The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Beyond the Barbeque

Soldier, rest, thy warfare o'er,
Dream of fighting fields no more.
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking,
Morn of toil, nor night of waking.
Sir Walter Scott

Memorial Day began as a memorial for Civil War veterans. It's long since grown to be a day to pay homage to all who have passed on to the next level. As you place your flowers and indulge in backyard get-togethers, remember the ones who have fallen for our freedom & pray for the safe return of all those who still fight.


ROSE said...

Arlington National Cemetary

World War I Memorial

World War II Memorial

Korean War Memorial

Vietnam Memorial

Desert Storm Memorial

Iraq War Memorial

ROSE said...

All Gave Some ... Some Gave All

WV Patriots for Peace

Anonymous said...

Rose you are one kind and thoughtful person to have done all of this. DJE

Anonymous said...

To all that read this site as you travel to your family or friends graveside this weekend try this and lets see how it works for a change.
Take and extra bunch of flowers with you (don't have to be expensive) and place on a Veterans Grave. The forgotten few have turned into a field of many.
We often hear of the sacrifice made by a Vet but do we sacrifice a little for them as we pass their graveside or just ignore them.
If nothing else place a little Flag on their grave. Most have a marker and some are family or a friend. God Bless America.

A Vietnam Vet

SmileyTD said...

Great post, Rose. Thank you for the links. :)

Anonymous said...

Sign Here

Anonymous said...

let's send all the illegal immigrants over to the dirtbag moonscape.

kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

ROSE said...

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Howard Dean, Dan Quayle, and Dick Cheney have all been accused of dodging the draft.

Jimmy Carter pardoned all draft dodgers.

I'm guessing maybe these guys didn't vote for any of them:

Rolling Thunder

Run for the Wall


Anonymous said...

hey i noticed something on Clayberry. Everytime you click a page it will rack up his counter. When you click the home page check the number. Click on pictures, go back home and check hte number again. Click on News then head back to home and check the numbers.

Everytime you click a link you add to his stats.

Anonymous said...

are you suppprised?

Anonymous said...

Wadberry which he would rather be called does a mighty fine job, lets just keep on clicking there clickers.

Anonymous said...

Each page on the CLayberry site has a counter. Each time you click on a page, another hit is scored to that page. Descending order of use is Home page, current news, classifieds, obits, and photos.
Average weekday hits,homepage is 1350 and 800 on weekends
the mel gibson lookalike still forging along 4 inches at a time
AW end

Anonymous said...

Boy 2:27 a.m. anon I hope you have something better to do this 3 day weekend then come up with dumb stuff like that! Who cares what his stats are anyway (well maybe him and advertisers). The truth is no one else bothers to report the happenings in and around Clay. And don't even mention the Free Press. That thing is nothing but coma inducing.
And when you sign on here at 2:30 in the morning we all know you who you are anyway (MP).

Anonymous said...

If you want to put a stop to all the counting when you click a news page and there is no news as is usual. 10 or 20 visits before the news is updated. Have it done automatically.
And be notified when the page changes.

Anonymous said...

hey anon[MP] 12:02 PM i'm on here quite often at 2:27 AM. haven't been counting AW's stats though. could be you're a little confused. i'm sure anyone that is interested can find out who i am since i gave my house no. at one time. so anon i think you're full of horses**t.

Anonymous said...

Hi o Silver!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For those using the change notes site to check when the news is up here is the URL.

Anonymous said...

One big wad - fits better than Mel Gibson look alike.

Anonymous said...

Rose I want to discuss this Michael Lanham rodent. Can we please? I'm sure he's just one in a hundred piece o'crap but I want to know what people have to say about this kind of individual and what should be done about it on the private sector side.


ROSE said...

Howdy!! Hope everybody enjoyed the long weekend. If you haven't yet, it's too late now 'cause it's over!!

Here's a little something worth sharing. We went to Kings Island this weekend & our cell phone got dropped in the locker area of the water park & left behind. By the time we figured out where it disappeared, quite a bit of time had elapsed. We went back to the Lost & Found without much hope & much to my never-ending shock, somebody had turned it in. They hadn't even used it to make hour-long calls to foreign lands or anything.

Earlier that day, we were having breakfast at our hotel & a lone elderly lady asked if there was room at our table for one more. We asked her to join us & shared a lovely breakfast with a perfect stranger.

Yes, I believe in Karma. What goes around comes around. One good deed - one kind word - attracts another. Treat people the way you want to be treated & eventually, you'll get lucky. You don't "deserve" it - you *earn* it. Through your actions, your deeds & your words. If it doesn't come your way (whatever "it" might be), you didn't "deserve" it in the first place. Try harder next time.

So ... let's do talk about Mr. Lanham & those just like him. If you go around beating the crap out of innocent citizens, expect the tables to turn on you. Honestly, though, what's he got to lose? He continues to walk the streets, just like those who shoot at each other all the time & those who steal people blind & those who cook up deadly concoctions around children.

We need big, ugly, bald (read: intimidating, don't care to get their face & hair messed up) lawmen to make it perfectly clear that they're not afraid of the law-breakers. We need people to press charges & prosecutors with cojones the size of Texas & made of steel to make those charges stick. We need laws that protect people who press charges so the criminals are the ones who are punished, not the victims. We need to make jail a place that nobody wants to visit twice. We need to stop pussy-footing around "civil rights" and DO what's right.

We need to stop drinking caffeine after 8 p.m. ........... teeheehee

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on Michael E... he is a low down dirty scum-sucking SOB. He doesn't care who he hurts. He usually doesn't have any reason to pick on and hurt most of the people he does. (AW deserved his but that is another story). Michael goes after the little people (the ones he knows/thinks won't hurt him and he can get the best of them.

On the other hand...Michael may be in need of somewhere to sleep, something to eat, somewhere to stay with air conditioning. And he may figure this is the way to get a one way ticket to the pokey.

Either way he is still a worthless piece of trash that needs to be swept up and thrown away.

I wonder if Murder Mountain is for hire?

Anonymous said...

PS: MP is not the only person up at late at night.

Anonymous said...

Hey rose, how does this work for example: if a person commits a crime and no charges are filed but a report has been taken: is it not up to the state to take it from there? Now in the case of AW filing charges, it has been handed down to the new ass. pros. attorney with little or no experence. AW is a little concerned about that. A good old TOWN MEETING to deal with a major town problem might help, maybe discuss the liability's in TAR and FEATHERING. Maybe just a simple demand from the people of Clay Co. to obey the law or leave, and inforce it.

Anonymous said...

And by the way , word on the street is michael lanham stays up on murder mt. when he is not with his daddy.

ROSE said...

Good morning!!

If Mr. Lanham is looking for a 1-way ticket to the pokey, it'd serve his purpose better to try it from another county. Especially if he's looking for an extended stay. Of course, our jails are extremely over-crowded & frankly, I don't want to support his sorry behind while he enjoys 3 squares a day on my tax dollar.

"AW deserved his" ??? How so? Because he prints what everybody's saying anyway? Granted, it might not be all that smart to print gossip, rumors & every little thing you hear on the street, but he IS selling papers & that's what he does. He's never claimed to be smart, just good-looking. Nobody deserves to be blind-sided by some deranged lunatic with nothing better to do. Mr. Lanham could've filed a slander suit against AW & we all know you can do that for free if you can't afford it on your own.

Nobody has any faith in our justice system, but it's all we've got. Personally, I'm a little more "Old Testament" than today's oh-so-politically-correct society allows. Tar & feathers are expensive; trussing him up & giving each of his victims (or their chosen substitutes) 5 minutes alone with him would be free.

He'll get too cocky one day and either take on or p*ss off somebody crazier than he is. Karma. Remember the Karma.

Anonymous said...

maybe ther's a purpose to michael L. madness. AW was snitching about what he does. i believe his latest victim is a brother to the circuit clerk. could there be someone behind Michael. someone who likes things the way they are. a drug lord , maybe. someone with influence, someone with a lot of political clout.

Anonymous said...

Who set the bond when someone get in trouble? One day he'll meet his match. As A.W. I think Mike had the nerve to do what 3/4 of the people in Clay Co would like to do but don't have the gut to do it. As far as the news goes you find out more on the blogs than on his news. I think he is disillusion that he thinks he is a investigataor reporter and Mel Gibson look alike more a fat PeeWee Hermon look a like.he publish smut he makes fun of everone that is good. The only reason that he is down on Iron Mike is cause he bet the crap out of him. The one's that swore to uphold the law is the one that doing the pople the unjustices get rid of them and vote some one in that will do what they are elected to do. Or put up withe some old crape that has went on Clay Co for ages. CS

Anonymous said...

Iron Mike, needs help, instead of talking about him why don't some one try to help him? Show him some kindness.

Anonymous said...

It isn't kindness he needs. It's called rehab. Clay and every other county in the nation would do well to familiarize themselves with it. Everyone says, "Throw their drug ridden asses in jail." Fine, you can't keep someone in jail for very long just for drugs (or evidently for anything else in Clay). They get back out worse off then they were to start with.
You aren't going to cure someone's substances addiction with time in the hopper. It doesn't work that way. It only enhances the problem. But no one wants to hear that do they. They want to be rid of the problem, give it to someone else, not worry about it. Besides Clay can't afford to keep their residence locked up long. That's the other part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Sentence him to a coal mine on his knees for thirty years like some "normal" people have had to do. It isn't societies fault he chose to go down the road he has chosen. Why should society bail him out? Notice the types he is picking on. He is nothing but a deranged junkie. Allowed to spew his hatred for himself on the public. The Romans had a cure for transgressors like this along the Appian Way.

Anonymous said...

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering
what the hell happened to your bra.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are
whispering when you are not.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in
dancing like an idiot.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell
your friends over and over again that you love them.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to think you
can sing.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe
that ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at four in the

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you can
logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you have
mystical Kung Fu powers, resulting in you getting your ass kicked.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to roll
over in the morning and see something really scary.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of
inexplicable rug burns on the forehead/knees.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion
that you are tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than most people.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe you
are invisible.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to think
people are laughing WITH you.

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause a disturbance in
the time-space continuum, whereby gaps of time may seem to literally

Send this to someone who you think has had any of these

Anonymous said...

I know people in Clay Co. that need's their rear's kicked until their nose bleeds. I am dealing with one, we have been in court several times, the Judge let's them walk. We need Law and Order in this berg. Get rid of all crocked law enforcements.

Anonymous said...

You say put him the pokey. I agree. But the problem with Michael E and the pokey is this: He is a drug addict. There are more drugs floating in CRJ than their are on the streets. Granted you can't get beer, whiskey or wine. Correction, He can make his wine with his 3 squares. Bread, Juice, etc. Eating coffee grounds with no water is like crank. So where is putting him in the pokey going to help?

As for AW deserving his thrashing: absolutely right. You can take the average citizen and let them say something wrong and that is all it takes for Ann Dee to it into something more awful than it was. Stop and think. Ann Dee puts stuff on his website and people all over the world read it. I know people as far as California read his website. What are they thinking when they read that stuff?

They are thinking...
A> I am glad I don't live there.
B> What a bunch of A holes that live in Clay County.
C> They don't have any decent law enforcement.
D> That county has more than its fair share of drug addicts and idiots.

I wonder: Is this what Ann Dee wants other people to think about Clay County?

Anonymous said...

I lived there the first 18 years of my life. I live in FL now & we read AWs site from here, too.

They are thinking...
--> Since you can read my mind, I don't need to tell you what I think of you & your psychic stupidity.

A> I am glad I don't live there.

B> What a bunch of A holes that live in Clay County.

C> They don't have any decent law enforcement.

D> That county has more than its fair share of drug addicts and idiots.

You can't change the facts by trashing AW. What's worse is that you keep voting for bigger & better LOSERS so you bring it on yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Anon, you come up with some pretty good solutions yourself. My reference to the coal mine was meant to put him to some hard work. It might change his attitude. Is work so foreign to you that you didn't get my meaning? You sound like a bleeding heart liberal who goes for the downtrodden. THE DOWNTRODDEN IS SOCIETY!

SmileyTD said...

LMAO!!! SB, you kill me! I just about spit iced tea all over my desk. :P haha

Anonymous said...

amen: To the one from Fla. You are right on: Keep the Heck out of WV. You will live longer and happier lives!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bleeding heart liberal. That's a nice 1990's saying. Work isn't foreign to me at all. I just got home from it as a matter of fact. My point was and I'm not talking specifically about ML, is that everyone fusses day in and day out about all the drugs in Clay County, but no one does anything about it but throw the abusers in jail, where as it was mentioned, there are just as many if not more drugs then there are on the street, and they're ADDICTED. Jail time isn't going to stop their addiction. Until the addictions are addressed then the problem will perpetuate into an even worse monster than it already is. You can work them to death, but I've known people who have worked their butts off every single day but it didn't negate the fact that they were still alcoholics.

ROSE said...

Hmm. Interesting place here today.

SB, I'm leaving that one on here for a brief moment in time (because it's hilarious), but if it disappears, I trust you'll understand I had to be quicker on the keyboard than the Little People. LOL

Throwing the drug addicts in jail might not "solve" the problem, but it'd d*amn sure get them off the streets & keep them from recruiting & killing others.

Call me cold-hearted (if you must), but as a parent, I'm far more concerned about keeping that crap away from my children than I am the adults who have already voluntarily gotten themselves addicted. I've said it before & I'll say it again (& again & again) - drugs are a CHOICE. If you make the conscious choice to try drugs & get yourself addicted, that's YOUR problem. If you offer my kids drugs, then YOUR problem becomes MINE. I have enough problems as it is & have zero tolerance for people who create more for me.

There have to be priorities in this world. Keeping drugs out of the reach of our youth would be a top one. Rounding up the drug addicts & putting them out of business would be a top one, too. Keeping the hopped up idiots from hurting innocent citizens would also be right up there. If there's any money left in the budget, fine, put them in rehab. Rehab is a great & wonderful thing, but PREVENTION is a far better strategy. Eliminate the availability, eliminate the source, eliminate the distribution & rehab becomes a non-issue.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame what started out honoring vets turned into a conversation about drug addicts.

An addict of any sort needs help. Whether its smoking, drinking or drugs, they need help.

Drunks kill people every day. Smokers kill people every day.

Let's throw them all in jail so the vegetarian, non-smoking, non-drinking, bleeding heart tree huggers can take over the world.

Anonymous said...

i find it interesting that the discusion is always about the addicts and none or very little about the people who distribute the drugs. maybe the fear that you will be pinpointed as mikes next victim has something to do with it. maybe a lack of cojones among our fine citizens has something to do with it. each one is trying to push his neighbor out front. which one of our fine neighbors in clay and clay co is importing the drugs. how come none of our fine citizens never see the thieves in action. or is it the lack of enough cojones to say you have seen them. but of course that would attract attention and might bring iron mike calling. have a fine day

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the middler schoolers visit the blogs. We're all very impressed with four letter words. WOWEE! This site went just plain crazy. It is a shame, like the anon said, it started out with a good topic and then went to pot (tee hee...sorry!)

I'm with Rose, the priority for me is to keep my kids away from those who do and push drugs.

I think meth use has pushed drug use into an entirely new demension and very little is done about it. Except weird things like causing me to have to go to customer service at the store when I want to get allergy medicine. I live out here in the "grass seed capital of the world" (so says the sign as you enter the city), and we're only allowed to buy like 2 packages per month in a certain vicinity and we have to show our drivers licenses when we do. That's all good and fine if I were just buying for me but I have two kids who suffer them as well. Then you have to get a doctors order for stuff that isn't even perscription. It's a total pain!

Throw them all in jail. Think of the industry it provides!

20 more days!


Anonymous said...

I live with my very own "Iron Mike" in my family. It is odd to to here about this "Iron Mike", because i belive "Iron Mike" and the one in my family must be twins. He is always in fights, hasnt lost a one that i know of, (not that im proud =/) always in jail, either got a beer or some other substance, will knock you flat with no warning. Will steal you blind, will tear up your property, will beat down your boyfriend and or his buddies, will go after public figures, not to easy on his girlfriends, wich he has many at one time. His own family walks on egg shells around him for fear he might get miffed at them next. Yet can be so loving to that you tend to forgive or at least forget what hes done till he strikes again. I do not know what causes this. I do know he was like this before he started anytype of drugs or drinking. Somehow i cant help but wonder if your "Iron Mike" isnt just as lost an sad as ours. If ever he finds his peace with some type of help someone plz post it here. Lord knows we could use that kind of peace for our "Iron MIke".

Anonymous said...

What has your State Troopers done? From what I read NO one get's arrested for anything. Don't praise anyone until they do something.

ROSE said...


I don't know the current sheriff personally & I'm not "close enough to the action" to get in on the nitty-gritty gossip. Frankly, I don't give a flying rip about his office's whizzing contest with the CCC. Nor do I give a flying rip about anybody's career aspirations. Nor do I care who gets the credit, as long as somebody gets the job done. If it takes a State guy to get results because he's the only one not in somebody's pocket, that's fine by me. The pockets around here are getting pretty full anyway.

What I DO care about is a safe environment for raising our children & giving them the wherewithal to say NO to those who manage to slip under the radar.

Take note this weekend of all the out-of-state license plates cruising through our fair county. The first weekend of every month, they're everywhere. What do you do about it? Easy. There aren't that many roads leading into this county. There's a huge "Click it or ticket" campaign going on. Set up road checks for seat belts, check registration & insurance while you're at it & monitor the license plates. I'm sure some of the New Yorkers are truly just passing through. When the same ones pass through the first weekend of every month, though, somebody should be taking notes.

There's nothing "iron" about Mike. There's nothing "iron" about anybody who slugs unsuspecting people for no reason & rarely is there a valid excuse for slugging somebody. Better monikers for those people would be "Lack of Self-Control [insert name here]," "Bully [insert name here]," or, in the mentality of grade schoolers (which the bullies could more easily relate to), "Sissybutt Bully Wimp Little Baby Pansy [insert name here]".

Anonymous said...

here is a suggestion; sence nothing is done about an assault, why don't someone friends that is bigger than Mike L beat the crap out of him and let him know how it feels. The law won't do anything to them, even if the law did something take up a collection from the victims and pay the fine,and or post bail. what ever it take to put the bad boy out of commision.

Anonymous said...

The committe that takes that on can probably find some more similarly worthwhile projects around too.

Lets call it the Clay County Waste Removal and Beautification Project.

Maybe incoming commissioner Link can get us some grant money.

Secretary, add Murder Mountain to the meeting agenda.

Anonymous said...

CCWRBP What an outstanding idea!!!

Anonymous said...

WE'll get some Nazis and KKK and vigilantes and hide them under that PC name so nobody knows its them.
Maybe some Sopranos too.

Anonymous said...

MP can be chairman of the board

ROSE said...

If nobody else wants it, I'd like to be Social Director. I'm not campaigning for anything, though.

Anonymous said...

Can I be in charge of purchasing the tar and chickens?

Anonymous said...

Hey now wait a minute, that was my idea!

Anonymous said...

Now SB what needs to be done is the Dog, Beth, Leland and Dewayne Lee up here to beat the crap out of Iron Mike and the rest of the pukes. I think Beth could take Iron Mike.

ROSE said...

Do you really think we'll need an Entertainment Director? We seem to do just fine on our own. BAHAHAHAHA LOL

You know once word of our brilliance reaches The Outside World, we'll be bombarded with lawyers. I say we get that Sheriff out in Arizona (the one with the pink-underwear chaingangs) to be our Rehab/Anger Management Director.

Anonymous said...

Saw Mike this afternoon walkin toward the end of town with his trusty fishin pole just like any normal non-psycho.

He's not a kid anymore.

CRJ chow must agree with him.

At least he doesnt look like hes crackin.

Anonymous said...

From the Communicator -

April 29 am - In the last 5 years, the out of control Mike Lanham has been arrested 36 times including 14 incidents of battery. Still out on bond and unable to control himself, Mike Lanham remains walking Main Street Clay.

He'd make good fish food.

Anonymous said...

I see a sad picture here. Mike is newsworthy I guess, but does no one realize that AW is hurting our county just as much by publishing such trash?

Look at other papers and news sources, they are bad enough, without throwing in personal opinions and saying someone will laugh at a funeral!

The last thing we need is someone publishing all the trash that goes on, it just makes us good citizens look bad.

Anonymous said...

Yeah on the one hand he professes to promote tourism here and on the other who would want to spend any quality time here after reading the communicator and the news page. With his cynical and derisive comments about the residents here not to mention his off color remarks and anal oriented sense of humor. His mind is in the gutter. Just read the bottom of the main page for a sense of where this guy is coming from. I think the CCWRBP should pay him a visit too.

SmileyTD said...

I want in on that CCWRBP idea. Perhaps I could write up some invitations for others to join. I could probably round up at least a handfull (or two) of willing participants without the invitations. LOL

Anonymous said...

seems to me that what i'm hearing is a lot of dogs barking in the night. the same ones now barking elected BILL CLINTON a draft dodger. PATRIOTIC not me. the same ones who are now complaining about 'IRON' Mike are the same who wanted discipline taken out of the home and given to the school teachers, the same ones who wanted hot lines put in so the children could call the welfare and ccomplain that mommy and daddy are trying to discipline me. HAVE A GOODERN

Anonymous said...

If you all think AW is printing trash, Just think the next time the paper comes out it will cost 20 cents more. Power bills are going up also, so it will cost more to read it on here to.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should report AW for price gouge'n, hell thats a 40% rate increase. Maybe he is going to us the extra money for life ins.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is some one saw ANDEE walking down the street the other day(probably going fishing)with his worm in one hand and his pole in the other just a singing, dont worry- be happy.

Anonymous said...

yep you are right lonestranger and they got the discipline out of the home, out of the schools and now out of the courtroom. We have a new prosecutor and a new assistant and two judges in Clay county, sheriff and four deputies about half a dozen state troopers and they all wear PINK PANTIES and sit around shining their badges and waiting on pay checks and could care less what happens on the street or anywhere else just don't let no dust get on them badges or do anything to mess up that fine hair or let any sweat mess up that make up.
Now as for the so called "Iron Mike" his fate will come when he runs into some old Viet Nam Vet thats eat up with cancer from agent orange one of these days and he will either get shot, stabbed or cut up or they will just beat him until theres no signs of life left and I for one would do just that. Let air out of him in so many places Einstein couldn't fix him back.

Anonymous said...

at least he wasn't hurting anyone

Anonymous said...

Whos not hurting anyone?

Anonymous said...

(Kelvin Delk) remember him? He made lots of arrest and Boggs and King would let them go. Don't tell me I didn't know Kelvin we hat a love hate relationship we loved to hate each other. But he ticked the CC off and they got rid of him. some of the rumors were true about Kelvin and some was twisted around to make it look like he was worse than he was. He took on the bad boy but they were let go. could it be that felons can't vote and the politicions can 't afford to let them go to jail. It's the bad boy election the ones in office cause they know nothing going to be done about there bad ways. Change the one in the Court House and get some law abiding citizens in there and see if the crime rate won't go down.

Anonymous said...

How many of those arrests and charges were tossed out over faulty police work? Take for instance Adam Arnold meth bust. Poof! All gone, cops had not secured the evidence.
What happened to all those charges aginst Iron Mike? All have been dismissed except the one against fat ass An Dee.
if it ain't bad police training and inexperienced Prosecutor, what could it be?
We actually have some pretty good local defense lawyers. OFten they can get a person off the hook before arrest nightfall

Anonymous said...

We have to start with the Magistrate's Office to change anything.

The same two has been elected over and over, but it doesn't appear to me that they are doing anything to keep thugs off the streets.

AW says that he is trying to better Clay, but instead of trying to find the good things in the County, he wants to print the bad.

Maybe we all should move to another County and start fresh.

Anonymous said...

AW was one of the ones that was down on Kelvin, see how it comes back to bite you in the butt.

Anonymous said...

To all the ones who think they know everything: You should at least get the name right.



REMOVE THE L. Those remarks had to have come from some James McCune's family. They are the ones that love to hate Kevin. After all, Kevin got James locked up for 7 years. Kevin even got to use his pepper spray and cuffed James McCune. That is what happens when you try to disarm a police officer.

Anonymous said...

Bring Kelvin or Kevin back! If he is a good officer,more than than what I have seen or heard of.

Anonymous said...

You ALL complain about Mike L. But you know what... Hes doing the one thing your to afraid to do. IF some fatazz talks trash about him he pops him in the mouth. You ALL however are hiding behind your PC's cryin I hate this person i hate that person waaaaaa!!! Yet you dont do anything about it. "yeah lets gun down a young man cause he is tougher then me" i cant walk in a store and talk smack about ppl cause that young man might whoop me waaaa!! ALL of you are so AGGGGHHH! makes me wanna pull my hair out. Dont try to move to another town cause you would never make it. You do nothing but talk trash and never back it up and never put forth anything for your comunity. You sit and complain and whine an cry but i dont see you doing much but sitting at your computer. I stop by from time to time to see if things are better. To see how many days CB has counted down to. To see if you ALL stopped acting like abunch of high school kids gossiping. I have seen so many wonderful ideas come across this blog since Rose has started it.. yet nothing.. You apparently have brains use them for your ideas not for hatin on a boy who isnt even in your life. Not one of you can say Mike L. has done anything directly to you. After he reads this blog or hears of this blog haha im sure ppl will walk a little lighter. I remember when Gene King used to hold boxing matches up in the Jr. High parking lot staring "Iron MIke", no wonder he thinks its ok to go around boppin ppl on the head...........

Anonymous said...

Call in the ACLU maybe they can help whip Mike!

Anonymous said...

Ok so i spelled Kevin name wrong big deal, not the only time a word was spelled wrong, but you only point it out when someone says something that you don't like. you still got the jest of it
And no i'm not family of the McCune's. Half of the people that knew him love to hate him cause he had that personally.

Anonymous said...'m on day 19


Anonymous said...

To the anon on Thu June 01 at 02:52:38 PM:

Actually, some of us CAN say that Mikey L. has done something directly to us before. He scared my daughter (who was still little enough to be in a carseat at the time) and I nearly to death one night because I wouldn't give him a ride home from the game room. I had the passenger side door open because I was putting my daughter in her carseat. He blockaded me and wouldn't let me in or out of the truck. Someone had to come out of the game room, physically move him away from my truck and offer him a ride home so that he'd leave us alone.

Anonymous said...

any time a person does an illegal act against a citizen it directly effects every person in that area.

lots of mention in here that andy deserved what he got. well for all of those that say that he deserved it. all can go to hell as far as i am concerned.

both my grandfathers fought wars. one in ww2 and the other korea. then i had uncles to serve in vietnam. no my dad did not serve he was medically disqualified by a draft board. now myself am a veteran of two wars (gulf war and current iraqi war) and i am still in the military doing my job to keep american values strong.

my family has always made great sacrifices for the american cause. even if the prez is disagreeable and has no support we still stand and do our patriotic duty to uphold all that is sacred in this country.

one of those sacred things is andy's right to publish whatever he wants to include his opinion-it is his paper. freedom of speech is a big one and all newspapers have a certain level of opinion. of course some more than others. no way, shape or form should mike have hit andy for what he had written in ink.

then there is the matter of the old man. did he print something too or was he instigating a fight?? what's your opinion there. was mike right in beating the crap out of him?? i think not.

the constant attacks and some being unprovoked means that whereevr he goes is an unsafe place. i dont know of anyone that has ever been arrested of that many fights and i have known some rowdy people in and around the marine corp. if that is an accurate arrest statistic then we could prolly double that number to include fights he didnt get arrested for.

our kids getting out from the middle school and walk down main street for fear they might say the wrong thing to the wrong person. then what?? what will we do when he pounds on a 12-15 year old. i know if it is one of my own i will have to react in a way that might land me in trouble. a law abiding citizen that doesnt get in trouble getting in trouble for cleaning up trash that the local police dept and prosecutor shoulda swept away. i imagine if they wanted him away he would be away. if he was on bond the latest fight should have been enough to at least get a petition for a bond revocation hearing. the back to the big house enjoying 3 a day.

Anonymous said...

to anon 2:52 If Mike L. goes around beating up old people and weak people he need the crap beat out of him, I havent read where any one was going to gun him down. He is a coward or he would pick on some one his age and size not people in wheelchairs and the ones that are old, only a coward would do that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the service manfor protecting American people.We honor you. But don't try to defend an a**hole.

Anonymous said...

lol you must be one of those liberal assholes that like to stretch the paper that our very own constitution is written on.

if you read that service mans message he is defending a citizen and standing up for that citizens rights. then also bashing "iron mike" and proclaiming how unsafe the county is.

who's the asshole he is defending?

andy or mike?

andy has done no more in his paper than you just did on here. you called him a dirty name. so if he is a HORSE'S rear i must say you are genuinely made of the same stuff and have the same values in life. calling it just the way you see it and letting people know your very own OPINION.

ROSE said...

First & foremost, please remember that there's a language rule here.

To the Anon who said, "Thanks to the service manfor protecting American people.We honor you. But don't try to defend an a**hole." ...

Did you really just say, "Don't try to defend an a**hole" ??? Are our service personnel supposed to go around giving everybody a personality test to decide who to defend & who not to? This is AMERICA & those who fight for our freedoms are the very ones who give each & every one of us the right to be an a**hole. That's why we call this "A Free Country."

If we weed out the a**holes, we'll have to turn on each other & that'd be ever so boring.

Mike L is exactly what he's been allowed to become. No more, no less. If he's a small-time thug, it's because we've made room in our world for small-time thugs. If he's just a lost soul in need of ... whatever ... it's because we've neglected to help him find his way. He's like a little kid who will push & push & push just to see what Mama will let him get away with & so far, looks to me like he's getting away with whatever the heck he feels like. Who needs the whoopin' - the little kid or the mama?


Anonymous said...

who's the anon that apparently has just learned the word liberal? What are you some sort of blue balled conservative?

Anonymous said...

sorry....that'd be blue blood conservative.

Anonymous said...

I have every right to complain about Micheal E. One night on my way to Go-Mart Michael E was drunk as a skunk in heat. He jumped out in front of my car and I barely had time to stop. He stood in front of my car yelling hit me, it won't hurt. He then turned around and let loose with fireworks and a string of cuss words that would make a sailor blush.

Anonymous said...

Who's the one that pays Mike L bail anyway? And my word why would they want to!!

Anonymous said...

i wonder? is Mike Lanham related to Glada Lanham?

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of dumb a**holes in Clay Co. Take your pick. Who ever lies, tell's people to go to h***, makes fun of other people. You are nothing but a hole in the ground. Like worms crawling around, bad mouthing every one and everything.You don't have a life, so you hate the world.

Anonymous said...

Looking for that vacation getaway with small town ambience yet big city problems?


Be Randomly Assaulted By Drunken Local Habitual Offenders.

Got A Crack Habit?
Hookups Available All Over Town!

Want To Do A Swoop And Swipe?
Law Enforcement is practically non-existent!

Even if you do get caught, you'll still have probably 20 more chances before you're actually convicted.

Enjoy all the amenities of big-city life without all the traffic and noise.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

DOG SPOTTED; passing through. 2 miles down river from Ivydale. light brindle color, unusal no ID. L/MS MALE. POSSIBLE 1/11/2YRS. OLD long tail. appears to be boxer or doberman but don't think is either one. healthy, friendly, looks purebred. seen 10 A.M. 6/2/06 hungry, hated to send him on without food but they only get roadkilled here. notified authorities.

Anonymous said...

Rose I posted this on another site by mistake. It has more purpose here. I hope you don't mind that I posted it here as well.

I left Clay County for 2 years. I couldn't wait to get back home. Now I can't wait to leave again.

Clay County. Loved and hated.

Would perfer a town with law enforcement that actually does it job.

A town where a*holes don't run loose.

A town with a quite peacefulness about it.

A town where you can still leave your door unlocked when going to your backyard.

A town where you can leave the door open on hot muggy nights without worry of getting murdered in your sleep.

Anyone know of this place?

Anonymous said...

Yes, but it's on the moon.

ROSE said...

Actually, I know of exactly such a place & it's right here in West Virginia!!

There's a lovely house there & you can leave the doors wide open while you go gather bizzillions of murkels if you want.

It's over 150 years old, there's no indoor plumbing, the floors are uneven, the kitchen stove is circa 1940, the staircase is not wide person friendly ... no street lights, no telephone, no cable, no neighbors, no noise beyond what nature provides. Every once in a while, if you've been living right & you're really lucky, a lone whipporwill will join the crickets & frogs late at night.

I'd be willing to bet, though, that Doddridge County has the same problems Clay County does. Anybody live elsewhere & just have a camp in Clay?? It'd be interesting to see how it compares.

Anonymous said...

Heaven will be a place that you can live and not be burdened by all the problems clay county and all other areas of the world have to offer. Better get ready it is not going to be to long from now when that mighty trumpet blows.

Anonymous said...

sorry folks, tele. ph. no. should have read 286-2012

ROSE said...

I took some editorial liberties here, C Citizen, just to cut down on confusion & avoid too many "I think you've got the wrong numbers".

C citizen said...

hey DOG "NOT" gone, call 286-2012 for info CALLER ID will register your no. will return call. if it registers asunavailable will not answer. dog in danger of lead poisonining

Sat Jun 03, 04:17:13 AM

Anonymous said...

thank you Rose; didn't mean to interrupt your blog. but other methods don' seem to work. felt sorry for dog. gave it supper and breakfast of cheap dog food. I now have a welfare dog. it'd rather take a beating than leave the trough. have tried club. it'll lay right down. "BUT" I think it's getting the message finally.

ROSE said...

Ooops!! I meant to take the editorial liberties, then delete the original. Better late than never, I guess. LOL

We had a "welfare dog" show up at our house several years ago. About a year after he showed up, a distant neighbor kid came & asked if we'd seen her dog 'cause they were moving away. "Uh ... yeah. He usually shows up when he smells supper." LOL

We just named him Larry & called him our own (like we had a choice). Turned out his name was actually Duke. He was a classic example of "I don't care what you call me, just don't call me late for supper." LOL

Anonymous said...

LOLOL Larry!!! I forgot about Larry! Although I thought we always called him something else....>; D


Anonymous said...

Hey CB! Did I here you say it was 17 days and holding,Huh?

Anonymous said...

It'll be 15 days tomorrow! Uh...will I be seeing you then silly goose?


Anonymous said...

Could our fair little burg be getting a visit from CB,vacation huh? Safe trip! Silly Goose

Anonymous said...

It'll be a vacation that's for sure! Thanks Silly Goose! See ya soon!


ROSE said...



Anonymous said...

Lordy Lordy Rose!! The antisapation of getting to see CB and soon is just to much for this little bird to handle. Silly goose

Anonymous said...

hey dog still here. paid for itself another meal DJE stopped by. made friends with the dog. and as dgs will it marked him so it would remember him. he tickled its belly and it pi**ed all over him. havn't laughed so hard in years.

ROSE said...

LOL Silly Goose!! I'm kinda excited about it myself!!

LMAO C. Citizen!! They'll be best friends for life now! Though I can honestly say my best friend has never taken a whiz on me ... not even when I ... um ... recycled my breakfast into hers. BAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

"Recycled" your breakfast?

recycle - to use again after processing

I don't recall using your breakfast again after you were...done with it.

However, do I have to admit parts of that evening are a little hazy!(Although I'm pretty sure I didn't whiz on you.)



Anonymous said...

One of them kind of partys,huh! silly goose

Anonymous said...

three calls to county clerks office, one call to FRAN KING, CCC, few words with unofficial CC courthouse handy man and dog catcher come. DOG GONE! thank GOD.

Anonymous said...

Somebody say something worthwhile.

Start a new topic.

Bitch about something.



ROSE said...

LOL Poor ol' dog.

Um, CB, you didn't exactly "use" it ... you just kinda ignored it & went about your business. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey innocent bystander, I'm all for you saying something worth while, starting a new topic, anything. Please! It's a blog, not a 5 star topic discussion of current interest that you've had to pay for.

Anonymous said...

If I had to pay for this....

I wouldnt.

Anonymous said...

me too

ROSE said...


Obviously, there are a lot of "followers" here. At some point, someone will lead you to the newest post, my little lambs.


Anonymous said...

Rose _ Don't you mean BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??!!!?

You're absolutely right Mojo-Jo-Jo! And original too! (Especially with that name you copied off a cartoon!)