The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

See ya, Summer!

Is it just me or has this been the shortest summer of all time?

First day of school ... my heart goes out to all you mommies letting that big yellow monster swallow your babies for the first time.


sherlock said...

Since school is started, I need a lesson. A hypothetical case. Take 20 mil. of the taxpayer money. Give it to the BOE, made up mostly of a brotherhood of lodge members, who then give the County supt. a salary of 100K plus a sneaked in 10K bonus, this bonus is then returned to each BOE member in $2000.oo amounts, WHAT IS THAT CALLED?

Anonymous said...

Here's three things, you can do, to make things better.
One:Register to vote.
Two:Do some research on who you are voting for.
Don't just listen to the propaganda machine(TV).
Remember, it matters who you pick.
Now and for possibly generations to come, in some cases.
Three:Vote, vote, vote, otherwise you have no right to complain.
You will have shirked your duty as an American.
You will be less than a coward.

Anonymous said...

Unless you act like an idiot an get your right to vote taken away from you.

Anonymous said...

How about this - GET A LIFE!

ROSE said...

C'mon, y'all, we're all friends here, right? Let's be nice.

First day of school seems to have been a success ... let's just hope days 2-180 go as well. >;]

ls said...

morning Rose, another fine day.
went to the bank trying to work up something decent to live in this winter. stimulus money came up for discussion. was told the bank didn't have any stimulus money and didn't know who did or how to get. I said try the governor. I was told they didn't want to loan money at 3% when they could force people [their clients to pay 8%]. but they're such nice people. It doesn't seem to hurt when they give you the shaft. Nothing doing, I don't have enough income to make the minimum payments. But but my outhouse is way out yonder and I don't have a pot to hiss in. but but I gots a gallon jug.

At one time had a little piece of oil and gas property. was informed yesterday I no longer have it. Don't know where it went to. another day in corncob chitty.

Anonymous said...

I like your new pic rose.

Anonymous said...

So Ms. Rose, the question remains.
Is it our patriotic duty to vote?
Isn't this one of those freedoms that our brave soldiers fought and died for?
Do we belittle their sacrifices by not voting?

Anonymous said...

Yes Yes and Yes!

ROSE said...


Does your vote make a difference? Somebody's does, because people get elected based on the number of votes they get.

If you don't exercise your right to vote, you don't earn the right to gripe.

Anonymous said...

And if you loose the right to gripe,
Hush Up!

Anonymous said...

Man, I hate when I go around loosing things.

Anonymous said...

makes for a lousey day, don't it

Anonymous said...

A vote against Joe Manchin will be a vote for Wv. Get out and vote for the dog with rabies and be proud you voted against Manchin (massey coal)

Anonymous said...

Life's a Beach, ain't it?
Sunshine, blue skies

ls said...

who's running? I lost it in Nam when the artillery shells started whistling overhead. went below and stuck my head in the bilge. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tasted awful.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you sucked up to much Nam-Nu,
You know they can fix that.

sherlock said...

have heard that there is a woman in the county who likes to spread peanut butter on her anatomy and then let her boxer dog lick it off. sex of dog unknown. has a restraining order against her husband because he apparently objects.

Anonymous said...

was that crunchy or smooth peanut butter?

Anonymous said...

Like Reese's peanut butter cups has chocolate on it too.

Anonymous said...

Wassamatter? Didn't her husband like peanut butter?

Anonymous said...

Wonder where that purty little gal went to this time? She said she was gona paint and clean, maybe Rose gased her self.

Anonymous said...

You know that it was smooth PB

Anonymous said...

looks like Rose caught a space ship for to catch a butterfly. Rose is skittish . them little tater bugs are wild.

Anonymous said...

Clay co. continues to expire. hey we gots an egg market. wese different. in other places when a legal paper is written it stays that way, in clay co. it changes depending, on how big the last payoff was and who made it.

ROSE said...

LOL Y'all quit talkin' about me like I'm not even here - I can read, ya know!!

Started work at HE White last week. Lovin' every minute of it!!! Might have to pay somebody else to do all that painting for me ....

Anonymous said...

HE White needed painted, huh?

ls said...

I'd a swore you'd gone off in space sumere's Can' trust no one anymore. how much you hafta pay for sanitary engineers job. I once knew a woman rode a broom handle for 30 years. wouldn'tr have known her that long but I married her before I knew she was a broom handle specialist. my my been a long week

ROSE said...

LOL I haven't painted or rode a broom yet, but if asked, I reckon I'll do it ... with a smile on my face.

It's nice to be back at HEW so long after my kids were there. It's odd, though, seeing the faces of the younger siblings of their friends - just slams home the fact that my kids were once that little & time goes by so very, very quickly.

Me said...

Once a pon a time, Our own Little Mel Gibson look a like worked there as a sub. teacher. Who a thunk?

Anonymous said...

some people can get a job anywhere, no matter how they look. a bald head and a long nose are the main requirements, makes you look intelligent. never seen mel gibson, feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

just relized that the new principle at high school is loretta grays sister. in cased you dont know loretta works at the board office. guess the old boys club is letting girls in now.

Anonymous said...

I've always wondered about those old boys and their goats.

Anonymous said...

you remember that story about the muley cow, well she finally got horny and it felt so good she had to jump something and the bull was all on the other side the moon.

ME said...

So your saying Rose has a big nose, hoo da thunk?

Anonymous said...

don't be stupid, you know everything shut down while Rose got settled down. why it's the first thing I read every morning, sometimes twice at night. no Rose no prose.

Anonymous said...

So you are saying Rose has a big nose, and thats your story an your stickin to it, no weaselin an backin out.

ls said...

well now, to get a job with the BOE it seems a person must have a special attribute, in the past it has appeared that the nose has something to do with it. either the size or the color.

Anonymous said...

A fact of life, Even the calendar says after Monday and Tuesday W T F.....

ROSE said...

LOL I have no idea what y'all are talking about, but I don't work for the BOE, I work for AmeriCorps ... & I'm not an "employee," I'm a "member" ... I don't get paid a salary, I get a "living expense."

& honestly (don't tell anybody) - I'D DO THIS JOB FOR FREE & love it just as much!!

Y'all ready for the Apple Festival?

Anonymous said...

now what do we get smart and gripe about? who and what is americorp? did you read andys news? I believe he likes Amanda.

Anonymous said...

I don't get wages i get welfare. i tried. couldn't fight the drug rings, the politicians , the free masons, the local police, the FBI, the BOE. DIDN'T GET ANY PAYOFFS OR KICKBACKS MYSELF. couldn't make it in clay co.

ROSE said...

AmeriCorps Pledge:

I will get things done for America - to make our people safer, smarter and healthier. I will bring Americans together to strengthen our communities. Faced with apathy, I will take action. Faced with conflict, I will seek common ground. Faced with adversity, I will persevere. I will carry this commitment wiht me this year and beyond. I am an AmeriCorps member, and I will get things done.

I don't know Amanda ...

Me said...

Sounds like a good disclaimer for your blog.

ls said...

took a good look at the Clay co. BDA board of directors. MY GOD I thinks the same bunch of do nothings been there 25/30 years. Amanda has made a difference. Shes the new eco. coordinator. go cat go. with all that swearing by Rose. Wonder what she does? SHE GOT A BLOG keeps the gossip rolling yahoooooooooo ROSA and the red american corpuscles.

sherlock said...

Seen they have a Teresa Lynn Kerns in CRJ today. fugutive and parole violator. Jefferson county.

Anonymous said...

wish andy would put someone besides ugly ole tiffany farmer on his front page............................................gag, puke, yuck!!!!

ROSE said...


Nope. Don't know her. Which one is she & why does she make you so nauseous? None of those pictures had that effect on me - maybe you have gastrointestinal issues??

Fall is in the air!! The trees in front of my house are starting to turn already & the road was covered with fallen leaves on the way home today. I sincerely hope Fall lasts as long as this summer did.

Anonymous said...

But summer was so short. hardly got anything done but my health improved, by golly. new medicine is helping, but waaaaaaa dr. Jones left. reckon i'll transfer my affections to another purty woman. got some interesting court cases coming up. I hear. HEY R ose thought you'd gone to Arizona. What does an americorpse man do?

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Carter just might not take you, if she knows any better.

Anonymous said...

Besides, CJ...Doc Jones is still doctorin in Clendenin.

ls said...

ha ha ha done seen dr. Carter she nice too. she say my sugar all messed up. she gonna fix my sugar. my chloestrole to high, my psa too high, my spirit too low need more spirits little "shine" maybe. some things too high some too low. damn, need my back warmed. winter commin' on.

Anonymous said...

Only God can fix them looks.

Anonymous said...

whose looks, bet i've seen monkeys would turn you down as a sex partner.

ROSE said...

Now, children ... >;-)

My grandpa used to say, "There are no ugly people in the world - just other people who think they're better looking." ... or something like that.

So what's going on out there in the real world? This past month has been so crazy - I feel like I fell into the Twilight Zone again & I'm just now clawing my way back out.

Me said...

Well, Mrs. Rose, did you teach the little darlings anything new today?

ROSE said...

LOL I hope so. I did teach one little guy that sneezes are easy to catch if you have a tissue in your hand. :)

Me said...

Well done, good looks and smart to!!

Anonymous said...

that's where I lost it. tissues hadn't yet been invented when I was in grade school, nor toilet paper. leaves me puzzled as to which end to wipe when I sneeze.

Anonymous said...

That's a no brainer, just think up.

You know they can fix that.

ROSE said...

Me, you left out the part about how I can cook, too!! >;)

Ya know, these days, they teach kids to sneeze into their elbows, which is just ridiculous, because they spend the entire winter with snot-encrusted sleeves. I mean, I understand the reasoning, but ... isn't it just as simple to teach them to carry a tissue?

Just to be on the safe side, wipe both ends when you sneeze - I'd go nose first, though, if I were you. teeheehee

sherlock said...

wonder what's on the BDAs mind that they have offered to purchase the old state garage? what would happen to the auction? what has happened to the downtown restaurant? who owns the old chevrolet garage now? The hotel is for sale again!!!!!!!! an unexplained fire in the seneca grill bldg. the sheriff is on the griddle for unexplained disposal or the unexplained retention of confiscated property, especially firearms? What next?

Anonymous said...

I think the group who is making the new signs for clay are great!But they need to have a different name besides CHIT they need to show a little bit of class, that doesn't have any humor at all,it just makes us look more backwoodsy and uneducated,and the but of a joke.
AW used the term CHIT head to describe a new sign...very very poor use of language when trying to promote this county.

Anonymous said...

Born in the gutter and never leaves. They like the smell.

Anonymous said...

Lack of a sense of humor will lead to an early grave.

D. Boone said...

watched a doe and two fawns for abbout 15 min. around 7 PM. on the river bar behind my house. just seemed to be putting in time. rapped on the sink trying to startle them. If they heard they gave no sign.

Anonymous said...

AW used the term CHIT meaning Citizen's Helping to Improve Tourism. Very cute name. Is any other volunter doing anything?
Until u do, shut up

ls said...

interesting life. am getting some work done on my home. you can feel the greed in peoples voices when they think you have money and may die at any time. the labor price has increased to 50 dollars an hour now. havn't paid it, don't intend to. recession is not over. people will beg for work and food. tthe day is coming.

ROSE said...

Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine!!

Bizzy, bizzy, bizzy 'round these parts - what am I missing in The Real World??

revelation said...

AH Rose, it is predicted, and that which is to come will be worse than that which was before.

Anonymous said...

another earthquake. Lincoln co. this time. Halliburton pumping that slippery slurry into our underground. Seems the road to hell may be paved with slippery slurry. what to do, what to do. listen to country music and think of you.

Anonymous said...

Mom when I grow up I want to be a chit head and make signs.

Anonymous said...

No extra effort needed son. Just living in Clay County qualifies you.

Anonymous said...

Change the Freakin page Ms Rose PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

freemasons and cops finally got Rose shut down. wonder how much bribery she gets? new BOE to break in, some miscues til things come under control. money starts flowing to new pockets. can't compare items with neighbors now. maybe federals will check matching monies, see how much is going into unauthorized pockets. hear someone offered to sell the corn cob "hit house for a ton of gold.

Anonymous said...

wonderful news according to the news i've just read. social security is on the slippery slid to oblivion. oil is on the high rise to heaven for those who own oil wells. poor undertakers. we are going to live three times as long, good bye two thirds of the grave worshipers. buy chickens there will many more people for breakfast, buy pasta ,pancakes will be in. don't slurp the syrup or we won't have enough. heeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ls said...

been looking around, the words mum, no ones talking "much". hear they're gonna move the back room poker games to the old state garage. slot machines, go go girlies. ding dongs, checkie boreds. chili and hot coffee. ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wheeeeeeeeeee no one around but me.

Anonymous said...

Anybody forget their Prozac today?

Anonymous said...

well another apple fiasco is over. everyone is richer and happier. cept me. got a roof on that don't leak. fellow down the got angry because he didn't get to over charge me. high school graduate trying to charge professional prices. down down down in the ring of fire.

Anonymous said...

Gues what folks:::: AW praising Amanda Moore for her accomplishments as if it were new to Clay County. We have had administrators for century's now that have figured out how to waste MONEY. In case your wondering what her accomplishment is. Its wasting money and falls right into the same category as all the rest of the crooks who have been appointed to a job in Clayberry.

Anonymous said...

wonder how this money was wasted. I musta missed that. maybe big mouth willl explain.

Anonymous said...
