The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Friday, September 25, 2009


ORIGINAL STORYHUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- Jamie Oliver, best known as the Naked Chef, said his recent visit to Huntington area made the "hairs raise on the back of (his) arm" because of its unhealthy residents and lack of fresh and nutritious food, according to a report on Sky News.

Oliver, who hails from Great Britain, is in the United States filming a new series in an attempt to change the attitudes of "the world's fattest country."

Following is an excerpt from the article:
(Oliver) said his visit to Huntington, West Virginia - the unhealthiest town in America - was an eye-opening experience.

"I've only worked with a couple of families so far and all I can tell you is it makes the hairs raise on the back of your arm," he said. "I feel emotionally connected to this project. They are all anemic with information. They are not stupid, they are not ignorant -- it's just they have never had food from scratch in their life."


ROSE said...

If you've got time (don't make a special effort), take a look at the whole article & watch the video.

Too made Jamie didn't make it to the Apple Festival, huh? LOL

Anonymous said...

I read the article yesterday Ms Rose and it just shows why people left England and came here to start with. They are a bunch of IDIOTS and who cares about their opinion? Hollywood ers.

Totally confusing article to say the least.

ROSE said...

No kidding.

What's really sad is that this guy is basing his opinions on less than a handful of people in a very small area, yet he's just "informed" hundreds of thousands of people.

Never had food from scratch?? LOL Yeah, that's an informed, educated opinion to offer up on an entire state.

Anonymous said...

Anybody from Great Britain should worry more about the teeth in his own country than the fat in somebody else's.

ls said...

why not people from England coming here and telling us what to do. we/our government is trying to tell the rest of the world how to run their business.

ls said...

just got internet back was down all night. called technical, 30 min later, voila, there is the internet light blinking.

Anonymous said...

i love england. it is fantastic there.

Anonymous said...

It's fantastic here

Anonymous said...

where is here???

Anonymous said...

There is here,tatter wedge

Anonymous said...

what's a tatter wedge? tatter rhymes with patter, spatter, and matter. i looked up tatter in the dictionary and it says "a torn piece of cloth." so what's a tatter wedge?

Anonymous said...

Sliced potatoes,rockets away

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose saw that Idiot on the news this morning raving about Hunington not have an abundance of fresh food, they have plenty at supermarkets there as anywhere else and it just cost money to buy. Not everybody buys fresh fruit and veggies for everyday eating and I guess he hit the right house at the right time. How many people eat fresh every day, not many I would say but I guess its wrong to fix it from the canning jar where health idiots come from.

Anonymous said...

They are talking about a potato wedge as in tater.

ROSE said...

Ya know, we eat fresh fruit at our house every day. Well, not all of us, but it's available if anybody wants it. What comes out of the Mason jars out of somebody's garden is every bit as fresh as ... fresh. Furthermore, all those "health experts" on TV are always saying that frozen is every bit as good for you as "fresh."

I doubt seriously Jamie What-His-Face will be having much of an impact on life here at the Cantrell house. He just wants his 15 minutes of fame. For something other than being "the naked chef," I guess.

Anonymous said...

I hope the naked chief don't get a wedgie from reading that!

Anonymous said...

who wants a tater wedge?

Anonymous said...

he is famous far beyond 15 mins

Anonymous said...

you got that right!!

Anonymous said...

has the bast*** ever had deer meat. you gotta kill it gutt it skin it and then guess what fry it. IDIOT

Anonymous said...

did you all here about that there H.E. WHITE MEETING that lvfd had over at the there school?

Anonymous said...

thats right deer killer!!

Anonymous said...

yum yum!!

Anonymous said...

i'm hungry i want some go-mart chicken

Anonymous said...

heard they skinned some of those rats over there and fried them too who says west virgniains cant cook

heck isnt chewin tobacco a veggie

Anonymous said...

i dont know but rat tails are!!

Anonymous said...

heck rat tails, cat tails, all kind of tail is good for cookin

send that little city boy up this way and we'll show him

Anonymous said...

who yeah talking about ?????

Anonymous said...

that little craptackular city boy who says we can't cook

ME said...

what one you talking about?

Anonymous said...

didnt they have some swine flu at ginos wonder how he teaches his chefs to deal with that one

Anonymous said...

If you have windows go to Start then search files and folders and type in Trojan Downloader then hit search and see what shows up

Anonymous said...

Bells and whistles are Back.
I tried that search nothing came back because I use an up to date A/V program. Antiver

Anonymous said...

The tow truck got stuck in your pot hole!

Anonymous said...

Is pot hole the same as pie hole only it's pot?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no its a rat hole !!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Rose, couldn't hep maselv

ROSE said...

You don't seem to be the only one with a serious lack of self-control here these days.

After yesterday's monsoons, today's looking like a glorious consolation!

Anonymous said...

This blog has been invaded by babboons! Or teenagers?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what's the difference?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you must be talking about yourself!!

Anonymous said...

If the shoe fits, wear it.

Anonymous said...

The children are back again.
Blame it on Father Time.

ROSE said...

I think this blog has become an outlet for people who have nothing to say, but can't bring themselves to be quiet.

What an ugly day. Windy, cold, rainy, dreary ... 40s tonight & highs in the 60s tomorrow. I'm so not ready for this kind of weather. I don't even know where my winter clothes are ... maybe I'll just go buy more!! LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Old Father Time is just around the corner for you too ,Rose!

Anonymous said...

Yeah and empty barrel's make the most noise.

ROSE said...

Several weeks ago, FiberNet called me with all sorts of glorious telephone wonders they could offer me that Verizon couldn't. I said, "Wow! Sign me up!" They sent me lots of complicated paperwork and a big ol' honkin satellite dish that was far too much trouble than it was worth.

I called them back, said thanks but no thanks, please cancel this pipedream, come & get your dish & forget about me. They said fine ... About a week later, I called again because the dish is still sitting on my porch. They told me where I could drop it off in Charleston. No, I said, you got it here, if you want it back, you come and get it. They said they'd send somebody.

On September 22, I got a call from them informing me that my phone service would be switched over to FiberNet on the 25th. I called & said NO! No, no, NO! I canceled this order! Do NOT switch me over. This morning, my voice mail message light was blinking; I couldn't get my message because my Verizon password doesn't work. Why? Because I'm now a hostile, unwilling customer of FiberNet.

So I called Verizon & went through all the hoops of having a brand new account set up because my old one - established over the past 15 years - is gone, gone, gone. When I called FiberNet this morning, they said yes, we see here that we made several mistakes & gee, we're sure sorry, but that's too bad. You'll have to call Verizon & see if they'll take you back.

The Public Service Commission agrees that yes, since I gave third-party verification to switch my account, FiberNet was within their rights to switch me over, despite my numerous attempts to avoid it & they don't have to do anything to remedy the situation, despite the fact that part of their sales pitch is "We'll switch you over to FiberNet - you don't have to do anything at all. Try us & if you don't like us, we'll switch you back just as painlessly."

Incidentally, the voicemail message was from FiberNet, letting me know my phone service had been switched over.

If you hear a HUGE explosion in the vicinity of Bomont sometime in the next couple of weeks, it's just me, discovering a bill from FiberNet in the mailbox.

Anonymous said...

Oh rest assured it will come Ms Rose and then you can call my bud Darrell McGraw's office as they are good at recovery from disgruntled people who bully their way into your mail box.

One consolation tho I did get a nice check from Telechek because my checks always bounced at Wal Mart or Lowes in summersville depending on the bank used Clay or Gauley. One account bounced at one store and the other at the other store although my checks were into 2 to 3000 range numbers. You don't get that many checks written on bad accounts. Embarassing to say the least but very rewarding after all. Kind of made being embarassed time after time worth it.

Back to the subject matter: Just in case you need their assistance they love helping set companies back a notch.

ROSE said...

The Attorney General's office is definitely on my Step 2 people to contact, as is the Better Business Bureau. To give them the benefit of the doubt, though, I'll wait & see how they handle the bill I'm sure is headed my way.

Toyota's recalled a bunch of cars because the floor mat gets caught up on the gas pedal. Good lord.

They're talking about frost this morning!! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Oct.11th 31* at night
Real feel 23*

Anonymous said...

They should be recalling the Chevy Cobalt also as the same thing happens and usually at the worst possible time. Been a thorn in my side since we purchased it in 2008.

Frost will hit the mountains tonight and I would say the valleys will get a dose also.

Anonymous said...

Would someone whose brave enough to go there please give us an update of what's happening over in Andyland?

Anonymous said...

He's in a very deep state of denial.

ROSE said...

I still get bells & whistles & denial of access from home, but when I attempted to check his site from another computer (much better defense system than mine), everything was fine. Go figger.

Anonymous said...

That "much better than yours" is not....

Anonymous said...

Thursday October first is SUPPOSE to be the day Whitteker opens his Clay Panseco office doors.
Here is the question: Who thinks Bill Whitteker will open as promised
Question 2: Will he get anything opened ?

ls said...

no bells and whistles here. occasional brief hang up. found my spyware doctor came from google package. took five hours to figure out and download driver robot and file helper from PC tools. they also produce spyware doctor.

Anonymous said...

Try Microsoft Security Essentials Free. It just came out yesterday.

Anonymous said...

did you know that all the assistance programs do not pay in the same way. the CLAY DEVELOPeMENT program make their old age clients pay for their gas to get to where they need to go. Others don't. just another example of the greed in Clay co. another example of how our local leaders can have huge bonuses and extended vacations and exorbitant pay. just think these people live high by bleeding the aged and infirm.

ROSE said...

I'm a frim believer in "what goes around, comes around." Maybe it's not greed that makes them collect gas money - maybe it's plain ol' economics.

On the other hand, maybe someday, they - & I & you & millions of others - will hear St. Peter say, "You want in? What's in it for me?" When you show up at the gates of Heaven with nada, nuthin, zip, you'd better have a little something in the celestial bank ...

Anonymous said...

Its an age old tradition to rip off the old people and anyone else you can fleece down by giving them a song and dance routine. Nothing pays the same in Clayberry. Not even used clothing stores who escape taxes and public eye as being something it is not or ever will be.

Anonymous said...

i believe they started collecting sales taxes in heart to heart used clothes at CLAY about a year ago.

Anonymous said...

SUPERAntispyware free

Anonymous said...

SUPERAntispyware free

Anonymous said...

REALLY remove unwanted software.
Revo Uninstaller

Anonymous said...

Download Free Antiver.
Download here

Anonymous said...

Wasn't talking about heart to heart as they help people that need it. A little farther down the road they pocket the proceeds and you can forget about any help no matter what the need.

Anonymous said...

the road is long and Imust have gotten lost.

Anonymous said...

I've been getting bells and whistles since 09/05/09. I have to reboot when using IE. Firefox works only because I use Noscript with it. Is there a course available in virus 101? If it wasn't for all the dirt and gossip I wouldn't bother with it at all.

Anonymous said...

Charleston Daily Mail:

Police Briefs
Friday October 2, 2009
W.Va. man, son charged in stolen equipment operation
by The Associated Press

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- A Clay County man and his son have been accused of acquiring and selling thousands of dollars worth of stolen vehicles and equipment.

A federal indictment handed up Thursday charged 41-year-old Tommy Edward Young Sr. and 22-year-old Tommy Edward Young Jr. with conspiracy and interstate transportation and possession of stolen vehicles and goods.

The indictment charged that the Ovapa residents acquired vehicles and farm and construction equipment that had been stolen in other states. The stolen goods were then sold.

The equipment included a mini excavator valued at $37,000 and a truck worth $80,000.

Anonymous said...

Its a shame Clay County Law enforcement couldn't file charges against them. Its a shame we pay for Law enforcement and all they can do is fine people for speeding, motor vehicle inspection and no proof of insurance. Some law enforcers when you have to bring in the feds to put the suckers in jail or trial.

Anonymous said...

At least somebody is doing what they are getting PAID for.

ROSE said...

The Feds don't usually indict until/unless they have a pretty airtight case. Maybe - just maybe - our seemingly blundering local law has just been building the case for a much larger venue.

Then again, maybe not. Maybe they are just blundering fools.

One has to assume, though, that the Youngs aren't a 2-man mastermind team. Their crimes cover several counties, several states. As the net widens, do you think anybody will serve any restitution? Or just post bail & walk away to continue their oh-so-lucrative business?

The bigger issue is the strength of the prosecuting team. All the arrests in the world mean nothing if the prosecutor doesn't have what it takes to make the charges stick.

Anonymous said...

That whole family is just bad news waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

wOW no more sleepless nights for the sheriff.

Anonymous said...

anyone notice that Ted Kennedy died and I believe confessed before his death to having been driving when MARY JO KOPECHNE WAS DROWNED.

was michael jackson more important than Kennedy or was either one of any value.

sherlock said...

I wonder whose whose trucks transported the equipment that the youngs stole. I wonder who the fence was that disposed of the stolen itrms for them. I wonder how all this large equipment got on murder mountain without being seen. I wonder why TOMMY YOUNGs brother, down on JORDAN creek, has three telephones in different names and can afford them.

Anonymous said...

It has always been known the Ted was driving when Mary Jo drowned. In fact, although Ted is the one who informed her parents that Mary Jo was gone, it was the police who told the parents later that day that Ted was driving the car. This was never a secret.

Michael and Ted were both "of value." One changed music and influenced music beyond measure. One was a great political figure who operated on both sides of the political aisle and who was historically more politically successful than either of his politician brothers. Whether they had personal issues or not doesn't mean that they didn't have "value" or make contributions to society.

ROSE said...

Sherlock, it's going to be interesting when (if) it comes out how all that stuff was transported - once to get it there, once to get it back off the mountain - & "nobody saw anything." I'd venture to guess a lot was seen, but there's a reason they also have a stash of automatic weapons up there.

Hate to even give this ammo to LS, (teeheehee) but ... we went to the Beni Kedem oyster dinner last night. Does anybody really like oysters? Gross. The catfish was good, though!

ls said...

Don't know what you expect, Rose, but gonna let that one slid right on down town and see what AW says.

boo said...

oysters are great yum yum

ROSE said...

LOL I'm sure the oysters were great - they were fixed to perfection - but ... I don't love oysters so much.

AW? If you're reading this, quit bellyachin' about your oh-so-slow internet connection. Whatever you got with your DSL was lightning speed compared to the dial-up some of us are stuck with.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News
Monday October 5, 2009
Bank robbery reported in Clendenin

CLENDENIN, W.Va. -- Authorities are on the scene of a possible robbery at the Poca Valley Bank in Clendenin, Kanawha County Metro 911 dispatchers said.

The suspect in the morning robbery was identified as a white male wearing a black mask and dark clothing.

A dispatcher said the suspect, who most likely fled on foot, possibly could be armed.

It is unclear how much, if any, money was taken from the bank, the dispatcher said.

The call came in at about 9:30 a.m., the dispatcher said. Clendenin Police were the first to report. The Kanawha Sheriff's Department is aiding in the investigation.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose the Mud Race at Edens Fork Rd is this week end coming up, Oct 10,. Its real easy to get to and a nice bunch of EX Clay County folks run the place. Get off I-77 North at Edens Fork rd and turn north on rt 21 and its right there on the left. Rodney Loftis Construction is where you will turn into for the race.

ROSE said...

What time does it start?

Are y'all any more worried about the swine flu now that an otherwise healthy 14-year-old boy died this weekend?

Anonymous said...

I think that he had underlying medical condition that they weren't aware of.

Anonymous said...

was that a local boy?

Anonymous said...

found my answer in the HUR HEARLD. Cabel county now has a high rate of absenteism in their schools.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose the race will start either at noon or at one o'clock. I would be safe in saying noon as they usually do. I will find out and let you know.

Anonymous said...

If HE had an underlying medical condition, YOU or your kids! could have one, too.

Was at the grocery store yesterday where a lot of elderly people were hacking their lungs up. None of them covered their mouths. I can only hope whatever they had wasn't contagious.

Anonymous said...

Wow, whoever left the last comment is defensive!

Yes, anyone could have an underlying medical condition that NO ONE knows of. It happens everyday. Aneurysms, mitral valve prolapse, clogged arteries etc. It's called life. Or it could simply be that the boys time was up.

Remember the 8 yr old that died practicing football? It happens, it's horrific but it happens.

Anonymous said...

Thats the link posted for the mud race this Saturday if it will work. The race will start at noon and admission is $5.00 kids under 12 get in free.

I-77 Exit 106 Edens Fork Road
Left at exit if North bound
Go 2 miles to Rt.21 Stop light
Turn rt. go 1/4 mile EVENT is on the left
Can't miss it. SEE YOU THERE

ROSE said...

Yeah, you might see *me* there, but don't be offended if I don't recognize *you* among all the other anonymous folks ... LOL

Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

Look for Grumpy's Toy I won't be far from it.

Anonymous said...

Is Bank Robber Jacob Samples related to the Clay Co Samples's?