like here. I like the down pours better, much more adventureous.

As for Satsch....Big Foot. It's all a hoax man!! Didn't you see the newsfootage on the guy who dressed up for that and had that film made???? Now the Braxton County Monster????? I think that's real.


ROSE said...

Pfffffffft. Verizon is more than happy to let my phone be out of order for 5 days, but they don't offer DSL (or anything else) in my area. Actually, it's all based on my zip code, which isn't really where I live (per se). Hmm.

Ya know, go to - they have great deals on those leafy, full-body camo outfits that'd provide some fine pictures of "Bigfoot" and the "Braxton County Monster" ...

Anonymous said...

There are a few around here with a self professed mentality,maybe should be living in another space an time with that fictional,imaginary creature.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please elaborate on the Braxton County Monster? I haven't heard that story....sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

take a look for yourself. try

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info.

Anonymous said...

Look like the flocks fixin to come home anytime,Rose!

Anonymous said...

Not in the near future. Get rid of the TEEE HEEEs first. It might be catchy

Anonymous said...

i watched the clock on wyap webcam for several minutes. the hands never moved. someone should start the clock running.

ROSE said...

LOL Sometimes, the irony of the statements made here simply amaze me.

Let's change the subject, shall we?