The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


"At the end of the day..."
"The bottom line is..."
"Close the deal..."
Just a few lines I hope to never have to hear again ...


Anonymous said...

It might make it to 4$ a gallon reg. gas, BULL, Summersville Wv. 2:00 am today, $3.90 reg, $4.00 plus and liquid gold,high test $4.10 I predict 5.00 to 5.50 this time next year if McCain isn't elected Pres.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't s watched the video on line about the cause of todays fuel outrage then you won't understand the why of it. When Carter and Henry Kissinger told the Arabs to park them Camels and drive our Lusury cars and allow the US companys to drill there and extract oil from the sand and they would be rich beyond their imagination. They did that and bought all the gold they could get for $800. per ounce only to have the world bank jerk the price out from under them and dropped gold to $300 a ounce.
To make the worst deal in history Carter and KIssinger told them to limit their production and bring the price up on crude oil thus todays prices of $4.00 plus. All the oil and gas found in Alaska cannot be brought into the lower 48 states due to Kissingers shrewd dealings. Even though they have hit the largest seams and richest on the north slope of Alaska it can't be sold in the US.
After all the crooked work of Carter they di award him the Nobel Peace Prize for bending every American Citizen over the barrel. But it is Bush's fault don't you know.
And ms Rose I hope how soon the disgusting elections are done with myself. But I am afraid we are going to be really sick by the time it is finished this time around.

ROSE said...

I got yet another pre-recorded invitation to join Hillary Clinton tomorrow. This time, she'll be in Sutton. I'd send her an email letting her know she's wasting her $6.4 million loan to herself on long distance invitations to me, but frankly, I don't really give a rip how much of her own money she wastes.

This morning, when I went to work, gas was $3.69 in Elkview. That was around 8:15 or so. By 3:00 this afternoon, it was $3.89. Twenty cents in less than 7 hours doesn't indicate it's on its way down any time soon, that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

The sick looking slut is Ashley Keener and she is skanky saw her the other day in sweat pants that were so low in the front you could see her pubic hair

Anonymous said...

Thats so she wont miss with the A200

ROSE said...

There are quite a few skanky looking people around these parts.

Have you clicked on the Nicholas Co Sheriff's Office link on AWs site? Some interesting info available there. I can see why Clay County doesn't have a website like that - the data entry alone would be a full time (with overtime) job!

Anonymous said...

While Bill Clinton is in Sutton at 1:00pm today, he might as well turn his self into CRJ for committing adultery while president of USA!

Anonymous said...

Did you notice the name David Linkinogger on the Nicholas list? For drugs...thats a great big hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...No wonder is is hiding out and mommy and daddies lately.

Anonymous said...

"No wonder is is hiding out and mommy and daddies lately."

What the Hell is that supposed to mean?

Anonymous said...

"No wonder is is hiding out and mommy and daddies lately."

What the Hell is that supposed to mean?

ROSE said...

Everybody needs their mommy & daddy when the law's on their tail.

Anonymous said...

I love that $4.00 a gallon gas it runs so good you can get almost 14 mpg out of it if you coast while going down hill. Lets park for a week or until they get weak and see how they like it.

Anonymous said...

parking for a week won't be an option it will be a necessity. Makes it hard to get to work though.

Anonymous said...

Its supposed to mean he acts all big and bad until the police get after his butt and then he runs home to mommy and daddy to hide out.

Got a problem with that? I already submitted the tip where he is. I hope they can clean up our streets cause Poopy sure the hell can't or should I say won't?

Anonymous said...

Over on AW's home page, there's a picture of two pig's sucking up the camera!

Anonymous said...

Many places may go to four days a week so to cut back on gas consumption but what they need to do is shut down entirely until the goverment steps in and puts a cap on gas and diesel prices. There is absolutely no reason other the greedy owners raising the price of fuel.
Its a funny thing to me that on one side of the state gas is 30 cents cheaper but of course they would say the cost is due to transportation. There was a day when that was a part of business expense and was not allowed to be passed on to the consumer. Now you can stick it to the consumer for a 20% fuel charge on every delivery. Lets see now thats $2000.00 on every 10 for a shipment from Charleston to Clay. What kind of truck uses that much fuel to haul a load? I think you get the picture of how we can make more money and get the price of fuel raised over and over.

Anonymous said...

I think Randy looks good standing beside the number one Queer in America. He would look even better if he was standing beside Hillary the number one Dyke

Anonymous said...

Someone really has some anger issues they need to deal with.

Anonymous said...

Number 1 queer?

He taps 21 year old interns.

That aint queer.

Anonymous said...

since we're talking about buggy people and that lets the subject of bugs in.
Found a polyphemus moth yesterday, approximately 6" wing spread also a sphinx moth and a dragonfly larva[helgrammite] for those who don't know. turtle head flowers are about 2 1/2 feet tall.

Anonymous said...

The only reason he was tapping a 21 year old intern was because she was Hillary's GF and thats why he was caught.

He's little outburst of rage at one of his speeches of how good she can do the job cost her some more votes in Wv and across the country as it was on NBC national news last night.

ROSE said...

There have been 17-year-cicadas found already, too. I hope they all hatch without their vocal cords this year.

The Clintons are such a ... morbid fascination nightmare.

I hope our sheriff never wears a white suit.

Anonymous said...

That's all Boss Hogg ever wore wasn't it? The only thing missing is the seegar.

Anonymous said...

Living the good life didn't do that to Bill Clinton. Course he has other ways of working it off.
If anybody really cares for Boss Hogg don't vote for him. He's had too much of a good thing already. Another term will put him in a reahab health farm. I guess his wife never fed him.

Anonymous said...

we here at the office are so glad that all the crimes in Clay were solved, all criminals caught, all papers served so that our Sheriff had time to go to Braxton for picture taking ceremony.

We have a bet going that Holcomb will have a heart attack as fat as he has got before 4 years is up.

Anonymous said...

All hoggs root in the same troff don't they. I think Boss Randy looks good fat as a Hawg. Keep rooting Randy for Sheriff on Tuesday.

ROSE said...


Whether you're a Mom, a Mother, a Mama or just a plan ol' Mutha, have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mutha's Day,Rosey. Hey, if the roof blows off my house, can I come stay at your shack for a little while?

Anonymous said...

What's going on at Queen Shoals? Route 4 beens been blocked/one lane for hours.

Anonymous said...

So....I guess I'm the only blogger that's got power. : ( Living south of the border (colony) has it merits.


Anonymous said...

~~~~VOTE FOR OBAMA~~~~~ Paid For And Endorsed By Rev. Wright!

ROSE said...


We've been without electricity since Sunday around 10:30 a.m. or so. Not long after that, we lost water. Sometime Sunday evening, the phone went - Verizon's recorded message said something to the effect of, "We're aware of widespread outages in your area that are related to the Sunday's storm" or something like that.

Sometime early this morning, the lights came back on!! Around 10:30, the phone rang!! I'm not sure when the water started flowing again, but we must have immediately drained the tank, because the faucets are again dry.

Sometimes, I HATE country living!!

But now the sun's shining bright, the dryer's running & I'm online. Life's pretty good again!

Get out & vote! Vote for Hillary! Vote for Obama! Vote for McCain! VOTE FOR RICK BURDETTE!!

ROSE said...

& I did!!

If you didn't vote, SHAME ON YOU! That's your ticket into the Gripe Zone, ya know.

I will admit I didn't feel the least bit obligated to vote for candidates who didn't have anybody running against them. There should be a rule that if you're all alone in your category & a certain percentage of voters refuse to vote for you, you're out the door, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Now that Big Pete is out, he can get on board with AW and Fran and help straighten out High Street Apts.

Anonymous said...

Look! I voted. I lost them all. But i voted. could be I was the only intelligent person to vote. didn't kiss no donkey, didn't sex no goat, reckon that puts me in with the Hoggs. no luck there, can't get close to the trough. well now that explains it all. I'm a veteran.
I like bugs and sasquatches.

ROSE said...

Have y'all been watching the national news? The way they talk about us West Virginians, one is left with the impression that the only people who vote for Hillary are uneducated, backwoods buffoons. I happen to know a lot of intelligent, educated, well-versed people who think she's ... everything she herself thinks she is.

Now I'm faced with this dilemma - if I start spouting off emails to defend my fellow West Virginians, could that in any way be construed as support for Hillary??

Because if that's going to be the case, you buffoons are on your own! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL

Anonymous said...

look! I read in Ripleys believe it or not items that there was once a feller who could pass flatulence and make it sound exactly like a WV buffoon. could be we got some in Clay co. can do that.

ROSE said...

LOL Well, ya know, there's flatulence & then there's just plain ol' farts. We certainly have a lotta ol' farts in Clay.

Both are generally caused by being full of crap.

I think you're on to something!!

Anonymous said...

Look! I may be full of crap myself but can't help wondering who was paying the peemium on Gene Kings insurance and who got the settlement. who, who, who said the wise ol' owl. Or was that a sasquatch who being invisible sees and hears things some people want left unknown.

Hear they tried to catch Joe Morrises ex buying votes. didn't work far as I KNOW. By the way Joe was running against Randy. I wonder, was all this connected.

Anonymous said...

Connections in Clay

Sheriff Poopys son got a job at Elk Power replacing Ted.

Is this a back door dealing?

Anonymous said...

REWARD REWARD REWARD Here's your chance to talk. Asplundh is offering a 1,500.00 reward for the return of their brand new chipper that was stolen from the Exxon station parking lot at Big Otter a couple of nights ago.

Anonymous said...

Go look on Murder Mountain. Thats were everything is been.

Anonymous said...

Find Richard Cummings. He probably needs a new chipper.

Anonymous said...

Stupid Justin Holcomb has worked there for almost a year. Did you just crawl out of you holler.

Anonymous said...

oh dear me, are you saying that "the J H" who works for ELK power co went and got asplunds new chipper to make bitch burger with. who's missing. ask DJE he mixes with all them people.
who who who beat up JM.

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

Who's JM?

DJE? Tell us what you know!

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous @ 6:13, no I am not stupid are you? He hasn't been there almost a year you dumb butt.

Still its BS that he got hired over more qualified people!

Anonymous said...

meant stupid @ 6:30

Anonymous said...

Stupid is as stupid does.

ROSE said...

Speaking of stupid ... does Monday's lack of school in Clay mean the WESTEST will carry over through next week?

Rain ... rain ... rain ....

Anonymous said...

Monday and Tuesday's lack of school. Who would schedule the tests for a week with a day off in it?

ROSE said...

At least they scheduled it close to the end of the year, so when it's over & all learning ceases, the kids only lose weeks worth of education instead of months.

Anonymous said...

I think they lose years worth of education due to those tests. I'm not a proponent of the preparation or administering of them.