The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Brother, My Friend

Alan Scott McNeiland
December 13, 1962 - August 13, 2010


ROSE said...

Many of you may have known my brother, Alan. Early this morning, we got the call that we'd lost him. There are no more words.

Please keep his fiance, Kat, and our entire family in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy to you and your family. I pray that God will be with you through this very difficult time.

ls said...

My deepest sympathies also Ms Rose to you and your family.

ROSE said...

Thanks,y'all. I've been trying for 2 days to write his obituary. Another one for the record books - it took me 2 days to get something said.

Alan Scott McNeiland, 47, of North Charleston, SC, passed away on August 13, 2010. He was preceded in death by far too many we lost too soon, including his mother, Carolene Samples. Those he leaves behind to mourn his loss include his parents, Jerry (Barbara) McNeiland, Garland (Linda) Samples; brothers, Donny (Leigh) McNeiland, Ty (Molisha) Samples, Sparky Samples; sisters Rose (Allen) Cantrell, Amy (Scott) Armacost and Emily McNeiland and his fiancĂ©e, Katherine “Kat” Rowe. In addition, he leaves his nieces and nephews, Joshua, Adam, Savannah, Melody, Montana and Wyatt. Alan was a 1981 graduate of Clay County High School, an Army veteran and friend to who all who met him. A covered dish celebration of his life will be held Friday, August 20, at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Garland Samples in Bickmore, WV – please bring a dish and share a memory. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to The Alan S. McNeiland Memorial Fund, c/o Reisterstown United Methodist Church, 246 Main Street, Reisterstown, MD 21136.

ROSE said...

"For every customer you lose, you'll lose 100 more by word of mouth." This is what one of my heroes once preached to all of us in customer service.

Here's a little story for you:

Yesterday, I called Mattic's Funeral Home in Clendenin & told the guy who answered the phone that I was planning a memorial service for my brother & would like to have memorial folders made. I said, "Is that something I can do through a funeral home?" ... "Uh, prob'ly" ... "Ok, is it something I can do through *your* furneral home?" ... "Uh, prob'ly."

So I asked what a standard order quantity would be & he says, "Uh, well, I never figured it up before, it's usually part of the package. I wouldn't wanna go in the hole on this ... we print them up ourselves." ...

So then he says, "As long as you don't wanna get fancy with them and don't want to add pictures or anything fancy, it'd be $75 for 50."

Read that again - they print them up in-house & still want to charge me $75 for 50.

So I went to KMart, bought some card stock, came home & printed them up myself, WITH a picture. Even with the added cost of a small paper cutter, I can print 300of them for less than $15.

Incidentally, Wilsons in Clay not only didn't hem & haw around with "Uh, prob'ly," they quoted me a price of $58 for whatever quantity I need. Delta Communications didn't even put me on hold - just said, "Give us the info and we'll get it done."

Anonymous said...

Is the 15 bucks including ink?

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose I am truly sorry about your loss and I know it is a difficult thing to got through in life. My condolences to you and the Family. I would like to stop by the memorial service for a couple minutes also and may do so but I don't know where Garland lives. Can you post directions?

Sorry about the ripoff from the funeral homes as they are robbing people til death and afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I am interested in contributing to the fund. It is a scholarship fund or a fund for the church?

Anonymous said...

Memorial fund = grave marker, maybe?

ROSE said...

Grave marker?? Good lord.

The memorial fund will be used by the church in ways appropriate to my brother's memory.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers - there's a reason we're all still functioning & it's got very little to do with our own abilities.

sherlock said...

There is much that is mysterious in this world. Clay co. just gets more and more so.

Good to have you back ROSE.

ROSE said...

It's good to be back - I feel like I've been rode hard & put up wet. What a long *&%! week.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that social security will go into default Sept. 30. My little e-mail says soc. sec. will pay out more than comes in. No need to worry ,Mr Bernanke, he got a printing press. gonna see that the bankers and CEOS GOT STIMULUS MONEY.

We got a goodern going at Clay. land owner and ex-husband trying to swindle court ordered settlement from battered divorcee.
ex-husband now in trouble because he's held in contempt of court for not paying court ordered settlement. go to the kitchen .hear all about it.

Anonymous said...

I can always go back to talking to myself. Reckon myself don't have much to say either.