The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Testing, testing ... 10 ... 9 ... 8 ...

Auld Lang Syne ... Quarters in the cabbage ... 2005 is almost gone.
What hot topic will you roll over & still be talking about in 2006?


Anonymous said...

My mind tells me its time for a new home page quote. Something that symbolizes the new year!

Happy New Year!!!

ROSE said...

OK? See how easy?

Here's one for the party goers:

"If you get invited to your first orgy, don't just show up nude. That's a common mistake. You have to just let nudity "happen." - Jack Handey

Anonymous said...

Here's one for the older folks in Clay County. Just click on Happy Pappy. Happy New Year to all!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed MP trying to start trouble on her clayroane site? somebody should buy her a piece of property on Murder Mountain. or ship her off to kentucky with the rest of the retards.

Anonymous said...

Another year has come and gone
another takes its place
another year of ol' Em Pee
and her "say that to my face".

another year of ol' Ann Dee
and his rag of scandals many
that no one will admit to reading,
but makes him a quite a plenty.

another year of politicians
with bodies made of rubber
how else could they get their heads up there
in spite of all that blubber?

another year of lies and cheats
but not so much of stealing
all the thieves have been cut off
and my, they are a'squealing!

another year of have/have not
and chronic wanna-be
another year of the same ol' thing
in good ol' Clayberry.

Mother Goose

Anonymous said...

Well said Mother Goose.

Rose & the other bloggers: sorry, I haven't posted in a little while. Ya know--holiday, company, enough food to make ya sick. Kids wired on the candy that "santa" brought them. LOL Madness--sheer madness I say!! (which by the way, I do NOT remember getting when I was a wee one. hmm?)
Glad to see everyone is still here. :) Be safe and have a happy new year!!

Anonymous said...

hey rose; i wonder how many of the people commenting or complaining about the deputys' vacation pay are on welfare. get their vacation pay 12 times a year. they have good computers and fine cars. nice TVs and microwaves also. fine toilet paper also not freepress. also have medicaid all medical bills paid. and also run around talking about they believe in free living. that is welfare, their neighbors keeping them. and at the same time have a joint hanging from their mouth. my pet bitch is gov. workers being allowed to take their medical leave as additional vacation time. i say use it if needed or loose it. both the doc. and worker should be punished if they fraudently collect money. the lone stranger

Anonymous said...

hey,hey, lone stranger. didn't have a bit of trouble understanding your last post. my sentiments exactly. and I'll add a little. how many people does it take to run a little ole' county like Clay? either the elected ones must be lazy or just plain incompetent. it seems every election a few more people are added to every office in the court house. back in the ole days when records were entered by handwriting, which if anyone hasn't seen it, they should go to the court house and see the beautiful handwriting, there was the elected one a maybe one deputy. now most everything is computerized. my feeling is get rid of at least half of the employees and put the money in the sheriff's budget to hire more deputies and give the ones that have been there a raise.

And how about the need for a baliff. always before, the sheriff himself or a deputy was the baliff since one was only needed during court terms. now they created the position and provided a vehicle for Gene King who, from the comments i have heard, and some personal knowledge, has retirement income from Carbide and other sources.

as to the mooches and leeches, omg, you covered that very well. if i get started on that, this already-too-long post will go on forever.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Rose. I haven't been here for a while and just thought I would check it out and see what I've been missing. I see the "morbid obession" with MP is still alive and kicking. Good grief!!! It's a feeding frenzy for her. If people would quit commenting and responding to her, then just maybe the nonesense would stop. Leave her alone. Like I said before, she is who she is and no matter what anyone says about her, she'll have an answer.

As to Randy's tantrum. I agree with the other posts that he was taking up for his deputies. Not a real smart way to do it, but nonetheless, paid vacation is a perk that everyone looks for in a job. It's the American way. I know a lot of people don't have this benefit, and that's too bad. So many employers like our grocery stores and Rite-Aid keep people working for years as part-time so they won't be entitled to benefits but given the fact that there are so few jobs here, I'm sure the long-time part timers, are just glad to have a job.

Anyway, this is getting too long and there is still plenty to do for the big bash tonight.


Anonymous said...

Our pudgy Sheriff says the law is on his side. The law says they either take vacation time or loss it. THere's nothing about getting paid for time not used. But, carrying over vacation leave is a common practice at the Courthouse. On Jan 1st 2005, Deputy Belt carried over lots of time.
If deputies can get paid for unused vacation time, then all employees should be able to cash in time . Of course that would bankrupt the county.

Anonymous said...

As a statework, I can tell you that its common practice to carry over vacation time. It doesn't break the bank for the agency that I work for. I think the problem is not with the policy, I think the problem is that Clay County is nearly bankrupted because of other procedure that occur within it's budgeting practices.

Anonymous said...

did anyone else see the threat to the sheriff on George's blog today? It's gone now, I wonder why??????

Anonymous said...

No I did noy see it!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did it look like the the threat thats on the "Out with a Bang!" page on Roses board?

Anonymous said...

nevermind, it was on Rose's blog. Sorry, I get confused when I read too many of them. lmao

Sorry, next time I will do my homework a little better. off to aplogize to george hahahhahahah

Anonymous said...

You know I think its intersting that before all this happened most people (dopeheads aside)were all for the sheriffs good work and his performance over all, but for a bit of overzeal on his part. Now he does one thing that does raise some question and all the sudden hes the worst thing in the world. Some one said he done it to take sides with his deputies and I can see that. It probly wasnt the smartest move. But everyone is gonna make a mistake or so along the way. Of all the mistaks person who routinely carrys a gun could make I would say that would be one of the better ones.

Anonymous said...

Here is a quote from the HurHerald website about why the big dispute over the deputies vacation pay. I'd say it sounds like they had signed up to get some time off for huntin season and were denied it.

"He said the courthouse struggle dates back to November when three of Holcomb’s deputies were required to work to cover a murder trial despite their requests for vacation time."

SmileyTD said...

Happy New Year, everyone!

Anonymous said...

i think he was just venting a little over issues there. hopefully he will learn from this mistake and practice more of a political approach next time.

still doing a hellofajob. he got my neighbors off the streets and the previous sherriff listened to my complaints for years and never done a thing.

Maybe he did hold out on a few people and realized it was wrong . oh well like i said hopefully he learned something

Anonymous said...

I do not know the laws or the policies about earned time off for Clay County employees or even if they have one but where I work, you do not lose your "sick" leave days. You can carry them over and there is no limit on how much you can accumulate. However, "annual" leave or vacation days, you are not. The policy is "use it or lose it." You don't get paid for any annual leave you have not used by the end of the year.

A big calendar goes up in November and each employee puts their names on the days they want to take vacation in the upcoming year. If there is more than one who wants the same time off, then who gets it is determined by seniority. This policy is explained to everyone when they are interviewed for a job so everyone knows what to expect regarding vacation time off and we have very few problems.

It makes sense to me. There has to be a policy that everyone is made aware of at the time of their interview and if one does not like it, then they can look elsewhere for employment. I realize that jobs are few and far between in Clay County but if someone doesn't like the time-off policy then they shouldn't go to work there in the first place.

I think Sheriff Holcomb is the best Clay County has had in a very long time and this snafu is a minor lapse in judgment on his part as far as I'm concerned. If there is not a policy at the Court House regarding paid time off, then the comissioners need to implement one.

Anonymous said...

Rose my friend! I sure hope i'm not bared from this site to? D>J>E>

Anonymous said...

anon: 1/1/06 6:26:34 AM while i am no longer in the work force, i do pay some taxes. a definite and consistent policy would definitely cut down on the confusion. but part of the confusion is caused by our elected leaders, quite often they seem to be more confused than the people are. "but" you will never get one to admit it. once in office they think they are GODS gift to humanity and can do no wrong.
incidentally you don't say whether you work for private enterprise, county, state, or federal gov. very likely each has a different policy. the lone stranger

Anonymous said...

lone stranger, I should have said and meant to say, "worked". I am retired now. I have been employed by both a private enterprise which was the place that had the policy in my last post. I finished up my working days with a Federal agency and I am sure you are aware of their policy. It is much the same and the private one.

Anonymous said...

And I meant "as" instead of "and". lol. And I also agree with your comment about the "god complex" elected officials are afflicted with once they are in office. They are all warm, friendly and the biggest bs'rs when campaigning and people still by into it. Not me. Been around long enough to know they are complete phonies and will say exactly what they think you want to hear when they are asking for your vote and then they go on to the next victim. I don't believe a word anyone who is running for office says. It's sad but true.

Anonymous said...

guess this is as good a place as any to thank the ones who worked in the rain to fix the water line break at Two Run the other night. Yeah, I know, that's their job but if I'm not mistaken there were those there helping and it is not their job. Even though the town's funds have been misused, abused, stolen, etc., this is why we need some upgrading to the system.

no, i don't like paying higher anything. however, anyone that has ever had to or is now dealing with bad well water might be like me. i won't be raising any cane about the water rate increase. i only hope the additional money will be used to upgrade the system and not for the benefit of some of the ones in office. don't be surprised if after the increase goes into effect, it won't be long before they have new digs for an office.