The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

One Voice CAN Make a Difference ...

If it's loud enough, sounds coherent, comes out of a mouth that speaks intelligently, belongs to a person who can earn the public's respect & can persuade others to sing along. (I just made that up myself)

Sugar (baby), this one's for you.


ROSE said...

Yeah, Sugar (Daddy), I can do that! It's my site, I can do anything I want to! Thanks for the suggestion! & the ego boost. teeheehee

ROSE said...

Here are some thoughts Sugar (Sugar) has already had on ideas to spruce up Clay:

There is alot of young and old talent going to waste. The CCHS has wonderful artists, wouldn't it be nice to come into the town of Clay and see beautiful paintings on our old worn out buildings?

They can be any idea. Like the old fashion days of ladys dressed in bonnets and gowns or each store have what they do on the outside. IGA could have shoppers and deli people on it, and resturants like the outdoor french cafe` look.

The radio station could use a major overhaul, the Christian Center really needs painting >.<, everyplace a fresh coat of paint with a design.
& then it goes on to say a lot of wonderfully nice things about ME! & my idol, CAROL! that I won't post here because I know how it riles some people up when I only post good things said about me.

I think these are fantastic ideas! How hard could it be to get the hardware store & other businesses that sell paint to make some donations & then talk the art teachers & business owners to allow it all to happen?

Geeze .... I'm taking up all my own space.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose! Your not only beautiful, But your smart, also. That's a darn good idea!! And listen here you fellow readers, I wasent trying to get any browny points for telling rose that she is DARN PURDY! Enough of that. Go for it Girl, Youl find a lot of people that will agree this is a great idea. Ta Ta for now. D.J.E.

ROSE said...

Hey, 3fingers! {blush blush} ... is it real or is it Maybelline? Or Loreal, 'cause I'm worth it? All that & I can cook, too!

Didn't Clay used to be this way at one time? Sort of? Don't I remember a mural somewhere or am I having a flashback I don't really want to think about?

Anonymous said...

You sound like the Free Press, they only print the things that sound good about them that is why I read the Communicator.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully you seem to know how to run your site alot better than the Free Press.

Anonymous said...

Well, Do I got an answer to that one. There is a lot of people including folk's that get it delivered out of state, sometimes near a month late, that thinks the free press is good for only one thing,to lay olong the seat in a out house, and use when finished. I guess we can all thank God the paper they use is of the proper texture. Some call it {NON SKID}Sure always did hate them slick pages, useless in a time of need. Lets all try an keep this a secret! A concernd out house owner.

Anonymous said...

Rose! I'm a naughty little boy, ar'nt I? I bet you would'nt think I was only 4 years old and skiping around on this key board, flirting with a pertty gal, would you? D.J.E.

ROSE said...

WOOHOOO!! 4?? Get 'em young & mold 'em the way you want 'em, my mama always said!

Anonymous said...

^^ aww thank you Rose your a doll!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if Anyone is gonna dress up as Santa this year?
Theres you a lil fund raiser, Have a SAnta at the Courthouse with some hot cocoa and candy canes! Maybe some one can take pictures, and charge a small fee. I think its 23 cents at walmart to print a pic from a dig. cam? Those who paid for a pic can stop by a local store and pick up the picture.
Then maybe youll have enough money for a mural.
I think there was a mural once to >.< tryin to think.... Maybe on that old run down green building across from Telfords?

Anonymous said...

in reply to the post dated: Sat Dec 03, 06:09:03 PM There was a mural on that old run down green building across from Telfords but it was years ago back when i was a kid. I remember it. But it faded out and then they painted it puke green.

Anonymous said...

Rose, My friend. You sure do got a good sence of humor. Shut! I'm not 4 years old, I just act like it sometimes. Put it this way, I was around when TV first came out.Been a whole lot of stuff around clay and in this country happen since then. I'd even dress up as santa for you all but I don't think i have ever seen a black santa??????? got ya again! I'd sure be a skinny white one. Enough of that, bed time, us 4 year olds got to get to bed early, you know. D.J.E.

ROSE said...

Santa would be a great idea! There's that Mel Gibson wanna-be - oops! sorry! I meant look-alike! - who's always walking around with a camera. He might be persuaded to take pictures. Hmm. We had a GREAT Santa at H.E. White when my kids were there. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! What do you think?? Hmm. Not much time left to get that together. Hey, Santa? Feel like dressing up as Baby New Year?? LOLOL

ROSE said...

I've seen black Santas. I used to live about 1/2 an hour from D.C.! I think we could really get something together on this. Maybe not this year, but Christmas comes EVERY year, right? Wouldn't it be nice if we could have some painting done before the 4th of July? Hmm, hmmm, hmmm.

I thought I remembered a mural! Didn't that building used to be used furniture or something? I remember when I was a kid, we'd go to the laundry mat every Saturday & my mom would take us to that little diner beside the 5 & 10 for grilled cheese sandwiches & tomato soup. Then we'd window shop at King's Jewelry. On my 8th birthday, she took me in to get my ears pierced ... after she'd already tried to do it with a needle, an ice cube & a potato!! LOL Oh, the memories!

Anyway, DJE? It's OK to mature, but nobody ever said you had to grow up! I wasn't around when TV came out, but I remember popping corn on the stove (no microwaves) & knobs on TVs!

Anonymous said...

i got an idee; how bout a red mans tobacco mural or a yellow ribbon or MLK picture points to no discrimation in Clay, hey I was in the slave labor camp down at St. Albans[halfway house] with a nice black chic shame they didn't allow fraternization wonder how that white one got PG. the lone stranger

Anonymous said...

me again forgot the most important mural. a plaque of the ten commandments on the cornerpost of the courthouse just below the FREEMASON grafitti. incidentally that G in their logo doesn't stand for GOD. it's goat as in goats and goatesses. comes from the god pan the lone stranger

Anonymous said...

Painting murals is not a bad idea. However, while folks are looking up at the murals, they will probably not notice the crumbling sidewalks and twist their ankle or break a bone and then naturally they will sue the town and most likely win their case because the Town leaders have made no effort to repair the sidewalks. What a sad state of affairs. People trying to find ways to improve Clay just because they care and the ones being paid to take care of the Town do nothing but raise water and sewer rates and add taxes (B&O) to already struggling businesses.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed while walking on the crumbling sidewalks that when you pass a storm drain, the smell of sewer gas nearly takes your breath away. Some time back there was a big to-do about putting smoke in the lines and a big stir about fixing the problem, but as far as I can see, the only thing they did was what they do best: BLOW SMOKE. Not since the days when good ole Norman Wilson was in charge has there been anyone who has done anything except get the town in one mess after the other, waste what money they have, and generally just let the town go to pot while raising their own salaries and creating jobs for family and friends. No hope for anything much with the ones that have been there over the past 20 years and now the affairs of the town are in such a mess that nobody in their right mind would want to pick up the mess and try to make the town better.

Anonymous said...

The Town of Clay does not have a B&O tax as of yet

Anonymous said...

It it just me or is everybody sick of those faded candles that are put on the poles every year. Yuck what a sight

Anonymous said...

noticed mr. Waddell in his news today said those of us who lived through the Vietnam era, not those of us who were in Vietnam. myself I was there at least 4 times in the merchant marine . we were carrying ammo and supplies. in case anyone is wondering I am also a korean war vet. the lone stranger

ROSE said...

LoneStranger - I copied this one over on the "Uncle Sam's World Traveler's" page, too & added your nickname. I'd be honored if you'd allow me to post your real name.

Anonymous said...

Now Lone Stranger, I love to read your posts and I still would love to hear your stories but dont get bunched up over people who didn't serve. Some peoples got legitment reasons why they wasnt there. Not everyone tries to shrek their dutys to their country.

Iaint the poo in the shoe bunny niethr, whos that?

Anonymous said...

Those faded candles that the town puts up have been used since some time in the 80's and the only reason the town has those is due to the efforts of two business women who took it upon themselves to ask for donations and were it not for them, we wouldn't even have those. Just another example of people doing something just because they care. You'd think that over the years, the town could have at least replaced the burned out lights.

ROSE said...

Thanks for the input, everybody! Who were those 2 business ladies? Are they still around? If so, do you think they'd be willing to become part of the effort again? I won't post their names (unless you want to give them credit loud & proud!), but I would like to get in touch with them. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

to the bunny who ain't poo; you got me wrong it seemed to me that mr. Wadell was trying to give a false impression. Namely that he had served in Vietnam and since I saw a sign yesterday that said Wadell for county commission I felt it should be corrected where possible. mr Wadell and myself are on cordial terms however if it came right down to it I'd prefer a bed of roses. the lone stranger

ROSE said...

Anon who gave the names - THANK YOU! I will (eventually!) get in touch & see if maybe anybody'd be willing to mentor me in this endeavor! I daresay the candles are but a few of the many contributions made by the people you mentioned.

LoneStranger? Hmm. I'm not generally slow on the comeback & rarely at a loss for words. I've deleted every response I've come up with so far, so I think it's best I just not analyze that one & leave it alone ..... teeheehee

Anonymous said...

Your welcome. These are the kind of people that makes Clay a great place to live in spite of all the many problems. People who go quietly about their business, helping others whenever they can for no reason other than they are just good people. You don't see their names in the paper. About the comment in an earlier blog about people who have been in the town government over the past 20 years: some of them really tried to make a difference and I hate to see them lumped into the same category as the one who is really responsible for our town being in the shape it is in now. Even now, there are good people on council who are trying very hard to do the right thing. Sure wish them luck. They'll need it.

Anonymous said...

SB is considering shutting down his blog because of the ignorance of a few.

Please take minute to go over and encourage him to stay :)

ROSE said...

Here's what I posted where your link used to be. If you ever change your mind, I'll change it back!

It is with deepest sorrow I announce the demise of Southern Boy's Blog. To those of you who participated in its gruesome murder, you owe us all an apology. I would offer to post said apology on this site, but you'd never pass the IQ test.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
SB is considering shutting down his blog because of the ignorance of a few.

This same thing is on the clayroane site, with her name. i saw SBs site last nite and the 'few' would be her and hers.

Anonymous said...

Everyone remember that one good deed deserves another. If you have seen the front of the courthouse please thank the high school children for the beautiful paintings. The trees and decorations were the hard work of Dwana Murphy and T.T. and Hockie give them a pat on the back. If you think had being an elected official probably is like running one of these blogs and you are open to criticism by everyone. Why not take a minute and thank one of them today for at least being brave enough to try and make a difference. My mother told me 60+ years ago if you cannot say something nice do not say noting at all.
For the County of Clay pledge everyday from now till Christmas say something nice to one person everyday. It will be good for them and you to.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rose,
How are you going to retain a professional attitude on the CRPSD after you have experienced the ignorance and self serving attitude. I applaud you for trying to make a disgraceful situation into a productive one. May God Bless and Keep you for the People you Serve.
Lizemore Larry

ROSE said...

Why, thank you, Lizemore Larry!

At the risk of being reprimanded by The Sisterhood of Professional Mature Women, I'm going to share a secret with you that Self Respecting Women learn at an early age.

Self Respecting Women wear Kevlar Inviso-Shields and have noise deflecting processors in their brains. These noise deflectors allow us to weed out ignorance much the same way we weed out high pitched, whining voices screaming, "DID NOT! DID TOO!"

Additionally, Self Respecting Women live by the motto "I'm Not Jumping Off the Bridge." Remember when you were a kid & you tried to convince your mom that so & so got to do something, so you should, too? And she always replied, "If so & so jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too?" ... Well, Self Respecting Women don't jump off bridges.

But you didn't hear any of this from me. As far as you're concerned, I'll retain my professionalism by throwing screaming, cussing tantrums in the privacy of my own locked bathroom.

Anonymous said...

Saw the trees at the Courthouse last night. They are beautiful. What a neat idea. Thanks, Dwana, T.T. and Hockie. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Hey.. our lil town IS looking very spiffy!!! Thanks Hocky, Dwana and TT. You guys are doing a great thing and it is appreciated!!


Anonymous said...

That anon lady is right. If you can't say something nice about somebdy, don't say anything.
so.. Let me say something nice about MP. Let's see now... MP is very good at.. ah... nope not that.
MP is very talented at.. well no not that either.
OK, we'll say nothing about MP today

Anonymous said...

What makes you think your so much better than everybody else? I didn't like you in school and I don't like you now. Nobody likes your stupid website becuase nobody wants to read about you all the time.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh anon: Quite on the contrary, there are A LOT of us that enjoy Rose's site. (immensely, I might add) If you don't believe that please refer the right side of your screen you'll find little numbers there and I believe the last number I saw was 2016!! That shows exactly how many people that are checking Rose's site. :0) Hmmm.. seems you've been out voted now doesn't it?
Apparently you aren't reading the lifeinclay blog in full. You are only seeing things that you apparently are looking for. It's okay Anon!! Your secret is safe with us, we also like to talk and read nice things about Rose!!
For the life of me I can't figure who would NOT like Rose. She's not as big a minute, cute as a button and just plan harmless. Good grief, how immature!!

While thinking about all this talk of immaturity this popped in my head (sounds great if you read it like the Cat in the Hat books are read.)

I do not like her now...
I did not like her then...
I wouldn't like her
Even if I were that thin! (referring to Rose here)
I do not like her site
I did not like her in school---
I only wish I could be that cool. (again referring to Rose)
I do not know how to spell
I did not mean for this poem to go so well... BAHAHHAAAAA


Anonymous said...

Hey Rose My Friend! I just left the clay court house. Always like hanging around down there. Don't no if you have herd but Richard facemires mom just died. Spoke to you later, gata go now. D.J.E.

ROSE said...

Hasn't the ACLU ruled that keeping your mouth shut when you have nothing nice to say is illegal & unconstitutional???

Anon of Many Questions - I've always been perplexed by any question that starts with, "What makes you think ..." Obviously, you can read minds, since you've determined that you know what I think. Why, then, don't you know WHY I think that way?

I *know* that I was blessed with very good parents. Not "grown up friends who wanted to raise children," but PARENTS, who didn't give a rip if I liked them or not, as long as I learned right from wrong & various other lessons in life.

I *know* that I had excellent teachers as I was growing up. Teachers who not only expertly taught their specific subjects, but also taught us - by example - how to conduct ourselves.

I *know* I have good friends and a family that I can count on, no matter what.

So, you see, I don't *think* I am "better" than anybody. I *know* that I'm more BLESSED than many.

(I probably didn't like you in school, either.)

Anonymous said...

Hey anon.
If you don't like her and didn't like her and don't want to read about her ..Then why are you here on her website.And it's not all about her.What did you do see a picture of her some where on here. Because evidently you can't read.Whats a matter did she graduate in the 12th while you were still stuck in the 2nd grade.

Anonymous said...

whoooohooooo!! Another supporter for Rose. Lets see now, the last time I posted was about 3 hours ago and I believe there was 2016 clickers then and now there is 2129... hmmm there ARE people that like HER and her website.
:) But really though, who's keeping track?? LOL

ROSE said...

Anon who's looking for a post that isn't here - you're wearing out my reject button. It's not going to make this blog, so give it up.

ROSE said...

DJE! See anybody of any importance at the courthouse today?

Condolences to the Facemire family ...

Anonymous said...

What little numbers on the right hand side of the screen?

How can you tell how many look?

I cant find no numbers!! darn it!!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog and I do appreciate the fact that you maintain control over what is posted here. So whatever you have to keep rejecting, just keep it out. Some say you only post things that are flattering to you but I strongly disagree. I think you review the posts in order to maintain good taste even if comments happen to be negative to you or someone or something. Keep up the good work and don't let your blog go the way Southern Boy's went. I would miss it. Thanks again.

ROSE said...

Over on the main page (with the funky tan background), there's a little bitty counter right below the profile & links & such. I just added it on Friday, the 2nd!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose My friend! 45 minutes hanging around the court house, upstairs and down, Shut!! It can make for a very imforative morning, Just love to sit in on court as long as it is in the peanunt galery. Hey do ya think I need to bring my mini cam thurs. meeting time? We all figure it will be a keeper. And then again, I can run the film over and over and admire your gourgous mug. Sure hope the roads ar'nt bad, sure can't miss that meeting. D.J.E.

ROSE said...

Thank you, b.michaelrulz! Again, you've displayed amazing perception & summed it up quite nicely!

I've never apologized for my standards in life and I certainly won't start now. My mama always told me to set a good example & maybe, just maybe, others would follow it.

Anonymous said...

I do like Rose alot. She is my best friend. She gots good english.

Anonymous said...

Fur sure she know how to spelt and i figguring she knowin how to add and all, what a pakage of a woman. Do wonder if she can cook a mean tv dinner.

ROSE said...


Poor George!! These are the same people who ruined it for SB & precisely why I moderate!! I got 27 of them in my mailbox, but I just spammed them & Yahoo politely deleted them for me.

Thanks for watching my back!

Anonymous said...

Rose I would like to thank all of the readers that commented about the beautiful decorations. Often time a positive comment to someone trying is worth more than a million dollars. To the negative comments do not let yourself come down to that other person's level in the morning look in the mirror and say you WILL HAVE A GOOD DAY. Then make it your goal to make someone else have a great day. I will challenge anyone reading this site to purchase a simple candy bar and give it to someone and wish them a Merry Holiday Season. Then pat yourself on the back when you see their smile. Write me tomorrow and tell me how you felt.
Lizemore Larry

ROSE said...


I didn't post it because ... they'll be here looking for it. Let 'em wonder wonder wonder. LOL

Anonymous said...

I tried to post this but it would not let me;


I have kept my word and have not posted to this board (until now).

I do not know who is attacking the blogs, I deleted 58 of them myself tonight and I had to enable comment moderation.

As for the courthouse records under MP on George's site, that is not me. All the records are kept in the County Clerks office and they all know me, so you can ask them, I have not been there for months.

I do not attack people on a personal level, that is not my style. If I do have something to say, I do always leave my name attached.

So again, I do not know if the MP is meant to be a copy of me or if they share the same initials, but it is not me.

Melissa Postelwait

ROSE said...

Melissa, thank you!

None of the comments posted here show up until I approve them for content and manually publish them.  This might be why your post wouldn't go through.

To the person who DID post the idiocy last night ... never mind. I've known too many people like you. There's no point in trying to talk to you. But you seem to consider yourself a friend of MP. Friends don't put friends in situations like that. If you're lucky, maybe she'll accept your apology.

ROSE said...

Oh, SB, c'mon! Ask anything but that! I love that one! It says it all & leaves zero wiggle room in translation.

ROSE said...

Uh, LoneStranger? Was that one for post or was that a personal invitation?

Anonymous said...

Rose Rose Rose! That sure is a beautiful name, You all out there in clicker land got to admit it also. Now for the bad news, If them roads are to bad thursday meeting time, I for one won't try the hill. But just in case I would like to wish you, the kids and the hubby a very merry Christmas from D.J.E. household. Ta Ta for now! 3fingers

ROSE said...

3fingers? NICE MEETING YOU! & I guess I know now why you're so partial to my name, huh? :) It was my grandma's, too!

Merry Christmas right back at ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose!! Seem's like this thing is stuck on 64. No one else got something to say? Got this great idea! All you clickerroos that are not worried about giving up your identity maybe get together down to geno's sometime, look at each other eye ball to eye ball and have a darn good time chewing the fat! Now Rose my friend, don't that sound good? D.J.E.

ROSE said...

Hey, 3fingers!! I think it's a great idea to meet up at Gino's. I doubt, though, that much of this stuff would get said face to face. teeheehee

C'mon over to the other boards - they're slow, but they're not stuck!!