The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


2010 is less than 24 hours away. What do we call the decade that's closing?

The Zeroes? The Aughts? The Pre-teens??

Any resolutions?

Monday, December 28, 2009


FINALLY!! After NINE FLIPPIN DAYS without a phone, there's a dial tone!! Even those of us with dial-up feel like we've rejoined civilization again!!
I understand the storm was big. I understand there are still people without power. I fully appreciate that my water came back on, my electricity came back on & we never ran out of propane for the heater. I am not the least bit impressed with Verizon's. Not on any level of their operation.
I sincerely hope everybody with Verizon who hasn't had phone service has filed a complaint with the PSC. I know I have!

Monday, December 14, 2009


The nativity scene is displayed, the tree is up, the shopping has begun ...

'tis the season to be stressed ...

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Christmas is almost here, snow is on the way ... 2009 is on the way out ...

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Does any of this sound familiar?

There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Today, my little blog turns 4. Four years of moaning & groaning & griping & rumors & threats (mostly aimed at me). Not exactly what I expected when I started out, but ... here's to 4 more years!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Have you ever been to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum? If not, I highly suggest you visit & take the historic tour. If you're really feeling jiggy, go through the haunted house. Fair warning - you WILL be scared!!!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

OH, HO HUM ....

Nothing to do, nothing to say, nothing going on.
Ain't life grand?!

Friday, September 25, 2009


ORIGINAL STORYHUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- Jamie Oliver, best known as the Naked Chef, said his recent visit to Huntington area made the "hairs raise on the back of (his) arm" because of its unhealthy residents and lack of fresh and nutritious food, according to a report on Sky News.

Oliver, who hails from Great Britain, is in the United States filming a new series in an attempt to change the attitudes of "the world's fattest country."

Following is an excerpt from the article:
(Oliver) said his visit to Huntington, West Virginia - the unhealthiest town in America - was an eye-opening experience.

"I've only worked with a couple of families so far and all I can tell you is it makes the hairs raise on the back of your arm," he said. "I feel emotionally connected to this project. They are all anemic with information. They are not stupid, they are not ignorant -- it's just they have never had food from scratch in their life."

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Apple Fesitval!

Have y'all enjoyed the festivities? I'm not sure if it really does get more crowded & louder & hotter every year or if I'm just getting old, but ... it sure seems like every year, it gets more crowded, louder & hotter.
What'd y'all see that I missed?

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


The Class of 1984 - the class ahead of me - had their 25th class reunion this weekend. I've been looking at the pictures ... LOL ... Now I'm having a 1984 Moment & y'all are all going there with me! BAHAHAHAHA

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time Passages ....

The lazy, hazy days of summer are just about over. Two more weeks 'til school starts ...

It's just about time to start talking about how bad winter is going to be. "If winter's as wet as summer has been & all this rain turns into snow, why, we'll be snowed under for weeks!"

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Vacation's a great & wonderful thing, but man, it's always good to be back home!

We packed A LOT! into this past week - Great Wolf Lodge (ritzy hotel with it's own water park - I highly recommend it!!), Busch Gardens, Jamestown, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Natural Bridge (& caverns!) .... & now we're home. Broke, pooped & slightly sunburned. Life is good!

You know those massive taxes we pay here in WV, presumably to pay for roads & whatnot? Virginia charges $18 per person to look at the Natural Bridge - if you want to see the caverns, too, you can buy the combo ticket for $26. We're a family of 4 - you do the math. How many people do you suppose visit Hawks Nest on a daily basis? How about Blackwater Falls? All for FREE. No wonder WV is so broke - we're giving our best tourist attractiions away for FREE.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


The other day, I was waiting in line in a public restroom. The only available stall was the handicap one. I don't use handicap stalls (or parking spaces, or anything else) because I'm not handicapped. The young, healthy lady waiting behind me didn't think twice to make a beeline to it, despite the fact that there was an elderly lady who so obviously needed it more than she did.

When Michael Jackson died, leaving behind 3 children, 2 parents & 7 brothers & sisters, all anybody wanted to talk about was the trial. Someone even said, "I bet a lot of people are glad he's dead."

Have we really become such a heartless nation? What ever happened to respecting your elders? Respecting the dead? Common courtesy? Common decency? Compassion? Empathy? Judge not?

If this is the path of human evolution, it's time to veer & take the road less traveled.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009


In the midst of the heat & the storms & whatever else might distract you, don't forget about dear ol' Dad!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


School's almost out, it's 60+ degrees at 5:30 a.m. & hurricane season has begun. Summer's just around the corner!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Today's the day globally recognized to ask God's blessing for the seed, the soil, the crops & all He created.

Those of you who don't believe in Creation can just call up PETA & thank them for their continuing campaign.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Six Days on the Road & I'm a-Gonna Make It Home Tonight ...

Yeah, sometimes, I *do* sit down here & type the first thing that pops into my mind.

Wait! I feel another one coming on!

Trailer for sale or rent.
Rooms to let, fifty cents.
No phone, no pool, no pets,
I ain't got no cigarettes ...

Friday, April 17, 2009


Obama said he wanted to move beyond "a dark and painful chapter in our history" ... so he released top secret CIA memos from the Bush administration, detailing tactics for dealing with terrorists & terror suspects. Some call these tactics "torture," others call it vital to U.S. security. What do *you* think? Does "torture" dehumanize American agents and drag them down to terrorist levels or does the end justify the means? Is it "torture" when the "victims" have killed thousands by means way worse than those we employ?

Have you seen the YouTube of Susan Boyle? I'm not an American Idol fan, but she's not to be missed. Watch the video soon; it won't be long before the Extreme Makeover takes place.

Are you keeping up with the EPA vs. coal mining coverage? Governor Manchin gave permission for local news crews to cover the meetings; EPA officials pulled rank and said no way, no cameras, no reporters, coal is evil and we don't want the public to know what we look like or have proof of what we're about to say.

And did you hear about the couple who were trying to sell drugs & texted the Webster County prosecutor, asking if he was "looking" ?? They're both in jail now. One little typo can change your life forever ...

Despite it all, the sun continues to shine, the world continues to turn ...

Sunday, March 29, 2009


There's a new blurb over there in the sidebar --------> to give you ready access to 2 of your elected officials - Senator Randy White & Clay County Commissioner Fran King. If you run into any other elected officials, please extend a formal invitation to them to have their contact information posted here, too. It's free.
Charleston made national news yesterday - the implosion of old Union Carbide building #82 was on Fox (maybe others, that's the only one I saw). The beauty of it was the cameras actually focused on the building this time & not the first backwoods toothless person they saw.
Have you heard of the new conflicker computer virus? Better get your computer patched - it's a biggie!

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Eleven more days of winter, snow could fly at any time, but when it's 60+ degrees at 8 a.m. two mornings in a row, Spring's gotta be just around the corner!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


It's official.

I fully realize - and just as fully embrace - that I may very well be the Last Parent On The Planet who flatly refuses to buy rated M for Mature games for my children who, by law, are not old enough to buy them for themselves.

Please. People. If there is ANYBODY out there who hasn't lowered the parenting standards & given in to their underage kids, please, please, please back me up on this. Otherwise, I'm going to have to give in & buy my own children all the other things they're not old enough to buy themselves ... hookers, booze, cigarettes ...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We'll talk about the weather.

As of 5 a.m. or so, 41 of our 55 counties were reporting either school closings or delays. Twenty-two counties are under a winter weather advisory until noon tomorrow; the surrounding counties are under a warning.

Who called Al Gore? It's a proven fact that every time he shows up to talk about global warming, he brings with him record lows, record snow falls & all sorts of bizarre weather.

Monday, January 19, 2009


This morning, on the Today Show, a group of "African Americans" were being interviewed & one of them said that Barack Obama was "gangsta." This is a good thing. It's slang for "cool." Provided, of course, it's an "African American" saying it. I have no idea what sort of uprising it would cause if a "white" person called our new President "gangsta."

Martin Luther King died before I was a year old. Obviously, the segregation era didn't have a huge impact on my personal life. My entire life has been lived with blacks & whites intermingled. Which means, of course, that anyone younger than I am has even less experience with the "civil rights movement" than I do.

Which begs the question ... if the older generations would just let go of the prejudices of their own pasts, would those prejudices die a quiet death? Who perpetuates this black vs. white stuff? Why does it still exist?

One has to assume that in homes all around America, there are parents raising their black children to have a chip on their shoulders. White parents who are raising their children to believe they're superior. The parents in between? Those are the ones whose kids are growing up to support the rest of them.

Yes, it's a Big Deal that we're about to swear in an African American president (Note - he is "African American, since his dad is from Africa). It's exciting, it's historical, it's going to open all new doors of opportunity for anyone who isn't blatantly white.

And yet ... according to the up & coming generation of "African Americans," it's GANGSTA ... ... ... Do I not understand this because I'm old? Or because I'm not black?

Thursday, January 08, 2009


If you see this man today, wish him a happy birthday.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

HAPPY 2009 ... Round 2

Not on my blog, folks. If you can't keep a civil tongue in your head & use words that aren't considered "profane" by polite society, I strongly suggest you go to & start your own blog.

Stick to some semblence of the topic at hand or post your comments elsewhere.

Happy %*&! New Year.