The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Whaddaya think?   


Ye Ha Silver said...

I think the CCC made the right choice, even if they went about it the wrong way. I also think that come next election time, he should be voted in, then re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Wouldnt vote for him on a dare.

ROSE said...

There's a new poll on the homepage - y'all chime in!

ROSE said...

I had to delete the original poll - it was too screwy. Sorry! Vote again!

Anonymous said...

The poll is still screwed up, it will only let you vote one time.

Anonymous said...

Your cookies are telling on you.

ROSE said...

Well, y'all cut me some slack - it was my first poll attempt. It'll let you vote once a day. Incidentally, I think I neglected to put an "end date" on it, so we'll be voting into eternity ... what fun!!

Hee Haw said...

Well if he screws up as a cop, he can always be a Newt Gindrich impersonator.

tonto said...

I think this poll is fixed. Cause yesterday I voted 3 times and this morning it wouldn't take a vote, but would 10 minutes ago. It's fixed.

Anonymous said...

That's what you call a "snafu"

ROSE said...

LOL The poll is NOT fixed. If I was going to "fix" it, I'd have asked a better question & come up with better answers. >;-] It's *supposed* to let you vote once a day, but it was free, so maybe we're all getting what we pay for??