The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, December 28, 2009


FINALLY!! After NINE FLIPPIN DAYS without a phone, there's a dial tone!! Even those of us with dial-up feel like we've rejoined civilization again!!
I understand the storm was big. I understand there are still people without power. I fully appreciate that my water came back on, my electricity came back on & we never ran out of propane for the heater. I am not the least bit impressed with Verizon's. Not on any level of their operation.
I sincerely hope everybody with Verizon who hasn't had phone service has filed a complaint with the PSC. I know I have!


ROSE said...


I hope everybody had a lovely holiday, despite the trials & tribulations of living in the Boondocks.

ls said...

Good morning, Rose, and all the rest of you'll.

my telephone service worked all through the storm, even when all my electric blew, my phone still worked. Frontier by golly.

But, yesterday they were supposed to replace my disabled modem but didn't show. this dial up is for the birds. took an hour to do, yesterday, what would usually have taken five minutes.

Blew my microwave, my caller ID, the battery backup to my computer, all my electrical items that were on when the power surged, except what was protected by surge outlets.

Soon to be a new world and a new year, may they be happier than 2009.

Hey didn't end all that bad though. HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU'LL.

ROSE said...

My brother who lives in Greenbrier Co - where they got 30+ inches of snow - lost NOTHING. They had power, they had phone service, they had water.

When I FINALLY got through to the PSC yesterday & told the lady where I lived, she chuckled. Apparently, a LOT of people in my area called up the PSC to complain about Verizon yesterday.

LS, welcome to my dial-up world. Verizon says to me "We're not your only option." ... All other "options" rely on Verizon's lines, so we're screwed one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say satellite?

ROSE said...

We've already had this conversation ... LOL

Any satellite internet we get up here is in addition to the phone - not instead of. Which means sure, we can pay a bizzillion $$ for yet another something to go wrong, but we're still tied to Verizon if we want phone service & any satellite service that offers phone in it's bundle simply contracts Verizon's lines for it. You see the dilemma?

Anonymous said...

Not really. My phone was out for ten days but I still had Internet connectivity the whole time. No phone needed. A generator was needed tho'.

Anonymous said...

hey LS look at the bottom of your DSL modem for a small hole that you can stick a ball point pen into. That will reset your modem. In case it's still good. There may be a sticker hiding the hole.

ROSE said...

In the overall scheme of things, my phone is far more important to me than internet service. I'd hate to have to go online & rely on somebody in cyberspace to call 911 for me if I had an emergency ... that'd be ALMOST as reliable as cell service up here.

Anonymous said...

AMEN. Verizon sux becaues they know they can. When ya got a monoply you can get away with anything

Anonymous said...

I never really had any problems with Verizon but I ditched them anyway just on principle alone.

boo said...

come live with us you like crawfish? will have power

Anonymous said...

sometimes I wonder what people are talking about other times I just wander.

Anonymous said...

you suppose BIGFOOTs toes get cold?

sherlock said...

here we are again. see where they have found a skeleton in Calhoun co., may be the missing Starcher woman.

ROSE said...

I could learn to like crawfish. & speak Cajun & wouldn't even mind huddling in the closet under a mattress during hurricane season. Get my room ready, here I come!!

Anonymous said...

Make it two rooms, she's not leavin' me up here by myself!!!
>; D

Anonymous said...

hey CB what you doin'. aint heard from you forever. you must be gittin old.

ls said...

BY GOLLY Frontier come through. got my new modem back on high speed internet. as Rose would say, YIPPEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

I got old along time ago. I ain't doin' nuthin' but sittin' here at the house getting fat and sassy! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year :)

Anonymous said...

see in the Hur-hearld where Allegheny "customers" have been granted an increase. wonder how much the check will be.