The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Not the Resolutions Page ...

Only 4 more days till 2006!
What made your 2005 memorable?
Got big plans for a New Year's Eve party?


ROSE said...

This year, like all the years SC (Since Children), I'll be reliving The Glory Days of past (way past) new year's eve parties.

I relive them differently each year. They're not so much memories as horrific flashbacks, so I just fill in the blanks as I see fit.

The wonderful thing about this is that I'll never lose my memory - it's flexible enough to go wherever I feel like having it take me.

Anonymous said...

Hello Rose, If you are in your
later 40 or early 50 I know you!!

ROSE said...

CBP, I'm not even 40 yet! But that doesn't mean you don't know me. From where? When?? Are you a long lost pal? Better yet, a rich relative??

Anonymous said...

oops!!! Forgot you are one of the appointed ones. You see, though, you don't speak or act like the majority of them. It's easy to not lump you in with the rest of them. I stand corrected. There are the few that volunteer their time and energy to try to make a difference. Hats off to those folks.

Anonymous said...

Suspiciously the only New years Eve I can remember from the Glory Days is one that involved a week long hangover. UGH! Gotta love that cheap champagne!!!!!
Now the boys and I go out for dinner before all the drunks get on the road and then spend a nice quiet evening at home, putting together a jigsaw puzzle and/or watching a nice rated Everyone movie. My my my how the times change! This, however is NOT my plan for 2007!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!


ROSE said...

teeheehee Anon. Sometimes I get my butt all in a pucker.

You're absolutely right about the majority of "them," though. I just don't understand how it is that we all complain about the elected ones, yet somehow they keep managing to get re-elected.

Rumor has it that there's a new kid on the block for county commission. I sincerely hope so -he's intelligent, well spoken, don't think he's got any pullable strings. Can you imagine?!

Ah, the week long hangovers. I'm just supremely grateful there were no digital cameras in those days. But by golly, we'll have one on hand for 2007!!! Those will be the pictures that we'll use to truly embarrass our children. BAHAHAHAHAHA

ROSE said...

Based on the 2005-2006 findings of the Education State Rankings, a survey by Morgan Quitno Press, WV ranks 34th in the nation's "Smartest to Dumbest" states. KY's a little dumber, at 35th; OH a little smarter at 31st.

MD, VA & PA all rank within the top 20 smartest states. Hmm. I see a pattern here, but I'm just not sure what to make of it.

For the record, I've lived in MD & VA & voluntarily moved back to WV. Defective genes, maybe??

Anonymous said...

Another reason to move - my state came in even dumber (even more dumb???) >; D


ROSE said...

LOL At least you're not in Arizona!!

Anonymous said...

Rose, first I want to say forgive me for being so dumb, but this is the first time I have tried to blog.
I'm not sure if we were friends in a past life or not, I knew a Rose from your area and another Rose that lives near Newton. The Rose from your area was a lady and the other one, Well enough of that!!!!!!!
It a little past midnight where I am and at my age I need my beauty rest, good night for now, I will try this again, another time.

ROSE said...

CBP, your blogging skills are just fine!

Hmm. I've never lived anywhere near Newton, but I do want to know more about that Rose. teeheeheee

It's midnight where you are? Hmm again. Wonder, wonder, wonder. Nope, I don't think he knew anybody else from WV. Then again, he had a lot of secrets.

How far back do your possible memories of knowing me go??

Anonymous said...

The Rose from Newton is 53 yr. old, I thought you might be the Rose I knew from Bomont, but she would be older than you, some where in her late '40's, she was just a very young lady when I knew her, but very pleasant to be with, it is like a distant memory of someone very nice and a memory that you can hold onto for the rest of your life, she was too young and I was to old!!!!!!!!!
Now for the other Rose, you really don't need to hear any more about her, that was a time in my life that I don't care too relive, ha ha "like a nightmare"
Well I took a nap, but I had to get up and send some worked to the states before the day ends there!!!
It 3:30 a.m. Wednesday December 28, 2005..........


Anonymous said...

USAFCowboy~ I think it's not only the hillybilly-to english language barrier that makes it hard for the non-WV'ns to understand mountaineers. I think it's the way of life in WV. My folks think I'm a total wingnut for wanting to move back. But where I live, while everyone is very polite, very few are geniunely friendly. It makes a big difference in the entire feel of a community. Plus there isn't as much "good down-home cookin'" going on out here.

Sign me,

Waitin' to Move to Smarter Grounds!

ROSE said...

USAFCowboy, I think you might be right. Sometimes, I don't understand them (us) myself & I've lived here 3/4 of my life or so. The farther back in the hollers & the higher up on the mountains you go, the harder it gets to understand. It's an enigma.

CBP, I was so sure I knew who you were! Too young ... too old. Oh, heavy sigh. Been there, done that. The "too old" also came with "too married," though. Another time, another life.

ANYWAY ... do you know me? Do I know you? Hmm. Have you ever been to Germany? teeheehee Just a shot in the dark there. Surely the gods wouldn't be that cruel to me.

Waitin' to Move, the McN's are coming tomorrow, ya know - should I freeze the leftover wassail for you or ... um ... {schlurp} ... never mind.

Anonymous said...

Don't be servin' me up any leftovers next year!!! I want all fresh!!! It will have been 5 years! I don't want to risk it losin' it's to speak!!! (as if there would be any leftover anyway!!!! PPPffftttt!!!!)Tell the MCN's I said Happy Happy New Year and I can't wait for my kids to meet them!!!! Tell J. McN to brush up on his dino knowledge!!!!!!! B will want to be able to relay her vast gardening skills and techniques to my little John Deere Jr. So....are ya'll having ice tea and spaghetti with..........(crunch crunch)


ROSE said...

FIVE YEARS??? Good lord. It has been that long, hasn't it? Wow.

Any leftovers will be dealt with U.C. this weekend. We're gonna have a houseful, ya know, with nowhere to go & all day to get there.

We're having the regular beverages & we're doing "international appetizers" for dinner. Primarily because my brain's just too whacked to plan any more menus! Lil' smokies, meatballs, Italian cheese bread, 7-layer nacho dip, spinach dip bread bowl, crab cakes ... I plumb forgot what else! But the bar will be overloaded. teeheehee

Anonymous said...

Just save the nacho cheese dip for
us okay?? : (


ROSE said...

I'll make fresh! & even buy another tub of guacamole ........

Anonymous said...

MP get mad cause somebody usin her name and she dont' come back? or she get her power shut off agin?

Anonymous said...

i still wonder about her running for office. she is truly funny and if she gets elected i would actually think about moving. unless the dog poo thing could happen that would be fitting for her personality and hopefully she wouldnt mess it up or have to repay money. i want to be the one to nominate her as the dog poo person.

Anonymous said...

Anon- I wish you would move, do you have nothing else in your life to talk about besides MP? Geeze! Grow up! Get A life!

Anonymous said...

what made my 2005 year memorable was all the antics of our politicaians

it was humor and entertainment that filled the whole year. ranging from a major ordeal with the TEN posted in the courthouse. which i will support the ten commandments with every breath that i have, but one should ask is the court house the right place??

Considering our nation was founded on the seperation of state and religion. Our soldiers go out and fight and die so that christians and non christians have the same rights in any government place and we sorta push that thought to the side with the bold placement of the ten. Matter of Fact all soldiers that i know claim to be christians and all pray at one time or another. they will all acknowledge that sometime in there career that they thought the military hell on earth(boot camp, deployments,wars,lonelinessand a long list). but i bet not one would agree to them being placed in a county courtroom in a manner that would offend a fellow citizen. because we learn early that the freedoms and feelings of all around us can mean our lives. so it is important to us to live by the things that we fight for.

then you have the dog poo cleaner slapfest. what should i say about that. i think she is just weird and i would really like to understand her thought process. but i am sure there are many out there that make lots of money and go by long titles that will never understand her. she claims she is running for public office and she has a near obscene web site. wow who wants that too happen!! what a role model.

i could keep going with our politicians but we all have seen them in action and know what has happened. so iam not going to keep going for the next several hours pointing it all out.

Anonymous said...

Rose, Yes, I have been there / in Germany, Yes, I know you!!! maybe another place, another name and another time...
Sometimes our past comes back and bites us on the ass and our memories are not what really happened but my memories of the other life are pleasant to recall and especially of Rose."very young and very sweet"
Well, as I said before, at my age I need my beauty rest, it's an little past 10:00 p.m. I've got to go to bed, hope to see you again!!!

ROSE said...

Hmm, CBP. Do you perhaps wear a crown atop your head? Or was it longer ago than that? Was I perhaps Joanna then?

Eventually, I hope my past does come back & bite me on the ass & I hope to be about 85 when it happens. I'd be way beyond "scandal" & it'd be really nice to see how some of those people held up.

Then again, I hate to wait that long to see some of them. There are a few I miss tremendously.

ROSE said...

Hey! Look at all these people sneakin' in without me knowing it!

Mornin', USAFCowboy! A little late, but it morning somewhere in the world, right?

Merkles. We call them merkles. Murkles? What a weird word. Change a few letters around & you've got ... never mind. BAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A rose by any other name is still a rose, unlest she has been pricked by too many thorns !! please don't take offense!!
I got up early as I usually do to indulge in one of my passion, I'd just love flying around the Islands when the sun breaks through from the east, every morning places and things will look different.
The clouds brings on new meaning and new thought, most of them are from memories of the past, driving on the Audubon, a brief encounter on the stairs leading to the Damon/Hernon at my favor guest house or maybe the experience of meeting someone special on the Train to Frankfurt.
Rose, it is so interesting reading about Clay County today, it's just the same as it was in yesterday years, the only thing changes is the names of the people, I miss the West Virginia Hills, but that's all!!!
Well, as you can see I still can't spell, but of course you knew that !!
I believe God has a plan for all of us, some of us are destined to venture, take chances and to go one direction, but without major changes to the higher echelon in Clay Berg it will never change, that is so sad, there is so many good people there !!!
Its dawn near time for me to leave I'll try to get off the ground by 5:00 a.m.

ROSE said...

Anon who doesn't have the cojones to leave a name with such a filthy remark - No, I won't. But thanks for the offer.

My "ugly little mouth" wouldn't accomodate an entire human Richard Johnson anyway.

You're an idiot. Stay off my blog.

Have a southern night said...

A trip back to 2005 DEC. and the not the resolutions page, in the old stuff, and does that last comment bring tears to my eyes.
Who-da ever thunk?