The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You Eat What??

Elvis loved fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I've been made fun of because I happen to like peanut butter and mayo sandwiches. The person who made fun of me eats fried mush, so what does she know?? I ain't sayin' nuthin', but her whole family has some weird tastebud action goin' on. How 'bout you?


Anonymous said...

I can't think of any food combos that could come close to peanut butter and mayo. lol. Tell me it ain't so. I have seen people put catsup on their eggs. Not for me. I like my men hot and my beer cold and don't think there is anything unusual about that. Later.

Anonymous said...

HA! At least I know how to spell mush!! >:P

Besides that it's delish!!! Bob Evans has it on their menu. I don't see peanut butter and mayo on anyone's menu!!!!


SmileyTD said...

Grape jelly on plain hamburgers is really good. :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose my friend! In my first life, or was it my second,I looked a tad like Trace. Does that count for anything? D.J.E.

ROSE said...

Did I misspell mush? Are you makin' funna me?? How do you spell it?? Y'all just ain't goin fer enuf South if'n you ain't never seen it on no menu.

My mom eats pickled pigs feet (with mustard) - that's way worse!!

I've got a kid brother who puts grape jelly on eggs. Makes them an appetizing green color.

Jelly on burgers ... hmm. I've got a great recipe for meatballs that have a sauce made with jelly. Still sounds yucky.

WOOHOO!! Of course it counts for something, DJE!! But I'm a bit fickle, so next week, it might not. teeheehee

Anonymous said...

MPs site says she can see who we are thru her counter. Is that true?

ROSE said...

Not really, Anon. The FCC and various other federal agencies only allow so much information to be legally obtained through services like Otherwise, there are privacy laws that are broken and the person who thinks he's "anonymous" becomes the victim of privacy invasion. Conversely, the person who attempts to use the illegally gained information becomes the defendant.

The only way and others like it will give out the actual person behind the ISP address is with a subpoena. In this case, would also have to be subpoenaed. Translation: Look up "slap(p) suit."

It's the same with slander, libel, etc., only those are even harder to pursue, since they also have to be proven. All of this becomes null & void, however, if the FBI, CIA or any law enforcement agency has their eye on you. They can trace, seek and pursue at will, apparently.

Also, I noticed too that moderating bloggers were referred to as "publishers." This isn't entirely the case, either. I moderate via my personal email. My personal email is my personal correspondence, which I can do with as I please. I please to post it to my personal website. & yes, I have every post ever routed through my email...

Anonymous said...

Okay here are some weird foodie things. My grandpa, God rest his soul, just passed away early this morning and that got me to thinking about his little oddities with food. He always insisted on eating a piece of meat with his pie. A piece of ham with a slice of apple pie or a hunk of pot roast with the marionberry pie. When we would go out to breakfast he would drink about three of those little liquid creamer things and then drink his coffee. I reckon it all ends up in the same place sooner or later doesn't it??
My dad..he likes jelly on his garlic bread. (I'll have to tell him about the jelly on the hamburgers, he might go for that!)
I like a good Miracle Whip sandwich myself.
P.S. mayonnaise (I'm suprised at you!!!!!)

ROSE said...


ROSE said...


SmileyTD said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa, CB. :(

Let me know if your Dad tries the "jellyburgers". Other than my kids (who love them), I can't seem to get anyone else to taste one. LOL Personally, I don't see it as being any different than eating grape jelly on a sausage biscuit.

Rose, I have tried the PB & Mayo and I do have to say that it's not too bad. Like your brother, I also eat grape jelly on eggs from time to time. (Mush is good too...with a little gravy on it.)

Here are a few other different and quick-to-fix food combinations that my family and I eat...
Peanut butter and Karo syrup sandwiches
Watermelon dipped in Chocolate Pudding
Mayo and sweet onion sandwiches
String Cheese dipped in strawberry yogurt
Bacon and applebutter sandwiches
Grilled applebutter sandwiches (They are the best! Just make them like you would a grilled cheese sandwich, but substitute a little applebutter in the place of cheese.)

I'm sure that there are others that I'm forgetting. These are our faves, though.

Anonymous said...

hey Rose does all that legal stuff mean you know what size shorts i wear the lone stranger.

ROSE said...

SEE, CB?? P'nut butter & mayo isn't just something I made up! The p'nut butter & syrup is actually something we ate a lot of as kids - they used to serve it for school lunches.

How about sunflower seeds on mashed potatoes? Or brown gravy over warm rolls?

b...rulz, looks like poor Mike might've gone the way of Southern Boy. Yikes!

Of course it does, LoneStranger. Those Betty Boops are cute, but I like the little devil smiley faces better.

Anonymous said...

Ice cream with milk poured over it. Makes little ice pieces.. good good good. Cold mac&cheese. Milk with ice in it.
Peanut butter & pickle sandwiches.
Miracle whip sandwich with American cheese.

Mayo? Eww!!

Anonymous said...

sorry rose you failed that one how bout blue panties with lace mine or yours the lone stranger

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves jelly & mayonaisse sandwiches. I don't know who showed her that but she loves 'em.

(It doesn't matter to her if it is mayo or miracle whip. I can't tell a difference. They are both white and come in a bottle) LOL

Anonymous said...

You better watch out racing8fan! Horseradish is white and comes in a bottle too!!!
Jelly and mayo?????YIKES!!!! (although, the oddity of it makes me want to try it!)

Anonymous said...

I finally found a place to rest a bit! Yummy, PB & MIRACLE WHIP and of course, icky white bread. Cannot be mayo and cannot be any other kind of bread. But these are just the base medium! Once you add the PB, the universe is the limit! PB and MW and BANANA. Now there is a true treat. Substitute any fruit. PB and MW and PICKLES (sour or hot ones are great!) And if you are out of PB but have a tomato, there is nothing like MW and tomato sandwiches!

Hmmmm. Are we giving away our country roots? Does Donald Trump eat this way? Would rich folks admit to addiction to PB, MW, and anything? LOL.

~ a kissin' cousin of LoneStranger, in AZ - where Christmas will be 75 degrees and I'm sitting here in summer halter top, hoping to not have to turn on the swamp cooler.

Anonymous said...

My favorite of all time is cottage cheese on toast. IT is just yummy!

ROSE said...

I don't mean to be rude, but that is soooooooooo gross!! LOL

Anonymous said...

hey southern babe you my kinda woman love them poke greens milk weed dandeloin crows foot hen pepper and lots more. like brown beans and saurkraut too. the lone stranger never could get used to escargo and cavaire believe i misspelled that one. used to watch thejapanese eat those slugs. they loved them. eat and smack dey mouf. shows good manners in japan. the lone stranger