The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Apple Fesitval!

Have y'all enjoyed the festivities? I'm not sure if it really does get more crowded & louder & hotter every year or if I'm just getting old, but ... it sure seems like every year, it gets more crowded, louder & hotter.
What'd y'all see that I missed?


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ROSE said...

I stopped in the library this morning to see what (if any) improvements have been made.

Wow! Immediately upon entering, you notice the improved aroma. The Brower's Section (no card needed!) has been alphabetized & organized & all the books line up & everything! I was shown the new kids section - clean, neat, fun looking. While I was there, the new librarian showed a lady how to use the computer, helped another check out some books, pointed me in the direction I needed to go, chatted with a coupla other patrons ... a far, FAR cry from the dark, dank days when you'd walk into the stinking place & be totally ignored while the chick behind the desk indulged in personal conversations.

Clay at long last (once again, finally) has a *real* library! KUDOS!

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to; the Clay Co Fair?

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy! Let us know when your news page is clean so we can go there.

Anonymous said...

I heard there was a lot of Obama constituents at the festival.

Anonymous said...

And there was a few Black people there also!

Anonymous said...

God save the queen.

Anonymous said...

God don't damn us all.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they came, they saw how ignorant you are, they left.

Anonymous said...

who's ignorant? The Goaties, thinking they're better than others.

Anonymous said...

What I noticed at the Apple Fest is the dopeheads. Crackheads everywhere you looked this year and who was the idiot that pulled the gun yesterday?

Yep the spooks are getting more and more here also. Who let these Wiggers in here. Must be a N*&^%r in the wood pile at about every house around now. Makes me sick to even see them running with white women. How could a woman stand to smell the nasty things anyway?

Anonymous said...

Aliens, have we been visited before? They are still here. And finally taking over this country.

Anonymous said...

Well being igorant is worth something after all.

Anonymous said...

The women that do that heard they have a roll of tar paper. Boy were they let down.

Anonymous said...

Well being igorant is worth something after all.

I was born igorant, grew up igorant but I was never ignorant, white people should remain white and brownies should stay brownies. Poop brown and they call themselves black. Mixing the two is the lowest form of animal traits. Its called scum bums and is about as sick as you can get. Nothing will ever convince me otherwise either. KKK all the way.

ROSE said...

Meanwhile, how about all the time & $$ "white" people spend trying to be darker? How come everybody hacked on Michael Jackson for trying to be "white," yet nobody ever says word one about "white" women who tan themselves 14 shades darker than nature ever intended?

Ignorance is such a selective state of being.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rose for being the smart one of this group.

I never understand this blog. Every single conversation seems to turn racist. How in the world an innocent discussion goes from the Apple Fest to racism is beyond me. Sounds like some Clay County white folks are a bit jealous.

ls said...

hey we just say what's on our minds. could be we might talk about you yahoos. Rose tried to hold us to subjects. we wanted to fly. one time I went through the north pole picked up a load of gas and landed in Tucson, WOW what a trip.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance breeds Ignorance.

A lot of people in West Virginia have this "Robert Byrd" syndrome. They have been up a "hollar" all of their life and have never left that said hollar. Which means, they are "ignorant" to the rest of the world. Never experienced anything or seen anything except for the same folk they've seen all their life the same old places. The only things they know is what they "see on TV" and heard from uncle billy bob's best friend's cousin's father's daughter-in-law said or seen. Never finding things out for themselves or trying new things or seeing new places.

(The "Robert Byrd" syndrome is, he has been the senator for what, 100 or so years now? Nothing new. No changes. Nothing. The same old thing day after day. I honestly think the guy died YEARS ago, but some voo doo lady is controlling him, people who have watched weekend at bernie's will understand this.)

Anonymous said...

Now I know what ignorance really is. After reading these race traitors. What a fine display. Stop the world I want to get off.

Anonymous said...

I smell a war a brewin
Time to empty that bucket

Anonymous said...

Tinkerbelle -- GREAT post!! Love it. You are right on! Some of these posts do nothing but show how little these folks really know about anything. They have clearly never been out of their hollers.

ls said...

I have never been a black racist. I loved that ole black when I was a boy growing up. and she loved me. gladly gave me three meals a day. hadn't been for her an corn bread, never would have made it this far. an when I found a head in one uv them hollers, well a pussy cat couldn't have meowed no louder. Them ole black cats would give that panther pi'' freely to an ol country boy. sho now we'uns all haint ignorant.

Anonymous said...

What the crap is ls talking about?

I like what you've done with the place, Rose!

Anonymous said...

Nice new skin Rose.

Anonymous said...

i could not understand how lizemore ambulance could not find that road up sycamore this morning took them 47 minutes to get to a house 2 miles up sycamore from the firehouse and the 1 year old baby died. this is bull**** they are a f***ing joke over here. half the time them crazy fosters live there eat and sleep. several nights aint been nobody there after midnight when i come in from work. some needs done or this won't be the last person to pass because of them.

ROSE said...

It was definitely time for some new colors, huh?

Wasn't the whole purpose of making everybody change their addresses so the ambulances could find us all easier? Major PITA with minor results.

Everybody with a scanner knows how long it takes to get any sort of vechicle with a siren to its destination. Didn't Miles Slack create a blog with all the Clay Co roads & their locations? Anybody got that URL?

Still getting bells & whistles when I go to AWs site.


Anonymous said...

That road up Sycamore is the worst road in the county to start with as its the one that has been fenced off for the past four years by that fine Christian man Tom Auxier. 45 minutes is about normal travel time to get from the bottom to the top of the hill,as its state maintained. They even put half a load of gravel on it this year. Thanks Clarky Samples. The baby was 21 months old. Funeral arrangements are pending at present.

That fire department is a nest of rats also and needs a good cleaning out.

Anonymous said...

Just because I live up a holler don't mean I gotta have a N&^%(r in my wood pile to get along nor do I have to accept race mixing. KKK all the way.

Anonymous said...

what was wrong with the baby?

doesn't matter how much you come out of hte holler if you don't get your head out of your butt first.

Anonymous said...

The bells and whistles should be fixed today.

Anonymous said...

The road, Payne Holler (sp) was NOT clearly marked. That is why they couldn't find it.

Also, that "fine Christian" Tom Auxier called 911 himself yesterday morning to tell the ambulance what road to take so they could get to the baby. Tom informed them that the road was formerly called, Truman Road or something. So, while you may not like Tom, he did a good thing yesterday. And even if he had called 40 minutes earlier it wouldn't have saved that little girl. She had been sick since birth. She was not expected to live even a day and yet she lived for 21 months. That's what we Christians call a miracle!! Her grandmother I know had a lot of people praying for this little girl. In fact Karen had her at church a couple of Sundays ago, praising God for what He allowed that precios child to overcome when doctors said it was NOT possible!!! God allowed her more time on this earth and it was time to take her home with Him yesterday. Stop judging people so quickly.

My condolences to the family.

Anonymous said...

i am sure Hippy will take up this cause. Sick or not 47 minutes that close. what if it was my dad over hear having a heart attack. I would not want Lizemore driving around like lost pups. They have issues ran most of people off. just a click that is costing lifes.
we never get anything decent south of the bridge.

Anonymous said...

Is it the fault of the Ambulance service that the roads aren't clearly marked? Or is it fed/state issue? If the feds changed our addresses shouldn't they have to erect the appropriate road signs?

Anonymous said...

some info on the 911 addresses, I believe they were on the Clayberry news, got a date showing, SUN, Jan. 11/09. Miles Slack left his email[> <]

Anonymous said...

Check Snopes... TRUE!


Washington, D.C. - Sept. 25, 2009 there will be a national prayer gathering of Muslims on the west front of the U.S. Capitol Building . They are expecting at least 50,000 to attend from mosques all across America . They will gather to pray from 4:00 AM until 7:00 PM, - FIFTEEN HOURS! The gathering will take place by the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. The organizers say Obama's inauguration speech in January and his speech broadcast from Egypt in June gave them the idea for this prayer gathering.

They have a web site set up for this event. If you never look at another web site look at this one,especially the final words at the very end of their web site:

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
- Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous said...

Obama's REAL Brothers

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with praying in DC? isn't freedom of religion one of our basic rights?

geez. total crazies on here.

the poster above was right. get out of the hollers people.

Anonymous said...

BDA member JK accepts plea agreement and pleads guilty to 2 counts today in court

Anonymous said...

Wonder if all that God praising was after she smoked her joint to get the day started?

Anonymous said...

Get out of the holler huh?
Sounds like a safe place to me. I wouldn't want to have your state of mind.

Anonymous said...

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

ROSE said...

"what's wrong with praying in DC? isn't freedom of religion one of our basic rights? ..."

There's *nothing* wrong with praying - unless you try to do it in our public schools. Religion is not only one of our basic rights, it's what our country was founded on. That's why our country's motto is "In God We Trust."

More power to the Muslims & their national prayer gathering. There's nothing wrong with their gathering or their prayer - what's *wrong* is that praying to *God* in public is a huge no-no.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if someone pray for JK?

Anonymous said...

Rose, you know festival on the new (front) page is spelled wrong? Two letters are transposed. t&i

ROSE said...

LOL By golly, you're right!

Um ... I planted that just to see who's paying attention ... BAHAHAHAHA LOL

Anonymous said...

Double trouble. Did you do it here for the same reason?

Anonymous said...

It's the same post, doofus. It just follows you from the homepage to this page.

Anonymous said...

Let the fosters and the elliotts run the place. it wil fold soon enough

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for the KKK.

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

I think you should gather all your KKK friends up & go pray in DC, at the Capitol. Only then will you appreciate the irony of just exactly how much is wrong with prayer in today's society.

Today's the first full day of Fall! HAPPY FALL! Should be a beautiful season, given the monsoons we had all summer ...

Anonymous said...

"WDBJ7 Byrd taken to hospital after fall in Virginia home" Virginia home???? And you keep electing him in WEST VIRGINIA why??? I thought senators had to live in the state they are elected in.

Anonymous said...

ALL senators live in VA or DC. How else do you think a senator in California can be present for meetings in DC?

Anonymous said...

Being elected to your home state is old school? Why is Jay Rockefeller elected when his home is in NY. Why was he elected as governor when his millions was made from drug running, prostitutes and illegal whiskey. Because its the American Way. Pull the wool over their eyes and rob them blind while they can't see.

Ms Rose has that over the hill conception now. Fingers and brain get wires crossed when typing, ain't hardly nothing. Everybody will get there sooner or later. taaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

me said...

well the fosters and elliotts must be doing somethings right the drug heads that use to be there are gone im glad the place is cleaned up they have good honest people there now.

me said...

to the person who wrote sep21 11:29 am before you start slamming the volunteers of the lizemore fire and ems they are doing a great job you need to get your facts right. they have a ems crew 24/7 if they are not at the fire station they are on a call! oh and how many hours do you volunteer?? the job they do is not a easy on!! THANK YOU for the work you all do at LIZEMORE

me said...

to the person who wrote sep21 11:29 am before you start slamming the volunteers of the lizemore fire and ems they are doing a great job you need to get your facts right. they have a ems crew 24/7 if they are not at the fire station they are on a call! oh and how many hours do you volunteer?? the job they do is not a easy on!! THANK YOU for the work you all do at LIZEMORE

Anonymous said...

Everyone talks about Lizemore volunteer Ambulance service- well I may be wrong but most of the crew are no longer volunteers they are getting paid and have been for a while, even the ones that are drawing disability. Hey tax free money, can't beat that. what was started as a volunteer service to help the area has fast turned in to a money making rat race. oh well we are in Clay after all!!!

Anonymous said...

"over-the-hill conception" ????? what the heck? someone needs a dictionary.

me said...

why dont you ask ccc why the roads are not marked?? and THANK YOU TOM
for calling 911. my thoughts and prayers go out to the family for there loss.

me said...

it shouldn't be to hard to find your way around clay because its FRAN KING BLVD, FRAN KING LANE FRAN KING HIGHWAY & FRAN KING STREET just ask Beets he knows where to find it!!!

Anonymous said...

thats right

Anonymous said...

boy you hit the nail on the head

Anonymous said...

Instead of being so jealous of her, you should try to be more like her. She's living proof that even fat ugly girls (like you)can be successful.

Anonymous said...

sounds good in all maybe you should

Anonymous said...

you shouldn't call fran such bad names and you should take some lessons off her. just because you dont have a life or a job dont mean you have to be so mean to her.

Anonymous said...

I think I heard from a very good source that Lizemore started out being volunteer until they were established....And another thing the way I see it, If the fire/ambulance service isnt being run to your standards then maybe you should go and volunteer and maybe get your emt card or what not and then you can make it better....I think that they are doing a great job I dont think I could do it. And was it the Thornes that were the druggies mainly MT.

ROSE said...

Having been thrown into the back of an ambulance more than once, I can safely opine that bad service is better than none at all.

As for Fran, look around you. Look at all the parents you know whose kids are in foster care. Look at all the people you know who are on welfare or some other source of public assistance. Any single mom who can make her way in the world today & even be semi-successful at deserves far better than Fran gets here. Then again, I'd venture to guess Fran's far too busy living her life to worry about what a bunch of anonymous bloggers who don't even have the cojones to leave their names are saying about her.

Anonymous said...

Well lizemore ambulance lets people run their ambulances that are on disability and then pay their wives or husbands the money so they do not get caught. The get paid 60 dollars for 8 hours under the table for response fee. Not bad. and the maps with all the road names on it is laying on Christine Fosters desk not in the ambulance where we need it. I quit when got in trouble with taxes a lot of other people will too,

Anonymous said...

I like the festival, its ok. I just wish that people would have a litte bit more respect and use the trash cans that were on the street not just leaving it on the hillside, sidewalk, etc. I wish though that they could widen the streets of Clay before the next one. Otherwise, it's an "ok" low budget wonder.

Anonymous said...

Youre right but-
It's Clay County.
Theyre Clay County. What do you expect?
They know somebody will be along to take care of them at the Festival just like every other day of the year.

ROSE said...

There are always going to be crooked people in the world & there are always going to be other crooked people around to keep them crooked.

You know what strikes me about the apple festival? The lack of apples. Once upon a time, there were vendors who sold apple pie & apple fritters & there was apple butter to be purchased & apples were everywhere.

Soon, it'll have to be renamed The Hot Dog/Trash in the Street Festival.

Anonymous said...

Funnel cake Friday-$3.25 avg.
Funnel cake Sat.---$5.25 avg.
Went that way on most grub!

Anonymous said...

Wed Sep 23, 04:25:00 PM

You should thank Frannie for all the things she has done for the county. Got her BF a high paid job at county taxpayers expense. Got Mountaineer Gas a big increase in gas bills. Put Habjan out of business for having the lowest gas in the state. Doubled gas bills for everyone that was on Habjans gas. Yes you should thank her by not voting for her when her terms up especially if you are on a fixed income and you lost half your medicine or food each month because you have to pay higher bills to stay warm.

This is Clay County and if you think there are any Volunteers in any Fire Dept. or Ambulance service then I have a nice Brooklyn Bridge for sale. Like someone said the LVFD and Ambulance Service is a nest of RATS that need cleaned out.

Anonymous said...

You should not judge lizemore VFD until you have actually ran on the ambulance.The ambulance can only go by direction provided to them and try to find the area needed. If you want to blame someone than you should look at the county commission and the OES director who has provided 911 with direction plus it is only provided if you are coming from clay. As far as noone being on station that is a lie. Lizemore has been fully with fulltime employees since 08/01/2009. Unless the ambulance is out on another call, it is available 24 hrs. day. As far as the employees go most of them work for clay ambulance or live in clay county. The few that live out of county are always with someone who knows the area. Noone knows where every road is in clay, with the new addressing everything has changed. As far as the baby goes, it would not had made a diffence if EMS would have been there 2 mins. after the call came in, nothing could be done to save the baby. The employees at lizemore work very hard for the community and spends many days away from their families to help yours. It is a hard and stressful with no respect given to the men and women how put themselves in danger everyday to help your families and the community. You shouldn't be commenting on something you know nothing about. While your safe and warm in your home doing nothing but complaining, the men and women at Lizemore VFD are out helping. Walk a week in their shoes.

Sabrina May, EMT-B said...

Lizemore VFD does have mostly paid employees now, but this was done for the community. With volunteers they can only be here when their not working or busy. Their was not always someone willing to volunteer and the ambulance had to be shut down which did not benefit the community at all. Now that there is a fully paid fulltime staff the ambulance is always available unless their out on another call. as far as the employees go, I am an EMT for Lizemore VFD. Although I do not live in clay county, I work very hard for the community and my patients. I have three kids and a husband(who is a paramedic for Lizemore VFD) that spend days at a time away from to help the community. I chose to come here after volunteering because I love the area and the people. I am very good at my job and I take it very serious. As far as getting paid, everyone needs a job my bills come very month just like everyone elses. I put my life in danger everyday to help the community. We're not GOD we can't fix everything all we can do is what we are trained to do and the rest is left up to god to help us the rest of the way.I am a good person who happens to have a job where I get to help people everyday and I thank for god for the chance to do so.It is just as hard on us when we lose someone as it is on everyone else. We are the ones who lose sleep over somehing we can't control and we have to take complaining and bad mouthing from people who can't or won't do this job. We help in everyway we can. What do you do?

Anonymous said...

I know Morgan Triplett fixed maped books with road names, Each FD and Amb service has a book and all they have to do is look at it and show where the road is

me said...

if it dont have a name its hard to find it. was you listening to the call and how it went down?

Anonymous said...

i think at one time it was called truman hollow

Anonymous said...

no, i think they got rid of the rats about six or seven months ago.

Anonymous said...

what was wrong with the baby?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Hey Rose,

Remember Code Name V???? Does Slander and Lawsuits mean anything to your "posters"?

Tread Very Carefully with this one.

Anonymous said...

if they would be a little more concern with there own family and stop telling lies and running there mouths on things they dont even have a clue on clay would be a better place...

Anonymous said...

You wanna know what really gets my goat, how about when you call DHHR and tell them that a child is being molested and they ignore you cause their too busy with their fingers up their whoohaa, and the kid is handicapped and can't get about disgraceful when they won't do their job you have to get someone out of the county. For Shame.

ROSE said...

No, I don't remember Code Name V; refresh my memory.

No, slander & lawsuits don't mean anything to the people who post here.

Tread lightly? Friendly advice or hollow threat?

Anon @ 1:36:00 PM - 1)*YOU* weren't at work at 1:36 in the afternoon, so it's ironic that you'd hack on people who "sit at home on your little computer probably living off welfare cause otherwise you'd be at work; 2) while I appreciate your rant, you need to go back, read the description at the top of this blog's homepage & reword your opinions accordingly. Your original comment has been deleted because of it's total disregard to the language barrier here.

ROSE said...

I deleted Anon's post, but I just can't bring myself to get rid of this part -

Anonymous said...
"Use your pie pole for something useful."

Thu Sep 24, 01:36:00 PM


Anonymous said...

We're all full of a bunch of hooy
Just some are better lookin than others
Present company, not included!

Anonymous said...

What is the danger the ambulance people are in every day? Afraid they may have to get off their fat A&% and do something? That is dangerous as you may have a heart attack or something. Makes sense to me. If you are in so much danger stop driving under the influence and stay home. Funny how we have survived all these years around here and haven't had a bunch of leaches bleeding the taxpayers dry. I need to ge tup and get to the P.O. early in the morning I may have a check or food stamps waiting for me and that means new drugs and beer for the community.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, dont guess you have ever worked on an ambulance sounds like you are like some of the rats they got rid of over at that LVFD.

Anonymous said...

clay ems got lost tonight wonder if the map books on bev's or pat's desk????

Anonymous said...

How many romances has come out of Lizemore Fire Dept. How many marriages broke up. Sure great place to screw and check with the 911 center I called for an ambualnce 2 weeks ago and they was told by a dispatcher that Lizemore instructed them they would not have an ambulance crew available until 8am the next day. have sheriff call and get the tape if you want the truth

Anonymous said...

i would like to know how a ccc member can change run area lines to fit the fire dept they are on when they are members of it? or how they can change run areas when they have family members that are employed at the ambulance station sounds kind of funny to me!!!!
check chapter 7 of west virginia state codes.saids you only have to have 10% of the registered voters to change the ccc members.i say lets get the petition gone so we can get someone in here that cares about clay!!!

Anonymous said...

what was the date ?

Anonymous said...

would you please!!

Anonymous said...

this happens to be a nice little site if used correctly and the thruth is told

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like someone doesn't like the folks at the Lizeemores fire department, I think that if you think you can do better then go for it!!! If not then sit on your butt but you need to keep your pie hole shut!!! They are working so well of course they need to get paid, The danger that they are in includes Drunkin/Druggies that might wreck and hit a medic or what ever. I do believe that it happened just a couple weeks ago at Lizemore. So yes they are in danger at any given call.

Anonymous said...

they cant thats why that sit at home on there fat$@* and just do what they normally do nothien but moan and groan instead of helping the community like the LVFD

Anonymous said...

Yes, I apologize for offending you and your blog.

But you're right I wasn't at work this afternoon when I posted. I have thursdays off. I do have a job. Actually 2 jobs, due to the p*** poor economy. I can't afford to pay for my crack with just one job. Ever since they busted my dealer..I'd had to travel further for my junk. No, I'm kidding....but all this crap about LVFD and the ambulance is just bull. My God at least these Ambulance people are paying into social security, welfare, etc. What if these people would quit their jobs? How many ppl work there? At least what? 5 or 8? Got figure how much money they pay into these programs. Seems the news is saying that by 2032 Social Security will be gone. Pretty sad that all most of these people have to due is complain. Get a job and help fix the government before we have to sell ourselves to Africa.

Anonymous said...

i think the lvfd do a great job its not an easy job to do!
they also do alot of good things for the community. i would like to thank the people at the lvfd for all their hard work.

Anonymous said...

i need some crack can i have some of yours?please

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:15:00

Yeah I hear what you're sayin' there's one up there I'd love to thank too. ALL NIGHT LONG. That's right baby you know what I'm saying.......That post that said about wrecking a marriage and what not...he** yeah. I'd like this person to wreck mine too...oh baby oh baby....oh wait I think I don't need him now. I think I just did it without this person..

Anonymous said...

crack...crack.. i need crack got some?

Anonymous said...

you need crack, I need d***. is there somekind of agency that can supply both?

I see a Clay money maker in the works

Anonymous said...

yeah i know who can im looking for someone short,fat,and dosent have a good choice in women oh,and

Anonymous said...

Well baby I'm single....are you into guys or chicks or both?

I don't have facical hair no sense of ethics, no waistline, a litte well ego) wink wink. I believe in the two bag system, you know if yours falls off I still got mine, you intersted?

Anonymous said...

im not a babe just call me butch

Anonymous said...

Well dang baby where'd you go? It was just startin to get good.

I'd the kind of guy that likes to take a girl to dinner can be real romantic. I mean what girl could resist gonna to gomart right after the chicken comes out the grease.
Dang don't get no better than that? I'd been buy you a beer

Anonymous said...

well h** just give me a tater wedge and i would be a happy camper!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I got one for ya, I'd even buy you some dippin sauce.

Anonymous said...

you know its right there by fran street.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well im a ketchup kind of person!!!!!

Anonymous said...

whee doggies
think i found me a keeper

Anonymous said...

Well Ladies and Gentlemen the nut jobs have offically hit the blog

Anonymous said...

i got some big dogs you can see !!!

Anonymous said...

You got the dogs, I got the buns ;)

Anonymous said...

oh we have ladies and gentlemen in clay ?

Anonymous said...

naw last one left about 50 year ago

Anonymous said...

now we got dope heads, imbreeds, and just plain down right stupid people

Anonymous said...

ggggeeeettttt your hot dogs !!

Anonymous said...

you got good buns? and a strong sense of ethics?

Anonymous said...

where they at where they at???

Anonymous said...

what your buns or your ethics.

Probably up your bu** you ask me

Anonymous said...

thanks yours aint so bad yourself!!

Anonymous said...

ever heard a dog chew on a pop can?

Anonymous said...

hot cross buns!!

Anonymous said...

nope have you?

Anonymous said...

hey, whats tall, thin, kinda not smart, and fired?

Anonymous said...

probably sounds alot like those rats that use to be at that lvfd

Anonymous said...

well i dont know it sounds kinda crunchy and unneccessarily painful

Anonymous said...

i don't know who???

Anonymous said...

the dude that just got fired on tv


made you ask

Anonymous said...

hot dogs get your hot dogs!!

Anonymous said...

i want my tater wedge !

Anonymous said...

I want your hand in marriage

Anonymous said...

why do ppl want to stap themselves onto a 40 gallon tank of rocket fuel and light it?

What is it a thrill thing or what

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd rather high five a cobra

Hey does it mean I crazy when I answer myself

Anonymous said...

you just made me blush !!

Anonymous said...

well you make me fold like a cheap lawn chair

Anonymous said...

i heard them there bovfd got it gone on over there !!!

Anonymous said...

man i'd like to get l*** before I die

how you doin?

Anonymous said...

yeah a cheap dollar store one!!

Anonymous said...


You mean more than you.... I don't think so

Anonymous said...

you will get lucky soon!!

Anonymous said...

what do you get when you take a limestone rock and drop it into the Dead Sea?

Anonymous said...

rats rats i see rats!

Anonymous said...

i've been reading alot of these post that have been left on-line here and i belive thier alot of ppl posting that have no idea what goes on out here in ems and fire i happen to know thier was 3 diffrent ppl asked that moring that live in the area where pain rd was at and they had no idea and for so many ppl to be listening to thier scanners you should know that thier was no falt to the ems crew that moring for not finding the right road they followed the directions given to them and for all the scanner listners why didn;t you try to help or did you think it was funny listing to and ambulance despirtly trying to find and unreposive child before trashing someone what was you doing that moring and why didn't you try to help oh thats right it's easyier to sit back and judge than it is to help someone else so i invite all of you that can do a better job come on out but then again i know your not getting out of your bed to help when your friends and negibors are dying or thier house is on fire think about that next time you deside to trash someone tring to help or save a life

Anonymous said...

well d*** just bi*** slap um

Anonymous said...

hhhmmm i don't know what?

Anonymous said...

ok anyone know the anwser to the rock question?

Anonymous said...

a wet rock you dumb a**

Anonymous said...

to the person that wrote @ 12;12 am the lvfd members do work very hard and im sure they thank you for your blog.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you sound nice ..... are you single?

Anonymous said...

hhmmm i got the tater wedge do you have the sauce?

Anonymous said...

naw, not yet, its kinda like jeepers creepers give me another 23 days and well talk

Anonymous said...

oh gosh....did i do that. let me get my cell phone and call you a tow truck.........oh wait, I'm a pothole I dont have a cell phone....ok bye

Anonymous said...

ok sweetie

well my lover is's bed time ;) so......well.....theres always tomorrow........
until then....keep your stick on the ice.

Anonymous said...

what just a pot hole!!!

Anonymous said...

stick on ice hhhmmm

Anonymous said...

yup stick it on the ice

Anonymous said...

or stuff your pot hole full of ice whatever turns your crank

Anonymous said...

Once again the bar is lowered.

Anonymous said...

what bar??? who mentioned a bar??

iiimmmm lllooossttt

Anonymous said...

someone say a bar?????

ROSE said...

Good lord.

Someone has obviously confused this blog with a teen chat room.

I'd say it's time for a new thread, huh?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they just want to maon & groan about other people because they dont have a life of there own!and i think the only person that tried to help was tom. their is alot of lazy run your mouth kind of people that sit on there A** and do nothien but spread lies about people i think they need to worry about the lives of there families
and leave everyone else alone....

Anonymous said...

clay would be such a better place!

Anonymous said...

they just want to maon & groan about other people because they dont have a life of there own!and i think the only person that tried to help was tom. their is alot of lazy run your mouth kind of people that sit on there A** and do nothien but spread lies about people i think they need to worry about the lives of there families
and leave everyone else alone....

Anonymous said...

After reading some of these posts, I can't help but wonder, how old are some of you?

I feel like I'm reading some "facebook" or "myspace" blog full of teenagers who are still trying to figure out what life is really about and what really matters.

This life isn't about how long you live, but how you live your life while you are here.

It would do some of you really good to read "what is love"? on my blog. There is a lesson there for most of you. You know, I'm just saying...why not give it a whirl!

Anonymous said...

some of these anonymous people amaze me...

How you can be so cruel and mean, but yet, you don't have the courage to back up what you say with like, YOUR NAME, something...

I don't say anything online that I would not say to someone if I was standing right there.

Just amazing it is...

Anonymous said...

ok LADYTINKERBELLE whats you real name?

Anonymous said...

hello you fine clay co citizens
how are all of you today?

Anonymous said...

My profile has the information you need...

I think if people are going to mean and hateful, they could at least leave a nickname, real name, something besides "Anonymous"

It's so easy to do things like that when you know that you will never see the person. You are still accountable for things you do and say and even think regardless if the person can see you or even hear you. Remember that.

Anonymous said...

and like i said tinkerbelle your profile donsent have your real name so what up with that?

ME said...

hmmmm. sounds like tinks scaried !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

scared isn't spelled "scaried" for one.

you actually have to use your brain in order to figure out what you're looking for. It's right there, in front of your face. you gotta use these called "eyes" and this other thing called a "brain"...try it sometime =)

Anonymous said...

oh dont we have a smart one among us!

Anonymous said...

To say in line with this particular blog, I enjoy the apple festival, although there are many changes that could be made. Of course I know this takes money, time, etc. but what really makes me angry, is the fact that our Apple Festival Queens are not Clay Co. Girls. We have many young ladies that are just as beautiful as this years queen. I really wish the festival committee would limit the Queen category to Clay Co. Girls only. It's just a thought

Anonymous said...

man your not nice no wonder you dont have no followers

Anonymous said...

Oh and forgot something. Yes More APPLE themes!

Not enough apples going on at the festival.

Note. I spelled "stay" incorrectly

Anonymous said...

i think your right about that!

Anonymous said...

Only Jesus had followers, oh and crazy cult leaders.

Stay away from the punch!

I am neither

ME said...

to the ANONYMOUS that wrote on SEPT
24@ 9:42 P.M. i think you mistaken lvfd for clay !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah,i think you might be right!!!

Anonymous said...

i think that there clay ems needs to get all the rats out of its station..........

Anonymous said...

i love rats !!!

Anonymous said...

are you kidding rats that the only thing people in clay can afford to eat

Anonymous said...

hello , my fine clay co citizens how we doing tonight???

Anonymous said...

I heard Rats taste like chicken...finger-lickin good

Anonymous said...

To all the people that like to put down Lizemore on here...I think it is right down wrong because you dont see all the hard work and dedication that everyone there has. I don't see Clay going out to do stuff for the community.

Anonymous said...

Well I am doing good dont know about everyone else

Anonymous said...

you go my friend they do work hard at the lvfd!

Anonymous said...

how did that there lvfd meeting at H.E. WHITE SCHOOL go ??

Anonymous said...

hhmmmm, wonder where the rats whent too???

Anonymous said...

pot hole..... where are you at my pot hole i miss my pot hole.....

Anonymous said...

YOur pot hole got a cell phone and called a tow-truck

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