The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Merry CHRISTmas!!

Christmas observes the birth of Jesus Christ. On June 26, 1870, December 25 was declared a federal holiday in the United States by President Grant. In February, 1971, President Nixon signed Executive Order 11582, setting forth 11 paid federal holidays, including the 3rd Monday in February to observe the birth dates of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. In 1983, President Reagan declared the 3rd Monday in January a federal holiday to observe the birth date of Martin Luther King, Jr. Whose birth has made the most difference in YOUR life?


George said...

Hey you were the first!!!
Like my pics they are from the award winning website.

ROSE said...

WOOOO HOOOO!! I've never been first at anything!! & it only took 30 some odd years!

Love the pics!! You better watch out, though, there's Law Suit Fever going around - if that little fella over at the Awarding Winning Website catches it, he might just go postal on you!

George said...

He may take a jab at ME unless he LIStens to SAd songs he won't go POSTEL he will WAIT till next time.

Anonymous said...

hahahhaaaaaa.. you guys are good at this. I love it. :)

ROSE said...

Stand back, Anon. We're trained professionals here. Don't try this at home. {insert maniacal laughter}

George said...

That's right Aron "We Work to make a Living"

Anonymous said...

{insert maniacal laughter}
Goes like this...

(and hold your little pinky to your lip)

(> <)@ pooinashoebunny

ROSE said...

Anon who's looking for a post that isn't here - You're the reason I moderate this blog. Congratulations! Suck it - I mean SOAK it up, because it sounds like this might be the biggest accomplishment of your life.

Since you don't meet the IQ requirement, I'd like to ask the Advanced Class (all other posters) to say it with me. Ready? Let's all say it together, "YOUR IQ MUST BE HIGHER THAN THE NUMBER YOU SEE ON THE TAG WHEN YOU PUT ON YOUR UNDERWEAR." Very good!

Now, Anon. I'll say it again. I have no clue. I only see him in church & we really don't have that sort of service. He's a nice guy, though, so why don't you ask him if you can try it for yourself and form your own opinion.

The proper word is "penis." I realize that's 2 syllables and doesn't fit in with your normal vocabulary, but in my educated, big word world, that other one goes in front of "Van Patten" and "Van Dyke." Now, don't get hung up on that "Dyke" part, it's part of his name.

You might not know them, because they were actors on family shows way-back-when. Nice family shows that had no sexual content, no bad language & actually taught a moral somewhere along the way. The kind of shows you obviously have never seen

Here's a suggestion for you. There are a lots of medical organizations that provide monetary compensation to people who allow them to do various tests on them for research purposes. Find one that does neurological studies. Sign up. Make some extra cash. Do the talk show circuit. Make the cover of The Weekly World News.

There, see? I've stooped to you level by acknowledging your existence and responding to you, but nobody got hurt, nobody got arrested, it'll all be forgotten by tomorrow. This is called MATURITY.

To all you other posters - I'm sorry you had to witness this.

ROSE said...

pooinashoebunny - LOLOLOL You do that so well!!

ROSE said...

SB, I have no clue! Obviously, though, an inability to read and comprehend is among the mental challenges faced by this person. This particular board is clearly the Christmas one. Believe me, the comment had nothing to do with Christmas!

BTW, I just took at look at your blog. One word, man - MODERATE!!! LOL

ROSE said...

In this case, it's a stand alone, 1-word sentence. Much like "FIRE!" ... "RUN!" ... "HELP!" ... "YIKES!" ... "OUCH!" ...


ROSE said...

Aw, man! We'll miss you! See why I'm so defensive over the fact that I moderate?? Leave the door open & that 1% of the population that was raised by baboons comes in & flings their feces everywhere!

But, hey, you're welcome over here anytime. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Anonymous said...

{{}} SB's blog will be missed. To those that canNOT control their foul mouths, one-sided opinions, blatant outright disrespect of decent law-abiding PRIVATE citizens, family members, cohorts, and multiple personalities SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!! on you!

Again you and yours have single handedly ((note to self-- I wonder what the other hand was doing? hmm)) ruined a perfectly good thing. But all is well that ends well I suppose.

Those of us that may or may not have riled the Beast ---did NOT in any way attack anyone's sanity, judgment, anger issues, morals, marriage vows, loyalty, scruples, common sense, intelligence, thyroid functioning capabilities or the lack thereof or integrity that were not ALREADY placed in the public spotlight by a certain person of public appointment HER/himself.

Unlike the aforementioned person(s) (for those that have trouble following along.. I mean in the first paragraph of this post) --I personally went by statements that this appointed person made HER/him self. I had no need to attack other persons not involved in this nasty mess. I found it quite easy to simply read what this person of PUBLIC appointment wrote and go from there. But thank you for ruining it for us ----SSDD!!

Oh yeah and this of course is just my opinion.... lol


Anonymous said...

Hey Rose, I thought U might like this. Post it if U want. Mr. Ed

Marines are taught two things:
1) Keep your priorities in order
2) Know when to act without hesitation.

A Marine was attending a college course between missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The professor, an avowed atheist, shocked the class one day when he walked in, looked toward the ceiling, and said loudly, "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes."
The lecture room fell silent and the professor began his lecture. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God - still waiting."

It got down to the last minute when the Marine stood up, walked toward the professor and threw his best punch knocking him off the platform and out cold. The Marine went back to his seat and sat down.

The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence. The professor came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, "What is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

The Marine calmly replied, "God is busy today protecting America's soldiers who are protecting your right to behave like an idiot and say stupid stuff. So, He sent me."


Anonymous said...

Hey Rose,
I'm still around & try to check this site at least every day or so. I was wondering if U got my audio CHRISTmas Message. Anyway, I like this site & enjoy it, except for the beckering. So sorry to see southern boy's blog go. Mr. Ed

Anonymous said...

Has anyone here ever looked up the history of Christmas? Try might find it interesting.

Did Clinton ever visit Clay and influence the politics there---with all the corruption, paper shredding or missing documents,appointed thieves and all the great social programs (welfare) that the remainder of society is left to pay for? Hmmm?