The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


For a brief moment (or 90), gas was $2.25 yesterday in Elkview.

Last week, Clay County was on the news for honoring a fallen soldier. This week, we were back in the news for our new Peppy Le'Pew school. Halloween's right around the corner - maybe enough soap on the windows will help.

Another few weeks & the campaigns commercials will be over. What commercials get bumped so those can take their place?

Peak season for fall colors is upon us - the temperature is supposed to be in the 80s again today. Reckon we'll get snow this year?


Anonymous said...

Could be the teachers stinking up the school.

Anonymous said...

Now they are wanting to name the bridge after Jamie? Oh good gracious day will the drama ever stop?

Anonymous said...

I think that whoever this person is they must have a very cold heart or a major hard on for Karen and Burke Nicholas! Damn the man Gave his life for me and you , He stood up for us to have the right to voice out opinions for you to be able to call his death a "Drama" Well I for one will tell you that our military men and woman are great. So I am going to leave you with this and you will have my support when you have walked in Jamie's and the other boots......

If You Don't Support Our Troops and Stand Beside Them .Please Feel Free To Stand In Front Of Them.....

Anonymous said...

Let's see. The bridge was way over budget, wasn't needed in the first place, isn't well liked & it's ugly.

Let's name it after a politician.

Anonymous said...

I support our troops, I just choose to support them ALL instead of just one.

How about we take every American soldiers name that died in the last two wars and put them on the bridge?

Anonymous said...

One of the cooks up at the stinky school fell and was pretty badly injured to because of the flooring, which stays wet all the time not to mention the black mold they cannot kill it continues to grow. they have reported it to the "appropriate person" and they are told that there is nothing wrong and the poopy smell is continually complained about and yet they are told to shut the back door.

ROSE said...

Maybe the stink is all the BS we're expected to believe as gospel ... >;]

Anonymous said...

Hi - I just voted in's "America's Favorite Animal Shelter" contest to help my favorite local group, Clay County Humane Association, Inc., win a grand prize of $10,000. Think of the homeless pets we could save with $10,000! But I need your help to get enough votes to help Clay County Humane Association, Inc. win. Please vote here:

We got 55 votes so far!! Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

Go to this websight to vote for the bridge to named after Jamie.

ROSE said...

Not too long ago, we had a Vietnam veteran whose home was suddenly yanked out from under him when a business in town was shut down & he was forced to move. I didn't see anybody circulating any petitions to help him find a new place or pay his rent.

We have a Vietnam veteran in our neighborhood that everybody was hellbent on sending to jail because he was operating an illegal dump.

How many WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Desert Storm, etc., etc., etc. vets have we ignored?

We have the opportunity to "honor" vets every single day. We don't. Yes, Sgt. Nicholas was killed in the line of duty. Yes, he was struck down in the prime of life. That in no way diminishes the lives lost before his.

I for one won't be signing the petition. If the bridge is to be named "in honor" of someone, it should be named in honor of all. Why not the "Bridge Built For Freedom" or the "Clay County Pride Bridge" or something along those lines? Or, given our simplicity here, the plain ol' "Veterans Memorial Bridge." Then let ALL the vets in Clay - not just those who gussy up & march in parades - cut the ribbon.

Anonymous said...

don't know where they were bound for but 9 state snow plows passsed my house at 9 AM. wonder does that mean it's gonna snow.

Anonymous said...

Keep your eyes open folks! Already seen 3 black widow spiders at my doorstep in the open, not hiding in wood or leaves. I wont be leaving my shoes outside anytime soon~

Anonymous said...

you gotta watch them black widders, they bite. whiteun do to.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. Your favorite veteran still has an open illegal dump and still hasn't gone to jail. Along with his other two locations. Who needs a recession to bring down property values?

Anonymous said...

reckon we'll have to wait to see what that last comment means. sounds like someone is worried about their property values and is trying to blame the veterans for it.
Oh boy what a twisted world we live in. the greedy and the crooked will twist in the wind while they hang.

ROSE said...

Actually, my *favorite* veteran lives at Bickmore. My next favorite lives in Florida.

Property values have never been my number one priority.

Anonymous said...

i'm a little confused here. can't really figure out what we're talking about. now i'm a veteran but not a favorite of anyone. I know of two dumps in clay co but they don't belong to me. have learned that clay co. is zoned as brownsfield area. that means the local dumps have never been checked by the EPA for toxic discharge. maybe that could affect property values but if there had been illegal toxic dumping it might affect values more. should there have been illegal toxic waste disposal it might affect the guilty parties even more>>>>>>> i'm sure there are people out there who will follow this line of thought!!!!!!!! Oh happy days, morning everyone.

Anonymous said...

Got nothing to do with you LS

Anonymous said...

What's the fund raiser for Brad McLaughlin for? What's wrong with him?

ROSE said...

Deepest heartfelt condolences to the Hughes family. Please remember Leigh, David & Pepper in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Well I feel the fundraiser for Brad McLaughlin could be used for some sick individuals that actually NEED the money. I know Brad is dying of Pancretic Cancer and yes he does have medical bills but he drives a Escalade Truck $40,000.00, has a new subaru and a new volkswagen bug, a new cabin cruiser boat, and new 35 foot camper trailer, two or three camps at Summersville lake with a big 15 man Hot Tub. Yes my heart goes out to him but he needs to sell and come back to the real world of poor old Clay County. Him and his wife both work for the State of WV and have insurance. They lived above their means and now that the overtime is gone the bills still come just like the rest of us. I feel sorry but they need to help themselves before we help them.

ROSE said...

LOL That's quite a running inventory you've got going on there.

Anonymous said...

i wonder/ how old is Brad McLaughlin, Is he a veteran? Does he live in Clay co.?
We have a CCC prez Fran [McLaughlin]King, are they related?
who initiated the fund raiser?

Anonymous said...

Veteran, I doubt it.
Probably a little bit older than Fran.
Lives next to Scott Legg.
Who started the fund raiser,probably him self.

Anonymous said...

Probably his mother who was a teacher in Clay for 100 years. Probably needs the money to pay those sheep she keeps.

Anonymous said...

I meant to FEED those sheep. lol

Anonymous said...

so thats who lives next to scott legg. often wondered. got all that ditchline dirt recently from the state.

Anonymous said...

so to continue, i assume that the Evelyn McLaughlin that writes an article, i believe, for the free press is Brad McLaughlins mother.

Anonymous said...

She didn't get very far saving the old Dundon Bridge.

Nice lady, though!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose; so thats who caymomma is. dxxxa. Mr Hughes and I often met at Go-Mart and talked. didn't know who he was but I attended high school with an Orville Hughes. believe we had a biology teacher by the name of Mildred Hughes.

Anonymous said...

Caymomma, if you're still around I offer my condolences and my sympathy in the death of your father. he and I were acquainted and often talked at a local eatery.

Anonymous said...

LEts increase the inventory. Does this Brad McLaughlin not have all the musical stuff and used to play in bands. Is he the one that always had the fancy decked out trucks. Is his wife not one of the Clay Development Ramseys? I believe maybe this fundraiser may be a Clay Development Event?

Anonymous said...

No Brads was Don and Evelyne Boy had a brother Rodney and a sister Ellen. Not the same bunch as PreZ Kings her bunch was from Bugger Hole.

Anonymous said...

David was a good friend and a good man. Deepest sympathies to his family.

Anonymous said...

Good news for Clay Co.hunters!

AccuWeather forcast calls for 27 tonight.

Snuggle up and make babies time is here again!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Man What the Freakin talk about my hot tub. The freakin thing just holds 10 people and my boat was $75,000 and my freaking camper got crushed by a big freakin tree man. So get your facts straight. Just got one freakin trailer at summersville lake. Got all that with the freakin settlement from the freakin wreck when the freakin woman with no insurance hit my wife. So shut the freak up man.

Anonymous said...

Someone should learn to express themselves with larger words or at the very least with different words.

Anonymous said...

For someone who needs help, sounds like they really know how to make friends.

Anonymous said...

Wow, he seems to be a total a**. What a "freakin" response. I think he left out the part about he and his wife both filing bankruptcy in the past in order to get out of paying their bills OR that he wouldn't make time for his own dad when HE was dying. (Yet, oddly he wants everyone's help NOW???) Maybe he should have just lived his life as a better person. People definitely reap what they sow.

Anonymous said...

does the size of a hot tub matter?

Anonymous said...

In my travels I come across the sign re-elect Randy Holcomb. The only question in my mind was WHY?

Anonymous said...

it seems that the person [10/19 2:40 PM] if Brad McGlaughlin, has a bad mouth, a bad temper, and a computer along with everything else and much influence with the local clique. Could that be through the teachers union, the goaties[freemasons] or the fact that hes throwing a lot of money around. probably owes the CCB, Clay co. bank A LOT OF MONEY.

ROSE said...

Oh, the joys of anonymity. Coulda been anybody who left the "freakin'" comment. Certainly wasn't anybody with the cojones to leave a name, even if it was somebody else's.

The truly distressing part of that comment is the part about the uninsured wreck. The insurance policy I pay out the wazoo for provides for medical coverage & property damage. It doesn't say anything at all about boats or hot tubs or anything like that.

I guess it's a good thing for some that tort reform never makes it very far in the legislature ...

Anonymous said...

Such big words you use.

Anonymous said...

one question, how did he manage to get any settlement out of an "uninsured" wreck?

Anonymous said...

The best part of wakin up

Is folgers in your freakin cup!

Anonymous said...

While Brad & the Mrs. & their ambulance chaser live the high life, the lady that hit them probably lost everything she had.

Anonymous said...

Evelyn would do anything to help anybody that she could and you sit here and bash her son?

Those of you that think you "know" what he has, think again. Evelyn is the one that takes him back and forth to the doctor and such.

Shame on all of you making fun of a terminally ill cancer patient!

Anonymous said...

I am not making fun of him. I am trying to decide whether he is more worthy of my small income than I am.

Anonymous said...

I think the key word to the man (Brad) and his wife are they work/worked for a living and what they do with the money that they earn is no ones business....Now if he has all those nice things, Maybe he should sell something to try and pay some medical bills. I am glad that he has all those nice things and could afford them while working, But sometimes you have to let go of things and come back to the real world. I think that he and his wife are good people for as much as I know about them, You can't judge everyone from the family they come from sometimes they are different inside and out ( Ramsey’s ) as someone referred to.

Anonymous said...

He served in the Marines.
He is retired from the National Guard.
That's over 20 years of service.
He has worked two and three jobs.
He has managed to acquire what he has without a handout from Uncle Sam.
He has friends and family who care about him.
His wife was hit in a head-on collison by driver who was across the line and was found to be loaded while on a drug buying run.

Anonymous said...

what happened to all of his earnings that he now has to have a fund raiser to pay his bills. lived to high maybe should have put a little in the bank.

Anonymous said...

The way I see it, either you go to the fundraiser and help or stay away, you have that option, were you asked to give a contribution? What is it any of your business if he gets help from a fundraiser. But then again this is Clay County……..People have to keep the pot stirred all the time. It sickens me. He needs your support and prayers in this time; you just might be where he is and need help someday. Think about it!!!

Anonymous said...

well now I do consider it my business since the fund raiser is being held on public property. I HAVE BEEN THERE. RIGHT NOW I'M PAYING ON TWO HOSP. BILLS out oof my soc. sec. check and some savings i have. I have never had a fund raiser. had a preacher and a goatie come to my door recently. must think i'm ready to die and maybe i'll give them something. never seen them when i needed help.

Anonymous said...

Oh so you are wanting a fundraiser also????

Anonymous said...

Might want to reconsider the preacher and let him to talk to you, Sounds like you might have some harsh things that you might want to get off the chest.....You seem kinds upset over something, Maybe bitterness over having to pay medical bills when you haven't got it to stretch, Maybe the ole preacher can help you out a little. Talking does wonders, Not everyone is bad people. There are some good ones left but they are few and far between.

ROSE said...

Karma ... what goes around comes around ... do unto others as you'd have them do unto you ... whatever energy, good or bad, you send out comes back to you times three ...

Way to go, Menis Ketchum!!

Anonymous said...

well now that i've been analyzed maybe we can get back to Mr. McGlaughlin. been in the marines and done 8 yrs in the national guard. I could be wrong but that doesn't jive with what i know. theres an 8 yr. obligation in the national guard if you are US and only do a two yr. hitch in the military. it is my understanding that the marines are RA that means 3 yrs.. so no national guard obligation. i'm a little out of date but i'm sure you will correct me if i'm wrong.

don't like to be discrimated against because another family has been chosen by a local mob cult and now thinks they are better than i am.

so to the person analyzing me, what do you have in this, are you expecting a cut of the funds raised? are you one of the org. for which his wife supposedly belongs. why are you and he favored? is it because his father belonged to the freemasons? is it because his mother worked for the BOE, controlled by the freemasons?

Anonymous said...

I wasn't/didn't mean to make you feel like you being analyzed.... My point is......Not everyone are bad people and some do need help, I am sorry that you have medical bills to pay and no one had you a fundraiser. It happens to all of us.

To answer your question about am I getting a cut? Lordy no, As I said before I don't even know these people, and another I haven't a clue as to what the heck the freemasons are, Now I have heard of the Family thing at Clay Development. I really don't think that his wife is involved in that.

ROSE said...

Generally, fundraisers are organized by friends and/or family. The last time I was in Ginos, there were 3 jars on the counter, collecting money for various families with various needs. It has nothing to do with who you are, where you came from or how great your need is. It all depends on how much time & energy your friends & family are willing to put into helping you, how good their organizational skills are & how willing you are to accept the charity of others.

If you think Brad needs (deserves) your help, feel free to offer it. If you don't, don't. Period. I frankly don't see that there's a need to trash his character or analyze his family just because somebody wants to help him & has the wherewithal to get it done.

Anonymous said...

I do know that his father did NOT belong to the freemasons. His dad would laugh out loud at the thought of that if he were alive to hear that.

Anonymous said...

Burley Bragg thinks everybody is a freemason and they're all out to get him. Maybe thats why nobody arranges him a fundraiser.

Anonymous said...

well i must laugh too because i knew Don McGlaughlin. I SIT HERE AND OBSERVE THE ACTIONS OF PEOPLE. THEIR ACTIONS SPEAK louder than words.

I and two other people were sitting beside the highway drinking some years back. a woman,church goer, stopped and asked if we would go and contribute blood to a relative of hers. she explained that her church friends were all too busy and couldn't take time off to give.

Anonymous said...

freemasons don't like publicity. spoils their dirty dealings when people are watching them.

Anonymous said...

just finished reading the Free press and they have a completely different version of the Brad McGlaughlin fundraiser. If you read my posts you will see that I never at any time said anything derogatory about Mr. McGlaughlin. I only asked questions and got many defensive answers and accusitive replys. And then I was snarled at and told to mind my own business and analyzed as to my motives.
when asked what the oppposing poster had in the issue they denied even knowing Brad McGlaughlin. Makes you wonder doesn't it.
still all I know is what I SEE and read and I have the right to express my opinion at least I did have that right at one time. Now I see Burley Bragg can't even talk about a local cult without being attack.

Anonymous said...

You sound like you already have your opinion on Bras as I also do, So not much need in me continuing. You have a blessed day,

ROSE said...

LOL Once again, I've totallly lost track of the conversation ...

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Clayberry Corruptional
All over again

Anonymous said...

Jerry Springer could take lessons from this blog.

Anonymous said...

hey Rose; think "billion" dollar loss in the mkt by state board of investments and what it wil do to the economy of WV. and it went down down down into the ring of fire.

ROSE said...

My mind doesn't comprehend the notion of "billion." Bazillion, blue million & buttload, yes. Billion? Just can't wrap my mind around that.

Will life be that much different if West Virginia's economy goes belly-up? If it was booming before, I wasn't really feeling it.

Anonymous said...

Vote early and vote often!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All I got to say is nobama.

Anonymous said...

I second that!!


Anonymous said...

The stock market did great today, falling faster than the leaves on the trees.
Time to start raking up the profits.

Anonymous said...

yes, the mkt wiped me about out. there goes the DSL, THATS A TANK OF GAS, THERE GOES THE CALLER id, thats another 14 dollars out of the economy, can't pay off that whole billion loss at one time though. there goes my i/2 gallon ice cream per mo. but maybe Bush can borrow some more money from china, sell our souls you might say. might be i can get food stamps and welfare or HUD OR COMMODITIES OR TRAVEL TICKETS FOR THE BUS or utilities reduction. why the hell have i been fighting it should gone on the dole long ago and lived high.

Anonymous said...

oh forgot medicaid and maybe get my medicare reinstated since the welfare will help pay the premium. and just think if i hide that i'm a veteran i can do this on the corner down at clay welfare office. won';t have to go all the way to Beckley.