If Man #1 is gainfully employed and pays his own way in life and Man #2 relies on public assistance for all aspects of his survival, should they both have an equal voice at election time? If Man #1 can only afford to support 2 children, should he have to pay for Man #2 to father 5? If Man #1 casts his vote on election day while Man #2 stays home, should they both have equal rights to complain? If Man #1 volunteers his time and fulfills some civic duty while Man #2 does nothing, does Man #2 have a right to criticize?
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
The beauty of small town living...

- Bomont, West Virginia, United States
- When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
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Now there's a philosophy to live by - say what you mean, mean what you say & leave no room for selective translation.
Rose, You done it again! Another land mark in wisdom!! How many people do you know, get devorced,then live together, just to get a check? I know several and some are in the family. It not right for sure. It's enough to p*** a person off just to think about It. D.J.E.
I think the moral to this one's gonna be that a lotta people need to shut the hell up & stay on the porch.
Hey, DJE! Where ya been? I know a lot of these same people. What's really sad is that the people who NEED the help usually can't get it.
That's the problem, Most people just shut up, sit on there porch and look the other way! must have touched on the conscience of someone trying to justify there own immorality! D.J.E.
hey smileytd you're interesting. wouldn't mind knowing you. casual acquaintance. i hate stephen king too far out. old enough too be your father. mind still active and curious. nice place you have there good view. curious
Sitting on the porch is a real luxury for me because I don't get to do it very often. I work 5 days a week and then have to pay taxes to support the leeches. Weekends are for doing all the things at the house that I can't even pay anyone to do because they are too damn lazy to work. So you porch sitter, whoever you are,you must be one the leeches I work to support.
whoa! I don't have time to give my imput just yet..but I'll be back to give my two cents!
you scare me sometimes rose, the way you think. I think if anyone were to consider pissing you off, they had better make damn sure they have the intelligence to match yours! (which is gonna be no small task.) Make my vote for ROSE for CCC and possibly even running for president. You did say you were old enough to run, didn't you? LOL
Whoa! Let me rephrase that. Don't think I got my point across. What I meant was there's a lot of people in Clay runnin their mouths when they got no right to. Just sit around an complain all the time an don't do a damn thing to fix anything theirself.
there is a girl in my hometown
who has a rare disease
it makes her live by the motto
"i can do just as i please".
she sets some rules then breaks them all
they don’t apply to her
she says some stuff, then takes it back
with herself she can’t concur.
she thinks she is a scholar
blessed with a swelled up brain
she's not exactly crazy
just not completely sane.
she said she made more money
than food stamps would allow
yet filed as a pauper
was that then? or is that now?
those who abuse the system
they think they’re slick, i bet
but no amount of public funds
can buy you self respect.
Mother Goose
CBM, I still don't get your point. Run their mouths about what? Fix what? And just which people, those that work or those that sit and wait for their checks, medical cards, and food stamps. By the way, none of which do I have. I work but have no insurance. I go to the doctor and I pay. Everytime I go, 4 out of 5 people whip out their medical card. I go to the grocery store and 9 out of 10 times, wait in line with my little basket while the person in front of me has a cart full of mostly junk food. I pay with cash or check. They pay with food stamps. Like Rose, said, the people who really need and deserve assistance don't get it. I do quite well myself but I know people who work but don't make much money, but just enough to disqualify them for any assistance. The whole systems sucks for air.
Poor CBM. Must be drinking again. teeheehee Just kidding! I think what he's trying to say is that Clay has an awful lot of #2 Men.
hey rose i am offended. all these comments you're getting are against the constitution every body is equal, no discrimation, surely none of these people voicing these supposedly high minded opinions don' go to church. the good book say help the widows and the poor and suffer little children to come unto me. now all these whiners on here hollerin' nononono they can't believe in the constitution or the bible or they would be out there giving more. i will remain anonymous for fear of having my brains blown out. the lone stranger from tucson
I beg you pardon, tucson lone stranger. I do go to church and the church is full of the very ones we are talking about. They lie like dogs in order to get assistance, but there they are in their finest every Sunday morning. Heck, the majority of them come in vehicles a whole lot newer than mine. There is one family of six, mom, day, and 4 kids and every one of them get SSI which as we all know includes a medical card. The working tax payers are the ones being discriminated against. We are just tired of it. Welfare checks, SSI, medical cards, school clothes vouchers. I don't have any kids in school but am still paying for other people's kids to go to school. Got to shut up. Getting really ticked off.
Good morning, all!
Try explaining to a 4th grader why it is that his little buddy - whose dad's in & out of jail & whose mom's been pregnant his whole life - gets free lunch, free coats, bags & bags of toys at Christmas and THEN boasts, "I don't have to ever get a job! Only dummies have jobs!"
The Bible also says the Lord will help those who help themselves. Perhaps these people are just better Christians than the rest of us who aren't helping ourselves to quite so much.
I will add that I know the family of six receiving SSI and as far as I can tell, there's nothing physically or mentally wrong with any of them. I overheard the mother say: "all you have to do is go down there and act like you're crazy." I see the dad using a weed eater on a hillside so I assume there's nothing physically wrong that would keep him from a paying job. I guess there's just not enough money from the government to support their life style. I don't think God is helping any of the people who are helping themselves to a free ride.
I was left with a child to raise on my own. Looking back, was I stupid. I worked at anything I could find to support myself and my child rather than go on Welfare. If I had it to do over again, I would accept Welfare and stay home and take care of my child instead of leaving him with someone else. Of course, since I worked, couldn't get a damn thing for me or my child from the government. Now my child is grown and is gainfully employed and I am still working so now we both support the lazy bums.
b...rulz...I know what your saying, We make enough money to be comfortable .groceries ,house pmy. bills,etc.Never are late on bills .But I know this family that gets ssi. 3 ssi checks in the same home + using 3 address to get 3 different foodstamps cards and one of them gets child support for their child they make a lil over 1300 a month and by the 12th their already broke and do not pay the bills.We use our money to keep up with everyday life and they get to spend theirs on whatever they wish because they know that when the first of the month comes along that there will be another check waiting in the mail.Oh yeah and one of them works part time.So we that pay taxes are making sure that these people have their check the first.Yep and I know alot of them that goes to church and uses the church to hide behind. 7 days a week of sinning and 1 day of praying.
By the way, my first visit to your blog. Very interesting I must say. Read the previous posts. People do have a lot to say. Thanks for providing a place for them to state their opinions.
The SSI system is a mess When I got mine I had to get a lawyer.The lawyer asked a few questions,and I told him the extent of my drinking.. When the hearing came up the lawyer focused on my drinking instead of the real reason I had applied. I asked him why he did that and he told me "Much easier to get it that way" And hell by the time my hearing came around i didnt drink at all.Since then they have based it on my real disability my lungs
Also a married couple can live in the same house and still recieve full SSI benefits. All they have to do is tell them they are no longer living as husband and wife and have seperate bank accounts.. BINGO! No reduced benefits
hey rose i gotta confess i been agitating. i'm with ya'll the system sucks as the man said. hey folks do we go with Rose for CCC or Rose for president. also the schoolboard deal stinks to high heaven. what you think Linky boy gotta go. the lone stranger the phoenix will arise from these clay co. arses. we want justice
Thank you for the compliments, "curious". Glad you enjoyed my page. It's always a good thing to have the curiousity and spirit of a child, no matter your age. I am a firm believer in the adage, "Age is just a state of mind". :) (Although arthritis does it's best to protest against that statement from time to time. haha)
Hey, WitchyWoman! Welcome to our world!
LoneStranger, you ol' instigator! (I like that in a man.)
Went Christmas shopping today. Funny thing about this - we have $$ automatically deducted from my husband's paycheck every 2 weeks & direct deposited into a savings account. Every October - just like magic! - we get a check from the bank to go shopping with! What a novel idea.
Speaking of my husband, I'm so excited about this, I just gotta share it. He's decided we'd all be better off if he gave up his 10-14 hour a day/6 days a week job & divorce me. You see where I'm going with this? Nothing would have to change around the house UNLESS Trace Adkins showed up at our front door (I leave the porch light on for him) & whisked me away. Still working out those details, but ... WOOOHOOOO!!!!
Okay here's my response! Brace yourself lol I do think that everyone has a right to vote. That's a part of our freedom as a US citizen. (provided you've not lost your civil rights ). Do I like it? NO WAY! But we do live in America.
No, I don't think that I or anyone else should have to pay the way for those that are to uneducated to use protection . But then again they ARE smart enough to keep having kids to get more money and foodstamps! Hmmm.
No again! If a person doesn't go out and vote, I think they should stay home and keep their mouth shut!!
Nope! If you don't contribute somewhere along the line--again, stay home and shut your mouth. It's soooo very easy to sit by and do nothing and grumble about what 'everyone' is doing or should be doing. (my daddy used to call that straw-bossin') Get off your lazy rear and go do something about it if you don't like what is happening around you!
LOL I see where you were going with that Rose. That sounds like a great plan. Then you could sit on your porch swing (or couch), beer in hand and diligently watch for Trace to show! LMAO I'm surprised ya didn't think of this sooner, we sure have enough examples of "how it is done" around here. hahaa
Actually, I did think about it before. Then Conway died ... it's taken me a LOOOOOONG time to get some cooperation out of The Better Half!!! (My sincere apologies to Alan Jackson & Aaron Tippin - y'all shoulda been more patient!)
hey southern boy thanks for the compliment. you did say i had brains whever they are i do use them.. not like you whose mouth is always running without a brain to back it up. what brain you got is always in a womans crotch. the lone stranger from tucson. PS hey i just bought a large beach ocean front property lotsa donkeys running around. you be right at home. you be first jackass there.
uhh ohhh! Looks like trouble! lol
Hey Rose, I guess thiss fall's under ( MAN vs. MAN ) A Marine was attending a college course between missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The professor, an avowed atheist, shocked the class one day when he walked in, looked toward the ceiling, and said loudly,"! GOD,if you are real,then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes." The lecture room fell silent and the professor began his lecture. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, " Here I am GOD- still waiting." It got down to the last minute when the Marine stood up, walked toward the professor and threw his best punch knocking him off the platform and out cold. The Marine went back to his seat and sat down. The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence. The professor came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, " What is the matter with you? Why did you do that?" The Marine calmly replied, "GOD is busy today protecting America's soldiers who are protecting your right to behave like an idiot, so he sent me." I thought this fit right in. D.J.E.
smileytd? Huh. Compliments, huh. Who stuck that in the middle of a somewhat sane discussion of the evils of those who take advantage of us taxpayers every day of the lazy lives?
Comment Moderation ... off ... on ... off ... on ... teeheehee
I'm thinking the baboons all went back to the jungle, so I can go back to no moderation. Then again, it seems as though their work release programs allow them to have weekends in front of the computer, so ... maybe tomorrow.
DJE, you're absolutely right! That one fits in anywhere in my own humble opinion.
hey witchy woman me and smileytd we got our 1st amendment rights same as you have you don't like our converseing keep you nose to yourself we not making you read. any way smileytd too far out for me i knew her mother. the lone stranger
Morning, Rose. Looks like you'll just have to leave comment moderation on; too bad you have to spend your time checking out the posts to keep the baboons away. Don't know why they want to pollute your blog with their stuff. Checked out some of the other blogs and won't be going back there. But it's okay with me that others like the kind of stuff they post. To each his own. I like your blog the best.
You are absolutely right, lone stranger. Not my business what others like or don't like. I will just keep my mouth shut about what others say and let Rose manage the blog. If she thinks it's worth posting, then, after all, it's her blog. Have good day and a Merry Christmas. By the way, I enjoy reading your posts.
Good morning!
b...rulz, it does certainly seem as though the blogs all took off in entirely different directions!
I do like George's site a lot. It's kinda like being the only sober person in a room full of drunks. It's hilarious!
Don't really spend much time on the other ones, though. Not exactly my kinda thing. Eventually, I'll venture out beyond the Clay ones & see what else is out there. Eventually.
I think we're due for somebody else to open one up ... (HINT HINT!!)
If you mean starting another blog, been thinking about it and if I do, you can bet comment moderation will be on all the time. So it probably will be a rather dull place to visit. Or just maybe there are a lot of people with good ideas and thoughts. You get more of the good stuff than you do the gutter stuff. Well, maybe not. You just don't post the gutter stuff. Have a great day.
Morning everyone. Thought I'd stop in and say hello before starting the day. Yep, that's right I check the blogs before I even have breafast LOL I'm hooked. Not that have a lot of imput. It just makes for cheap entertainment!
How is the divorce plan going Rose? ;) LOL
Do it, b...rulz!
Honestly, at the risk of dangling carrots in front of their noses (what do baboons eat?), the gutter stuff stops once you deny them the glory of seeing their idiocy in print. Simple minds require simple steps to shut them down, ya know.
I haven't rejected a comment in quite some time. Apparently, I attract the good people with good thoughts & ideas. :)
teeheehee WVChic - he works too many hours to even discuss it. I can just imagine how this will play out "elsewhere" - "Did you hear Rose is getting a divorce??!" LOLOL
I'm thinking I might skip it, though & just wait on Trace. Divorce would deny me his retirement, wouldn't it?
At least you would know where the rumor started with this one. lol
Yep, same with my hubby not here enough to have a talk about it. There's alway alimony though!! LMAO.
Okay, I'll stop with this with "this" discussion. Next thing ya know you'll be accused of running off to California again.. LOL BTW tell your momma I said hello and Merry Christmas.
I think your hubby is a keeper anyway. And the two of you are just too cute for words :)
Too cute for words?? LOL We've been together so long, we're starting to look alike. We've been mistaken for brother/sister more than once!
I should've run off with the California man. Just talked with my mom & they're debating a cruise for Christmas. Oh, ho hum. Decisions, decisions.
Her fella's a professional fiddlin' man & he just decided to give up his role in the show he's in. Won't be the same without him. Go to www.crystalcoastjamboree.com & see if you can pick which one she loves best.
I'm hoping it'll give them more time to come & get ME to take on cruises with them. teeheehee
Top right guy? Whoooeeee!! :) Go mamma!! no wonder she never came back. LMAO
Bottom left would be my guess for real! Am I right, am I right? I LOVE guessing games! heehee
Sounds like life has been tough on her! To think that she left this one horse town and now has to decide whether or not to go on a cruise!
Hmmph!! I wanna go... :) Glad she's having fun, I bet she's got a tan to die for.
You better hang on to your husband, you never know if there is someone waiting in the wings that would scoop him up so they could try and drink each other under the table. Then after they wake up from their drunken stoopers (stupers?? stupey??) head directly to Bob Evans for nice hot breakfast bright and early in the morning. Not only that I hear his dad's a hottie? >; D
WVChic, I didn't know they changed their website!! LOL Which right?? Which left?? Let me narrow it down more so I can keep up - go to Cast, then ... Band, I think. Get back to me on this one.
I'll just say this - the Elvis guy? That's his real name. Got my picture taken with him. Doesn't look a thing like The Real Thing, but man oh man, can that boy sing! & those hips? Years & years of practice.
Oh, just take the husband. It's so much fun to sit around & watch people get all stupor'ish. Just don't wake me up when you get back from breakfast. But have some coffee ready for me, 'k?
Have the daddy, too. But you better hurry - he's got his eye on a little missy far, far away. Soon as she gets here, nobody else will have a prayer.
I'm thinking Marty ????
And yup, I was referring to the Elvis guy.. woowzer!!!
hey just checked out roses blog she doin pretty darn good. hey southern boy can't tell you got anyting between yours legs or not. maybe a large exclamation mark. dat probably from a transsexual operation. hope you better with your head than your arse.. anyway didn't know you was that way. sorry, jeeze the things that stray into this county. bet it will run for co. comm. next thing you know. the lone stranger
I'd tell ya to lay off the lone stranger, but I think he can handle his own.
Who cares what his dialect is? I certainly don't!
If you want to dish the crap out here.. so be it. But you should be prepared to take it when it comes back at you!!
He is a veteran, let it be! And respect him for it! What have you done for our country but look at big hooters, and back MP? Right! That's what I thought.
So, let it go. I suggest you take your filth to the "OTHER" blogs. You fit right in! When you have something pleasant to say come on over to Roses' place. But the slander your spreadin' and the racism.. TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!
sounds to me like southern boy might have a wee smidgin sense of humor. welcome to my world. hain't enjoyed myself so much since ole heck was a pup. hey you wanna know where i got my way of talking i done been in 48 states and 35 foreign countries they all understood. how come you can't. where you from the sewer? the lone stranger
sounds to me like southern boy might have a wee smidgin sense of humor. welcome to my world. hain't enjoyed myself so much since ole heck was a pup. hey you wanna know where i got my way of talking i done been in 48 states and 35 foreign countries they all understood. how come you can't. where you from the sewer? the lone stranger
You would be really surprised just to know which blogs are from Clay and there are at least 6. Some are known and some are not. Some of the blogs have been broadcasted, some have not. Heck, there are even some from the boarderlines of Clay.
Best Regard from pengajar seo
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